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Starfleet Dental's Anton Yelchin Celebration of Life

nabreekinabreeki Member Posts: 2,657 Arc User
Note: Yes, I got permission from a mod to create a new thread for the following reasons: 1) The last OP was not in SFD, and 2) I want to be able to update the OP, not bury updates in subsequent pages.


The passing of Anton Yelchin, or Chekov in the new Star Trek films, was tragic as it was unexpected and sudden. A masterful Chekov, a natural heir to Walter Koenig, his absence has left the fandom in mourning, and we believe the STO community should gather in remembrance of a life cut short far, far too short.

Walter Koenig has this to say about Yelchin after hearing the news:
"What I learned that day was how bright and sensitive he was. I walked away thinking – this is a good person. My heart goes out to his mother and father. I know what you're going through."

With this in mind, Starfleet Dental has decided to organize and host an Anton Yelchin Celebration of Life event tomorrow (Thursday, July 21st) evening at 7:30 pm EDT on Bajor. A life -- especially a life so full of energy and spirit -- should be celebrated, not mourned, has decided to make this public event a celebration, not simply a memorial. We are not content to stand around, hands in pockets, feeling sorry ourselves as fans, and for the loss of life; no, we must jubilate over the man Yelchin was, both as an individual and for his impact on the Trek franchise.

Starfleet Dental strongly believes in IDIC, and thus we don't adhere to a "right" and "wrong" way to mourn. Some might come hoping for a moment of reflection and somber rumination -- let them come. Some will come to dance and celebrate a man -- let them come. Some will come to reminisce over what the actor, the role, has meant to them -- let them come. We accept everyone as they are.

Additionally, along with the celebration, there will be a giveaway. There will be trivia, a couple contests, and chances to win prizes, including: 15x plasmonic leeches, tholian tarantula, kelvin intel dreadnought, space and ground traits, risa wear, random goodies, and, the grant prize of the night: a kelvin heavy command cruiser.

Another colleague of mine, Jojo@lagomorphic, lord of the Nerds of Prey Public Service channel, will be holding a side event in which he will give away hundreds of upgrade kits!


Check out the details of the FORUMS-ONLY contest in the next post; there's no reason not to join in the celebration just because you can't make the event!

Captains, we hope to see many of you there! I'll update the OP with information AND the name of the official event chat channel as we move closer to the beginning of the event.

Live Long and Prosper,

Starfleet Dental Summer Intern


A member of Dental has decided to donate another WONDERFUL PRIZE to the pool: A PREPAID PWE CARD WORTH 2,000 ZEN!!

That's right! One lucky winner will receive 2,000 ZEN!


The full code will be revealed to the winner! WOW!

Post edited by nabreeki on


  • gitmomoneysongitmomoneyson Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    This sounds great! Just a quick question though, is there a time set? i didn't see it in the OP.
  • puckerbrushpuckerbrush Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    This sounds great! Just a quick question though, is there a time set? i didn't see it in the OP.

    The time is 730 eastern.
    Please spay and neuter your Caitians
  • gitmomoneysongitmomoneyson Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Sorry, i missed the time, should of read more carefully! Those are some sick prizes, looking forward to the event!
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    Well, this certainly seems better than a bunch of people pretending to bow their heads by hitting keystrokes. Good for you, nice idea.
  • gitmomoneysongitmomoneyson Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Just seems to me that the only posts in this thread should be contest entries, saying thank you or saying your not interested in attending. Perhaps i'm just too polite.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    I've cleaned up this thread a lot. Let's not link to other forums or troll. Thanks

    Resume your party discussions!

    And pretend this post isnt here
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • lagomorphiclagomorphic Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    In addition to the main prize events I will be running a side event to ensure that no attendee walks away empty handed. I have 1500 superior upgrade kits to give away, the prize pool will be split between all valid entries. Additionally if necessary the prize pool will be increased to ensure that every one who enters receives at least 10 kits. Prizes will be sent via the in game mail after the memorial as quickly as I can manage.

    To enter all you need to do is find Jojo and do a dance for Jojo to cheer him up. Jojo will be somewhere at the memorial.

    Jojo sad. Please cheer up Jojo.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    Please remember not to feed the trolls.

    If everybody followed that logic, you'd starve to death. ;) (I'm just kidding)

    How about those TV dinners? When lightning strikes, the mashed potatoes go out. :grin:
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Please remember not to feed the trolls.

    If everybody followed that logic, you'd starve to death. ;) (I'm just kidding)

    How about those TV dinners? When lightning strikes, the mashed potatoes go out. :grin:

    No one likes mashed potatoes.

