When was the last time you submitted a ticket, and got a response that wasn't an automated mad-libs form letter?
During the last Anniversary. I took issue with some poor to the point of being misleading text in the project description, had a nice chat with Support about it, and the newer Events have had changes to how they are written.
No one 'owns' anything in this game. The pay a rental fee which varies in amount with how much they like this game. If anyone has told ypu different, OP, you have a few choices. These are:
- Report them to a GM. (We're sorry but all our GM's are busy nonexistent at the moment. Please remain on the line until the server shuts down.)
- Report them here on the Forums. (We're sorry but all our Mods are busy nonexistent at the moment. Please remain on the line until the server shuts down.)
- Report them on Twitter or Reddit. At least you'll get an acknowledgement of your existence from somebody at PWI/Cryptic.
The above choices are ineffective time wasters and you have better things to do, don't you? So here is what I suggest.
- Place the offending player on Ignore. At least at this point you'll no longer have to see the trash they're typing in Chat.
- In Chat Options, go through every Channel you are a member of and turn off Zone Chat. Aaahhh! Much better!
- Switch Instances if you are in a Social zone. Not effective every time but it works far better than the first three choices.
- Lastly, pleaase remember it takes two people to have an argument. If you respond or acknowledge their behavior, then you encouraging the player in question to continue doing/saying stupid things. They oftentimes cannot help themselves and presenting them with logical discussion about why they should not do what they are doing just confuses them.
Some of the people who participate in this sort of behavior have no real life outside of STO. Or, they are so far down the food chain they have zero control over anything IRL. Being in an MMO while remaining anonymous allows them to escape from RL. It is a drug to them and they need a hit. However, they only have the power over you which you cede to them. Ignoring them and continuing to play the game the way you want to is the very best counter to these sad little people.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I still fail to understand why certain people whine about trolls while the easiest and most obvious way to render their action null is to go roleplaying / engaging into social activity / whatever you call this in one of the many *private* instances that exist in-game...
- Ship interior
- Any fleet holding (Starbase, Embassy, Dil mine, Research lab, Spire)
- Several RP-specific foundry maps
- I'm sure i am missing a few of them...
I understand the annoyance generated by some people in-game, but the first thing is perhaps not to hand them a stick to beat you up with...
How do they get away with it? Because they're not causing any harm and can in no way actually enforce their claims? Place them on your ignore list if they bug you that much. I doubt it's like the ESD trolls whose numbers range in the infinities.
Plus the claim that p2p'ers don't get banned in f2p games has been around forever. I mean, I don't know, on another game fifteen or something years ago players complained that cheaters weren't getting banned because they had subscriptions. The developers responded by posting the usernames of 1,000 subscribers who they had just banned for cheating.
How do people get away with saying the own a particular area of the game say Vulcan, Drozana Station, Risa, and other places in game. Also, how do they get away with bragging about not getting banned because they pay?
And you believed them?, ahahahahahaha. Its not a crime so there's nothing to be banned for.
Curious though. how do folks enforce their metaphorical ownership of a particular area, anyway?
Over zone and local chats. Peeps just make the mistake to react instead of just going on with what they want to do. If they did they would have back "their place" and would not even need to bother.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Hello, OP. After reading through this thread -- and some of the responses -- I think I have a pretty good grasp on what's going on here, and can clarify further.
While SFD is recognized as the official owners of Drozana Station, they're simply considered stewards -- NOT "owners" per se -- of Risa, voted in by popular election of year-round regulars on May 31st, 2016. We're simply there as a moral anchor for others in the zone, especially for those whos sense of decency and family values have gone wayward from what's generally accepted by those with a healthy, well-adjusted upbringing.
A lot of the folks commenting in this thread fall into a particular category that I'll illustrate here: In New England, in the autumn, the region swells with unwanted visitors from Boston, New York, and New Jersey. They swarm in, clogging traffic and disrupting normal life for the locals as much as possible. They take a few selfies with some red and orange leaves, then they leave as fast as they came.
