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Star Trek Online Available on Xbox One and PlayStation®4!



  • coletrain360#6205 coletrain360 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Can you start a Sub on the Xbox One version of the game. I don't see a option to do it.
  • armyman56armyman56 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Can you start a Sub on the Xbox One version of the game. I don't see a option to do it.

    on playstation if you click on the c-store there is an option to spend zen to get a lifetime subscription. I believe it was 16310 zen. it was definetly over 16000 zen. which in my opinion if we linked our accounts to our arc account lifetime subscribers shouldn't have to pay again.
  • bromiusprimebromiusprime Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    sftim725 wrote: »
    I'm unbelievably disgusted that none of our characters or equipment transfer. This is garbage and a clear money grab. I would willingly throw them my money if they were fair, but this is the last straw. I'm done spending any money on STO. Perfect World sucks and doesn't give a **** about the gamers.

    This transfer of characters from PC to console hasn't happened in any other console MMO I've played (that I'm aware of) so why would STO be any different.

    Wrong... Elder Scrolls Online. Not only did they transfer over your unlocked purchases, but your characters, inventory, the whole thing when they launched on consoles after being on PC for a good long while.

    This was simple laziness and greed (buy your ships and races all over again!)

  • pizzy84pizzy84 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    GTA did it when they ported all over the place. Not exactly an MMO but still. You could transport your character off ps3/360 to whichever version you want xbox one/ps4/pc
  • alduin303alduin303 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    I live in Australia and have not been able to find any details AT ALL about when we will be able to play the game on the Xbox! Can someone PLEASE give me some info as to when it will be available. I'm genuinely upset that you've just left us out in the rain with this
  • pizzy84pizzy84 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    alduin303 wrote: »
    I live in Australia and have not been able to find any details AT ALL about when we will be able to play the game on the Xbox! Can someone PLEASE give me some info as to when it will be available. I'm genuinely upset that you've just left us out in the rain with this

    Well from all the different forums ive searched for info (in the same boat) some people are quoting an EU PS mag that says on friday, another forum had it being a known fact that all regions would be getting it by the end of today (anniversary) . Ive not seen either written anywhere but im guessing friday for us mere mortals
  • alduin303alduin303 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Dude you have no idea how much better you've just made my week. Thanks so much bro :)
    Can't wait to get into it (if you're going to play on xbone gimme a shout :) )
  • darc001darc001 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    you know why i want to play on console because everyone at lvl playing field no op ships no vaping everyone the same all noobs which is great. now if only i could download the bloody thing
  • onenineonenine Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    When will this be available in the UK please?

    Friday for PS4, most likely for XBOX 1 too

    It's been out for PS4 since wednesday.
  • darc001darc001 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    onenine wrote: »
    When will this be available in the UK please?

    Friday for PS4, most likely for XBOX 1 too

    It's been out for PS4 since wednesday.

    it regions format doesnt matter north america got it first then slowly getting released still waiting in uk
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    sftim725 wrote: »
    Wrong... Elder Scrolls Online. Not only did they transfer over your unlocked purchases, but your characters, inventory, the whole thing when they launched on consoles after being on PC for a good long while.

    This was simple laziness and greed (buy your ships and races all over again!)

    There were 4 words you obviously didn't read when you quoted me, so I'll say them here.

    "(that I'm aware of)"
  • cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but ESO isn't a free-to-play game, is it?
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but ESO isn't a free-to-play game, is it?