  • annubis114annubis114 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Yeah Been reppin STO from day 1
    Like back in the days like Ahmed
    i remember the grind
    The Grind too be a KDF
    Tearing it up like Das EFX
    Getting my first BOP was like damn finally
    But look at all of us today!
    Got Kelvin weapons and ships!
    Smacking the borg with 100k hits
    Why because we are the few the proud the Chekov's
    Coming up just like a lowly Hova
    machine gun flow now we're Kings of STO
    With Known Name
    Earn those pips and rep it for kelvin timeline!
    STO has a drink up! sip up too a missed man
    whatever you believe i'll see you there man

    * Lets here it for Checkov! STO where we have all have smiled and had some fun*

  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    Please remember not to feed the trolls.

    If everybody followed that logic, you'd starve to death. ;) (I'm just kidding)

    How about those TV dinners? When lightning strikes, the mashed potatoes go out. :grin:

    No one likes mashed potatoes.


    Mashed potatoes has always been one of my favorite foods. I guess that makes me weird. :cry:
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    You're celebrating on Bajor? It would be a miracle if you can get those sour-faced, paranoid people to smile and dance and stop shouting at us to go away. ;)
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • freeprisonerlolfreeprisonerlol Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    "Yea, yea I'm out that DOS, now I'm in Win10
    Right next to Pine, but I'll be Shat forever
    I'm the new Ryan, and, since I made it here
    I can make it anywhere, yea, they love me anywhere I
    used to cop in Risa,
    All of my Risians right there up in Risa,
    Pull me back to that Romulas, took it in my inbox,
    U.S.S. Enterprise
    Catch me in the galley like a Neelix wippin' pastry's
    Cruisin' down the gallaxy, off white Galaxy
    Flyin' so slow, but Club 47 from ESD
    Me, I'm out that Starfleet Academy, home of that boy Bones
    Now I live on a space billboard and I brought my Klingons with me
    Say whattup to Spock, still sippin' Vulcan Ale
    Sittin' holodeckside, hoverboard and sticks give me high five
    Homie I be spike'd out, I could trip a referee
    Tell by my attitude that I'm most definitely from


    In New Romulus,
    Technologically advanced jungle where dreams are made of
    There's nothin' you can't do
    Now you're in New Romulus
    These skies will make you feel brand new
    Big plasma beams will inspire you
    Let's hear it for New Rom, New Rom, New Rom


    R.I.P. Anton Yelchin
  • lagomorphiclagomorphic Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    Yes if there's anything we're known for it's taking things too seriously and refusing to dance.
  • cougiumsundayscougiumsundays Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    This is going to be a great celebration for a great person!
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    I don't know how to lyrics. Please give spaceship.​​
  • ccs46ccs46 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    In Bajor...,
    Dead Cardasians is what the fertilizer is made of
    There's nothin' you can't do
    Now you're in Bajor
    The orange skies will make you feel brand new
    The Orb of Possiblities will inspire you
    Let's hear it for Bajor, Bajor, Bajor...

    Now that you left bajor....
    You can go visit DS9
    Goto the HoloDeck on your own time.
    Even have some bloodwine.
    Theres nothing you can't do.
    You can even punch Q.
    Now your back at Bajor.....


    R.I.P. Mr. Yelchin
  • collossustitancollossustitan Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Yeah, Imma up at Sol,
    Now Im down on Vulcan,
    Right next to Earth,
    But I’ll be Cap forever,
    I’m the new Cap Kirk,
    And since I made it here,
    I can make it anywhere,
    Yeah they love me everywhere,
    I used to patrol Azure,
    All of my ships
    Right there up on transwarp,
    Brought me back to that Tribble Land,
    Took it to my starbase,
    Three Dyson Sphere Street,
    Catch me in the fight like a Chef whipping Borg,
    Cruising down Dyson Spheres,
    Off white Konnie,
    Warping so slow but Warp Drive is from Utopia,
    Me I’m up at ‘Doria,
    Home of that boy Shon,
    Now I live on starships,
    And I brought my Guns with me,
    Say wat up to Quinn, still reading PADDs
    Sitting starside Planets and Bases give me high fives,
    T’Nae I be spiked out, I can trip a Keesner,
    Tell by my attitude that I most definitely from…

    Star Trek,
    Untold Space where dreams are made of,
    There’s nothing you can’t do,
    Now you’re in Star Trek!,
    These ships will make you feel brand new,
    The stars will inspire you,
    Lets here it for Star Trek, Star Trek, Star Trek
  • alethkiraenalethkiraen Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    I may not be a fan of Jay-Zed but I do like these entries.
    In addition to the main prize events I will be running a side event to ensure that no attendee walks away empty handed. I have 1500 superior upgrade kits to give away, the prize pool will be split between all valid entries. Additionally if necessary the prize pool will be increased to ensure that every one who enters receives at least 10 kits. Prizes will be sent via the in game mail after the memorial as quickly as I can manage.

    To enter all you need to do is find Jojo and do a dance for Jojo to cheer him up. Jojo will be somewhere at the memorial.

    Jojo sad. Please cheer up Jojo.

    Poor Jojo, but I'm sure Jojo will have lots of new friends by the end of this!