Many people here come for the summer event to oogle over their characters in pixelated bikinis for a few weeks a year, then scurry off to other places to do god know what. They're not really "in the know" of the happenings on Risa, so there is no way they would know about the election held and Dental's special role as the pillar of decency and morality in the zone.
It's honest ignorance on there part, not active trolling. Don't hold it against them!
Curious though. how do folks enforce their metaphorical ownership of a particular area, anyway?
Over zone and local chats. Peeps just make the mistake to react instead of just going on with what they want to do. If they did they would have back "their place" and would not even need to bother.
It was kinda funny. The other night on Risa some dweeb popped in and said his fleet had jurisdiction over Risa. Everyone laughed at him and made fun of him for it.
Is this a joke thread....I have never seen any person or fleet try to claim ownership of an area. There are some fleets who like to use a certain area for certain things but that is up to them, also you can do the same if you feel like.
@nabreeki I wouldn't worry too much about the market crash. Once the enthusiasm for the new box wears off, people will spread the advice to 'not play the lottery' again (which will greatly benefit those of us who keep opening them, as it always has ).
Also, the release of the new Expansion pack next week will probably shift most Zen purchases away from keys, and of course there's a new box coming which will mean that supply of the stuff from all older lock boxes will greatly and quickly diminish within the next few weeks. Especially due to the somewhat insanely low prjces for some very rare items.
I hereby declare myself emperor of ESD zone 1! Anyone who visits must pay me a tax of 500k EC! An additional 250k EC every time you open the exchange window!
Public places are meant to be dirty chaotic confrontational
in our time most are "privatized'
If you want to privatize an already privatized public place
you will be turning an already sterile enviroment into a dead space
I hereby declare ownership of instance 47 of Earth Spacedock. All yur base is mine. Abandon all hope ye who enter there. The entry tax is decreed to be 47 cases of feline supplement.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Drozana Station is Starfleet Dental's property and will forever be so as it was decreed by divine rule, falling outside the jurisdiction of the GMs. The Dear Leader made it so, and that's the reality we live in, I'm happy to report.
Heh, When this happened I was there. I'm telling as it was, back then in them old days of STO. My first encounter with.......Starfleet Dental..........* dramatic music and cheap wavy time thingy effects.....whooooooo.....freaky *
Having not long brought my kitty an DS9 uniform, also looking snazzy, I'd just beamed in and entered the main room. I left the pad and went down the hall. There was 3 of them, on the table out side the hall way. One on either side and one standing on it.
The nut on the table turned and just looked at me ( thanks to Nabreeki, I guess this now was dental's leader, that guy really creeped me out, the guy on the table, not Nabreeki. * he's looking at me I know it * ).
Right then, I remember thinking " oh, here we go, etc, etc. ". Bare in mind this was my first encounter with dental after hearing about them for a while. Still I kept a open mind as I never heard their side of the stories. Still haven't. Not to sure if that's a good thing.........
So anyways, he just looked at me. Took a step forward, stopped. Looking at me like a German Shepard looking at me with sweets.
I just said " Yeah, that's nice. "
Someone lol'ed.
Don't think he liked that......took another step forward towards me off the table. Looking, looking, looking......
So I went on my merry way as he turned to follow me. Never moved just turned to watch me............creepy.... just watched.......I swear I saw Stephen King in the corner taking notes.
Went to the dabo table, did the thing, went to the chick, talked, still watching me and I went off. Turns to watch me all the time, so did the other two.
Just stood there looking, then did a shrug emote and went back to the pad and beamed back to my ship.
And to this day I still don't give a fig tree what the did then.
True story. =3
Is it strange that what I find really astonishing about this is that your character wasn't a Gorn/Dragon...?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
My first encounter with dental was on Vulcan after Mr Nimoy passed. I was pleasantly surprised by how respectful the community was being about it ... until the most bizarre looking aliengen I've ever seen walked by and a disco ball appeared over my head.
