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Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday Will You Play the Upcoming Expansion?



  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    scarling wrote: »
    Pretty sure the amount of alts made is a direct result on having no end game.

    Funny, I don't consider the game to have really started until level 50.

    the level 60 is a dead-end. there is nothing to do; always the same stfs (boring 75% of the time because of the power creep and most of the stfs are dead), the admiralty system, R&D; that's all. most of the time I don't even move from new romulus. I like STO from the first missions to the dyson sphere. after that, all the arcs are just non-sense or ridiculous (the worse is the delta quadrant, a good idea wasted by boring missions).

    I'm always happy to have new content. I can't judge the upcoming content, we have only 1 news; so I just hope the best. But an expansion like this one will have a limited time of life; and after?

  • edited May 2016
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  • catsmeatcatsmeat Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    Why isn't my Ford a BMW. BMW's have this this and this all of which are superior...

    Well if you prefer a BMW so strongly why not buy one instead of haranguing us Ford lovers about our Fords.
  • edited May 2016
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  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,505 Arc User
    I tried playing EvE for free. Made it three days of the 14-day trial before I uninstalled. I was getting enough spreadsheets at work, thanks, and in order to progress my character in any kind of reasonable timeframe I needed to go to mid-sec space - where a fleet of gankers was waiting for any lowbie foolish enough to dare to try to mine a frigging asteroid. I couldn't fight back, because despite your claim of purchases only being cosmetic, it is indeed possible to buy (with cash money, mind you) a ship capable of combat. But don't lose that ship, because unlike STO where you unlock a ship for your character at the least and usually for your entire account, spending that cash money in EvE gets you one ship. It gets blown up, you'd better have also used some cash to buy insurance for it, or you're going to have to buy yourself another one like it.

    There's a reason why those stories you read about the massive EvE battles can give damages in US dollars (or, presumably, whatever the local currency is where you're reading it) - because all those ship, all those weapons, all those cargoes have prices in US dollars (or equivalent). Not like STO, where prices are in Zen and can vary depending on how much grinding you're willing to do (until recently, I hadn't spent any money on this game, having gotten all the Zen I needed from the dil exchange); no, EvE deals in cash, or in PLEX which is purchased with cash.

    I like STO. And I've been a Trekkie since TOS was still on the air. But if CCP gets within a dozen lightyears of the Trek license, I'm gone.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    "Time travel was a rare occasional thing in Star Trek, not the focus on [an] entire series."


    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,505 Arc User
    daveyny wrote: »
    "Time travel was a rare occasional thing in Star Trek, not the focus on [an] entire series."


    Also the TOS episode "Assignment: Earth", which was intended to be a backdoor pilot for a new series. It was implied in there that Starfleet had perfected the slingshot technique for time travel, and used it to look in on many important junctures in history. (Always with the intention of being very hands-off, obviously - don't want to risk another Edith Keeler incident, after all.)
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    I tried EVE...
    Gave up after about a week, waaay too complicated for me.
    I want to enjoy and relax while playing a game, not take on another job.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    daveyny wrote: »
    I tried EVE...
    Gave up after about a week, waaay too complicated for me.
    I want to enjoy and relax while playing a game, not take on another job.

    EVE is for people who have difficulty dealing successfully with real life. Also, being a trust fund baby helps. A lot. XD.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I was not around for TOS, i was born in '82 so I have always been more of a TNG person. That said I LOVE the idea of a TOS expansion, would be even more awesome if they threw in a NX-01/refit for the expansion. Why? Most of us are here because they love one ST show or another. While I personally am a TNG fan, there are tons of TOS fans, they deserve to play content based on what they love to!

    And this gives people like me a way to explore TOS and see it in a new light. I always loved the old ship designs that people made for games, and I was stoked to see they will be useable on endgame ships. Immersion was thrown out the window when we could fly every big bads ships from lockboxes. So I could care less about 200 year old plus ships flying around by someone else.

    Devs so long as you make the content fun and engaging, TOS, TNG, DS9, Voy, or books and movies source is all that matters. I'd love to see a TMP era expansion after this new missions/ships from those era's. STO can expand on Archers era, TOS, TMP, TNG, etc. For instance, we can look at the cardassian faction being added in a TMP-preTNG era expansion, something the shows didnt cover much on.

    I think it was a bold move by the devs to go with a TOS expansion, and they have my support.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    None of the answers really matched my view so chose the closest: Not really. Why?

