While these events have tons of benefits,there is one thing that is a total drawback,having to replay every episode again.This might be less annoying to the players that haven't been with STO long.for those of us that have been playing for years,and have actually payed money for more character slots,it is a long time consuming grind.Yeah I know that's what they want.nothing better to get people to play the game more then to make them redo every level,some levels you have to do three times if you want the complete set of rewards.Now when I think expansion,I envision new content for your established main character to enjoy,not here's a handful of new episodes for them,but here's also a new character for you to waste days playing old content with a nice piece of candy for you to find.I would like use my main character more to play the game daily then keep making new characters each year.At least they could make it so we can skip through all those long cut scenes.I'm not playing all these episode to catch up on the story line.
Nobody has forced you to do anything, especially not in a way which you'd consider as "grinding"
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I am focusing on getting the Epic level DOFFs and extra XP from Admiralty unlocked for all my characters....which is my preferred part of the game.
There is no lock out to the rewards after making the character a Temporal Agent.
There is no need to rush through it all in a week (my friend did this...but he likes speed leveling it, I don't). I finished my Delta Recruit just before Risa started this past summer...that was 1 year to finish one recruit.
And don't have to do it ALL, either.
For Delta Recruit...everyone else was insistent about making one for each faction to grab ALL the rewards, I only made KDF and Romulan. Never made a Fed, ended up deleting the Rom.
Oh well, didn't get all the rewards....Oh, Boo Hoo! <--sarcasm
I kept my sanity, thank you. And did not lose my enjoyment of this game.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Remember that there is NO DEADLINE to finish the leveling up and episodes. Some people are confused and think they need to speedrun, but STO did not require that for either event. You just need to progress enough to get your Temporal Whatsit before the event ends.
2 mil dil each in the dilithium store.
I'm not against a new recruitment event, if this is something like AOY.
Oh, the old Cardassian arc...
But now you can never again get to the top of Tribble mountain...
Agreed. I enjoyed (and am still enjoying) AoY - I had hoped for another Delta event because KDF.
It's too bad they couldn't easily shuffle off the bad old missions into some dark corner where they would still be accessible for nostalgia's sake and for pain-loving completists
1) The event is not solely made for your benefit. The whole idea of having a subfaction expansion w/ a recruitment event is to give new players a way of being able to start the game with a new character and get helpful account rewards in the process. Yes, the event can be done also by older folks, but that's so we don't feel left out on rewards we can't earn.
2) Agent rewards will still be here when the event ends. If you don't want to run through the old missions and learn tidbits on the Na'khul and how they might have meddled with history to encourage how events in the episodes unfold, you don't have to. No one is forcing you to play your character.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Lifetime subcriber.
Played KDF before they had content.
Ran the STF before the rep system was even added and got the omega gear the old hard way.
Never missed an event. Got all ships, and gear.
Spend both time and money on getting gear, ships, costumes.
etc... long list of stuff..blah blah blah...
Anyway, old player here. And...
I really enjoyed making a new character and leveling it up. Was fun to see the new content (even if it was very little new content, and no new ships as you level up like the romulans had), aswell as seeing and feeling how much some of the old content have changed.
All the account-wide stuff I already had unlocked helped a great deal in leveling up and making things easyer. Never felt like an annoying endless farm.
Even the rep groups was easy getting up in tier, just had to make some rep sponsorship tokens, and claim the bonus mark rewards from the last recruit event, aswell as the reward marks from this recruit event... I have barely even needed to farm marks for the diffrent rep groups other than running a few for elite marks for some stuff I want.
I've been feeling a tiny bit like this game wasn't moving anywhere for me, but this expansion and the event actually revived it. O_o
Spock to Kirk, as Kirk is about to hug him.
Star Trek V: "The Final Frontier"
Get ready for Gamma recruits in a year or two.
Cherry pick your arcs if you can't hack other people getting stuff when you aren't; It doesn't have to be all or nothing. The Cardassian arc is tedious and unbearable. The Delta arc isn't even on the table for AoY; No reward. Why play at all? You could encourage pointless arguments on the forums while demonstrating you don't know what you are talking about.
My character Tsin'xing