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Canon Characters that I've never liked ..........



  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    To be fair, the whole 'Troi wrecking starships' thing is a bit unfair.

    The Enterprise D was already gone and its loss could be blamed on the original helmsman, Data, or La Forge as well.
    She rammed the E in the Scimitar by order of Picard.

    Archer. Another not-so-likeable character indeed. Had too much trouble controlling his emotions when things got tough, resulting in him screaming to his own crew, ignoring valid objections and during the first two seasons just showed a severe lack of competence while he didn't seem to understand that he was not the captain of a luxury liner (preferring to go out for a walk and get some fresh air instead of allowing for more rigorous scientific investigation through the use of probes as T'Pol suggested for example).
  • boachevboachev Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    TOS- I honestly liked everyone
    TNG- Shut up, Wesley. Also, Troi is completely worthless and has terrible episodes.
    DS9- What's with all the Kira hate? I loved her as a character. Jadzia, however, constantly makes me roll my eyes. We get it, you've lived a bunch of lifetimes and know basically everything because of it. Doesn't make you being a smug, insufferable know-it-all any more excusable. You'd think that in over eight lifetimes the Dax symbiont would've learned humility, but clearly not.
    VOY- Neelix and Harry Kim both compete for "worst Trek regular ever". Even more depressing is the fact that they originally planned to kill Harry Kim, but Garrett Wang was given a middling rank in "sexiest men alive" so instead we offed Kes... sticking us with four more years of Harry Kim doing basically nothing.
    ENT- Like, almost the entire crew? Okay, T'Pol could be a little obnoxious (though not Dax level), but has her moments. Dr. Phlox really grated me and once committed mass genocide because he's a really, really awful doctor. Then you got Trip. Trip "I'm just a good ol' Southern Boy, but I'm a genius engineer, but I was never good at math in school cause I'm from the South you see" Tucker. Is he a stereotypical backwoods redneck that inexplicably ended up running a starship, or is a down-to-earth genius that bucks those stereotypes? Enterprise never could decide, but it did lead me deciding that he sucked as a character. Really, I feel for Malcolm Reed: he seemed like the one completely sane, competent person in a crew inexplicably composed of madmen and idiots.
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I doubt anyone could be blamed for the Ent-D crashing, considering they were close enough to the exploding stardive that the engines were probably screwed by the explosion. One ship crashes while you're driving and no-one lets you live it down...

    Archer was an awful diplomat!
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Hmm I didn't really like anyone from Enterprise. They were all pretty boring characters with no personalities, especially the bridge crew, not so much Archer.
    But I generally like Bakula.

    TOS, liked petty much everyone.
    TNG liked pretty much everyone. Wesley was annoying, but I give him a pass for saving the ship in The Game, and dating ensign Robin Lefler (Ashley Judd).

    DS9 - Meh, not bad but not great. No standouts. Didn't like any of the female characters.

    Voy - Meh, not bad but not great. No standouts, except maybe Tuvok and Doctor.

    Does Phlox count as bridge crew? He was pretty much one of the reasons I dug ENT through the first season. He was just fun.

    Characters I don't like?

    For the longest time I didn't like Odo. But in rewatching the series, I really dig him now. And NOW, it's his romance arc with Kira I dislike because I feel it gets him away from his core character. I don't know I'm conflicted. Also a lot of the Bajoran metaplot I have problems with in the post 9-11 era, as the "terrorists" are portrayed as the good guys and DS9 is pretty dark as is. But I fully understand Kira's character so always liked her. And going to shows/cons and hearing Nana Visitor speak about that show is really a treat so she doesn't make my list.

    I really Jeri Ryan's other work but think Seven of Nine is a poorly realized character. That's less her fault though and more the writers. I can see why Kes gets more visceral hate-like reaction though. The Ocampa life cycle is weird, and the whole idea on what her overall story was supposed to be seemed to not be well executed.

    For the first few seasons I didn't like Tom Paris much but he grew on me really quickly as the series matured. While for the first few seasons I really dug Chakotay but he eventually became a non-entity for me.

    Seska and Lon Suder I would have loved to have seen more of.

    The Doctor I liked a lot, the whole thing of him not having a name was annoying as heck though. Just pick a name and move on.

    Tuvok has been and always will be my favorite Voyager character. And STO really only amplifies that. :) Kudos to Cryptic for all the Tim Russ VO content.

