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Star Trek Online Available on Xbox One and PlayStation®4!



  • saihung423saihung423 Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    I played STO on the PC for a few years. I was excited to see it coming to the console. I can get over no transfer of items or purchases...but holy high hell....

    The game sucks so bad on console. There are bugs on pc...but hellfire and damnation there shouldn't be this many on a port nto console that was released with that letter. You read that letter and you think you are going to log into a polished game...which isn't hard to fathom since STO has been out for so long.

    However, no duty officers, limited pve, limited fleets, limited rep....I mean hell...in that one quest on New Romulus, where you go into the lava tunnels, you have a [leave caves press A] window up the ENTIRE time...which disables jump in an area where it is typically needed...

    There is little to no introduction for new players on game mechanics, little to no description on controls...

    Seriously, do you guys have any professional testers? Or do you only use the people who want to "play before release"? Perhaps you should consider paying folks to do this so that there is more urge on their part to report problems.

    However, I don't believe that to be the case...I think you guys rushed this onto the console. I think you neglected hard work for results now.

    I think anyone who buys lifetime sub on the xbox, with the state of the game you released, had their brains addled while in the womb.

    Serious question here. Were you guys proud of this port to console? If so....your expectations should be raised. This is an embarrassment in my opinion.
  • darthjafodarthjafo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    So I can stop looking for research and crafting? I've got research boosting books but haven't found research yet

    Hopefully those things get added
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2016
    darthjafo wrote: »
    So I can stop looking for research and crafting? I've got research boosting books but haven't found research yet

    Hopefully those things get added

    Yeah, R&D (no mats either), Doffing, and Admirality are not in hence the tech upgrade heavy drop rate versus PC.
  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    It's okay on Xbox One - you only get part of the game and it's riddled with bugs, bugs that'll never get fixed :(
  • astral#0893 astral Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    coplann wrote: »
    Soooooo, Iam a little bit shocked that PC and Console accounts are separated, could we then get rid of Arc? Does that mean console and pc players cannot play together?
    if so: thumbs down

    My petition:
    #1 A player should be able to play with one account on any plattform
    #2 new GUI and full controller support should be brought to the PC version too (allow players to switch to it as is beeing done in many games, e.g. like Dragon Age Inquisiton or Elder Scrolls Online)
    #3 Star Trek Online should fully support Steam Link and the Steam Controller, so if I play it with the Steam Link it switches to Controller-Mode and works like the PS4/XBox clients.

    There are problems with this that it's just easier to avoid. Hacks and viruses come to mind. Plus, all three systems are competitors and require special licenses to do joint programs. Remember that PC version has been running for years, while the consoles just started. Easier for each platform to evolve as it will over time instead of trying to force them to work together.

    Plus, the different accounts helps to bring in greater funds to help keep this old game open.

    I think I forgot to mention, but isn't Arc system and STO OLDER than steam? you have tech issues with what you're referring to.

    All three are not competition, PC's work on IBM technology, the same people who gave Bill his start with Microsoft. The xbox should use the same technology & the xbox should have always been able to access the same internet without havig it's own servers. This is a lame & outdated idea & it is common sense for anything moving from pc to allow the same use on the other medium. Any intelligent person would do that as a matter of coarse, but I think we know that their are no intelligent people in business or government, especially in the US.

    The sad & obvious fact is that if the do get around to allowing people to transfer your account to xbox, it will only be on xbox, u won't be able to play on both. The game on PC is going to die because many people prefer consoles (idiots) so therefor the pc version will eventually come to an end. This will mean they will owe lifetime members a refund.
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    fediii wrote: »
    wendysue53 wrote: »
    There are problems with this that it's just easier to avoid. Hacks and viruses come to mind. Plus, all three systems are competitors and require special licenses to do joint programs. Remember that PC version has been running for years, while the consoles just started. Easier for each platform to evolve as it will over time instead of trying to force them to work together.

