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[PODCAST] Tribbles in Ecstasy Take 215: "CBS Cares!" (w/Giveaways)

midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
Tribbles in Ecstasy Take 215: "CBS Cares!" has warped on to Holosuite Media, you can download and stream it from:

The Tribbles in Ecstasy Podcast talk once again to Tommy Kraft where we discuss the cancelling of the fan film Federation Rising after his phone call from a CBS Exec and about Tommy's new film Project Discovery.

The crew also discuss the Star Trek Online and Star Trek Timelines gaming events and news plus all the other latest Star Trek, Unoffical Star Trek Productions and Convention news and more.

The topics discussed this week are:
  • Star Trek Online,
  • Star Trek Timelines (00:13:00 and 01:41:30),
  • Interview with Tommy Kraft (00:16:10),
  • Star Trek Beyond (02:01:04),
  • Unofficial Star Trek Productions (02:02:05),
    • Star Trek Continues,
    • Star Trek Anthology,
    • Star Trek Horizon,
    • Star Trek Constellation,
    • Star Trek New Voyages/Phase II,
    • Star Trek Axanar,
    • Star Trek Renegades
  • Conventions (02:06:08),
  • Other News (02:06:39),
  • and more!

Our community questions this week are:
1. What are you most looking forward to from the announcements from Star Trek Timelines?
2. What are your thoughts on Tommy Kraft's new film Project Discovery?
Please reply to this post with any feedback you have about any topic we've covered or even about the show in general, we'd love to hear what our listeners have to say. And feedback to us now and be entered in to a prize draw to get yourself a Star Trek Online Legacy of Romulus Starter Pack, Zen and Lockbox keys. Rules are here: http://holosuitemedia.com/tiefeedbackgiveaways2016/ - Just reply to this post to enter.

Please help friend of the show and fellow Star Trek Online player and podcaster Mav with donations to support his recovery with his current health situation here: http://www.gofundme.com/tomsrecovery.



  • garaks31garaks31 Member Posts: 2,845 Arc User
    edited May 2016
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    What are you most looking forward to from the announcements from Star Trek Timelines?
    The game needs less grind and more Trek, I hope this will be coming.

    What are your thoughts on Tommy Kraft’s new film Project Discovery?
    I didn't see Horizon, but after reading about it I must check it out. Discovery may be the only hope of getting the more traditional Trek flavor from video makers.
  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    Meanwhile, over at Stitcher they forgot to feed certain hamsters again.
  • alex1geralex1ger Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Hello and welcome to this episode of "alex writes stuff".

    Community questions:

    1.) I'm still not playing Timelines, so... moving along.

    2.) Well, I already asked you to keep tabs on it so... I guess you could say that I'm curious. I mean, after Horizon I said that I wouldn't mind a sequel or something. I guess Project Discovery technically counts as "or something". ;)


    Okay, a history lesson about a real ship named "Discovery" and a captain Scott. That's funny because... wait, you're not talking about Robert Scott, are you? The "second man" (leader of the second expedition to be more accurate) to reach the south pole? Okay, you are. Interesting how people still somewhat remember him. I mean, usually you have a hard time naming the second person to do something. I mean, name the second man in space (after Gagarin) or the second man on the moon (okay, some of you might know that...), you get the idea.

    And I remember last time you had Tommy on the show and he kinda sorta told us that he saw where CBS/Paramount were coming from while trying not to blame anyone for the lawsuit. And now he reveals that Alec Peters kept asking him about what he might or might not say on some podcast or another. Interesting. Did Tommy really talk about the same Alec Peters that "celebrated" getting sued and that can't seem to keep his own noise-hole shut? You know, maybe someone is getting worried about this lawsuit. Or maybe he's just hungry and needs a snack... or another sushi dinner. *shrug*

    No mention of the sad anniversary. Oh well. I didn't expect a thorough philosophical discussion about technology we might or might not be able to handle, but since some of you remembered watching Challenger, it might have been interesting to hear where you were when Chernobyl "happened".