    To boldly funk where no-one has funked before.
  • umformtechnik#9538 umformtechnik Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    thank you so much for doing this and i will try to be there if i can make it.

    also if anyone would like to pay tribute to anton someone made a really nice costume that looks a lot like anton that you can use on your character:

  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Bajor tonight !
  • gaevsprivsmangaevsprivsman Member Posts: 314 Arc User
    That's great, i'll love to be there, but i'll be working, anyway, thanks for this party!, have a nice evening!
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    I have to work this evening, so won't be able to attend, but I hope everybody has a good time.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I am so doing the forum contest :) this space reserved for my entry

    Edit aight heres my crappy very thrown together rhymin skills yall

    Yeah George was on that Kelvin, saved his family from dyin
    Held off fire from Nero, so the shuttle could keep flyin
    He crashed into the Narada, and since he saved his son there,
    Pike came and made em a fuggin dare, yea, Kirk gets in fights everywhere ran from a cop in his stolen car,
    Met Bones on his way to the Academy
    Took a crack at the simulator yo, cheated and beat the no win scenario
    Caught in bed with a hot green chick, kinda made uhura sick
    Cruisin' down to vulcan, they got a call of distress
    Madea said no, but bones took him along, made his hands grow
    Spock, he came out that other time, home of the universe prime
    Now he's here to stay
    Chekov played by Anton, life cut short before its really begun
    He should make Walter proud, remind him of when he was young
    Today we remember him, now because he was a part of,

    New Trek,
    A universe where Vulcans are really screwed
    Cuz Nero lost his home too
    Now you're in New Trek
    These characters are brand new
    Yet somehow familiar too
    Let's hear it for New Trek, New Trek, NewTrek

    JJ Abrams changed the game
    Hell, supercharged the franchise it don't even look the same
    New Enterprise is mutilated
    the fuggin thing looks like its inflated
    thats ok though
    In the new movie itll be eatin crow,
    Abrams style blindin us n TRIBBLE,
    Lens flares'll be comin off the refit
    Yellow shirts sittin on the bridge cuz the red shirts got fuggin shot off a ridge
    For fans both new and old its for, even though old bitchin that its new
    But they forget how much we hated the goddamn ba'ku
    Let it ride,
    And you might be surprised
    It aint as bad as that TRIBBLE
    Rick berman had
    Clonin Picard
    Protected by a reman guard
    So we say its a new day new director new generation but at least kirk was with two caitians in

    New Trek,
    A universe where Vulcans are really screwed
    Cuz Nero lost his home too
    Now you're in New Trek
    These characters are brand new
    Yet somehow familiar too
    Let's hear it for New Trek, New Trek, NewTrek
    Post edited by fiberteksyfir on
  • samargathasamargatha Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Ok, this is probably going to suck, cause I'm not native english speaker and my musical skills are under zero. So it's probably not even to rhyme at all...
    Also, Jay-Z is not my style... Still here it's something. Feel free to shoot me with your phases (even in kill mode):

    "Aye, aye, I know that I suck at singing, but I'm trying this thingy
    Right next to Sulu, who can't stop dancing
    I'm the new Chekov, and Mr. Koenig knows it
    I can go anywhere, yea, with this ship loved everywhere I used to fly in the movies,
    All of my Romulan Ale is there over the console
    Got it from a McDonald's, placed on Earth spacedock, or around of it
    I don't rise chickens like Simon (Pegg) in Risa
    I like cruisers more than a Lexus
    but I won't mind to fly a cute Vesta
    There i go to the rescue, of a marooned piggie
    Now I live in Andoria and I brought Orions with me
    Say hoorray! to Titties, while you shake your Pai-Pai
    Oh, and hi! come with me and Leeta to some Davo play
    PetaQ I will shoot you, with my shiny phaser beams
    Tell Kirk that I didn't want to be gone

    On the Enterprise
    Not the JJAbrams but the classic one
    There's nothin' you can't do
    Now you're on the Enterprise
    Shiny lights will make you feel epilepsy
    but big lights will kill you
    Cause they're Romulan disruptors, disruptors..."

  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    On Bajor awaiting the event. Off-topic, I'm pleased to see that the attention emote now actually resembles the position of attention, last time I used it it looked more like parade rest :)

    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
  • alethkiraenalethkiraen Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    We're already up to 3 full instances on Bajor.
    To boldly funk where no-one has funked before.
  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    will be missing the event

    nine five victor victor two .. party on .your dental people could do streams from this events
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,282 Arc User
    a stream is a good idea to show those who couldn't attend how everything went; who knows...maybe if someone squawks to the right people, this may end up being mentioned on one of those many MMO sites or even in the news - that'd be interesting to see, because most player-run events for any given game never leaves the community for said game, but dental's events are always large enough that they might have a shot​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    Cool party, looks like a lot of people had fun.​​
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