I wonder how many people learned from the Kelvin lockbox. You know, the fact that winning the ship on a KDF alt (and selling it) gets you 2 of the FED ships from the exchange.
Who am I kidding? No one learned anything from that.
From what I can tell from the post, there won't be a repeat of the Tragedy of the Kelvin.
It looks like this will work the same way that the old temporal ship boxes did, there will be a 'TOS t6 box' that you win, and it dispenses the appropriate ship from the prize box based on which faction it's opened on.
That's what I got from it and I hope I'm right!
It may be like the stuff from the Infinity box, where you have to actually claim the box first to be able to trade it, although I hope it's what you're thinking. Sadly, I would bet on the former, not the latter.
To quote Dragons Den "i won't be investing, so i'm out" thats my 2 strips of GPL about this gambleship, and thats all the money you'll ever see from me again.
You already were well on you're way to putting any self respecting Ferengi to shame with your greed but since the AOY recruitment event and HELL NO ! it was not an expansion, you have took it up a further level, congratulations you earned even a Ferengi's contempt.
First they make efforts to lower the dil in addition to the AoY bonuses, then a week or so after they do a bonus dil week which increases dil back up (which has now ended) but the dil didn't go back down as much as it was before the event, and now they have this r&d event which increases the dil back up all over again but even higher this time. It's as if all previous attempts to lower the dil were completely undone and very quickly at that due to both the bonus dil week and the upcoming r&d promotion.
Through breaking waves and vicious storms /
Against lightning's fury and thunder's scorn /
Only through fire is order forged /
WIth vibrant glory /
A sword
Iconians: "Cryptic could not possibly troll the playerbase more after shoving the Kelvin Timeline Connie in a lockbox."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's a T6 Nagus Marauder for players with unwavering loyalty."
Iconians: "Okay... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase more after the T6 Nagus Marauder."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's some much-requested costumes and they cost a ridiculous amount of refined dilithium to claim as single-character items."
Iconians: "Okay, wow... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase further after--"
Cryptic: "We're just gonna stop you right there, Iconians. Here's a T6 Connie, and it's in an R&D Promo box. The D7 and T'Liss warbird too."
Iconians: "... okay, I'm just going to shut the **** up."
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I wouldn't mind a T6 Oberth honestly. However as for the Connie shouldn't they give it a bigger updated design while still sticking as close as possible to the original design?
Iconians: "Cryptic could not possibly troll the playerbase more after shoving the Kelvin Timeline Connie in a lockbox."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's a T6 Nagus Marauder for players with unwavering loyalty."
Iconians: "Okay... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase more after the T6 Nagus Marauder."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's some much-requested costumes and they cost a ridiculous amount of refined dilithium to claim as single-character items."
Iconians: "Okay, wow... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase further after--"
Cryptic: "We're just gonna stop you right there, Iconians. Here's a T6 Connie, and it's in an R&D Promo box. The D7 and T'Liss warbird too."
Iconians: "... okay, I'm just going to shut the **** up."
Plus the most daft / stupid thing about this?
How do they expect to top this for the actual anniversary?
What could they possibly offer us players that would be better then having to do a mission released on the 8th September to get these ships?
I might accept having a "nerfed" version of the ship (tier 5.5--no special console or T6 power) available as a reward for such a mission . . .
Iconians: "Cryptic could not possibly troll the playerbase more after shoving the Kelvin Timeline Connie in a lockbox."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's a T6 Nagus Marauder for players with unwavering loyalty."
Iconians: "Okay... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase more after the T6 Nagus Marauder."
Cryptic: "Challenge accepted. Here's some much-requested costumes and they cost a ridiculous amount of refined dilithium to claim as single-character items."
Iconians: "Okay, wow... so they can't possibly troll the playerbase further after--"
Cryptic: "We're just gonna stop you right there, Iconians. Here's a T6 Connie, and it's in an R&D Promo box. The D7 and T'Liss warbird too."
Iconians: "... okay, I'm just going to shut the **** up."
He. Hehehehe. Put the connie in a lottery for 3 bucks a ticket, that's double the price of a regular lockbox. Ingenious. Dirty, but ingenious.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The good news is - it's an R&D Promo. That means it contains stuff I actually have use for, unlike those DOFF packs.
The bad news is that it's not a special event project. I was kinda hoping for that.
