The next revamp should be almost nothing but BUG FIXES that have been sorely needed since the game came out.
That's not how revamps work. That's like saying the next revamp should be almost nothing but cupcakes! It's a non-sequitur. Revamps are an action taken to overhaul, update and revamp a system in the game. Bug fixes happen all the time and are not tied to seasons, or revamps.
Other than that, there should be an EQUAL amount of content for the 2 1/2 factions. And the Romulan faction needs to be made into a FULL faction.
As this thread points out, the content is almost equal, with the Romulans having a small lead.
-5 tutorial missions
-19 faction specific missions
-83 cross faction missions
Total = 107
-4 tutorial missions
-25 faction specific missions
-83 cross faction missions
Total = 112
-7 tutorial missions
-17 faction specific missions
-83 cross faction missions
Total = 107
So actually, the Roms have the most missions, AND the best faction specific missions. Feds and Klinks are tied for # of story missions.
So that's all fixed up and no need for any real dev attention at this point in time. The content imbalance topic really needs to die on these forums as the past few years have increasingly turned the game faction neutral, bringing content into balance.
Ground Combat: Already got revamped some time ago. And it works fine.
Bridge Officers: Not really sure what you would expect them to do with Boffs at this point.
The ability to use kit frames and non-standard kit modules, maybe 3 or 4, either that or the ability to teach them those abilities if you own the kit modules, I'm talking about lockbox stuff like solar gateway or the herald turret, the ability to have a secondary weapon, the ability to swap control between your captain and your bridge officers at will, space and ground traits for all bridge officers, using the same system captains use, but limited to 4 space traits and 4 ground traits and to their species, customization options for those special bridge officers that lack of them, they exist but are locked for some reason, the ability to customize their strategies and device management, similar to the Dragon Age companion tactic system.
I would really like to see viable PVP added to the game. PVP is a renewable and continuing content that doesn't get digested in short order.
PvP in its current state is borked. Too much imbalance, people have figured out vape builds that kill in a second and are dang near impossible to survive...
While you are right in that it doesn't get digested as quickly as PvE, there is too much of a difference between many players with lots and lots of variables. Builds, skills, specializations... you'd pretty much have to give players a second, dedicated PvP skillsheet and find some way to keep PvE Vape Builds that can hit 100k DPS (exaguration on purpose, but you get the point) from being used in a PvP setting. We're talking a whole new system that has to be implimented and balanced seperately from PvE.
I seen some of the new goodies coming out with that TOS fleet station, and from what I seen in the consoles and modules....we, us non dps gods, will get some much needed help.
The next revamp should be almost nothing but BUG FIXES that have been sorely needed since the game came out.
Not going to happen. You can't expect them to just shut down everything but the bug department. You can't ask Devs like Taco, an environmental artist, to just sit there and do nothing until every last bug is taken care of. And most of the content was designed to be cross faction.
Also... as this is an MMO, there is no such thing as a Bug Free enviornment. Every patch could introduce a new bug. New code not talking with old code sort of thing. For example, a new piece of code about a uniform fix might somehow not like an old piece of code in Infected space. BOOM! We have Borg Spheres with uber Emergency to Engines!
the ONLY bug I wanna see fixed is where the loading screen when one transfers from, say sector to a starbase, for example, I gotta ctrl/alt/del 2 or 3 times a day. o.o;
I would really like to see viable PVP added to the game. PVP is a renewable and continuing content that doesn't get digested in short order.
PvP in its current state is borked. Too much imbalance, people have figured out vape builds that kill in a second and are dang near impossible to survive...
While you are right in that it doesn't get digested as quickly as PvE, there is too much of a difference between many players with lots and lots of variables. Builds, skills, specializations... you'd pretty much have to give players a second, dedicated PvP skillsheet and find some way to keep PvE Vape Builds that can hit 100k DPS (exaguration on purpose, but you get the point) from being used in a PvP setting. We're talking a whole new system that has to be implimented and balanced seperately from PvE.
I seen some of the new goodies coming out with that TOS fleet station, and from what I seen in the consoles and modules....we, us non dps gods, will get some much needed help.
Problem with that thought is that the DPS gods that annihilate everyone in pvp will already be using that gear. There needs to be some limitations for pvp. It's already bad enough that a new player goes to try pvp for the first time and gets obliterated within the first 5 seconds. But adding even more DPS for those players is just added fuel to the fire. There needs to be a SEPARATE set of skills/weapons/consoles/everything for PVP.