    TNG and TOS have passed a certain point of no return for me where I've seen the episodes so many times and have so much nostalgia and good memories wrapped up in them that I can't find anything about either series I dislike. Especially the characters. Sorry.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    I never hated any character on the shows but I found some uninteresting and boring, like Geordie for example. Or Malcolm Reed. Chakotay never did anything for me either.
  • shadowedwolf841shadowedwolf841 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    It's funny... My friend and I were discussing this at length the other day. Trek has had many good actors, but their parts were just poorly written... Or pointless.

    ToS - Chapel & Rand were two that I could do without. I can't even say why, really. It would have been cool if they'd have done more with M'Benga... Having him back up McCoy, as opposed to Chapel.

    TNG - Yar. When I was little, I thought she was cool, but as I get older, and re-watched the series, I just couldn't get into her. She's kinda useless as a security guard. Pulaski was to much too. I know they were going for the spirit of McCoy... But where Spcok and McCoy had a grudging respect for each other, I felt Pulaski just didn't show it. Also, unlike Spock, Data was to naive to really snip back. Troi was useless as well, though I'll give her a pass because she did have some good parts... But sadly most of her episodes were just... Bleh. I think she'd have been better as a minor, re-occuring character.

    DS9 - Dax, in both forms. Jadzia acted like a spoiled brat and just rubbed me the wrong way. Ezri was a neurotic mess... Probably not the best trait for a counselor to have. Say what you will about Troi, at least she had self confidence. Then there is Kira. I understand her anger and what not... And there were some really well written episodes, but she never seemed to learn her lesson. She mellowed a bit as the series went, but the first couple seasons... To much. Rom... He's just written so pathetically...

    Voyager - Kim, Tom, Torres, Neelix... Kim & Torres are just to bland. I went into Voyager thinking they'd be my favorites... I was wrong. Kim is just to pathetic. He's actually more pathetic than Rom. Torres is just way to hot headed to be in charge of anything. Neelix... He's like that annoying coworker that won't shut up. He tires to hard. Tom just annoys me because he knows everything about everything. And then there is Chakoty... That was just bad writing. He wasn't a strong character... And a stereotype. It's a pity they wouldn't just pick a tribe and roll with that so he didn't feel so... Forced.

    Enterprise - It'll be easier to list who didn't annoy me. Reed & Porthos. Reed. aside from being a gun nut, he was probably the most qualified person on the ship. Everyone else was just so... Watching scenes with Archer, Tucker and T'Pol make me long for nails on a chalkboard. Merryweather may as well been an extra. Hoshi was so paranoid it's impressive it didn't infect the crew. Phlox was... Not someone I'd want as a doctor. The fact Archer had to make a comment to NOT experiment on his dog should speak volumes. T'Pol was a hypocrite. Tucker was a bumbling idiot and Archer... He's all over the place. The show and characters finally did start to get better, but by then, it was just to late. It really is a shame too, they had some great actors in the show, they just had some poor writing and characterization.

    So, that's my overly long two cents. Its really is a pity though. Most of those rolls had great actors filling their roles, they just didn't have a good writer to make them engaging.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    Torres... well. This fake version of Worf never did much that seemed even remotely Klingon. Worf was a much better human-Klingon hybrid (or more accurately: he represented much better what a human-Klingon hybrid would be like).
    B'lanna was basically raised as a Human, so yeah, she knew nearly nothing about Klingon society. That aspect of her character made sense to me. She basically found her Klingon side to be a nuisance while growing up.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    Odo was my favorite DS9 character.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
  • captainhunter1captainhunter1 Member Posts: 1,630 Arc User
    Shouldn't this thread be in 10 Forward?

    That said, I thought Gates McFadden left the show because one of the staff (writer?) was stalking her. Once that guy was gone, she was talked into coming back.
  • telbasta7386telbasta7386 Member Posts: 761 Arc User
    Why does everyone hate kes? or Hoshi? They werent THAT bad.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Why does everyone hate kes? or Hoshi? They werent THAT bad.
    Yeah I thought Kes was a neat character and really hated to see her go. Her interactions with 7 were kinda fun.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    I like everyone from TOS seasons 1 & 2 except Chapel.

    And dislike everyone and everything that came after.
  • irm1963irm1963 Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    I like everyone from TOS seasons 1 & 2 except Chapel.

    And dislike everyone and everything that came after.