And of course, yet another precedent for a playable faction ship inside a lockbox/promo. Will this continue? I'd like a regular cross-faction C-Store bundle.
Firstly, that all of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy - the presence of the ship in game *AND* the ensuing rage. The prestige the idea of a T6 Connie has been consistently given by forum posters over time has made the ship an extremely desirable commodity. Now any business that sees that level of fever for a product is going to put a premium on that product/service. The more frenzied you become about an idea and the more desirable you are perceived to have made it, the higher that premium is going to be.
And because people have pumped so much emotion into their hopes for this product, it was absolutely going to lead to a head on car crash when the inevitable happened and the ship was made so difficult to obtain. So this could all be seen coming a mile off.
Secondly, there may be a CBS factor here that we aren't considering. Wasn't it originally a CBS directive that said there'd be no T6 Connie at all (similar to the one where CBS said "no android captains")? We know that Cryptic negotiated to get a hold of the Kelvin stuff - perhaps Cryptic also lobbied CBS with the idea of making a T6 Connie for the anniversary year and CBS said they could do it on the proviso that it was done in this way so as to retain the "special" and "prestigious" flavour of the ship.
Makes me wonder about the android captaincy thing further down the line. What if CBS eventually relent on that one with a similar proviso (most likely on a TNG anniversary)? I could easily see a lockbox/RND promotion for an account unlock android Captain that when won, allowed you to make a new character of that "race". Heck what's to say they wouldn't do it for an ECH on a Voyager anniversary, too (although realistically you'd have to have a battlefield commission or a unique tutorial for a hologram).
T6 Nova is likely a slim chance, as for some reason it was relegated to T2 (probably because it's tiny) despite it being a modern ship with it's refit (Rhode Island) being still in service in 2410.
Not the first time I've seen someone say this. There is a Fleet T5/T5-U version of the Nova. Have been flying one for over four years.
T6 Nova is likely a slim chance, as for some reason it was relegated to T2 (probably because it's tiny) despite it being a modern ship with it's refit (Rhode Island) being still in service in 2410.
Not the first time I've seen someone say this. There is a Fleet T5/T5-U version of the Nova. Have been flying one for over four years.
Mirror Nova too!
Oops - yes, thankyou! Forgot about that. I do own one, but prefer the FT5-U version personally.
The Nova is an awesome little ship. In fact all three of the ship types down at that tier are awesome. I remember when I got the gladius for the first time a few years back, and it just struck me as a ball of tiny little fury. It was like a chihuahua. A tiny ship that thought it was a lot bigger.
I still have my FT5-U variant of that ship in the drydock. Ought to pull that one out.
Also, I know I've been posting a lot of flack in here, but I support this entire thing for several reasons. First, it makes the Roddenberry Fanboys cry like mad, always a fun thing. Second, it's a genuinely good idea. And third, we get the excellent exeter/light cruiser skins at top tier, which is awesome, because those ships always looked cool as well. I might actually get myself one if I can manage it. Maybe. I'm more into science ships right now...
I really do wonder if CBS will relax their position with the playable android during the next TNG anniversary... with the proviso that the account lock for the "species" is buried deep within the bowels of an R&D pack?
Because we really do seem to be entering never say never territory.
Seems like some good news for TOS fans, minus the cost involved in obtaining these and the limited time promo. At least the exchange should see lower prices.
Yes it does judging by the picture of the blog. You can see the yellow wing on the right warp nacelle. I have the miniature real life models of these 3 from a very long time ago, although mine is a deep orange and might be a bit different than how it was really portrayed in TOS.
"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
Have the stats/boff layout etc of these reward ships been published yet?
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I didn't saw this coming but as someone else said, it was foreseeable
that for the 50 Anniversary of Star Trek there would be at least a partial lift to the endgame Constitution class ban,
that is, making it available for a selected few, which I'm sure it must be part of the agreement with CBS.
And the only way to make this possible in these games without having everybody rage for missing the chance
is to have it bound to one of these online games "lotteries"
so that basically it's granted after a certain amount of money so to discourage the majority of reasonable people
and let those who really wants it have it the same,
all with a nice profit.
I can't honestly blame them for that because, in the end, those who do don't take into account that there were no alternatives.
Should they have let people having it for free for a mission or for the usual amount of ZEN or any other method beside the "lottery",
everyone in the game would have owned their personal "exclusive" endgame Connie, likely breaking an accord.