    It is now. You have to buy the game (or at least you have to on the XBOX one version, not sure about the others), but there's no sub required
  • direwolf016#2451 direwolf016 Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    Does anyone know how to claim the PS4 exclusive ship that they said we would get?
    Go to:
    >>>And then "claim" it

    Took me a minute, too, but it's definitely worth it. And (unconfirmed) it looks like any Fed character you create can use it.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    A lot of you guys should have actually took the time to read the information about the release of Console STO on the forums, especially you are taking the time to complain about Console STO on the forums. Let's do a quick FAQ, no your PC account does not transfer over to the console. No, there is no cross platform playing. Yes, there is an LTS service offered. The Console graphical update is coming soon to PC. As of right now, they are not giving out any information about the Console UI (option) coming to the PC. If you don't want to play on the console, you still have your purchases, your LTS, your time spent in the game is still on the PC. The PC will always be getting the updates to the game first this includes new seasons and expansions.
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    I couldn't help but laugh myself to death where they advertised pvp in the blog lol.

    It's still by far the worst thing in this game and has never gotten any development time lol.

    If people are playing it on console it can't be the same thing we have on PC.
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    downloading in the UK right now after the search of the XBOX Store went strangely.

    Typed in the full title and nothing came up in the search, but then typed in "Star T" and it came up in the drop-down list
  • alduin303alduin303 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    It's downloading!!! :3 I'm so happy right now! I hope to see you guys in game!
  • ciqala1ciqala1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    downloading in the UK right now after the search of the XBOX Store went strangely.

    Typed in the full title and nothing came up in the search, but then typed in "Star T" and it came up in the drop-down list

    Can't find it in the uk .....
  • ciqala1ciqala1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Found it came under the full name, under general not free games
  • dynasystem#1978 dynasystem Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited September 2016
    Sorted out Anniversary bundle, it's in the C-store through the start menu for all the newbies on console(including myself ;-))
    Post edited by dynasystem#1978 on
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    Most hilarious thing I saw last night. Go into Vulcan space, and I see a fleet of Mirandas probably all playing the same missions. Have never seen so many Mirandas in the regular game since I started during F2P. Kind of puzzled as to why they don't fly the free Steamrunner. I know the account linking is kind of not perfect, but it worked for me on the second try.
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Just started installing it on PS4 today. It's really slow which is surprising since it only takes about 30 mins to install it on PC. Checked download speed and it was something ridiculous like 476 Kbps? Changed the MTU to 1476 and moved it up to 1.3-1.8 Mbps. Certainly not getting it anywhere near of what I should be getting. Although my area was never the fastest to begin with being so far away from the exchange.
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    coplann wrote: »
    Soooooo, Iam a little bit shocked that PC and Console accounts are separated, could we then get rid of Arc? Does that mean console and pc players cannot play together?
    if so: thumbs down

    My petition:
    #1 A player should be able to play with one account on any plattform
    #2 new GUI and full controller support should be brought to the PC version too (allow players to switch to it as is beeing done in many games, e.g. like Dragon Age Inquisiton or Elder Scrolls Online)
    #3 Star Trek Online should fully support Steam Link and the Steam Controller, so if I play it with the Steam Link it switches to Controller-Mode and works like the PS4/XBox clients.

    There are problems with this that it's just easier to avoid. Hacks and viruses come to mind. Plus, all three systems are competitors and require special licenses to do joint programs. Remember that PC version has been running for years, while the consoles just started. Easier for each platform to evolve as it will over time instead of trying to force them to work together.

    Plus, the different accounts helps to bring in greater funds to help keep this old game open.

    I think I forgot to mention, but isn't Arc system and STO OLDER than steam? you have tech issues with what you're referring to.
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    Besides, they already said the 3 systems wouldn't be connected.
  • terranempire#7881 terranempire Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Actually glad it isn't cross-platform. PC suffers for it. DCUO is a key example of this.
    "Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer"
    "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
    #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
  • garyljgarylj Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited September 2016
    :/ Ok, I am really excited about STO on the consoles. In fact when I initially thought that we would be able to link our pc accounts with our consoles this thrilled me to no end. So first, its really cool that this is now on the consoles, But I think it really sucks and I really hope that the developers will strongly reconsider providing the option to migrate your account to the console if you desire it. The console is my preferred method for playing games and the only reason that I initially got the lifetime membership was because it was only offered on the PC. I rarely play on my PC and now that a grand opportunity to experience this game exactly the way I prefer to I don't get the perks associated with being a lifetime member. That being said, I understand and recognize that the hard work that went into creating the console versions demand some form of reciprocity, however I don't think that it should require that I purchase another lifetime membership (I'd understand if it was some sort of migration fee) I wouldn't care if I lost character progression or if it meant that I'd have to cancel my PC account. U now have my preferred way of playing this game, it sucks that I can not reap the benefits for my lifetime membership. If anyone knows or have access to whether or not this might be an option in the future, please speak on this if you can.