    Yeah we get that, but what about Trek characters ? :)
  • nixie50nixie50 Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    the only characters I really disliked were Jake Sisko, and Neelix. not annoying and superfluous and Seven. yea I know she was brought on for the babe factor but i am just not a fan of Jeri Ryan, and I don't find her that attractive. i would not call Pulaski a regular any more than i would call the recurring actors that turn up. I think barclay had more appearances between voyager and TNG than Pulaski did.
    We Need BERETS in the tailor
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    I focus more on disliking episodes as opposed to the characters. There were some really bad ones, mainly due to inexperience, early stages of character development, or just plain bad writing. Occasionally the actors themselves contributed to the poor product, but it's clear (to me at least) that these things usually got better over time.
  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    Moved to more appropriate forum category.
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »

    Umm no Muldare was main cast for season 2, then she was fired. Just like Sasha Alexander was main cast for the first 2 seasons of NCIS, though her replacement Cote De Pablo was in far more episodes, & Dwight Schultz was only in 11 episodes & 1 film.
    AFAIK Diane Muldaur got replaced because of fan outcry demanding Crusher to return.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    For what it's worth, I've really enjoyed reading everyone's stated preferences on which characters didn't work for them and the reasons why.

    Thank you all for responding!!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Sadly, the crime of 'not being sexy enough' combined with writers who didn't know what to do with her was enough to see her off. So far as I recall it was supposed to be Garret Wang, but he received a pointless popularity vote in 'People' magazine which got him off the hook.
    Actually, "not sexy" was far from a valid reason to ditch Kes. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Sadly, the crime of 'not being sexy enough' combined with writers who didn't know what to do with her was enough to see her off. So far as I recall it was supposed to be Garret Wang, but he received a pointless popularity vote in 'People' magazine which got him off the hook.
    Actually, "not sexy" was far from a valid reason to ditch Kes. :p
    it's far from a valid reason to ditch ANY female character, which is why no sane producer would ever use that reason when firing an actress​​
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  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    risian4 wrote: »
    Torres... well. This fake version of Worf never did much that seemed even remotely Klingon. Worf was a much better human-Klingon hybrid (or more accurately: he represented much better what a human-Klingon hybrid would be like).
    Well if that's how you view the character, no wonder you're not getting the most out of her... :D B'Elanna deliberately rejected Klingon culture, and had endured racist abuse as a child... She should actually be compared to Spock, not Worf, and is the anti-Spock. Spock was half-Human, and spent his life (until he was regenerated on Genesis) trying to not only deny his Human heritage, but overcome the stigma attached to it (by other Vulcans) B'Elanna spent her life trying to deny she was part-Klingon...

    Worf, on the other hand, was a wholly different kettle of fish... He was a full-blood Klingon who had been raised by Humans, in Human society, so wanted to prove to everyone that he was Just As Klingon as any other, but compared to Empire Raised Klingons, he was just a wannabe... In the early TNG episode, he was always a few beats behind the other Klingons, who could read the insecurity in him (Kurn later pointed out that a Klingon could look another in the eye and instinctively tell the instinct to kill) He could also never 'let himself go' around Humans, which we also later learned in a DS-9, was because he had accidentally killed another boy when they butted heads playing soccer, so he was simultaneously both trying to Be A Klingon, and knowing he had to restrain himself...

    So to be fair, B'Elanna was no 'fake-Worf' ;)

  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    Never liked Jonathan Archer...
  • lordrezeonlordrezeon Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    suki36 wrote: »
    I never cared for Riker, at least, early Riker, the later seasons and the movies he was fine (after he calmed down) , but in the first four or so seasons he was incredibly mercurial. I understood the need for drama, but when he starts yelling at the person he's agreeing with (mostly Picard about some ethical issue) it starts to grate. Which was one of the reasons I liked the character of Jelico so much, he was one of the few folks that called him on his stuff and put Riker in his place.

    I also didn't care for Seven of Nine. But not because of any fault in the writing. My take is that she was written to be offensive, smug, overbearing, unlikable, and rigid and Jeri crushed that role.

    Heh, I like Jellico for that reason as well. The character definitely didn't deserve the elitist hazing that he got from the Enterprise crew.

    Lets see as for my picks...

    Scotty - This is going to sound odd, but I never liked Scotty as he was portrayed in the show. His characterization just rubbed me the wrong way, especially his obsession with scotch. Thankfully by the TMP era many of those quirks were worked out and he became a much better character.

