Cryptic should really just go ahead and give these people what they want:
Add a single DX12 function call to the engine
Tie it to a DX12 option in the graphics settings
Make an announcement about DX12 support
I'd say: Give them a break. This engine is fairly dated and they just gave it a remarkable work-over. I bet updating the engine for DX11-standards was a royal pain in the guess-what, programming-wise.
Cryptic should really just go ahead and give these people what they want:
Add a single DX12 function call to the engine
Tie it to a DX12 option in the graphics settings
Make an announcement about DX12 support
I'd say: Give them a break. This engine is fairly dated and they just gave it a remarkable work-over.
Have you logged in yet? There's a lot of words I'd use for 'Lighting 2.0" - and 'remarkable' isn't one of them. YMMV.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
most of us are running Windows 10 and card Supporting DX12
(a) as so many others, I doubt it
(b) if you don't have enough resources to support multiple settings on a game like this (free to play MMO) you sure ain't only targeting the top but will intentionally lag behind.
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
I think it's funny people are asking for DX12 support when many of us remember the bang-up job Cryptic did with the last DX update that screwed up textures for everyone and required Cryptic to go back and fix each texture manually by hand over a period of months.
This is one of those cases where I really want to say "I think the current DX support for STO is fine just the way it is".
... except that those last two shots look like NOTHING we saw in TOS, which was almost always brightly lit (except when they wanted to put a dramatic spot across Kirk's eyes).
There is, IMO, too much chiaroscuro (light-dark contrast) and bloom for its own sake in the new settings. They wanted to show off their new spot lighting, so they turned down all the ambient, and now I'm squinting all the time - either because it's too dark, or too bright. I've been trying it out, trying to give them a fair shake, but so far, I'm inclined to switch off and go back to the old lighting engine.
... except that those last two shots look like NOTHING we saw in TOS, which was uniformly brightly lit (except when they wanted to put a dramatic spot across Kirk's eyes).
Err, the last one happens in Painful Omens where everything is darker for the neural parasites to thrive and the second-to-last is Drozana's lower levels. Of course, they're darker.
After grinding me teeth and changing my graphics settings, I'm cool with the new stuff. HOWEVER, I HATE what they did to the Intel ships. Chalk white? Are you serious? Why did you force me to change my ships? Why can't I have them the colors I had them? Why did you force me to change when I didn't want to change? Why couldn't I keep them the original Intel colors? Even my Qib is chalk white for God's sake!
Im happy with the update, it honestly hasnt made too much of a difference to how things look now ive tinkered with it. Moreso I am happy nothing in the graphics dept is heinsously broken in my game
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
After grinding me teeth and changing my graphics settings, I'm cool with the new stuff. HOWEVER, I HATE what they did to the Intel ships. Chalk white? Are you serious? Why did you force me to change my ships? Why can't I have them the colors I had them? Why did you force me to change when I didn't want to change? Why couldn't I keep them the original Intel colors? Even my Qib is chalk white for God's sake!
I am NOT a happy camper.
Apparently, it's a problem with many maps, but not all:
Probably a bug with the Intel textures like there were some bugs on Tribble with ships using Hull 7 which would make your color patterns disappear. Thankfully, it'll be fixed soon as well.
Graphics Update:
The Visual graphics quality has been improved to meet the standards of DX11 compatible cards.
What the heck is this most of us are running Windows 10 and card Supporting DX12 why didn't you bring us up this this level?
DX11 is yesterday Stuff you should had done that years ago. I am really disappointed.
Speak for yourself.
Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (Check on all laptops)
DX11 or DX12 support? (Nope. Only, the one laptop with integrated graphics that is not for playing PC games)
It's not as bad in space, but still things seem fuzzy. No crisp edges. I'm running a two month old Alienware with everything at max. It should look sharper.
The vast majority of you who are saying this looks like @*#!, and saying that everything is pixelated or like playing an 8-bit game, etc. Your graphics options settings may be lying to you.
Please try this:
1) Goto your Graphics Options
2) Turn on Use Sliders (if it isn't already)
3) Slide both the Render Quality and the Graphics Detail sliders all the way to the left.
4) Slide both of those same sliders all the way to the right again.
5) Hit Apply
6) Now go back and change your settings to whatever you usually use.
This was a problem experienced on Tribble, which I thought had been fixed, but perhaps it is still present?
I love the new lighting system. Well, once I fixed the resolution problem..
Slight problem though, I advise anyone who want's to go to Nukara to disable it, as you just get a psychedelic rainbow effect as soon as you beam down!
Then, time to stock my nepeta leaves and to be ready for a... trip.
Regardless of the age of the software being used, I'm still grateful for the improvement.
