I want a playable Cardassian faction. I want to see how their new government is doing. I want to see how their people are coping with being reduced to a second-rate power, and their struggle to make themselves prominent again. I want to see our captain's internal struggle watching other officers turn to the True Way while themselves staying loyal.
I also want to fly their ships.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
I would really quite like to see tholian characters or bridge officers since they are cool and we already have many tholian ships that they could be cool with.
BORG: You can already play as a liberated Borg. I wish they had their own starting arc like the AoY or Romulans so that you could go through the story of how you got captured and liberated.
DOMINION: Dominion should also have it's own Starting Arc. Maybe the player can be a Founder who feels the need to persue better relations with the Federation. Maybe write in an extra story mission that allows you to be apart of helping Sela get in contact with the Dominion in order to help fight the Iconians. Might be hard to work the current Arc with the Dominion but Vorta and Jem'hadar are already in Star Fleet as Doffs and Boffs maybe a few Founders could join Star Fleet.
BREEN: I think they could be added as part of the Dominion faction so if you get the Dominion as a whole then the Breed could be one of the race types for Dominion characters .
Dr. Miranda Jones: I understand, Mr. Spock. The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
Mr. Spock: And the ways our differences combine, to create meaning and beauty.
Cardassian - DS9 had some amazing Cardassian characters and introduced Cardassians as another important species - along the Klingons and Romulans. STO isn't complete without playable Cardassians.
Storyline could go into the direction of Cardassian republic vs True way (loyal to dominion) - which could side for either Fed or KDF. So essentially you could have playable Jem Haddar and Breen as well in Cardassian ships flying for either Fed or KDF - depending on alliance.
18 characters
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
I would like to see what everyone thinks would be a good species/race that would most likely be added into the game as a playable species so here is a list of other species/races in Star Trek that would possibly make it in the game.
which one you all think would be a good fit as an expansion and why?
The Borg Faction will close that gaping maw in the story, thus far.
Sure, there's some awkwardly presented "Cooperative" content, though weak on substance.
So, I issue the following in it's case:
- Borg Character Creator Already In-Game
The "but it's teh LTS reward!!1!one!" argument be damned, nothing is "exclusive" anymore and this should be no different.
- Plenty Of Flexibility For Lvling Progression
The era your character is introduced in-game is completely open.
TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager...not to mention how.
Collective to Cooperative or vice versa BECAUSE...
- PvP Needs A Kick In The Pants
An OpFor.
The Red to the existing Blue.
The "Bad Guys" required for PvP to be worthwhile again.
- Borg Ship Models Are Already In-Game
They'll be the assimilated versions of the ships we already enjoy.
- Chance For Implementing New/Unused Systems or Abilities
I'm pretty sure things were left on the cutting room floor or ideas that just didn't fit in for existing content.
If you wanna be lazy, just modify existing consoles/powers/abilities for that distinctly Borg-y flavor.
- Existing Story/Content Begs It
Right now, it's a completely untouched perspective demanding to be told.
- Better Than Any Alternative
Like the Cardashians...sheesh.
What kind of upbringing does one have for wanting the Cardashians as a playable Faction?
What do Cardashian lovers want next, a needle exchange program on DS9 to reduce the transmission of space cooties?
Do they want Empok Nor as their official faction drug den to do their space crack?
A pure Dominion Faction (that's minus the Cardashians) can rival the Borg but it'll take more Dev work meethinks.
I'd love my lvling JHAS, though.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
The Bynar would be pretty interesting to see, and I would like to see what kind of ship styles an concepts would be created by a race of beings that are both directly connected to a computer alongside being connected to another of their race directly via implants.
I would like to see what everyone thinks would be a good species/race that would most likely be added into the game as a playable species so here is a list of other species/races in Star Trek that would possibly make it in the game.
which one you all think would be a good fit as an expansion and why?
The Borg Faction will close that gaping maw in the story, thus far.
Sure, there's some awkwardly presented "Cooperative" content, though weak on substance.
So, I issue the following in it's case:
- Borg Character Creator Already In-Game
The "but it's teh LTS reward!!1!one!" argument be damned, nothing is "exclusive" anymore and this should be no different.
Huh? Did you miss the retiring of older event ships? The one-time release of the Kobali and Kelvin uniforms? The complaints about the Crystalline, Mirror and Breach events? Or the recruitment events?
"Nothing is exclusive anymore."? You couldn't be further from the truth here.
And if one thing deserves to be kept exclusive, it's the most expensive species in the game that can only be obtained through paying literally hundreds of euros/dollars/pounds (or millions of Yen ).
Cardassian, IF they're tied to their own faction, even if it's just a minor subfaction like the Romulans.
