The usual people thinking they have the god given right to everything as usual. The fact someone official posts something is courteousy not a right or privilege! Have patience, take a breather and do something else whilst they fix it!
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
As many of you already imagined, I just woke up. Looking into this.
no prob pale,
take your time, I'll take this oportunity to reboot my own game/chat svr that has been running flawlessly for +6 months
it'll take me at least 10mn so you have plenty of time to fix whatever is going on for STO.
Dark Side (KDF)
"I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"
Thanks, ambassadorkael. Hopefully it's just a small glitch, easily fixed.
To be honest, I personally am assuming that it is an issue similar to the one that caused issues when the promotion started. I'm no I.T expert, but they clearly had the promotion on some kind of 'auto-timer'. It glitched at the start of the promotion and it wouldn't be a stretch to think that the same has happened for the end of the promotion.
That is a possibility. I'm no IT expert either. I have two of them in my family though, who I scream at if my computer goes bonkers LOL
The usual people thinking they have the god given right to everything as usual. The fact someone official posts something is courteousy not a right or privilege! Have patience, take a breather and do something else whilst they fix it!
I've tried saying that myself. No one listens, or they complain about hearing it too many times. Ah well, off to save Cyrodiil!
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
Wow it's amazing how many people start to cause a ruckus for something as simple as the servers having issues, even the best IT infrastructure in the world will have little hiccups now and then. Be reasonable, if you can't find anything else to do with your life while STO is down for a few hours I'd say there's something seriously wrong with your life and that you should find other things to keep yourselves occupied with. Go play a different game, read a book, spend some time with family... GO OUTDOORS?! *shock* *le gasp*.
The devs are working on it, just be patient and let them do their thing.
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit for details.
I'd rather they work on the problem rather than coming here to wipe our noses and hold our hands cause we can't sensibly assume that a business knows when there's a problem and is working on it.
While the "omg what!?!?" is a bit much.... I'm still pretty sure that the people who work on the hardware and the "wipe our noses on the forum" crew, aren't the same staff members. They can likely do both at once.
Go play a different game, read a book, spend some time with family... GO OUTDOORS?! *shock* *le gasp*.
Not really arguing your point, but since the game is down still, I thought I'd check out your list:
1. Go play a different game, Don't want to start another addiction, so no.
2. read a book, I suppose I could go to the Library, but see #4.
3. spend some time with family... Kids in school, wife asleep after working the night shift.
4. GO OUTDOORS. It's sleeting out, I'm not going anywhere.
Thanks though. Maybe when the weather stops, I can run the errands I'm supposed to be doing.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
This what I have been reading: "Oh, those of us that are unconcerned by this outage are better than any of you who had anything at all riding on being able to log in and play. There are other things in life that are more important, and I should know because I am better at living your life than you. You really shouldn't expect anything from the game devs, because they are obviously better than you. You are playing their game, after all, and should be grateful."
Really getting tired of all the pretentious jerks.
Actually, maint for computer game is on Thursday. The maint announced on FB was for console.
Still, you mention mutual respect. I haven't seen much of that from player side in the three threads that have been started on this problem. Just people demanding someone get in there and say something. Me? I'd rather they worked on the problem and I trust they are working on the problem without having to come in here and hold the hands of those in a demanding mood.
That's more respectful than demanding something from anyone.
Absolutely, but that is the contemporary culture, and the target audience to which Cryptic cater, so they should be aware that stuff like this needs announcing clearly and plainly... I was logged on till quite early this morning, and thanks to several crashes, had to relaunch several times, but I never saw a notification of any planned maintenance... The issue is the poor customer interraction and handling, and as I mentioned in the other thread, we are all customers, and thus deserve a certainl level of communication... When Cryptic neglect to mention things like this, is it any wonder that people spaz out about it? Yes, it is less than ideal behaviour on their part, but big whoop -- what made them behave that way in the first place? That is the real issue which needs addressing... Many of the comments I've seen, are that people were logging in to make purchases, and will now potentially miss out on the reductions they had hoped to receive, due to an essentially unannounced server outage... At the very least, Cryptic should extend the offer by those two hours, but also undertake to be more customer-oriented in the future... While people will likely put up with a lot, due to investment in Star Trek, they will only put up with so much, and too many shenanigans, and Cryptic will start losing paying customers, and find themselves in trouble...
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Actually, maint for computer game is on Thursday. The maint announced on FB was for console.
Still, you mention mutual respect. I haven't seen much of that from player side in the three threads that have been started on this problem. Just people demanding someone get in there and say something. Me? I'd rather they worked on the problem and I trust they are working on the problem without having to come in here and hold the hands of those in a demanding mood.
That's more respectful than demanding something from anyone.
Absolutely, but that is the contemporary culture, and the target audience to which Cryptic cater, so they should be aware that stuff like this needs announcing clearly and plainly... I was logged on till quite early this morning, and thanks to several crashes, had to relaunch several times, but I never saw a notification of any planned maintenance... The issue is the poor customer interraction and handling, and as I mentioned in the other thread, we are all customers, and thus deserve a certainl level of communication... When Cryptic neglect to mention things like this, is it any wonder that people spaz out about it? Yes, it is less than ideal behaviour on their part, but big whoop -- what made them behave that way in the first place? That is the real issue which needs addressing... Many of the comments I've seen, are that people were logging in to make purchases, and will now potentially miss out on the reductions they had hoped to receive, due to an essentially unannounced server outage... At the very least, Cryptic should extend the offer by those two hours, but also undertake to be more customer-oriented in the future... While people will likely put up with a lot, due to investment in Star Trek, they will only put up with so much, and too many shenanigans, and Cryptic will start losing paying customers, and find themselves in trouble...
Exactly. I have been mulling over becoming a lifetime sub. What we have asked for takes so little effort on their part, and this sort of problem really puts me off spending that kind of money.
no prob pale,
take your time, I'll take this oportunity to reboot my own game/chat svr that has been running flawlessly for +6 months
it'll take me at least 10mn so you have plenty of time to fix whatever is going on for STO.
That is a possibility. I'm no IT expert either. I have two of them in my family though, who I scream at if my computer goes bonkers LOL
I've tried saying that myself. No one listens, or they complain about hearing it too many times. Ah well, off to save Cyrodiil!
And yes,please do ignore any hissyfits the player might throw.
Thank you ;-)
The devs are working on it, just be patient and let them do their thing.
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit for details.
While the "omg what!?!?" is a bit much.... I'm still pretty sure that the people who work on the hardware and the "wipe our noses on the forum" crew, aren't the same staff members. They can likely do both at once.
1. Go play a different game, Don't want to start another addiction, so no.
2. read a book, I suppose I could go to the Library, but see #4.
3. spend some time with family... Kids in school, wife asleep after working the night shift.
4. GO OUTDOORS. It's sleeting out, I'm not going anywhere.
Thanks though. Maybe when the weather stops, I can run the errands I'm supposed to be doing.
you also can try this it should be enough for the wait :
Really getting tired of all the pretentious jerks.
They're looking into the connection issues.
Exactly. I have been mulling over becoming a lifetime sub. What we have asked for takes so little effort on their part, and this sort of problem really puts me off spending that kind of money.
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Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
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