    Plus, the different accounts helps to bring in greater funds to help keep this old game open.

    I think I forgot to mention, but isn't Arc system and STO OLDER than steam? you have tech issues with what you're referring to.

    All three are not competition, PC's work on IBM technology, the same people who gave Bill his start with Microsoft. The xbox should use the same technology & the xbox should have always been able to access the same internet without havig it's own servers. This is a lame & outdated idea & it is common sense for anything moving from pc to allow the same use on the other medium. Any intelligent person would do that as a matter of coarse, but I think we know that their are no intelligent people in business or government, especially in the US.

    The sad & obvious fact is that if the do get around to allowing people to transfer your account to xbox, it will only be on xbox, u won't be able to play on both. The game on PC is going to die because many people prefer consoles (idiots) so therefor the pc version will eventually come to an end. This will mean they will owe lifetime members a refund.

    I believe that what I was referring to is the fact they are seperately controlled companies, who together have setup a license with STO to run the game on those systems. It doesn't matter who has what tech, they're different businesses. The seperation was a business decision, and no amount of players are going to get them to change their policies.

    So, yes, they are in competition. Players are a limited resource.

    As for STO players transferring to console. If they want to give up and toss away what they've done on PC up to this point, that's fine. They just have to start over with a new, PAID account on the console of their choice.

    The income allows STO to continue running. Without it, they'll have to shut down sooner rather than later. This has all been addressed elsewhere, and I don't really feel like discussing business, tech, programming, and the issues involved that lead STO to do as they have with the Console companies. I still haven't had my coffee.

    Really, I'm very surprised this thread is still going. They said they wouldn't do it. It was a business decision made by the business admins and has very little to do with the game itself and more to do with offering it to people who don't play on PC. It's a new market, and PC is a different market. It's easier when people don't confuse the three systems, even if they could/can talk to each other. If STO ever goes to mobile, I'm sure we'll hear all this mess again. Happened with Mac, happened with consoles, so it'll happen again.

    Not sure why people can't get that through their heads, but it is what it is. They can complain, but they're talking to the wall when it comes to major legal licensing, CBS, and the big console companies.

    Now if they want to throw say 42million $US at the game for them to do with what they will, I'm sure they'll be more than willing to let that person get a say in something they do - maybe allow that person to play STO from the start, like everyone else.


    I'm only replying because you were suggesting something Cryptic and the other companies have already addressed and said no to. doesn't matter to me.

    I play STO because it's there, it's interesting, I don't have to deal with the business side and I don't have to do any of the design work for it. :D
  • wendysue53wendysue53 Member Posts: 1,569 Arc User
    mentioning this: XBox uses it's own servers as does PS4, etc., to help eliminate hacking, modding and other problems that developed with the PC/Mac. It was a business and security feature that help promote income to that company. You had to pay them to use it. Of course, this has been worked around by 3rd Parties since then (legally and illegally), but that was expected.
  • snova1987snova1987 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    When is the Duty Officer System going to be implemented for the console versions
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    snova1987 wrote: »
    When is the Duty Officer System going to be implemented for the console versions

    Soon, that's all we know for now, unless I've missed a post
  • sgtbandit#0971 sgtbandit Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    When is the full release of this game supposed to happen for xbox/playstation ? May be a stupid question but it is aggrivating to see all the doff required things and r&d things on the console and not have the ability to use them.
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    When is the full release of this game supposed to happen for xbox/playstation ? May be a stupid question but it is aggrivating to see all the doff required things and r&d things on the console and not have the ability to use them.

    No info yet that I've seen, the only patch I've seen since launch was to fix a crash issue, and that's been all so far, no other patches as far as I know
  • commanderleon2commanderleon2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Ahh! Chancoler Jempok won't give me my commander level ship. I tried restarting the game but that just made him disappear.
  • wildthyme467989wildthyme467989 Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    Ahh! Chancoler Jempok won't give me my commander level ship. I tried restarting the game but that just made him disappear.