  • tuffyearstuffyears Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Any one know when agents of yesterday will make it across to ps4/xb1
  • garyljgarylj Member Posts: 3 New User
    edited September 2016
    > @hansie589 said:
    > I've read this thread and all the stuff on reddit etc. about "taking away" LTS and so on.
    > The console servers are a fresh start for a lot of new players with a different payment model, a different game version.
    > For example:
    > 1. There is no subscription and no veteran, no EC-cap. How should the veteran status carry over. There is only the LTS-pack with most of the stuff from PC except the 500 zen per month. And you have your LTS-Pack on PC like before. No one is taking anything from you.
    > 2. You have stuff on PC that isn't even released yet on console. You used systems like DOFF that aren'T even released on console. HOW should your PC-Stuff carry over.
    > 3. You have spend several 100 dollars on the different packs on PC. No one is taking that away. If you have fun playing the game... play it. It is still there.
    > The console launch is a different experience mostly for new players or veterans who want a fresh start. That experience wouldn't work with all the vet-accounts and the markets wouldn't work. It was a design choice to do the differences by cryptic. The console version is an offer. If you like it play it. If not, don't and have as much on PC as before. There is no change on PC.
    > I really don't understand all the whining about this new option to play.

    Imagine that you prefer playing your games a certain way. I spend the majority of my gaming time using my PS4. I rarely touch this game now because it is on my PC and I rarely play PC games. Now, we have the opportunity to play more of this game the way we prefer to play it. But some of the benefits and perks that I initially received as a PC player is no longer available to me I don't need to copy my characters, my ships, titles, or costumes from the PC. I would like to have my stipend or just the LTS perk even if it means that I could no longer play my PC character because I prefer to use my console. I don't care if they charged some type of account migration fee to collect for all of the new work that completed to get it on the PC. I think not giving the LTS members an option feels a bit discouraging for someone who really prefers the console. I was looking to invest a lot more time with this game, but not having those LTS perks somewhat annoys me. So I think that is probably where some of that "whining" comes from (for me at least).
  • garyljgarylj Member Posts: 3 New User
    > bigblackafrica wrote: »
    > This launch is not for us, people. The intention is to open up STO to console players, not to have migration from PC. I'm sure Cryptic/PWE will be more than happy for you to buy stuff you already own on PC all over again, but people who already play STO on PC are not the target market for this launch.
    > The Devs would probably appreciate some veteran players jumping on console for the first few weeks to help new players learn the ropes and build a community, but you're much better off staying with your existing account and all you've already earned. I guess if your TV is a lot bigger than your monitor and/or your PC is old and crappy you might be tempted to play on console, but if you own a lifetime sub and some of the larger expansion packs you might be better off building a new rig.
    > I'm just excited that the console launch means I should be getting shiny new graphics. Hopefully with Thursday's patch.
    > I Agree the console is intended for New players. But We veteran plays should have some incentive to join up even if only casual. Character slots we have bought, Races we have unlocked. Account bank slots. Energy cap increased, etc.

    I may be a rare breed here: but I am a LTS who would prefer to play this game on my console. So actually it is for me (I dont think I'm unique either). I rarely play this on my PC so everytime I do play it, I have to begin a new in order to understajnd some of the changes with the game. I can play the console version more consistently though, I think having my LTS perks would make my experience a lot better though.
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