It's nice that console players will get some incentives, but won't they still get the free TG Defiant Valiant and the Enterprise-era uniforms and NX-01? If not, then this seems very reasonable. If so, then why not extend the promotion to include PC players?I love the ST II-VI era uniforms, they're just sharp. And I wouldn't mind a crack at the lil Steamrunner meself, especially for Admiralty assignments, the more ships the better.
I have a question about the recently announced exclusives. I'm a fan of the Steamrunner class, which was announced as an Xbox One exclusive, but I own a PS4. Is there going to be any other way for PS4 players to still acquire the Steamrunner class?
Probably not the starter version. Given the length of time you spend in them, it's really not worth anything they may charge to get it. It's the reason why the starter Andorian ship is by far the rarest in the game, probably still even after the Gold Nagus debacle.
Well, I got the Steamrunner as part of the Steam Starter Pack for only $5, and it was bundled with a few other things; personally, I found that it was absolutely worth that price, and if they sell it for that low again then I'd gladly go for it. But that's just my personal opinion of it I'm just wondering what the official word from Cryptic about it is.
Cool My question is and everyone else im sure with the release of it on console will the Defera Invasion Zone be in it or will it be fixed in Console version or Dropped all together
I want to know if there will be a way to link your accounts so that all the stuff you have will be the stuff on PC too. i also would like to know if the servers will be cross platform or PC and xbox/ps4 servers... Hmm i cant wait for the next new update
Quick question. I have a lifetime membership, but have not played for a few years (felt like too much of a money grab, not much content development and too many loot boxes). However it is appealing that this is moving to Xbox. Will my lifetime membership transfer over to that platform?
This is for all pc players no your membership WILL NOT CARRY OVER AND NO IT WILL NOT BE CROSSPLAY AND NO YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT JUST BECAUSE YOUR A PC PLAYER OR A LIFE TIME MEMBER if you want to play on consoles then youll start from the beginning just like the rest of console players sick and tired of some pc players thinking they deserve preferential treatment on consoles damn no just no.
This is for all pc players no your membership WILL NOT CARRY OVER AND NO IT WILL NOT BE CROSSPLAY AND NO YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT JUST BECAUSE YOUR A PC PLAYER OR A LIFE TIME MEMBER if you want to play on consoles then youll start from the beginning just like the rest of console players sick and tired of some pc players thinking they deserve preferential treatment on consoles damn no just no.
I don't know what you expect from this game. It's a big cash grab, they sell $150 packs every expansion and constantly throw boxes at you that can be opened with real money..
o.o; I'm a LTS and for at least 2 years, the game wouldn't even start up on my computer because of a glitch.. I'd rather play on PS4 but spending money on this game already seems pretty ludicrous, not being able to use what I buy on any platform compounds that. Starting a new character is pretty trivial by comparison.
Sorry but just because you buy something on the pc does NOT give any pc player the right to expect preferential treatment on consoles and it is just arrogance to think that you can come over to consoles and be allowed access to things that would take console players months to unlock sto on consoles has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with pc players i have made this argument before the fact is that this is solely about console players finally having a chance to experience sto for themselves and am Sorry but i as a console player for one neither welcome nor want pc players on consoles it would just destroy what would most likely be a great experience so in short no pc players should never be allowed access or transfer of there data to consoles end of story.
I am a formcer STO PC player, and am indeed looking forward to its arrival on the XB1.
As a former PC player who did hit max rank (originally 50, then later 60), it would be a nice treat to have items such as my Odyssey class ship, complete with it's full Borg set upgrades (and just to give context as regards time, I was one of the lucky players that logged in during an event weekend, where all logged in players were given Odysseys for free!).
However I am glad that that will not happen, because it will be much more satisfying for me to get to the leel where I can buy a new Odyssey instead.
Former PC Neverwinter players did not get any benefits when they started on the console version, and again I was one of them.
If a PC player wants to keep access to any gear etc they have, then stay on the PC, because that stuff is not coming across the divide. If the enjoyment in working to get that stuff again appeals, then migrate over, but be aware that while the galaxy will look the same, it will be a completely seperate entity.
I agree 100% part of the fun is earning the things you want. Pc players coming in with 6 years of rewards a console player would not have access to is creating a unfair playing field. Not to mention a monopoly on guilds. Since those players could get the resources faster for them.