What improvement? Soo much ambient light in every ground map that the faces all look washed out? I am thankful they at least gave us the option to turn it off because deep down, they KNOW how poor the PC implementation of this new lighting system is.
No, you have the ability to turn it off because of the above. Some players don't have cards that can run it, and need to play without it.
I think it's funny people are asking for DX12 support when many of us remember the bang-up job Cryptic did with the last DX update that screwed up textures for everyone and required Cryptic to go back and fix each texture manually by hand over a period of months.
This is one of those cases where I really want to say "I think the current DX support for STO is fine just the way it is".
I just talked with our graphics team, they know of an issue that is setting people's renderscale lower by default. Please type the following into your chatbox:
/renderscale 1
You can also find this on the Display tab of your options window, under "Resolution Scale."
Sorry for the 8-bit, but it should just be a settings issue.
I love the new lighting system. Well, once I fixed the resolution problem..
Slight problem though, I advise anyone who want's to go to Nukara to disable it, as you just get a psychedelic rainbow effect as soon as you beam down!
Then, time to stock my nepeta leaves and to be ready for a... trip.
So I went there and...
Nope, everything seems normal to me.
This is what I get when I go there with 2.0 Lighting System enabled:
I love the new lighting system. Well, once I fixed the resolution problem..
Slight problem though, I advise anyone who want's to go to Nukara to disable it, as you just get a psychedelic rainbow effect as soon as you beam down!
Then, time to stock my nepeta leaves and to be ready for a... trip.
So I went there and...
Nope, everything seems normal to me.
This is what I get when I go there with 2.0 Lighting System enabled:
Most intriguing, indeed. I tried several times on 2 different characters (one Fed and one KDF), but I couldn't replicate it. If this helps the dev team find out what is going on, I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 960.
I'd say: Give them a break. This engine is fairly dated and they just gave it a remarkable work-over. I bet updating the engine for DX11-standards was a royal pain in the guess-what, programming-wise.
Have you logged in yet? There's a lot of words I'd use for 'Lighting 2.0" - and 'remarkable' isn't one of them. YMMV.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
(a) as so many others, I doubt it
(b) if you don't have enough resources to support multiple settings on a game like this (free to play MMO) you sure ain't only targeting the top but will intentionally lag behind.
This is one of those cases where I really want to say "I think the current DX support for STO is fine just the way it is".
I know it's been reported to the Devs, but have they issued ANY kind of statement here on the forums that they are working on a fix?
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
There is, IMO, too much chiaroscuro (light-dark contrast) and bloom for its own sake in the new settings. They wanted to show off their new spot lighting, so they turned down all the ambient, and now I'm squinting all the time - either because it's too dark, or too bright. I've been trying it out, trying to give them a fair shake, but so far, I'm inclined to switch off and go back to the old lighting engine.
I am NOT a happy camper.
It's too Bright!
Moreso I am happy nothing in the graphics dept is heinsously broken in my game
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
I myself going to leave it on and turn bloom down to 20%.
Apparently, it's a problem with many maps, but not all:
Probably a bug with the Intel textures like there were some bugs on Tribble with ships using Hull 7 which would make your color patterns disappear. Thankfully, it'll be fixed soon as well.
Speak for yourself.
Windows 10 Anniversary Edition (Check on all laptops)
DX11 or DX12 support? (Nope. Only, the one laptop with integrated graphics that is not for playing PC games)
Slight problem though, I advise anyone who want to go to Nukara to disable it, as you just get a psychedelic rainbow effect as soon as you beam down!
Please try this:
1) Goto your Graphics Options
2) Turn on Use Sliders (if it isn't already)
3) Slide both the Render Quality and the Graphics Detail sliders all the way to the left.
4) Slide both of those same sliders all the way to the right again.
5) Hit Apply
6) Now go back and change your settings to whatever you usually use.
This was a problem experienced on Tribble, which I thought had been fixed, but perhaps it is still present?
So I went there and...
Nope, everything seems normal to me.
No, most of you are not on DX12 cards. Most of you are on DX11 or earlier cards. And a fair lot are on DX10, and still some on DX9.
No, you have the ability to turn it off because of the above. Some players don't have cards that can run it, and need to play without it.
Are you running in DX9 mode? You have to be in DX11 for Lighting 2.0 to work.
Huh? I don't remember this. Elaborate?
/renderscale 1
You can also find this on the Display tab of your options window, under "Resolution Scale."
Sorry for the 8-bit, but it should just be a settings issue.
This is what I get when I go there with 2.0 Lighting System enabled:
EDIT: Oh, and I just checked - that's with the bloom turned down to about 50%.