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Looking for a Fed. Fleet With Certain Traits



  • sfdstuff#3558 sfdstuff Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    Ultimately, Dental is a fleet that is talked about. And other fleets are not. This itself is one of the better features of being us, as it means we're doing it right.

    lots of people are talking about a murderer today, but that isn't because he did anything "right". so no, just because people talk about someone or some group doesn't mean it is for good reasons. that doesn't mean dental is good or not good, it just means your logical fails.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Post with your real account, hoss.
  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    OP: I'm serious, message me if you want some good fleets to join. I'll help you out in vetting them, if you want. I've been you before, not too recently. I'm still trying to find decent fleets for my toons, I've just got the added problem of trying to find a decent RP fleet, instead of a decent regular fleet.
  • puckerbrushpuckerbrush Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    lots of people are talking about a murderer today, but that isn't because he did anything "right". so no, just because people talk about someone or some group doesn't mean it is for good reasons. that doesn't mean dental is good or not good, it just means your logical fails.

    Please spay and neuter your Caitians
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  • psycholandlordpsycholandlord Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Ultimately, Dental is a fleet that is talked about. And other fleets are not. This itself is one of the better features of being us, as it means we're doing it right.

    lots of people are talking about a murderer today, but that isn't because he did anything "right". so no, just because people talk about someone or some group doesn't mean it is for good reasons. that doesn't mean dental is good or not good, it just means your logical fails.

    You are TRIBBLE repugnant.
  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    OP, I think now would be a good time to PM a moderator to have this closed. This is going south and it's going fast.
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  • yuss im lukin for de fleetz tu. plaz send me de invytes!
  • puckerbrushpuckerbrush Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    yuss im lukin for de fleetz tu. plaz send me de invytes!

    What an exciting new account you have.
    Please spay and neuter your Caitians
  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    @nabreeki I'm sorry, I only said that Dental had some more prominent bad apples then the others fleets. I was giving a warning. Was it shaming to warn a new player so they could find a fleet they could he happy in without drama? No, I don't think so. Nice try, though. Next time, try reading.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    I will stand with my previous recommendation. Even though my personal experiences with members of dental are less than positive, the OP should make a decision based upon his own judgement and not on the judgement of others.

    Perhaps Dental is the atmosphere the OP is searching for and perhaps it is not. Either way, the OP will have the option to vote with his feet. If he/she and dental are not compatible, then the OP can simply leave.

    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    my own personal experience with Dental is not very good; troll in stfs, the crappy dancing device (forgotten the real name) madness. But no one can judge a lot of people, only by the impression given by a minority :)
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  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    @nabreeki My only intent with my post was to warn the OP. It will always be their choice, but I wanted to give a warning as to how I, and many other players, see your fleet. I'm sorry you got terribly offended, but I'm afraid I don't have anything to say to someone with such thin skin.

    In fact, the derailment I saw started with the mention of Dental. I was just the first person here, that's all. Please, tone down your aggressive attitude. It's not very kind of you and doesn't represent your fleet very well.
  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,312 Arc User
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  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    @nabreeki Look, I've got better things to do than argue with a Dental fella, alright. My only intention was to aid the player in selecting a fleet that doesn't have a goodly number of trolls within it. That's all. Why are you so bent out of shape over a reply, anyway? Seems to me that you're a bit ashamed of those trolls hidden within your fleet. Maybe you should work on curtailing their exploits a bit, then the general populace may be able to respect you guys again like they once did. Unless, of course, saying that is going to make you accuse me of "naming and shaming" or derailment again. In which case, keep it to yourself.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    rllaillieu wrote: »
    Look, I've got better things to do than argue with a Dental fella, alright.

    Apparently not.

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  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    In before the...
    ...oh, nvm.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    was told I could make popcorn profits here *sets up stall*
    gimme 2 min for the popper to heat up
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • see wutcha gotsta understand about the dental bros is dat dey got a public persona and a private persona.

    in de public persona, dey talk all nice and mature like on de forums and talk about doin lotsa good stuffs.

    in de private personal dey make fun of people in game and on de forums usin all kinda perverse language.

    dey even have deir own private wiki where dey create articles about certain community members and say bad stuffs about dem.

    but yoo gottahave a password to read it, cause dey dont want everybody redin it. it wonder if i shud post some screenshots to show people...
  • an den whyn dey dont lyke wat u post, dey kwote wut you sayd over on deyre forumz and call you a 'mentally ill pubbie'

  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    was told I could make popcorn profits here *sets up stall*
    gimme 2 min for the popper to heat up

  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    rllaillieu wrote: »
    I'm sorry, next time I'll try to leave opinions out of this... oh wait, I'm an American. Free speech.
    That's not how this works.
  • tessaravejgantessaravejgan Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2016
    OP there's a place on the forums where fleets have there rec offices, forgot the name. you can look there for a fleet
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