Hi all, first post!
I'm looking for a Federation fleet that...
...usually has many people, or at least a few friendly, social people, online in EST(-5) during the early evenings (4pm-9pm) throughout the week.
...is casual, requiring nothing of me but respect.
...is mature.
...friendly and helpful.
...actually wants to do things together on a very regular basis.
...has a name I can take seriously, instead of something like "Inglorious Klingon Beaters" or "Kirk Marry Me".
I've been using the in-game fleet-finder but I can't tell how many people are in a fleet or how active they are, or when they're active. And most of the time private messages sent to potential recruiters are ignored. I've managed to get into a fleet with many members, but there's almost never anyone online.
I've never had such a hard time finding a reliably mature and social guild in an MMORPG before.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
That sounds interesting. I'd be willing to give it a try. How are we going to do this? I'll leave my current fleet. My name is Vespin@VespinFeebler.
But the rest of the fleet seems decent, with the exception of the odd ones who hang around Risa all year.
What am I getting myself into? XD
The bad apples hang around Risa?
To justify/excuse their bad behavior, they regularly hold contests and give away free stuff so they can call themselves a charitable organization that promotes community building and things like that. But people have leaked out their own internal fleet documents and websites that describe how they plan their trolling and how to avoid getting in trouble while doing it, so it's not just speculation that they are doing it on purpose, they actually put a lot of planning into it. So if that is something you are interested in, that's your choice. But just a fair warning going in.
this is just one of many examples of the 'behind the scenes' planning and documentation that is never meant to be seen by the public:
I can say from experience that even with history dating back to the beginning of the game itself, Dental is still very accepting of new members. Why, I only started playing a few months ago.
Their recruiting video that got me to sign up for STO:
Post with your main!
If you want, I can point you towards a couple fleets that I left for personal reasons, but they're good fleets.
IMO, getting bent out of shape about the use of the default/masculine pronoun of the English language negates anything you may say afterwards.
And to the OP, try any fleet you like. There's a big 'ol Leave button right there if you don't like the fleet.
I will admit that my personal experiences with dental are not positive, but its best to judge for yourself if a fleet is suited for you.
If dental turns out to be incompatible with you then the British Starfleet Corps may be exactly what you're looking for.
The first amendment does not work that way. Unless you make nabreeki your government, which I would be totally for.
Whether it's first amendment, or whatever, us Americans are graced with the freedom to say whatever the dang hell we'd like - within certain pre-described limits, which may be further limited at the option of the owner of the area in which the dialog is being undertaken.
Since rllaillieu's commentary is not illegal (first set of pre-described limites), not slanderous (as it is definitely a stated opinion), and not a public nuisance/disturbance (yelling fire in a crowded forum) - and I don't recall the forum ToS ever banning the statement of opinion over people...
Then again, Nabreeki's counter-commentary of needing new glasses - as distasteful and borderline trollish as it may be (for I am a person in possession of enough visual acuity to not need glasses yet find a lot of the blinky / flashy / strobey signatures appalling and borderline seizure inducing - as best evidenced by the plethora of Dental signatures that frequently grace the forums.) is protected under the same deal...
Nevermind the frequent use of "counter-culture" like Pol Pot or has-been Communist propaganda type deals in the aforementioned signatures - even though I was not oddly annoyed over said "counter-culture" when it was done in full mockedness during the Iconian War "promotions"...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
That's a lot of words to come in here and shout MURICA, Liberty Prime.
Ultimately, Dental is a fleet that is talked about. And other fleets are not. This itself is one of the better features of being us, as it means we're doing it right.