    I've not really played as a Klingon yet, but can't you just go to the shipyard and claim it, that's what happens with Fed and Rom ships?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Ahh! Chancoler Jempok won't give me my commander level ship. I tried restarting the game but that just made him disappear.
    One of the Klingon "promotion" ships is actually a mission reward. Test of Mettle I think.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • adzcoin#1263 adzcoin Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi everyone I have played STO on my Pc but did not like having to play games on pc. Now that it is available on xbox one well I just had to go out and buy ONE just to play STO and while I like the game play don`t like the fact that I had been kicked out due to server issues. Must be some sort of glitch on STO side since I try and was able to play Halo online. Thanks for bringing sto to a Xbox one. I have become a life long supporter hope you guys can keep the game bug free as time goes by.
  • ohiogamersohiogamers Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    spike3082 wrote: »
    Talk about a ripoff to the lifetime subscribers that have played since before arc took over we should be rewarded and have our lifetime subscriptions cross over instead of lining your pockets again

    Thats nothing, I was part of the alpha testing teams from before the PC version hit shelves, and I don't get anything carried over. But since I didn't waste $300 on a PC Lifetime for STO, I did drop the $150 for the Xbox STO Lifetime, since they were running a sale on it. Kinda makes up for all I lost in the carry over. (kinda)
  • lazurkri#7447 lazurkri Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    Yay, we get it on the consoles; unfortunately, did NOONE goddamn playtest this TRIBBLE? We got stuff like weapons and set bonus' NOT working, TRIBBLE like certain missions being nearly impossible to complete (Fluid Dynamics anyone?), and the devs seemingly giving NO concern to the legitimate issues facing us console guys! Hell, we don't even have our own forums! we have to post bug issues in the pc forums! what the TRIBBLE?!
  • lazurkri#7447 lazurkri Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    > @jothan9092 said:
    > This must mean that the next patch will be updating the graphics on PC, which might be the game's issue. If the Console and PC players are on one server, then we on PC are playing with the old graphics while they see the new. Whence we're all seeing the same thing, it might be better.

    what "new graphics"? it looks like something from the mid 2000's.
  • lazurkri#7447 lazurkri Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    > @adorkabledori said:
    > Fair warning to the devs. Fix your bugs the soonest. Do not wait for months or years to come up with a solution, coz console players are far more less forgiving then pc players.

    You mean,ESPECIALLY given that the bugs I'm seeing are stupidly obvious, and 5 hours of ANY sort of playtesting would have seen them? Oh HELL yes. We on the consoles don't get yer PC insta-updates, so what we DO get, we like to have relatively bug free. We most CERTAINLY do NOT have a bug free launch. Hell, we are missing enourmous chunks of the game, like duty officers, R&D, factions, etc, and the game, amusingly enough, tells us to go join Omega fleet, DESPITE the fact that Omega IS NOT IN THE GAME.

    Grr. Cryptic, and PWG, get yer TRIBBLE together, fast.
  • terriblevisionterriblevision Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    LOL! I already stopped playing weeks ago because the camera constantly resetting to game breaking distances drives me crazy. That, and the fact I cannot generate EC to my taste due to the non-existant crafting system. Pretty sure PWE is doing it on purpose to syphon real money out of people for as long as they can justify it. (t.t) I keep checking twitter to see if they might give an ETA on the same TRIBBLE game play that was in the game day one PC release, and the only thing I get in-game is moronic, knee-jerk comments like, "be greatful its on console at all..." It's all very dubious to me; after all, didn't Neverwinter have crafting in it day one on consoles? For that matter, didn't it also have PvE queues?
  • randalmarrs#3720 randalmarrs Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Be careful with the acct bank. It can crash the game. For me it was trying to remove dilithium mining claims but I am sure it's not limited to that.
  • jzhnutzjzhnutz Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    Be careful with the acct bank. It can crash the game. For me it was trying to remove dilithium mining claims but I am sure it's not limited to that.

