what ve noticed is that compared to 3 days aback literally half or less people seem to be doing the pve missions , its like been dead and yet numbers on steam say otherwise ...very weird
Well if they have a Starbase and multi toons (currently have 13) and you do all the daily chores ie doffs arm system.....you run out of time for anything else
no i am on a ton last few weeks like over ten hours a day....and sometimes diff parts of day and never ever had a time where id wait more then 3-4 minutes per pve mission ....today i only did like 1 per 30 minutes and noticed even the queues were all dead, then i had issues myself round 9 hrs ago where the game acted up so bad i had to log out and back in.
i do the admiralty , missions for two new temp agents as well and my doff stuff and what not ...as well as crafting and some exchange doings....today was like dead very very dead. i had more action in zone chat then ....
Yup, same here. Got booted and now can not get back in.
Bad timing as I was about to try get a TOS character through the whole Temporal Agent quest-line and reach 25th century Space Dock and get my device for future work on the Temporal Agent reps. From what I understand this is the last day to get characters through all that to get the device at 25th century space dock and become A Temporal Agent.
I had previously thought all You needed to become an agent was to create a TOS character before 24th and then have all the time in the world but then I have read in several places that You also must take the characters through the whole thing 10 LvL's and get to The Agent in 25th Earth Space Dock before the 24th Aug. Not 100% sure if that is true but don't want to risk it so was aboiut to do that with 3 toons, science, tact and engi.
hrm maybe we could hook up an atari , vic 20 and colleco and have a new game called tri-pong ....hehehehehe ( I COUNED IT ITS MINE PATENT PENDING lol )
hrm maybe we could hook up an atari , vic 20 and colleco and have a new game called tri-pong ....hehehehehe ( I COUNED IT ITS MINE PATENT PENDING lol )
hrm i was gonna say ill dust off my commodore vic 20 ( mom of the c64)
aahh and the mother of them all the comodore pet...:S
ya i used them in high school , damn i feel old..i actually made a trek game on it back in late 80's with help from a friend, i did and created a database for it , we then used my dbase software and created a dungeons and dragons game .....was fun...
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
"No matter where you go...there you are."
Me too. I'm an hour from there.
Yay, Trendy! We love you!
Sinclair Spectrum?
no i am on a ton last few weeks like over ten hours a day....and sometimes diff parts of day and never ever had a time where id wait more then 3-4 minutes per pve mission ....today i only did like 1 per 30 minutes and noticed even the queues were all dead, then i had issues myself round 9 hrs ago where the game acted up so bad i had to log out and back in.
i do the admiralty , missions for two new temp agents as well and my doff stuff and what not ...as well as crafting and some exchange doings....today was like dead very very dead. i had more action in zone chat then ....
aahh and the mother of them all the comodore pet...:S
Bad timing as I was about to try get a TOS character through the whole Temporal Agent quest-line and reach 25th century Space Dock and get my device for future work on the Temporal Agent reps. From what I understand this is the last day to get characters through all that to get the device at 25th century space dock and become A Temporal Agent.
I had previously thought all You needed to become an agent was to create a TOS character before 24th and then have all the time in the world but then I have read in several places that You also must take the characters through the whole thing 10 LvL's and get to The Agent in 25th Earth Space Dock before the 24th Aug. Not 100% sure if that is true but don't want to risk it so was aboiut to do that with 3 toons, science, tact and engi.
The techs have arrived at the servers up in Boston!
hrm maybe we could hook up an atari , vic 20 and colleco and have a new game called tri-pong ....hehehehehe ( I COUNED IT ITS MINE PATENT PENDING lol )
Yeah, like the Tri-Dimensional Chess, brilliant!!
'Quack, quack.'
'My thoughts exactly!'
Of course it's internal, there is no server... or a server inside a server? Servception!!
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
We have no time for classical music!
Too much reality TV...
"502 BadGateway" and "nginx/1.6.0".
It worked just a few min ago.
I think it's the latter considering the timing.