I agree 100% part of the fun is earning the things you want. Pc players coming in with 6 years of rewards a console player would not have access to is creating a unfair playing field. Not to mention a monopoly on guilds. Since those players could get the resources faster for them.
This is still going to happen. Don't forget that the pc gamers who have been in the game for years and who do switch will be bringing in the knowledge of how to play the game. You can bet that the first fleet (its what guilds are called in STO) to complete tier 5 starbase and T3 holdings will be lead by a former PC gamer. The first to reach Tier 5 reps and have all the maxed out gear on their fleet ships, again a PC gamer.
The only reason they will be the first up the ladder is we have been at it for years. That means they know the fastest way to level, Which fleet holding to build up first and the like. STO has a steep learning curve. it will take the new console players a bit to figure out how to play, but once they do its anybody's game.
Oh and any console player who wants to get a head start on that learning curve and download the game to the pc until the console is released. Look me up, in game, I'll get you a bit of knowledge that you can take with you.
Knowledge is fine and I am okay with that. I mainly meant having access to ships and other items that a console player would not at the start. As long as those pc players where willing to help others learn and treat them as equals and not lesser gamers for playing on console. Then I would be happy to play with them. Just would like us to be starting out with the same stuff
I agree 100% part of the fun is earning the things you want. Pc players coming in with 6 years of rewards a console player would not have access to is creating a unfair playing field. Not to mention a monopoly on guilds. Since those players could get the resources faster for them.
This is still going to happen. Don't forget that the pc gamers who have been in the game for years and who do switch will be bringing in the knowledge of how to play the game. You can bet that the first fleet (its what guilds are called in STO) to complete tier 5 starbase and T3 holdings will be lead by a former PC gamer. The first to reach Tier 5 reps and have all the maxed out gear on their fleet ships, again a PC gamer.
I think the knowledge might be mostly relevant for building your ship, but for other things - a lot of our knowledge now is also based on things like how the Exchange market operates - and the beginning will be different then what we have on the PC. (At some point it should get similar).
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Quick question in my mmo experience I've always gone for a tanky defense like build what would be the best starting choices for said build would really appreciate any advice.
Class it would be engineer and ship wise the cruiser and battle cruiser are consider tank ships but I believe any ship can work just depends on your equipment and powers
Lapsed PC player here, who is very much looking forward to the release on Xbox. Honestly, the console just better fits my lifestyle at this point. (C: Anywho... have we heard any word on whether Foundry will be included in the console version? If not, do we think it will be possible for Foundry missions to be created on the PC (I'd be more than happy to load it up on my laptop, and create) to be played on the console version?
You know I've just noticed how much more civil the conversations are on the sto forums then some others just started a conversation on the resident evil 7 wiki forums about how it seemed the game was abandoning its routes and i got shot to *hit by a bunch of sjws the amount of TRIBBLE they hit you with is nuts.
Some games have fans who will defend it at all cost and bash any talk mention a game feeling different or being bad. I think most Star Trek fans just look to have fun in the universe we love and hope any changes only make the game better
But why deny console users such a great opportunity sto is 1 of if not the most popular mmo next to WOW so why not let console players have a chance to experience sto seems kind of selfish
Why are people against PC users having their purchases available on the console version? I can understand having to start new characters on the consoles because certain features, fleets, and some other things will not carry over. Microsoft essentially gives you the PC or XBOX One version of a game classes as "Play Anywhere" when you purchase it from them on one of the two platforms. Charging people twice for the same content seems unfair and wrong, at least in my personal opinion.
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
I would not mind it as much as long as they kept it to where you did not have pc players bullying or calling the new console players noob. like I have said it just seems unfair to not give console players a chance to enjoy the games like everyone else on pc did. Now if in a month or 2 they wanted to allow it I would be okay. As for the pc and Xbox thing that is not even started yet. An I think was only plan for a few games with more possibly in the near future
I'm playing on PS4 regardless, but it would be nice if the lifetime membership bonuses carried over. I don't want the ships or anything, I want to relevel and regear. PC slowly became outdated and I decided to just move to consoles. It probably won't transfer, but we can always dream. Now tell us a release date please.