Other than that, I'd rather like them to flesh out existing species. More hairstyles, complexions, face types, basic costume options, tatoos, scars, details, ridges etc... for humans, romulans and klingons.
Until the NPC can react to the "playable" race/species I really don't see the point in any more "playable" races. Really what you're asking is "what skin would you like to have next?"
- Better Than Any Alternative
Like the Cardashians...sheesh.
What kind of upbringing does one have for wanting the Cardashians as a playable Faction?
What do Cardashian lovers want next, a needle exchange program on DS9 to reduce the transmission of space cooties?
Do they want Empok Nor as their official faction drug den to do their space crack?
A pure Dominion Faction (that's minus the Cardashians) can rival the Borg but it'll take more Dev work meethinks.
I'd love my lvling JHAS, though.
Why that Cardassian hate? Did your wife run off with a Gul?
I think Cardassians/Dominion would be great - as they are flexible enough to either fit in with the 2 faction System (Cardassians/true way/alpha quadrant dominion and even Breen) and they could also be introduced as a complete new faction.
Devs mentioned something about a "death Knight Version" some time ago - where you'd start a toon of a new faction at lvl 50 - hence no Need for an expensive tutorial. If they did that then I hope the new faction would be a Romulan like faction - so I could use the consoles from the ships I have already bought...and again - this would work with Cardassians.
18 characters
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
Huh? Did you miss the retiring of older event ships? The one-time release of the Kobali and Kelvin uniforms? The complaints about the Crystalline, Mirror and Breach events? Or the recruitment events?
"Nothing is exclusive anymore."? You couldn't be further from the truth here.
And if one thing deserves to be kept exclusive, it's the most expensive species in the game that can only be obtained through paying literally hundreds of euros/dollars/pounds (or millions of Yen ).
You have failed to alter my opinion...miserably.
I stand by my original post.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Horta. Rather pathetic that cryptic reduced them to an april fool's joke, I'm not sure about as a playable race since it'd take a lot of work in the character creator, but we already have several models in game so it could work for boffs.
Deltan and Orion for Federation would be nice. There's already Klingon for Fed. Could give KDF a bunch of the Fed species too as im sure people "Defect" occasionally.
Deltan and Orion for Federation would be nice. There's already Klingon for Fed. Could give KDF a bunch of the Fed species too as im sure people "Defect" occasionally.
They should make all Klingon species available to Feds. No reason to exclude the most popular faction and the majority of the players from things
And in the case of the Gorn, it would make sense too. Orions also to a certain extent. Ferasans could be part of some reunification movement.
Dominion, but that would be a bit hard to pull off. You'd be a Jem'Hadar. Your "admiral" is, of course, a Founder. You'd have a Vorta "first officer" that's really in charge (that is the order of things). A few more JH BOFFS to get your initial missions done.
ROFL. I'd vote Cardassians because they are so long overdue. But I wouldn't mind them being bundled with the Dominion as well.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
I always thought an interesting race to play would be a tribble because then I could just pet myself everytime I needed a buff. It'd be even more interesting if it was KDF faction.
Tholians would be good, except that you typically wouldn't be able to leave your ship without an environmental suit. Could you imagine accidentally beaming down to ESD forgetting it?
What I don't understand is why so many people keep wondering what the Breen look like. I mean, I saw a Breen take off its helmet one time, and it looked suspiciously like Princess Leia.
That and I have a T-Shirt, so I need to vote for them. I think they have one for Garak as well.
Plus they have interesting characters.
Eh, well... maybe not for Bajorans.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
I want a playable Cardassian faction. I want to see how their new government is doing. I want to see how their people are coping with being reduced to a second-rate power, and their struggle to make themselves prominent again. I want to see our captain's internal struggle watching other officers turn to the True Way while themselves staying loyal.
I also want to fly their ships.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
My character Tsin'xing
BORG: You can already play as a liberated Borg. I wish they had their own starting arc like the AoY or Romulans so that you could go through the story of how you got captured and liberated.
DOMINION: Dominion should also have it's own Starting Arc. Maybe the player can be a Founder who feels the need to persue better relations with the Federation. Maybe write in an extra story mission that allows you to be apart of helping Sela get in contact with the Dominion in order to help fight the Iconians. Might be hard to work the current Arc with the Dominion but Vorta and Jem'hadar are already in Star Fleet as Doffs and Boffs maybe a few Founders could join Star Fleet.
BREEN: I think they could be added as part of the Dominion faction so if you get the Dominion as a whole then the Breed could be one of the race types for Dominion characters .
Mr. Spock: And the ways our differences combine, to create meaning and beauty.