I'm not saying kill pvp. I am saying that there needs to be balance, not feeding the trolls.
Ground combat, at least give us things like a cover system with somewhat smarter allied and enemy ai
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
The next revamp will be the one that gives players the instant "I win" button so that they no longer have to think, do an STF or work as a team. This button has the added benefit of also stabbing a PvPer in the heart everytime it's pressed because let's be honest who doesn't want to kill someone who's better than you at playing a game and besides... who needs to think anyway? Thinking, planning, strategy and fun is for wimps!
The Duty Officer system, as it is, isn't too bad, but it could use some work just to keep it fresh. Cryptic really need to fix the Republic ones though; a lack of Romulan/Reman Boff acqusition missions is beyond a joke.
Ground Combat (especially on the consoles) could flow a bit better. I can imagine it working in a similar fashion to other 3rd person games like GTA. I find Ground Combat better on the consoles than I ever did on the PC, but it could run a lot smoother. The style of play would need to be changed for that to work though.
I don't think the Bridge Officers need working on too much, but I would like the system extended to include a First Officer system (and then to further extend that having a second ship join you in space combat, commanded by your first officer). We are an admiral after all.
PvP I couldn't care about...
The queues and battlegrounds need some work, more so the queues. Quite simple, in the case of the former, there are too many of them, and they don't offer enough. Some of them could be combined or made a whole lot better. Those that don't work should just go. I don't mind the Battlegrounds, they kind of live up to their purpose.
I don't think there's much more they can really do with Fleets, aside from giving Republic players their own fleet skin.
Foundry; I've never used it.
Daily Missions, Red Alerts and Patrol Missions need to be more randomized. It shouldn't primarily be all pew pew (though I do get the appeal of that; it's easy, simple, and effective).
Reputations, as per the queues, there are simply too many of them for what they're ultimately worth.
As much as I would like to see something happen in the DOFF and BOFF area, if the Foundry is revamped and made more intuitive, that will immediately add more fun content! Winner!
STFs and foundry needs just their rewards adjusted. ISA as a gold standard and extrapolate from there.
Ground combat needs a complete rethink. I would say refit NW's combat into STO. Or go even further and make it a true shooter like Mas Effect, Halo or Counter-strike.
PVP will simply never work in this type of games (lockbox, promos, etc). Tho it would be just natural with fed v. klingon v. romulan factions.
Problem with that thought is that the DPS gods that annihilate everyone in pvp will already be using that gear. There needs to be some limitations for pvp. It's already bad enough that a new player goes to try pvp for the first time and gets obliterated within the first 5 seconds. But adding even more DPS for those players is just added fuel to the fire. There needs to be a SEPARATE set of skills/weapons/consoles/everything for PVP.
I'm not saying kill pvp. I am saying that there needs to be balance, not feeding the trolls.
Any new player entering a PvP match against a seasoned veteran who has had more time to learn the game, obtain better gear and sharpen their skills should expect to get annihilated. Believing brand new players should automatically have a chance against more experienced vets is beyond wishful thinking.
Annihilated within 2 seconds doesn't even give a new player a chance to even fully load in the area. At the very least, STOP THE SPAWN KILLING from happening with a 10km no-kill barrier around the spawn points where once the player leaves said area, then they become fair game. When you have veteran elitists who kills everyone the instant they spawn in just shows that they are afraid of giving the new players a chance to even learn.
Just imagine that you're a new player and hop into PVP by accident. As soon as you fully load in, you are already destroyed. So you might think something glitched. So you try to respawn. As soon as you respawn, you get destroyed again. Well, you change instances. Guess what? It happens yet again. No chance to even know what happened. After trying for 20 minutes or so of just trying to spawn in to try and figure out what is happening, you get fed up and never try again.
That is the current state of PVP. It's all about spawn killing and laughing at the new players trying to learn the game. The attitude you are expressing is the type of attitude that runs off future players which could be the future whales that might help keep the Devs electric bill paid. If the veterans have nothing to fear, then why laugh the newbies out instead of actually teaching them when they ask questions.
I voted PvP - it'S the most entertaining and challenging part of the game.
But I'd also like to see fighters/shuttels redone. At T1-3 Shuttles should stay as they are. At higher Tiers they should upgrade so one can use more BOff seats (maybe one lt.cmdr, one lt. and one ensign) . There should be more missions for them as well.