    Btw. dragon has been missing for a while now, did I fail to notice an announcement? I don't need any reasons but is he just on hiatus or no longer part of the team?

    STO news:

    RP blog:

    Another RP blog, another beautiful piece of storytelling, but another hilariously incompetent Na'kuhl wannabe assassin. Well, it would be hilarious, if they were meant to be comic relief villains, but the blogs seem to imply that we're supposed to take them seriously. Oh well, there's gonna be a STOrytime about them. Soon...ish.

    Galactic development campaign:

    I'm less than impressed. Just like the last few times. I weep for the stories that could have been told here. I mentioned some of them on STOrytime already, but maybe I could revisit that topic. Some day...

    STOrytime part 4: The trouble with tribbles... uhm... voices, subpart 1...

    What does voice acting have to do with the story? I'm glad you asked.
    You see, good voice acting supports a good story and increases the immersion.
    Stuff like the 100 billionth T'Nae voice clone on the other hand... *facepalm*

    But I'm getting ahead of myself, so...
    sun, the guy who voiced the borg romulan... (the character's name is Gaius Selan) did not voice Cooper. Captain Shon, Dr. Cooper and Hakeev (most notably, he did some more minor characters) were voiced by Dave Rivas.
    Now, whether the Gaius Selan actor (Gabriel Wolf, iirc) did the voice work for ambassador Skyl (the cardassian) and ambassador Surah (the deferi)... I don't remember. I just noticed that both of them sounded VASTLY different than I remembered them. And I only vaguely remembered them in the first place, so the difference must have been huge. But hey, nobody's gonna notice, so let's just have some voice actors do some stuff because voice acting is "hip" since SWTOR did it! (And let me tell you, even SWTOR messed up every now and then...)

    I mean, when it comes to Star Trek actors, Cryptic seems to be worried about the quality, but let's get back to one of my bigger gripes with voice acting in STO... "The one voice of Lani Minella".
    See, I read about her that she was supposed to be a veteran voice actor/director.
    I know (because I mentioned it before) that she voiced Lt. Jhu Terel. That is the one time in STO that I did not recognize her voice. Basically every other NPC voiced by her just triggers a "Oh, hello T'Nae..." reaction from me.

    So I did some research. Why don't you follow me on my journey? Go to YouTube. Look for "The many voices of"... in this case, "The many voices of Lani Minella". (But some of the other videos are rather enlightening, too.)
    There are some who really remind me of T'Nae (sorry, that's just how I call her "standard voice" now) and a few others that sound different enough (and I'm not talking about the little boys and cartoonish creatures...), so I would argue that she "could" voice multiple characters without being obviously the same voice actor. And now take a look at the comments. I don't know whether that is the real Lani Minella, but it seems to be a reasonable assumption and it's definitely worth a read.

    To make it short: "Bad"/ridiculous voice acting is usually (not always) a game producer's decision. Which is why she doesn't like some of her older works showing up in some of these "reels".
    I wish I was surprised.

    And she thought that some (not all!) of the stuff she did for Neverwinter was over processed. She specifically mentions T'Ket being so over processed that you could barely understand what she was saying. Well, T'Ket does not show up in Neverwinter but hey, both games are made by Cryptic, so I can see why she mixed them up. ;)

    I guess I'm gonna call it a day now. Until we meet again.
    Maybe tomorrow, when I know what this 5/5 event is gonna be.
    "Let it be good." seems rather inappropriate, so how about... "Let it be not too bad?" -.-
  • midniteshadow7midniteshadow7 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    cruzist wrote: »
    Meanwhile, over at Stitcher they forgot to feed certain hamsters again.

    Stitcher feed is working now.
  • alex1geralex1ger Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Feedback continues:

    Okay, now that we know what 5/5 was about...