    Picard - Mostly for his elitist attitude, which was at its worst in the early seasons. His later shift to being an action hero in the movies also never felt right.
    Riker - Oddly as a kid I liked his character, but when I got older and re-watched old episodes I grew kind of disgusted with the character. He is honesty a bully towards his subordinates, constantly trying to throw his weight around in situations where it just wasn't appropriate.
    Wesley - Obviously for being a writer's pet Marty Sue. If they had just made him a rookie ensign instead of a kid benefiting from nepotism I wouldn't have minded him.
    Troi - This isn't so much due to the characters personality or performance, but rather because of the poorly conceived job that the character performed. In a world where civilization has abandoned the darker impulses of greed, envy, and bigotry, why on earth would you need to have a counselor on the bridge right next to the captain?

    For the most part I actually like all the characters in differing ways. I guess that is what happens when you write the characters as people instead of collections of ethnic stereotypes.

    Janeway - Ah, Mad Kathy, where to even begin... Pretty much everything about the way she was written was fundamentally flawed. With every writer trying to portray her differently even actress Kate Mulgrew felt the character had a psychological condition... If any captain needed a counselor sitting next to her, it would be Janeway.
    Chakotay - Less a character than a walking collection of ethnic stereotypes. Even the aspect of being the outsider was abandoned to turn him into just another incompetent yes-man to make Janeway look strong.
    Kim - Such a waste of a character, pretty much a glorified punching bag for the writers.
    Neelix - The writers thought they were giving us a Han Solo type charming rogue, instead we got a sleazy used car salesman.

    Archer - A selfish immature man who was totally unfit to be in a position of authority. His idea of leadership was to make demands and whine like a child if things didn't go his way.
    Mayweather - A glorified extra who never really did enough to warrant his status as one of the advertised main cast members.
    Tucker - Another man who felt unfit for his position. You never want your audience to ask the question of whether a character is qualified to do his job.
    T'Pol - The most openly emotional Vulcan ever... Apparently the writers were confused and thought stoics were just arrogant.

    Kelvin Timeline:
    Kirk - An example of Hollywood trying to turn an authority figure into a rebel without a cause. Kirks rapid rise to power despite breaking all the rules just reeks of poor writing.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Sadly, the crime of 'not being sexy enough' combined with writers who didn't know what to do with her was enough to see her off. So far as I recall it was supposed to be Garret Wang, but he received a pointless popularity vote in 'People' magazine which got him off the hook.
    Actually, "not sexy" was far from a valid reason to ditch Kes. :p
    it's far from a valid reason to ditch ANY female character, which is why no sane producer would ever use that reason when firing an actress​​
    I meant that Kes was very good looking, and thus they didn't actually replace her with someone "sexier"...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    lordrezeon wrote: »
    suki36 wrote: »
    I never cared for Riker, at least, early Riker, the later seasons and the movies he was fine (after he calmed down) , but in the first four or so seasons he was incredibly mercurial. I understood the need for drama, but when he starts yelling at the person he's agreeing with (mostly Picard about some ethical issue) it starts to grate. Which was one of the reasons I liked the character of Jelico so much, he was one of the few folks that called him on his stuff and put Riker in his place.

    I also didn't care for Seven of Nine. But not because of any fault in the writing. My take is that she was written to be offensive, smug, overbearing, unlikable, and rigid and Jeri crushed that role.

    Heh, I like Jellico for that reason as well. The character definitely didn't deserve the elitist hazing that he got from the Enterprise crew.

    Lets see as for my picks...

    Scotty - This is going to sound odd, but I never liked Scotty as he was portrayed in the show. His characterization just rubbed me the wrong way, especially his obsession with scotch. Thankfully by the TMP era many of those quirks were worked out and he became a much better character.

    Picard - Mostly for his elitist attitude, which was at its worst in the early seasons. His later shift to being an action hero in the movies also never felt right.
    Riker - Oddly as a kid I liked his character, but when I got older and re-watched old episodes I grew kind of disgusted with the character. He is honesty a bully towards his subordinates, constantly trying to throw his weight around in situations where it just wasn't appropriate.
    Wesley - Obviously for being a writer's pet Marty Sue. If they had just made him a rookie ensign instead of a kid benefiting from nepotism I wouldn't have minded him.
    Troi - This isn't so much due to the characters personality or performance, but rather because of the poorly conceived job that the character performed. In a world where civilization has abandoned the darker impulses of greed, envy, and bigotry, why on earth would you need to have a counselor on the bridge right next to the captain?