18 characters
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
I would like to see a rework/revamp of the stf system to give both a evening out of the payouts to make it more appealing to play the other stfs in the ques, while also creating some non-dil/mark rewards that could help to also give other incentives to run the other ques outside of those same rewards as well. Hell having a mission/project that you gain from the different reps that you need to run either a specific stf, or running several stfs, which could push players to run more than just the fast/easy payout stfs if the rewards are worthwhile. A combined aspect of having both the predetermine reward of the dil/mark rewards to get your rep gear, but also those random drops which for many player would act as a good draw to play other content than just the most profitable ones.
I agree I would like to see some progression in parts of the game, and even some re-use of older reps in a new story-line. Like a update of the Omega rep that sees the borg becoming an issue again, or a resurgence of the Undine, and even missions around the progression of New Romulus in the intervening years that might end with a mission that gives you access to a phased instance of New romulus after the missions. Using phasing like that in which you still have access to the older content to do, but also have a phase of the area that shows the progress of that specific area would be nice, as that allows the up an coming player to experience the content while still allowing the existing players to see progress of the area as well. We also kinda have this in that you have the borg-invasion area of Defera, but also the normal Defera without the borg trying to assimilate the world, and so I could see that being used in this area of a pre-developement New Romulus an a post-developement New Romulus.
Like a update of the Omega rep that sees the borg becoming an issue again, or a resurgence of the Undine,
I have never really understood this line of thought
>we fight enemy
>struggle against them
>find the way to beat them
>beat them
>end the threat
Why? For what purpose? We already have all their weaknesses mapped out, and technology made the exploit said weaknesses.
It wouldn't even be a fight at this point, and having them come back again undermines the entire narrative arc of getting rid of them in the first place.
The Borg adapt that is part of their character an persona, even if you find workarounds an tech to exploit their weaknesses, they are still working towards ridding themselves of that weakness. Do you really think after we have had wars with races like the Iconians/heralds, Vaadwaur, and even other races that are so much more advanced then the Borg are currently they would not seek out these race's vessels an assimilate them? Think of what the Borg might become after assimilating Vaadwaur, Iconian, or any of these race's vessel that might be left over from the conflict.
The other fact is you are looking at them as what they are now in standing, but the Borg rarely stay the same, they seek out technology an people to assimilate an improve the whole, and so what might be a weakness now could be worthless to exploit after they assimilate another race. This idea of looking at enemies like they are static an that they can't change or progress is limited an backwards, because then the player-factions should be the same unchanging an static never improving areas they are weak in.
Also it does not undermine anything. It is just like having a defeated villain, or faction in any good story line come back later on does not undermine the prior narrative leading up to their earlier defeat.
The next revamp will be the one that gives players the instant "I win" button so that they no longer have to think, do an STF or work as a team.
This button has the added benefit of also stabbing a PvPer in the heart everytime it's pressed because let's be honest who doesn't want to kill someone who's better than you at playing a game and besides... who needs to think anyway? Thinking, planning, strategy and fun is for wimps!
Chosen for lack of 'fix the broken and bugged stuff' option.
Although I personally would like to see them make the Borg STFs back into one mission rather then separate 'why am I here?' confusing messes and just drop them into the Borg storyline so you can do them with either your Boffs or an invite team.
Might actually make sense again...
Almost everything here could use a bit of an improvement.
Duty Officer: Increase Rewards or change the levels so they're like Admiralty
Ground Combat: Could use a cover system. Strangest thing getting shot by a drone or other enemy through a wall...
Bridge Officers: Improved AI they don't shoot at something invisible...
PvE, Battezones etc: Defera, Defera, Defera. All the other reputations are very easy to complete whatever project needed. But Omega reputation still has to run STF after STF or team up on Defera for hard missions. One thing about Badlands, want ability to choose bonus mark rewards. By default they are Terran marks. Could also do the same for Iconian and Delta Marks on Kobali Prime let us choose between marks during more than just the last two missions.
Currency: OK in current state. Would like to be able to convert leftover marks into dilithium or convert marks from one reputation to another. Ability to convert Elite marks back into 100 regular marks instead of dilithium.
Fleets: More ways to earn fleet credits from fleet marks. Perhaps a personal fleet reputation?