    New 'content' = story arc.
    Content that's just a rehash of what we already have = spec tree, rep...

    Oh and this lovely lot for new captains:
    lv1-60...again (and this is just level cap).
    9 reputations (including the new one).
    5 specialisations (3 + 2*0.5 + the new one) - basically levelling 95 times (45 of which are 50+ levelling bands)!
    The 11 doffing trees.
    The 3 admiralty trees.
    The 7 R&D crafting trees.
    Reacquiring any items such as traits, consoles, abilities you name it because it's all bind on equip. Account bound items you can at least move but character bound you're SOL. This also means ship masteries, anything that's character bound.
    Federation ONLY ships in the pack so KDF and Romulans are SOL.
    *Not sure what else I've missed but wouldn't be surprised if I've left something else off.*

    Everything except the new story arc is a recycle of the content you've already done so if you don't want to do it now are you going to again? Even what is considered new is simply more grind with another coat of paint. Let's say for the sake of argument Cryptic is generous and gives us more PVE for the new reputation. That means more queues which will have heightened activity but the rest of the queues even more dead.

    For those that have old characters like me we can enjoy account transferable items like R&D but for new people or character specific things...is anyone really going to stick it out for that long or care? How many Delta Recruits are active these days? I wouldn't know as I log in for the bear minimum of new stuff to complete then log out so maybe the game's filled with them. Anyone who wants to do the above is probably going to want to keep up on their older characters and let's say they have at least 1 character and let's say it's Fed. Do you do KDF or Romulan? Why? Cryptic's basically saying it's not worth doing anything but Fed and if you have a Federation already that leaves choosing a different profession and are you really prepared to roll a new chararacter now after all this time just for a new profression when you could have done so sooner?

    After 6 years I've succumb to having such a negative view of Cryptic that I think I'd find fault in whatever they do. I feel the game is all about lockboxes and ships/c store but no new content to play them. I asked friend who has all but stopped playing STO who was casual to begin with) and he pretty much said there was no fun in STO. More ships but nothing new to do with them. Do more damage, grind more dil and ec for what? To do the same content over and over. I think the only thing that keeps me in game is I still enjoy STO if I stick to just completing the new stuff/event/grind 1-4 times for my main characters then log off. I've not touched my Delta Recruit since I got them to lv 54 so I haven't even bothered to get him to lv60, just use him for doing Tour the Galaxy which I've now stopped. I expect a lot of people will reroll but will only do it for the account rewards; grind to level 60 in a few days then make them a farming character. For anyone not wishing to regrind...sorry replay a new character you have only the new story arc to satisfy you, that is your expansion content.

    This is not the way, I feel, to make a successful game. This is recycling content players are struggling to do in the first place for their existing characters and a smattering of grind mechanics and ships isn't new, it's just more of what we got that will keep people active for a while then dwindle. What happened to going back to being explorers? We never got PVP which players asked for and I didn't even want it, I wanted accolades but those have all but gone except for do new mission and ones you can only get from lockboxes. Has anyone stopped to consider that since 2405 when lore began we've fought...well I won't list but a lot of enemies. In 5 years we've beaten even the Borg, the Undine and the Iconians!! Now we're going down the rabbit hole of time travel. When is it going to end? I've joked about us fighting the second great tribble war and the Federation secretary to the president asking if we could get a quick fight in with the Q before we fight gaseous anomalies.

    Wow...this has gone on...sorry. I wish I had a better view of STO, it's been great for much of the last 6 years but I just can't muster the energy to feel positive about this game. It's Star Trek, it's entertaining for short moments but I can't see how this is going to lead to a successful future. All they want is your money and will find the cheapest way possible at the cost of making a good game including making you redo existing content.
    You are not alone.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2016
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    EVE is for people who have difficulty dealing successfully with real life. Also, being a trust fund baby helps. A lot. XD.

    I don't think that's true.

    My impression always was that it was for people who continually have more time, energy, concentration and attention to boring detail than their professional life can possibly consume. So not for me.

    spreadsheet fetishists
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    EVE is for people who have difficulty dealing successfully with real life. Also, being a trust fund baby helps. A lot. XD.[/quote]

    I don't think that's true.

    My impression always was that it was for people who continually have more time, energy, concentration and attention to boring detail than their professional life can possibly consume. So not for me.

    spreadsheet fetishists[/quote]

    I just thought a papercut on my finger hurt...
  • anodynesanodynes Member Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    None of the answers really matched my view so chose the closest: Not really. Why?