My god it is UNBELIEVABLE the selfishness of some people if pc players are granted such a selfish thing consoles players will end up getting the game removed from consoles there is NO way console users are going to tolerate some selfish pc players being granted preferential treatment and the fact that pc players think that they Should be given preferential treatment on consoles is NOTHING but stupidity why should we be forced to start with nothing but YOUR allowed access to all high tier content that would take months to unlock for console users pc players will not get preferential treatment if they do i feel sorry for arcgames lol because i can all but guarantee console players will cause nothing but hell for pc gamer if such a disgusting thing is allowed if arcgames has any intelligence they will just ignore the pc gamer asking for this or flat out refuse there selfish disgusting request.
Kyle you have said selfish pc players. How exactly are they doing that? By asking for things they have bought or character transfer I think not. They just do not want to have to buy it again. Second disgusting is a harsh word to use for a simply request.
To all the pc players planning or thinking of coming to console. Remember cryptic said one of the main reasons for not doing transfers was to create a equal footing for all players on the console.
I think some folks are under the misconception that this game will some how be a level playing field at day one. It will not and it never has been. Even without porting over, a pc player can easily just pay $$$ and have all the fancy stuff from day one. Buy the LTS, buy the ship bundles, buy dilithium without grinding for it and then use there pc knowledge to most efficiently build the ships. Leveling is way too easy and takes a week or two not months. Reputation yes a little longer but still not even necessary to be at the top of your game if you spend cold hard cash. I'm going to try it on ps4 but I won't spend more money unless I like it and the playerbase is larger. I'm already in a very large fleet that is planning for console as we speak. The timers will be the only thing slowing any of the whales down. Nothing will be on console that isn't on PC first anyways so it's just preference and player numbers for me.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
Kyle, PC players who migrate over will NOT get any form of preferential treatment, Arc/Cryptic/PW already set that precedent with Neverwinter a year and a half ago.
As regards the query about Forge, given that it's been (very close to) 18 months since Neverwinter hit the XB1 (and over a year since it hit PS4), and we still do not have Forge there, I'm doubtful that we will see Forge in STO on the consoles at any point in the forseeable future.
Well, I got the Steamrunner as part of the Steam Starter Pack for only $5, and it was bundled with a few other things; personally, I found that it was absolutely worth that price, and if they sell it for that low again then I'd gladly go for it. But that's just my personal opinion of it
"Oh Lord, Please don't let me F-up"
I don't know what you expect from this game. It's a big cash grab, they sell $150 packs every expansion and constantly throw boxes at you that can be opened with real money..
o.o; I'm a LTS and for at least 2 years, the game wouldn't even start up on my computer because of a glitch.. I'd rather play on PS4 but spending money on this game already seems pretty ludicrous, not being able to use what I buy on any platform compounds that. Starting a new character is pretty trivial by comparison.
As a former PC player who did hit max rank (originally 50, then later 60), it would be a nice treat to have items such as my Odyssey class ship, complete with it's full Borg set upgrades (and just to give context as regards time, I was one of the lucky players that logged in during an event weekend, where all logged in players were given Odysseys for free!).
However I am glad that that will not happen, because it will be much more satisfying for me to get to the leel where I can buy a new Odyssey instead.
Former PC Neverwinter players did not get any benefits when they started on the console version, and again I was one of them.
If a PC player wants to keep access to any gear etc they have, then stay on the PC, because that stuff is not coming across the divide. If the enjoyment in working to get that stuff again appeals, then migrate over, but be aware that while the galaxy will look the same, it will be a completely seperate entity.
This is still going to happen. Don't forget that the pc gamers who have been in the game for years and who do switch will be bringing in the knowledge of how to play the game. You can bet that the first fleet (its what guilds are called in STO) to complete tier 5 starbase and T3 holdings will be lead by a former PC gamer. The first to reach Tier 5 reps and have all the maxed out gear on their fleet ships, again a PC gamer.
The only reason they will be the first up the ladder is we have been at it for years. That means they know the fastest way to level, Which fleet holding to build up first and the like. STO has a steep learning curve. it will take the new console players a bit to figure out how to play, but once they do its anybody's game.
Oh and any console player who wants to get a head start on that learning curve and download the game to the pc until the console is released. Look me up, in game, I'll get you a bit of knowledge that you can take with you.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
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To all the pc players planning or thinking of coming to console. Remember cryptic said one of the main reasons for not doing transfers was to create a equal footing for all players on the console.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
As regards the query about Forge, given that it's been (very close to) 18 months since Neverwinter hit the XB1 (and over a year since it hit PS4), and we still do not have Forge there, I'm doubtful that we will see Forge in STO on the consoles at any point in the forseeable future.