Dailies, Red Alerts and Patrols: Red Alerts could be in queue form like Nak'ul RA. Patrols could change enemies as character levels up.
Example: At Lt level, patrols would use Klingon, Gorn or Orion enemies
At LtCmdr Level a patrol uses Romulans and Remans
At Commander: Any combination of previously fought enemies
At Captain: Cardassian, Jem'Hadar or Breen enemies
Rear Admiral-Fleet Admiral: Borg or Depending on location any Delta Quadrant enemy.
Would love to have a contact that will give you a specific patrol mission every day until they've all been completed for a Sector. Then gives a large reward of dilithium and experience points or really good equipment.
Dailies: Tour the Galaxy needs a time limit increase.
Reputations: Ok. would like more conversion projects like elite marks to normal marks, rep to rep, Dil to marks (turn in 500 dil or 50 marks etc).
Another revamp I would like to see is for how some weapons work specifically torpedoes/mines function. Like for me the innate an static torpedo/mine damage reduction that shields have is a bit wonky, as that it is regardless of if the shield is at 100% or 1% on the impacting shield facing. For me I would quite like to see the torpedo/mine damage reduction altered so that the damage reduction is based off how much remaining hp is left on the impacting facing, but also that the amount of reduction is determined by how high your shield power level is set, which could make torpedoes/mines a bit more on par overall with energy weapons as well as make shield stripping weapons even more viable.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
I'd also add that getting spawn camped and such should be an incentive to learn, improve your tactics and get better at PvP. Blaming the game is easy. Blaming yourself and learning is much harder.
I hate to say it, but being spawn camped isn't an incentive to learn. Its an incentive to get out. Getting spawn camped doesn't give you experience other than blowing up the instant you appear. You can't counter it, you can't even start moving. Its spawn and die. No chance at even fighting back.
To be able to learn, you need to be able to actually do something and even make mistakes. Getting Spawn Camped constantly just tells the victim that they're easy prey and shouldn't even bother because they will never get a chance to move. Its like some idiots I've had to deal with in the past playing Halo CE on the computer. Blood Gultch map with tanks. The opposing team just snatched up all the tanks and started bombarding my team's base. THEN one of the idiots added insult to injury by saying WE sucked and needed to get better. How do you justify that when you're bombarding the other team so they can't even MOVE as soon as they spawn? If you were lucky enough to spawn in between volleys and could move into cover, the second you showed your face... BLAMMO! Dead. Throw in taunts at our "lack of skill", rinse and repeat.
Being able to learn means being able to do something to learn off of.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Most of the stuff on that list have gotten fixes and revamps in recent times EXCEPT:
1) Doff system which Borticus once did accept could be easily fixed (The whole success crit logic mess), but it would require changing doff assignments one by one.
2) Boffs got fixed to an extent, but having space bonuses available to all of them would motivate people to use a wider variety of boffs.
3) PvP - The most broken and needing an complete overhaul of all. There were promises to revamp it way in the past that never came to be. Heck, the battlezones were a PvP revamp idea that ended up in PvE.
That's not how revamps work. That's like saying the next revamp should be almost nothing but cupcakes! It's a non-sequitur. Revamps are an action taken to overhaul, update and revamp a system in the game. Bug fixes happen all the time and are not tied to seasons, or revamps.
As this thread points out, the content is almost equal, with the Romulans having a small lead.
So that's all fixed up and no need for any real dev attention at this point in time. The content imbalance topic really needs to die on these forums as the past few years have increasingly turned the game faction neutral, bringing content into balance.
The ability to use kit frames and non-standard kit modules, maybe 3 or 4, either that or the ability to teach them those abilities if you own the kit modules, I'm talking about lockbox stuff like solar gateway or the herald turret, the ability to have a secondary weapon, the ability to swap control between your captain and your bridge officers at will, space and ground traits for all bridge officers, using the same system captains use, but limited to 4 space traits and 4 ground traits and to their species, customization options for those special bridge officers that lack of them, they exist but are locked for some reason, the ability to customize their strategies and device management, similar to the Dragon Age companion tactic system.