    Same thing to me... so now I have half my claims on the account bank and they can't be removed by anyone... goes straight to blue screen
  • sporbashsporbash Member Posts: 1 New User
    logged in after todays weekly maintenance, so far; I can't transwarp anywhere or enter Earth Spacedock as it sends me back to sector space once character is loading onto transporter pad. Hate to see what other issues have appeared
  • sgtbandit#0971 sgtbandit Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Drozana station broken on 2nd character , kdf questline on federation character, esd, ds9,dyson sphere, account bank and exchange on trade frieghter, switching between starship and shuttle , and last and most agrivating is loss of slipstream atm
  • randalmarrs#3720 randalmarrs Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Some quests are not playable or impossible to complete due to no quest markers or no prompt to progress. Temporal Ambassador quest cannot be progressed past the Redacted portion of the mission and you cannot leave the instance without joining an event or logging out. You cannot transwarp or depart because it takes place in the past.
  • wasago02wasago02 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    After maintenance is disaster cant go to home base on all chars and cant go to alfa qadrant all quests lines are combined in my Quest chart and much more. personaly im stop play this game until update and Bug fixed.otherwise its good game liked it much.
  • kadettilac1979kadettilac1979 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    @pwlaughingtrendy ...whe need the Fleet Holdings System as soon as possible... :'(
  • greedbecomesyou#7172 greedbecomesyou Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I noticed you deleted the thread about the botched turn rates, and also seem to have closed off the forum to new posts. Aside from the lack of updates and transparency, I would like to ask:

    When do you expect to have the turn rate issues remedied?
    Do you plan to extend the XP weekend to make amends for this folly for console players?
    Do you intend to re-implement the progress tab or any means by which a player can actually monitor their progress?

    You're losing players and money pretty fast on this one. This will be the 3rd day I haven't played, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    *Cruiser and Dred turn rates seem unaffected, and have not heard issues from PC players mainly just Xbox and PS4 escorts.
  • yddraiggoch81#9279 yddraiggoch81 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited October 2016
    Sorry if this has been posted before but is there any ongoing development to possibly include the second screen function on the ps4 to improve the console UI? Something in a LCARS theme as used like a ship console would be sweet.
    Post edited by yddraiggoch81#9279 on
  • thenac#1763 thenac Member Posts: 4 Arc User

    I am the leader of the PS4 fleet Scuzz Corps. We are a PS4 gaming community founded in early 2015 by several friends and US Marines. We wanted to create a clan where gamers from all over can come and feel welcome and enjoy playing and talking about their favorites games with others. Over the past few months we have evolved into a much larger group of gamers and we are continuing to grow everyday. We are currently looking to expand our fleet with more active and mature members. We we're the first fleet founded in game on the day Star Trek Online released on PS4. Since the games release we quickly jumped to the max of 500 members but have been removing the inactive members very often.

    We welcome all experience and non experienced MMO players that are looking for a home. We have players from all over the world and from ages teens to fifties. We unlocked all 8 fleet bank tabs in the first week and they are for all members to use. If you are interested in joining please fill out an application on our website.

    We are also established in some other games and are always looking to expand to more.

    Games we currently play:
    Star Trek Online
    Battlefield 1
    Rocket League
    7 Days to Die

    Our primary means of communication are through our website, Discord, and PSN community. We also have a Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. All of these are listed below so you can visit them.

    Our Websites/Social Media Pages:
    Website: www.scuzzcorps.com
    Discord: www.discord.scuzzcorps.com
    PSN Community: Scuzz Corps
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ScuzzCorps
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/ScuzzCorps
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCz9r7FU7_6yqsjxfm_1Wy7Q

    If you would like any more information, feel free to reply to this post or send me a PM here, or contact us on our website and we would be more than happy to provide you with any information you request.

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