    For the most part I actually like all the characters in differing ways. I guess that is what happens when you write the characters as people instead of collections of ethnic stereotypes.

    Janeway - Ah, Mad Kathy, where to even begin... Pretty much everything about the way she was written was fundamentally flawed. With every writer trying to portray her differently even actress Kate Mulgrew felt the character had a psychological condition... If any captain needed a counselor sitting next to her, it would be Janeway.
    Chakotay - Less a character than a walking collection of ethnic stereotypes. Even the aspect of being the outsider was abandoned to turn him into just another incompetent yes-man to make Janeway look strong.
    Kim - Such a waste of a character, pretty much a glorified punching bag for the writers.
    Neelix - The writers thought they were giving us a Han Solo type charming rogue, instead we got a sleazy used car salesman.

    Archer - A selfish immature man who was totally unfit to be in a position of authority. His idea of leadership was to make demands and whine like a child if things didn't go his way.
    Mayweather - A glorified extra who never really did enough to warrant his status as one of the advertised main cast members.
    Tucker - Another man who felt unfit for his position. You never want your audience to ask the question of whether a character is qualified to do his job.
    T'Pol - The most openly emotional Vulcan ever... Apparently the writers were confused and thought stoics were just arrogant.

    Kelvin Timeline:
    Kirk - An example of Hollywood trying to turn an authority figure into a rebel without a cause. Kirks rapid rise to power despite breaking all the rules just reeks of poor writing.
    To be fair, he did once say he didn't want to set himself on fire just to prove his uniform was flame-retardent ;) I have to agree though, it took about three and a half years for me to warm up to Trip, and see him as anything other than an ignorant redneck with no business in a uniform... He's the guy that your friends introduce as "He's great when you get to know him..." (which usually translates as "he's an a55, but you get used to it..." :D )
    Post edited by marcusdkane on
  • lordrezeonlordrezeon Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Part of Trip's problem was that he came across as having the skill level of an automotive mechanic rather than being highly skilled and educated in rocket science. Sadly a big part of this is the fault of the writers trying to portray levels of science and engineering that was far beyond their own knowledge level, combined with Trek's rampant use of space magic masquerading as science.
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    lordrezeon wrote: »
    Part of Trip's problem was that he came across as having the skill level of an automotive mechanic rather than being highly skilled and educated in rocket science. Sadly a big part of this is the fault of the writers trying to portray levels of science and engineering that was far beyond their own knowledge level, combined with Trek's rampant use of space magic masquerading as science.
    Absolutely so, and an amateur one at that
    Scotty had the reputation as being a miracle worker, Geordi and Wesley both came across as qualified engineers, B'Elanna as someone who had the potential, and made up for formal education with ingenuity. O'Brien, also clearly a guy who Knew His Stuff... Trip, nope, that never came across... Just the image of a redneck who's come in from 'taking a look' at his uncle-daddy's truck and got it working again...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    I think the issue with Trip was not any sort of displayed in competence but audience reaction to his mannerisms.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    I think the issue with Trip was not any sort of displayed in competence but audience reaction to his mannerisms.
    It's the audience's fault they don't like the character, rather than the fault of the writing and actor presentation? :confused: He never did anything blatantly incompetent, but neither did he come across as a trained professional...
  • wombat140wombat140 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    TOS: Nurse Chapel. She's just so hopeless, and so drippy that she's embarrassing for a woman to watch. Though in later episodes she's, if not improved exactly, then at least shown flashes of the less hopeless character she might be if we ever saw her in any other situation than moping over Spock. To start with, I didn't like Yeoman Rand, but after seeing Chapel I found myself warming to Rand... she may be exclusively a Love Interest, but at least she appears to know what she's doing and has some guts. (And her hair is so funny :D )
    Major Kira (DS9). Seems to react to EVERYTHING by going off the deep end and behaving unprofessionally and completely unfairly, and they let her. The character's very believable and I sometimes feel sorry for her, but that doesn't alter the sense that she's a menace and should not be there. I didn't like Odo at first but he grew on me, after watching for a bit you start to see that there are reasons behind him being so unpleasant.
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