I seen some of the new goodies coming out with that TOS fleet station, and from what I seen in the consoles and modules....we, us non dps gods, will get some much needed help.
the ONLY bug I wanna see fixed is where the loading screen when one transfers from, say sector to a starbase, for example, I gotta ctrl/alt/del 2 or 3 times a day. o.o;
Problem with that thought is that the DPS gods that annihilate everyone in pvp will already be using that gear. There needs to be some limitations for pvp. It's already bad enough that a new player goes to try pvp for the first time and gets obliterated within the first 5 seconds. But adding even more DPS for those players is just added fuel to the fire. There needs to be a SEPARATE set of skills/weapons/consoles/everything for PVP.
I'm not saying kill pvp. I am saying that there needs to be balance, not feeding the trolls.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
This button has the added benefit of also stabbing a PvPer in the heart everytime it's pressed because let's be honest who doesn't want to kill someone who's better than you at playing a game and besides... who needs to think anyway? Thinking, planning, strategy and fun is for wimps!
The Duty Officer system, as it is, isn't too bad, but it could use some work just to keep it fresh. Cryptic really need to fix the Republic ones though; a lack of Romulan/Reman Boff acqusition missions is beyond a joke.
Ground Combat (especially on the consoles) could flow a bit better. I can imagine it working in a similar fashion to other 3rd person games like GTA. I find Ground Combat better on the consoles than I ever did on the PC, but it could run a lot smoother. The style of play would need to be changed for that to work though.
I don't think the Bridge Officers need working on too much, but I would like the system extended to include a First Officer system (and then to further extend that having a second ship join you in space combat, commanded by your first officer). We are an admiral after all.
PvP I couldn't care about...
The queues and battlegrounds need some work, more so the queues. Quite simple, in the case of the former, there are too many of them, and they don't offer enough. Some of them could be combined or made a whole lot better. Those that don't work should just go. I don't mind the Battlegrounds, they kind of live up to their purpose.
I don't think there's much more they can really do with Fleets, aside from giving Republic players their own fleet skin.
Foundry; I've never used it.
Daily Missions, Red Alerts and Patrol Missions need to be more randomized. It shouldn't primarily be all pew pew (though I do get the appeal of that; it's easy, simple, and effective).
Reputations, as per the queues, there are simply too many of them for what they're ultimately worth.
Ground combat needs a complete rethink. I would say refit NW's combat into STO. Or go even further and make it a true shooter like Mas Effect, Halo or Counter-strike.
PVP will simply never work in this type of games (lockbox, promos, etc). Tho it would be just natural with fed v. klingon v. romulan factions.
Annihilated within 2 seconds doesn't even give a new player a chance to even fully load in the area. At the very least, STOP THE SPAWN KILLING from happening with a 10km no-kill barrier around the spawn points where once the player leaves said area, then they become fair game. When you have veteran elitists who kills everyone the instant they spawn in just shows that they are afraid of giving the new players a chance to even learn.
Just imagine that you're a new player and hop into PVP by accident. As soon as you fully load in, you are already destroyed. So you might think something glitched. So you try to respawn. As soon as you respawn, you get destroyed again. Well, you change instances. Guess what? It happens yet again. No chance to even know what happened. After trying for 20 minutes or so of just trying to spawn in to try and figure out what is happening, you get fed up and never try again.
That is the current state of PVP. It's all about spawn killing and laughing at the new players trying to learn the game. The attitude you are expressing is the type of attitude that runs off future players which could be the future whales that might help keep the Devs electric bill paid. If the veterans have nothing to fear, then why laugh the newbies out instead of actually teaching them when they ask questions.
But I'd also like to see fighters/shuttels redone. At T1-3 Shuttles should stay as they are. At higher Tiers they should upgrade so one can use more BOff seats (maybe one lt.cmdr, one lt. and one ensign) . There should be more missions for them as well.
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
All need revamping of some kind I didn't add that option because the question is what should be the next one after the kit revamp.
I agree I would like to see some progression in parts of the game, and even some re-use of older reps in a new story-line. Like a update of the Omega rep that sees the borg becoming an issue again, or a resurgence of the Undine, and even missions around the progression of New Romulus in the intervening years that might end with a mission that gives you access to a phased instance of New romulus after the missions. Using phasing like that in which you still have access to the older content to do, but also have a phase of the area that shows the progress of that specific area would be nice, as that allows the up an coming player to experience the content while still allowing the existing players to see progress of the area as well. We also kinda have this in that you have the borg-invasion area of Defera, but also the normal Defera without the borg trying to assimilate the world, and so I could see that being used in this area of a pre-developement New Romulus an a post-developement New Romulus.
The Borg adapt that is part of their character an persona, even if you find workarounds an tech to exploit their weaknesses, they are still working towards ridding themselves of that weakness. Do you really think after we have had wars with races like the Iconians/heralds, Vaadwaur, and even other races that are so much more advanced then the Borg are currently they would not seek out these race's vessels an assimilate them? Think of what the Borg might become after assimilating Vaadwaur, Iconian, or any of these race's vessel that might be left over from the conflict.
The other fact is you are looking at them as what they are now in standing, but the Borg rarely stay the same, they seek out technology an people to assimilate an improve the whole, and so what might be a weakness now could be worthless to exploit after they assimilate another race. This idea of looking at enemies like they are static an that they can't change or progress is limited an backwards, because then the player-factions should be the same unchanging an static never improving areas they are weak in.
Also it does not undermine anything. It is just like having a defeated villain, or faction in any good story line come back later on does not undermine the prior narrative leading up to their earlier defeat.
~triple face palm~
I HOPE you were being facetious......
Although I personally would like to see them make the Borg STFs back into one mission rather then separate 'why am I here?' confusing messes and just drop them into the Borg storyline so you can do them with either your Boffs or an invite team.
Might actually make sense again...
Duty Officer: Increase Rewards or change the levels so they're like Admiralty
Ground Combat: Could use a cover system. Strangest thing getting shot by a drone or other enemy through a wall...
Bridge Officers: Improved AI they don't shoot at something invisible...
PvE, Battezones etc: Defera, Defera, Defera. All the other reputations are very easy to complete whatever project needed. But Omega reputation still has to run STF after STF or team up on Defera for hard missions. One thing about Badlands, want ability to choose bonus mark rewards. By default they are Terran marks. Could also do the same for Iconian and Delta Marks on Kobali Prime let us choose between marks during more than just the last two missions.
Currency: OK in current state. Would like to be able to convert leftover marks into dilithium or convert marks from one reputation to another. Ability to convert Elite marks back into 100 regular marks instead of dilithium.
Fleets: More ways to earn fleet credits from fleet marks. Perhaps a personal fleet reputation?
Dailies, Red Alerts and Patrols: Red Alerts could be in queue form like Nak'ul RA. Patrols could change enemies as character levels up.
Example: At Lt level, patrols would use Klingon, Gorn or Orion enemies
At LtCmdr Level a patrol uses Romulans and Remans
At Commander: Any combination of previously fought enemies
At Captain: Cardassian, Jem'Hadar or Breen enemies
Rear Admiral-Fleet Admiral: Borg or Depending on location any Delta Quadrant enemy.
Would love to have a contact that will give you a specific patrol mission every day until they've all been completed for a Sector. Then gives a large reward of dilithium and experience points or really good equipment.
Dailies: Tour the Galaxy needs a time limit increase.
Reputations: Ok. would like more conversion projects like elite marks to normal marks, rep to rep, Dil to marks (turn in 500 dil or 50 marks etc).
I hate to say it, but being spawn camped isn't an incentive to learn. Its an incentive to get out. Getting spawn camped doesn't give you experience other than blowing up the instant you appear. You can't counter it, you can't even start moving. Its spawn and die. No chance at even fighting back.
To be able to learn, you need to be able to actually do something and even make mistakes. Getting Spawn Camped constantly just tells the victim that they're easy prey and shouldn't even bother because they will never get a chance to move. Its like some idiots I've had to deal with in the past playing Halo CE on the computer. Blood Gultch map with tanks. The opposing team just snatched up all the tanks and started bombarding my team's base. THEN one of the idiots added insult to injury by saying WE sucked and needed to get better. How do you justify that when you're bombarding the other team so they can't even MOVE as soon as they spawn? If you were lucky enough to spawn in between volleys and could move into cover, the second you showed your face... BLAMMO! Dead. Throw in taunts at our "lack of skill", rinse and repeat.
Being able to learn means being able to do something to learn off of.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
1) Doff system which Borticus once did accept could be easily fixed (The whole success crit logic mess), but it would require changing doff assignments one by one.
2) Boffs got fixed to an extent, but having space bonuses available to all of them would motivate people to use a wider variety of boffs.
3) PvP - The most broken and needing an complete overhaul of all. There were promises to revamp it way in the past that never came to be. Heck, the battlezones were a PvP revamp idea that ended up in PvE.