    Expansion announced. Well, that was about time. What's it about? Playable cardassians? The gamma quadrant? Or maybe something entirely new and exciting? Do we finally get to explore strange new worlds? *gets hyped*
    We get something like a "Temporal Recruit" TOS expansion? Oh boy. *hype instantly vanishes* I was hoping we'd be done with these temporal shenanigans after this mess of a story arc. [insert a bunch of expletives]

    Btw. those TOS-ships... they look appropriate. (TOS is not really my cup of tea. I know, I know. Sacrilege.)
    But frankly, they shouldn't exist. Well, either they shouldn't exist or the endgame Excelsiors and D7/K'tingas (like I said before, I can't tell those two apart) shouldn't exist. (That list is by no means complete...)
    I mean, Cryptic wants (needs) to make money, so I get that they try to bend canon to their whims, but CBS really needs to do a better job here. Either stick to canon or acknowledge (and try to mend) some of the sillier aspects of it. But this is once again flip-flopping around.

    But that's not it, the funny part is... they announced getting Michele Specht to do voice work a few weeks ago. (Did that stuff even go live, yet? If it did, I did not notice her, but I only watched all ST:C episodes once. It's enjoyable, but it's still TOS. *shrug*)
    They just announced Walter Koenig and Chris Doohan.
    But did you watch the trailer? At some point during the trailer, I was like... is that... that sounds an awful lot like... did they get Vic Mignogna to voice the trailer and actually "forget" to announce him or at least mention/credit him for the trailer even if he was not going to do any voice work (yet)? Or did they just get a soundalike? Because that would be about as embarrassing.

    Either way, as Montgomery Burns would put it: "Oh Cryptic/PW, can't you go five seconds without humiliating yourselves?"
  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    cruzist wrote: »
    Meanwhile, over at Stitcher they forgot to feed certain hamsters again.

    The problems with Stitcher have been resolved! YAAAY!​​
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • alex1geralex1ger Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Third time's the charm or something...

    Please pretend that this is all just one feedback post. Okay? Thanks.

    Salami_Inferno tweeted stuff:

    So... if you own one of those "TOS ships" and you get the T6 equivalent of the respective ship, you can then put the TOS skin on said T6 version.
    So, the T6 Nautilus could use the Daedalus skin, if you owned both of them.
    The T6 Theseus could look like a Perseus, the T6 Sagittarius like a Gemini and the T6 Paladin like a Ranger. Nope, still no T6 Connie, which brings up a good point.

    Uhm... Explain it to me like I was three years old... Who exactly is supposed to be happy about this? The Endgame (T6) Connie crowd? Probably not, because they specifically wanted "their" hero ship, the garbage scow.
    And people like me, who are already unhappy about nonsense like the T6 Excelsior (being able to use the "classic skin")? I'm even more unhappy about this turn of events. So, tell me, who do you think should be applauding you here?
    Because I see two crowds that should be somewhat alienated by this decision.

    I really think both your PR people and the people at CBS who greenlit this decision are well overpaid. I can see neither rhyme nor reason here. What am I missing? Can someone help me out here?

    PS: Hey, @sunseahl how do you like your new TOS-style klingon (not "KDF", just pure klingon) and romulan ships? Oh, wait... *headdesk*
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    The New Connie model looks fantastic, a little disappointed that the refitted version, (my favorite), wasn't included, maybe in the future. I'd love to see a TMP era bridge and interior too.

    loved the podcast as usual ! :)

  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    cruzist wrote: »
    Meanwhile, over at Stitcher they forgot to feed certain hamsters again.

    Stitcher feed is working now.

    Thanks for fixing it. I finally had some time to listen and especially liked the Tommy Kraft interview.
  • alfheimwandereralfheimwanderer Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    With regards to Agents of Yesterday, I'm tentatively looking forward to it. Curious if there will be another "carrier" option in which we can use Aeon timeship shuttles. Also curious about the endgame for this new TOS faction.
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