So it's useless to protest at the amount of money it costs to get one, it's meant to be a real luxury virtual item, take it or go.
What I cannot forgive them is that they were so incredibly LAZY to have the lottery for the most desired item since launch
be an existing ZEN store item one
WITH the current Exchange rate
instead of creating a one time 50 Year Anniversary Pack in the Dilithium Store.
That would have served the scope the same but would have also solved the current inflation taking two birds with a stone
rather than sealing the coffin of the Exchange.
Add to that the other simply WRONG moves recently taken in this field, like those unprovvident Dilithium bonuses,
and you can only end asking yourself IF they have an interest in keeping the Exchange rate so high.
At this point I make a question to the devs hoping forum moderators add it to the list of questions from the community:
"Are you going to do something serious and honest to bring down inflation anytime soon?".
No sarcasm intended here:
Personally I will pass on this offer.
Thanks for realizing the greatest wish of the community, consider adopting another method next time.
Thanks for your attention, Cheers.
I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
Thanks for realizing the greatest wish of the community, consider adopting another method next time.
What I'll point out again is that a T6 Constitution class is something that a selection of people most dearly wanted. As a member of the community I don't share in this idea that this one ship is the greatest achievement that we could have possibly hoped for. And that's illustrated quite simply.
Kirk or Picard?
You'll find plenty of people who favor TNG, DS9, Voy, and even ENT iconography over TOS. And even among those who do prefer the original series, they may find the Excelsior class a much more appropriate ship to use in the 25th century given the series' standpoint on displaying the Constitution after The Undiscovered Country. They may have even moved onto to a contemporary star ship. It's really a personal call.
The point is that there's tremendous latitude for opinions to develop, everything from "T6 Connie or death" to "meh, I never really liked that ship." We were not all waiting with baited breath for Cryptic to work their way around a long-standing rule not just with STO but with the series as a whole. And here's the work around. People may be disappointed with it but I think it's disingenuous to take that reaction and project it onto "the community."
Like I said before, if you try to speak for someone else your words don't carry a whole lot of weight. Feedback is important but it should be yours.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
It may be like the stuff from the Infinity box, where you have to actually claim the box first to be able to trade it, although I hope it's what you're thinking. Sadly, I would bet on the former, not the latter.
You already were well on you're way to putting any self respecting Ferengi to shame with your greed but since the AOY recruitment event and HELL NO ! it was not an expansion, you have took it up a further level, congratulations you earned even a Ferengi's contempt.
Against lightning's fury and thunder's scorn /
Only through fire is order forged /
WIth vibrant glory /
A sword
I.S.S. Excalibur NCC-1664
This should never have happened...
...uh oh.
News this is the 50th star trek anniversary gift....
I might accept having a "nerfed" version of the ship (tier 5.5--no special console or T6 power) available as a reward for such a mission . . .
By telling us they're shutting down the PC version and we're all going to have to buy XBox or Playstation to keep playing STO?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
It's... beautiful...
i would have to agree, either the bug or annorax tbh
as far as the T6 connie in a R&D pack? kinda saw that coming a mile away
Theres a lesson in all this "becareful what you wish for, you may just get it"
Are you going to add a T6 NX Class with special bridge??
The bad news is that it's not a special event project. I was kinda hoping for that.
And of course, yet another precedent for a playable faction ship inside a lockbox/promo. Will this continue? I'd like a regular cross-faction C-Store bundle.
Other than the playable Borg Cube, you mean?
Someone gotta continue this...
Firstly, that all of this is a self-fulfilling prophecy - the presence of the ship in game *AND* the ensuing rage. The prestige the idea of a T6 Connie has been consistently given by forum posters over time has made the ship an extremely desirable commodity. Now any business that sees that level of fever for a product is going to put a premium on that product/service. The more frenzied you become about an idea and the more desirable you are perceived to have made it, the higher that premium is going to be.
And because people have pumped so much emotion into their hopes for this product, it was absolutely going to lead to a head on car crash when the inevitable happened and the ship was made so difficult to obtain. So this could all be seen coming a mile off.
Secondly, there may be a CBS factor here that we aren't considering. Wasn't it originally a CBS directive that said there'd be no T6 Connie at all (similar to the one where CBS said "no android captains")? We know that Cryptic negotiated to get a hold of the Kelvin stuff - perhaps Cryptic also lobbied CBS with the idea of making a T6 Connie for the anniversary year and CBS said they could do it on the proviso that it was done in this way so as to retain the "special" and "prestigious" flavour of the ship.