During the last Anniversary. I took issue with some poor to the point of being misleading text in the project description, had a nice chat with Support about it, and the newer Events have had changes to how they are written.
((shrug)) Results will vary.
- Report them to a GM. (We're sorry but all our GM's are busy nonexistent at the moment. Please remain on the line until the server shuts down.)
- Report them here on the Forums. (We're sorry but all our Mods are busy nonexistent at the moment. Please remain on the line until the server shuts down.)
- Report them on Twitter or Reddit. At least you'll get an acknowledgement of your existence from somebody at PWI/Cryptic.
The above choices are ineffective time wasters and you have better things to do, don't you? So here is what I suggest.
- Place the offending player on Ignore. At least at this point you'll no longer have to see the trash they're typing in Chat.
- In Chat Options, go through every Channel you are a member of and turn off Zone Chat. Aaahhh! Much better!
- Switch Instances if you are in a Social zone. Not effective every time but it works far better than the first three choices.
- Lastly, pleaase remember it takes two people to have an argument. If you respond or acknowledge their behavior, then you encouraging the player in question to continue doing/saying stupid things. They oftentimes cannot help themselves and presenting them with logical discussion about why they should not do what they are doing just confuses them.
Some of the people who participate in this sort of behavior have no real life outside of STO. Or, they are so far down the food chain they have zero control over anything IRL. Being in an MMO while remaining anonymous allows them to escape from RL. It is a drug to them and they need a hit. However, they only have the power over you which you cede to them. Ignoring them and continuing to play the game the way you want to is the very best counter to these sad little people.
Someone fooling around/trolling about "this place is mine, go away" in the chat?
Easy to ignore, isn't it? Just don't pay attention. Hell, if I'd pay attention to the chat on Risa I'd have gotten insane weeks ago...
- Ship interior
- Any fleet holding (Starbase, Embassy, Dil mine, Research lab, Spire)
- Several RP-specific foundry maps
- I'm sure i am missing a few of them...
I understand the annoyance generated by some people in-game, but the first thing is perhaps not to hand them a stick to beat you up with...
Plus the claim that p2p'ers don't get banned in f2p games has been around forever. I mean, I don't know, on another game fifteen or something years ago players complained that cheaters weren't getting banned because they had subscriptions. The developers responded by posting the usernames of 1,000 subscribers who they had just banned for cheating.
And you believed them?, ahahahahahaha. Its not a crime so there's nothing to be banned for.
Over zone and local chats. Peeps just make the mistake to react instead of just going on with what they want to do. If they did they would have back "their place" and would not even need to bother.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?
OK then. Nothing to see here.
I'm gonna go raid the fridge. I'm starving.
It was kinda funny. The other night on Risa some dweeb popped in and said his fleet had jurisdiction over Risa. Everyone laughed at him and made fun of him for it.
Some people are just plain silly.
How anyone can take something like that seriously serious is beyond me, though.
As others have suggested: minimise your chat screen, or block the individual you don't want to see or hear.
I believe the OP is about the arrogant gobshites who infect zonal chat in the social areas.
Also, the release of the new Expansion pack next week will probably shift most Zen purchases away from keys, and of course there's a new box coming which will mean that supply of the stuff from all older lock boxes will greatly and quickly diminish within the next few weeks. Especially due to the somewhat insanely low prjces for some very rare items.
[Sound of crickets chirping]
... please?
in our time most are "privatized'
If you want to privatize an already privatized public place
you will be turning an already sterile enviroment into a dead space
Don't be silly.
We were impossible to get rid of well beforehand.
I'll vouch for that
(can we consider the thread sufficiently derailed now?)
No. We must derail it even more
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I object! I've never usurped a fowl in my life!
Is it strange that what I find really astonishing about this is that your character wasn't a Gorn/Dragon...?