    New 'content' = story arc.
    Content that's just a rehash of what we already have = spec tree, rep...

    Oh and this lovely lot for new captains:
    lv1-60...again (and this is just level cap).
    9 reputations (including the new one).
    5 specialisations (3 + 2*0.5 + the new one) - basically levelling 95 times (45 of which are 50+ levelling bands)!
    The 11 doffing trees.
    The 3 admiralty trees.
    The 7 R&D crafting trees.
    Reacquiring any items such as traits, consoles, abilities you name it because it's all bind on equip. Account bound items you can at least move but character bound you're SOL. This also means ship masteries, anything that's character bound.
    Federation ONLY ships in the pack so KDF and Romulans are SOL.
    *Not sure what else I've missed but wouldn't be surprised if I've left something else off.*

    Everything except the new story arc is a recycle of the content you've already done so if you don't want to do it now are you going to again? Even what is considered new is simply more grind with another coat of paint. Let's say for the sake of argument Cryptic is generous and gives us more PVE for the new reputation. That means more queues which will have heightened activity but the rest of the queues even more dead.

    Your attempt to pigeonhole what new content is is logically inconsistent. If new reputations and specializations are just rehashes of what we already have, then so are new episodes, because we already have a ton of those, the differences are just flavor text and new art, same as with the reputations and specializations. Either it's all new content, or none of it is.
    This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    So, if EVE is all that with a side of fries and a double chocolate milkshake, then why you here?

    Can't cut it with the Big Kids? Aren't good enough? Can't afford the price of failure?

    I play this game because I like Star Trek. I play SWTOR because I like Star Wars. I play BSGO because I like BSG.
    I tried EVE for about two weeks. While I was successful, it seemed far too close to work and there too many things hedged around with paywalls.

    If you spend all your time wishing for the game you want, you'll continually be disappointed with the game you have.
    Does STO have problems? Yup, sure does. Are there things which could be done better or differently? Yup, sure is.

    But at the end of a particularly trying day at work where I spent most of my time in heavy traffic with a student driver who cannot perform the simplest of tasks, such as keeping the eighteen wheeler centered in the lane, I'm looking for some entertainment and something which is fun to do. I come and play STO to relax from the cares and worries of the Real World.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    woah woah WOAH.... someone still plays BSGO?!?! Does BSGO know this? ALERT THE MEDIA!
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    I for the life of me, can't understand why STO is compared to EVE. They are in no way, even remotely close to being the same game. The only thing they both have is ships and space...that's it.

    There are so many other games out there you could compare STO to that would be much closer than what EVE is.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    EVE Online is using a fifteen year old engine...
  • edited May 2016
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  • edited May 2016
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  • brianduselbriandusel Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    I go through cycles personally of games I like to play. I haven't played STO for about three or four months, but just the announcement of the expansion has given me the itch.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited May 2016
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    Post edited by jodarkrider on
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • edited May 2016
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  • edited May 2016
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    funny, I launch the game with near max settings every time.. I did turn down the maximum number of on screen effects allowed at one time tho... going into a space BZ with those one is baaaaad juju.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,505 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I have just about everything maxed, I think. Looks pretty cool. Some of the effects get a little fudged, because I'm using a 32-inch HDTV as a monitor and the resolution isn't quite up to computer-monitor standards, but I don't have any graphics-related game crashes or slowdowns at all. Maybe it's your system? (I'm using an HP tower, about two or three years old I think, that my roommate got to play EvE on, then rejected because when the engine was updated his system couldn't hack their graphics any more - he's on an Alienware tower now...)

    Incidentally, I find it amusing, lindsey, that in another thread you say you do everything in your power to fight the corporations taking over the world - but here you're advocating giving the ST license to CCP, a major multinational corporation, and having them use the engine for EvE, a game whose player organizations are even called corporations. Did you in fact think any of your positions through before deciding to troll the STO forums?

    Oh, and while it might be possible, for a few exceptional individuals, to earn PLEX "without paying for anything but a sub", I will point out that I've made quite a few purchases from the C-Store, acquiring Dil in-game, without paying cash for anything at all, including a sub. (I recently compromised that principle in order to purchase $20 in Zen, because I was getting impatient while grinding the Dil to purchase a Yorktown - but had I not grown impatient, I could have had that ship for free as well.)
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