Makes me wonder about the android captaincy thing further down the line. What if CBS eventually relent on that one with a similar proviso (most likely on a TNG anniversary)? I could easily see a lockbox/RND promotion for an account unlock android Captain that when won, allowed you to make a new character of that "race". Heck what's to say they wouldn't do it for an ECH on a Voyager anniversary, too (although realistically you'd have to have a battlefield commission or a unique tutorial for a hologram).
Mirror Nova too!
The Nova is an awesome little ship. In fact all three of the ship types down at that tier are awesome. I remember when I got the gladius for the first time a few years back, and it just struck me as a ball of tiny little fury. It was like a chihuahua. A tiny ship that thought it was a lot bigger.
I still have my FT5-U variant of that ship in the drydock. Ought to pull that one out.
Also, I know I've been posting a lot of flack in here, but I support this entire thing for several reasons. First, it makes the Roddenberry Fanboys cry like mad, always a fun thing. Second, it's a genuinely good idea. And third, we get the excellent exeter/light cruiser skins at top tier, which is awesome, because those ships always looked cool as well. I might actually get myself one if I can manage it. Maybe. I'm more into science ships right now...
Because we really do seem to be entering never say never territory.
Yes it does judging by the picture of the blog. You can see the yellow wing on the right warp nacelle. I have the miniature real life models of these 3 from a very long time ago, although mine is a deep orange and might be a bit different than how it was really portrayed in TOS.
I didn't saw this coming but as someone else said, it was foreseeable
that for the 50 Anniversary of Star Trek there would be at least a partial lift to the endgame Constitution class ban,
that is, making it available for a selected few, which I'm sure it must be part of the agreement with CBS.
And the only way to make this possible in these games without having everybody rage for missing the chance
is to have it bound to one of these online games "lotteries"
so that basically it's granted after a certain amount of money so to discourage the majority of reasonable people
and let those who really wants it have it the same,
all with a nice profit.
I can't honestly blame them for that because, in the end, those who do don't take into account that there were no alternatives.
Should they have let people having it for free for a mission or for the usual amount of ZEN or any other method beside the "lottery",
everyone in the game would have owned their personal "exclusive" endgame Connie, likely breaking an accord.
So it's useless to protest at the amount of money it costs to get one, it's meant to be a real luxury virtual item, take it or go.
What I cannot forgive them is that they were so incredibly LAZY to have the lottery for the most desired item since launch
be an existing ZEN store item one
WITH the current Exchange rate
instead of creating a one time 50 Year Anniversary Pack in the Dilithium Store.
That would have served the scope the same but would have also solved the current inflation taking two birds with a stone
rather than sealing the coffin of the Exchange.
Add to that the other simply WRONG moves recently taken in this field, like those unprovvident Dilithium bonuses,
and you can only end asking yourself IF they have an interest in keeping the Exchange rate so high.
At this point I make a question to the devs hoping forum moderators add it to the list of questions from the community:
"Are you going to do something serious and honest to bring down inflation anytime soon?".
No sarcasm intended here:
Personally I will pass on this offer.
Thanks for realizing the greatest wish of the community, consider adopting another method next time.
Thanks for your attention, Cheers.
What I'll point out again is that a T6 Constitution class is something that a selection of people most dearly wanted. As a member of the community I don't share in this idea that this one ship is the greatest achievement that we could have possibly hoped for. And that's illustrated quite simply.
Kirk or Picard?
You'll find plenty of people who favor TNG, DS9, Voy, and even ENT iconography over TOS. And even among those who do prefer the original series, they may find the Excelsior class a much more appropriate ship to use in the 25th century given the series' standpoint on displaying the Constitution after The Undiscovered Country. They may have even moved onto to a contemporary star ship. It's really a personal call.
The point is that there's tremendous latitude for opinions to develop, everything from "T6 Connie or death" to "meh, I never really liked that ship." We were not all waiting with baited breath for Cryptic to work their way around a long-standing rule not just with STO but with the series as a whole. And here's the work around. People may be disappointed with it but I think it's disingenuous to take that reaction and project it onto "the community."
Like I said before, if you try to speak for someone else your words don't carry a whole lot of weight. Feedback is important but it should be yours.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!