-Star Trek: Is There in Truth No Beauty? (1968)
Storyline could go into the direction of Cardassian republic vs True way (loyal to dominion) - which could side for either Fed or KDF. So essentially you could have playable Jem Haddar and Breen as well in Cardassian ships flying for either Fed or KDF - depending on alliance.
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
The Borg Faction will close that gaping maw in the story, thus far.
Sure, there's some awkwardly presented "Cooperative" content, though weak on substance.
So, I issue the following in it's case:
- Borg Character Creator Already In-Game
The "but it's teh LTS reward!!1!one!" argument be damned, nothing is "exclusive" anymore and this should be no different.
- Plenty Of Flexibility For Lvling Progression
The era your character is introduced in-game is completely open.
TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager...not to mention how.
Collective to Cooperative or vice versa BECAUSE...
- PvP Needs A Kick In The Pants
An OpFor.
The Red to the existing Blue.
The "Bad Guys" required for PvP to be worthwhile again.
- Borg Ship Models Are Already In-Game
They'll be the assimilated versions of the ships we already enjoy.
- Chance For Implementing New/Unused Systems or Abilities
I'm pretty sure things were left on the cutting room floor or ideas that just didn't fit in for existing content.
If you wanna be lazy, just modify existing consoles/powers/abilities for that distinctly Borg-y flavor.
- Existing Story/Content Begs It
Right now, it's a completely untouched perspective demanding to be told.
- Better Than Any Alternative
Like the Cardashians...sheesh.
What kind of upbringing does one have for wanting the Cardashians as a playable Faction?
What do Cardashian lovers want next, a needle exchange program on DS9 to reduce the transmission of space cooties?
Do they want Empok Nor as their official faction drug den to do their space crack?
A pure Dominion Faction (that's minus the Cardashians) can rival the Borg but it'll take more Dev work meethinks.
I'd love my lvling JHAS, though.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Huh? Did you miss the retiring of older event ships? The one-time release of the Kobali and Kelvin uniforms? The complaints about the Crystalline, Mirror and Breach events? Or the recruitment events?
"Nothing is exclusive anymore."? You couldn't be further from the truth here.
And if one thing deserves to be kept exclusive, it's the most expensive species in the game that can only be obtained through paying literally hundreds of euros/dollars/pounds (or millions of Yen
Other than that, I'd rather like them to flesh out existing species. More hairstyles, complexions, face types, basic costume options, tatoos, scars, details, ridges etc... for humans, romulans and klingons.
(no cryptic, this is not a criticism)
Undine animations can be cannibalized for them, and they are at least as canon as Catians. (*ducks and runs for cover*)
Thx for not makin it a poll, and asking for races not factions
Or Risan, a bit of free love could give you a head start in diplomacy.
Organian, you can defeat a whole map of enemies with a wave of your hand. But choose not to and decide to play Medieval dress up.
APU Drone perhaps ?
From the Voyager series.
Original STO beta tester.
Why that Cardassian hate? Did your wife run off with a Gul?
I think Cardassians/Dominion would be great - as they are flexible enough to either fit in with the 2 faction System (Cardassians/true way/alpha quadrant dominion and even Breen) and they could also be introduced as a complete new faction.
Devs mentioned something about a "death Knight Version" some time ago - where you'd start a toon of a new faction at lvl 50 - hence no Need for an expensive tutorial. If they did that then I hope the new faction would be a Romulan like faction - so I could use the consoles from the ships I have already bought...and again - this would work with Cardassians.
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
Because they suck.
You have failed to alter my opinion...miserably.
I stand by my original post.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
One thing I just thought of, even though I would also love to play them: how would an Iconian or Herald play the time travel episodes?
Doesn't matter if I changed your opinion or not. Your opinion is not supported by recent trends and is thus not based on facts.
Sure, you can stand by it, that's your choice to make. It's not really convincing either though without any substantial evidence for it.
They should make all Klingon species available to Feds. No reason to exclude the most popular faction and the majority of the players from things
And in the case of the Gorn, it would make sense too. Orions also to a certain extent. Ferasans could be part of some reunification movement.
ROFL. I'd vote Cardassians because they are so long overdue. But I wouldn't mind them being bundled with the Dominion as well.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Tholians would be good, except that you typically wouldn't be able to leave your ship without an environmental suit. Could you imagine accidentally beaming down to ESD forgetting it?
What I don't understand is why so many people keep wondering what the Breen look like. I mean, I saw a Breen take off its helmet one time, and it looked suspiciously like Princess Leia.
Plus they have interesting characters.
Eh, well... maybe not for Bajorans.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes