First, WTH is PDT and when has a sale ever ended at 10 in the morning pdt?? Then when I put up for sale a lot of 10 lock box keys, immediately see that I forgot a zero and quickly hit the REMOVE LOT button. But does it remove it? Hell no!!! So the person that was obviously trolling got all of them for the cost of less than one key and now I'm out real cash and lost out on $49,000,000 because this game failed yet again!! Really regretting spending the money for a lifetime!!! Can't wait for support to YET AGAIN TELL ME NOTHING CAN BE DONE EVEN THOUGH THE GAME SCREWED UP BY NOT LETTING ME REMOVE THE LOT, LITERALLY ONE SECOND AFTER I POSTED IT. SMH, SO DISAPPOINTED WITH HOW THINGS WORK ON STO!!!!
You made a mistake, and you want to blame everyone else.
And how old are you not to know what pacific daylight time is?
A brilliant solution. But I also agree that it is not STO's fault. Any more than it was when I made similar mistakes [yes, more than once] in the past.
Probably a good idea but I wouldn't be shocked to see posts later complaining that 30 seconds isn't long enough.
There was one time I even visited the key section by chance when someone had the azura out and managed to nab 10 keys for like 6m, don't blame me for your failure to correctly price things.
(b) Unlike another user I don't think you need to know what "PDT" is (I thought the "D" stands for "daylight savings", so one hour advanced against "PST"?), if you happen to not come from North America. But you could just educate yourself before ranting about it. (And in my memory almost all, if not all, events, offers and suchlike ended on 10am pacific since I played the game. At least "7pm CET", my local equivalent, is a known factor to me when considering e.g. whether I will profit off a bonus event on a monday. But since this is a globally played game, the ending time of anything will always look strange compared to what local shops do in most parts of the world.
you f'd up... grow up and deal with it. Probably everyone's posted SOMEthing under value at least once on the market...
My fault, and I accept responsibility for my mistake because that's what people with character are supposed to do.
I once bought a second copy of a rep space set item, wasting 750 marks and 32,000 dil because I thought I'd bought a different piece the day before. Again, my mistake, my responsibility. I felt stupid for a few minutes, accepted it then moved on with my life.
sure it would be nice if the buyer contacted you and put thinks right but you wont find many angels like that in this world.
indeed there's not many people who hasn't made a mistake like this at some time or another and there's not many who haven't profited from someone else's mistake, it mostly just swings and roundabouts and all you can hope is that you will come out on top in the end.
in the great scheme of things if this is the worse mistake you will ever make it your life you aint doin too bad.
just be thankful that mistakes in a virtual world are never that profound unlike some mistakes that you could make in real life that could end up killing someone.
by the by, $49,000,000 is a bit of a stretch, do you mean 49,000,000ec.
as 10 keys costs around 1125zen the most you lost is about 10 bucks, I have dropped more then that in the street plus as you are lifetime you have probably made more then this in free zen anyway so really you have lost very little.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
While I do agree with every major point you rise, it should be noted that many players will wait for a while if they find something obviously completely underpriced if they'll get a message from the seller, and would give it back (for a small finder's fee usually, but I think we can all agree that that is just fair). This holds true mostly for really major items though, so getting some console for 17k instead of 170k wouldn't really be worth bothering.
And you cannot blame those people who don't do that. You can only thank those who do. But you raise the chances with a different friendly tone. An "Uh, ehm, sorry, I majorly screwed up and you got that cheap ship from me which I didn't mean to sell, would there be some way to reverse the deal?" yields probably better results than "YOU BOTTOMOPENING HAVE BEEN STEALING ME SHIP, GIVE IT BACK NOW OR I'LL REPORT YOU!!!!!!" (and yes, I once got a message like the latter one after a comparatively minor slipup, not a ship. Needless to say I didn't react except for blocking the user)
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
But yes, made mistakes on the exchange and with the mail system myself. Oh well, no-ones fault but my own. Chit happens. And guess what...the world did not end.
Support should offer you a special title to replace that Captain before your name.
Simply put, it means that parents make sure that their kids paths are always clear and nicely wiped so that they don't fall over and stumble along their path.
In theory that sounds like a good idea, however, once they grow up and have to deal with issues on their own, they don't have the experience required to see when things are their own fault, so they keep making f*'ups, and blame everyone else for their own abilities.
Man up OP... You made the mistake, the buyer, and certainly Cryptic aren't to blame that you don't check your offer before you put up a sale.
Wow. That's harsh man. The title of your thread said "yet again." If you don't mind me asking, what happened before? Was it worse than this?
***Not really.
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1st Alpha Quadrant Fleet