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Need Help on the Console version(Post your problems, maybe we can solve them.)



  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Could I get help with the training manuals? Where do I get them or how do I create them? TIA

    Answered in this thread.. Buy officers off the exchange.Turn in to manual..Or wait for Crafting to be introduced for certain Lvl III abilities.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • morgueragemorguerage Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Can't train my Romulan Rare/Uncommon Boffs. I trained the 1st slots ability. Slots 2 - 3 are bricked. No matter what I can't train her. Had several PC players watching live trying to help. Would like bug report help since I still can't start threads.

    Training the 2nd or 3rd abilities first seems to prevent the character from bricking.
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    I just got an Elachi Kit Module and I can;t equip it. Any ideas? I am guessing it could be a bug because, well, you cant swing a dead Tribble without hitting a bug in this game it seems.
  • kobran#2603 kobran Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Anyone in the Klingon empire getting missions to earth space dock for promotion rewards? I am for some reason and it won't let me enter the system.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    Anyone in the Klingon empire getting missions to earth space dock for promotion rewards? I am for some reason and it won't let me enter the system.
    KDF cant go to ESD ..You'll have to go to Chronos for promotion.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    the game is very bugged atm
  • kobran#2603 kobran Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    What made the game suddenly go ballistic and TRIBBLE itself to death?
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    weekly mataince
  • drunksparky#4366 drunksparky Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    'A Step Between Stars' bug. Fed cannot speak to Chief Logistics Officer. Info icon is over her head, but there is no way to speak to her.
  • superman29superman29 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    thanks for the info
  • I'm finding it difficult to find my way through this game. I'm level 57 at this point but I can't seem to find the task force omega reputation or does that unlock at level 60. It would be weird if that was the case because it said it starts at level 44. I also tried to find out how to start doing research and development projects to eventually get the higher end gear but I've been unable to find out when it unlocks or what prerequisites are required. There seems to be next to no instructions for the game or there's an over abundance of tutorials that assume your already started these things and just need in depth advice. When does this stuff unlock or is certain content not in the console version.
  • > @lexifer452 said:
    > Forgive my ignorance but what is with the pve queues. Every time I try to join they never start up even with a full twenty. So I tried a private one solo. Was way easy. Granted it too a good ten or fifteen mins to kill 50 kdf ships+20 negvar warships but they never got me below 80% shields. Noticed I was getting decent loot (few rares couple very rarest, mostly consoles and ship weps) so I ran it two more times. Filled my inventory after each, but I got the same klingon one all three times. What gives? Is that the only one? And why is it so easy?
    > And speaking of inventory is there a decent place to sell my excess? The replicator recycler seems to only give round 30-40% of listed value and while I've got up to around 80k energy credits there has got to be better way.
    > Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.

    Sell the gear on the exchange you can list it for whatever cost you want and if it's good another player will buy it. It also frees up space and if no one buys it you can retrieve it from the list.
  • > @bonzodog01 said:
    > Ok, just a note to Romulans at level 10 - you CANNOT actually go to New Romulus even though you have the quest, UNTIL you have completed the quest to go to Khitomer and met up with the Klingon and Federation Ambassadors, AND foiled the Tal Shiar plot to sabotage the Khitomer Meeting, THEN chosen your new alliance back at the flotilla. So, yeah, you will need to complete the Khitomer meeting first. Then go to New Romulus.
    > Now, my question - I got to level 30, and was given a shuttlecraft. I tried to equip it with Engineering, Science and Tactical consoles, but the last two won't actually take (the UI shows the Icon for them, but hovering over them shows them as empty slots, and they are still in my inventory). I did manage to equip the Engineering console. Anyone know anything about this?
    > Also, the first quest where you use the shuttlecraft, that atmospheric fight - bugged to hell. Two enemy Elachi bugged out outside the map and could fire in but we (me and the NPC force) couldn't fire at them. Eventually we kited them closer to the wall where we could blow them up, took 20 minutes to do.
    > Also, the camera won't go close to the shuttle craft at all, it was an absolutely tiny dot on my screen about 5mm across at the closest. At the farthest, I couldn't see it at all.
    > Also, on the shuttlecraft, is it possible to assign crew stations, the UI screen is there, but there is nothing to assign, and none of my crew can be assigned. It means running around in the shuttlecraft leaves me with a blank Y,X and B. Not good.

    If you're on the console there's a button to decrease or increase the camera distance from your ship although there are only three settings so far. The shuttles shouldn't have any required officer slots. I bought the runabout for cheap and was able to assign any officer so yours might be bugged.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    I'm finding it difficult to find my way through this game. I'm level 57 at this point but I can't seem to find the task force omega reputation or does that unlock at level 60. It would be weird if that was the case because it said it starts at level 44. I also tried to find out how to start doing research and development projects to eventually get the higher end gear but I've been unable to find out when it unlocks or what prerequisites are required. There seems to be next to no instructions for the game or there's an over abundance of tutorials that assume your already started these things and just need in depth advice. When does this stuff unlock or is certain content not in the console version.

    I believe that was not included as a reputation on console..which is weird cuz its one of the oldest on PC..

    RnD is crafting..and its not available for console yet..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • bonzodog01bonzodog01 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    morguerage wrote: »
    Can't train my Romulan Rare/Uncommon Boffs. I trained the 1st slots ability. Slots 2 - 3 are bricked. No matter what I can't train her. Had several PC players watching live trying to help. Would like bug report help since I still can't start threads.

    Training the 2nd or 3rd abilities first seems to prevent the character from bricking.

    Have you promoted your bridge officers?

    To train their Lieutenant and Lt. commander slots, they need to hold those ranks.

    So, go to bridge Officers, then use the right trigger to go to their careers page, and click on "Promote Officer".

    You will then be able to train them.
    XBox One - NFV Rylon - T6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer
    British Imperial Armada
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    is the only way to get lobi crystals from the lock boxes?

    I really want the vengeance
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    is the only way to get lobi crystals from the lock boxes?

    I really want the vengeance
    Yea..only lockboxes...Or get enough Ec to buy it on the exchange.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    that's not good. I've not been saving up. :(

    thanks again.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    that's not good. I've not been saving up. :(

    thanks again.

    Usually its easier (and cheaper) to buy keys and sell thos for the Lobi ships on the exchange..At least..thats how we do it on Pc..


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    hmm perhaps I'll try that. there only going for a mill and a bit atm. it would take a fair few.

    which u could exchange zen for lobi
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    hmm perhaps I'll try that. there only going for a mill and a bit atm. it would take a fair few.

    which u could exchange zen for lobi

    1 mill Ec? Sheesh...That doesn't even rat on the PC..What are Keys goin for?


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    1.2 mill sometimes not many above 2 mill
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    1.2 mill sometimes not many above 2 mill

    So..you sell 1 key and you have a vengence..Thats...very nice..Wish it was that cheap on PC.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • pathfinder4879#3895 pathfinder4879 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    hmm perhaps I'll try that. there only going for a mill and a bit atm. it would take a fair few.

    which u could exchange zen for lobi

    1 mill Ec? Sheesh...That doesn't even rat on the PC..What are Keys goin for?

    They're currently selling for 1mil each the last time I checked
  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    huh? vengeance will be about 90mill
    I'd need to sell 90 keys atm
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    hmm perhaps I'll try that. there only going for a mill and a bit atm. it would take a fair few.

    which u could exchange zen for lobi

    ^ you didn't say 90 mill before...^ ..
    90 keys is still cheaper than 900 lobbi (@ a drop rate of around 4 lobbi per box or $250)


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • skullblits#4627 skullblits Member Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    I ment keys lol.
  • maxxvestros42maxxvestros42 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    i just got enough rep for tier 1 of the New Romulus rep but have no idea how to get the rewards or the passives, any help would be awesome
  • kyrabid#1227 kyrabid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    XBox - I'm having trouble targeting a different ship without messing up my camera position. Both use the right joystick. Any tips on quickly changing targets without changing camera view? I must be doing something wrong.
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    lexifer452 wrote: »
    Question for Xbox players about dom-card lock boxes.

    I was thinking about buying a key to try one of these out but I wanted to find out first if it was guaranteed that I would get one of the three ships in the dominion-cardassian lock box news post. Jemhadar escort, keldan class cardi ship or dominion dreadnought carrier. Is it just one of those three items in each lock box or is there a chance to get some other item. Keys go for a lot in the exchange and are like five bucks, I think, if purchased directly from store. Would like to know potential loot from these before I get one ya know?

    I've been playing since STO dropped for Xbox One and as much as I would prefer otherwise, the lockboxes are little more than carrots dangling out there enticing gamers to buy master keys. There is no guarantee on what you will get and sometimes you get ground gear, lobi crystals, etc. I've got a boatload of Cardassian/Dominion boxes and doubt that I will ever open them. I did open a few, but never got any of those ships; so quickly decided that there was no point in it. I opened maybe ten of them, I did get several mirror universe vessels from somewhere and this is probably the source?
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