I had 48 pass tokens, collected rewards on an admiralty assignment that listed 2 pass tokens as part of the reward, and stayed at 48. "That's odd," I thought. Must have actually had 46 and just didn't read it properly because the font this game uses is absolutely abysmal and there's no option to use a different one. Oh well.
And then I collected rewards for another admiralty assignment that listed 1 pass token as part of the reward.
Still 48.
I spent a pass token to skip an assignment and it went to 47.
Please fix this.
Edit with screenshots. You can clearly see the assignment log showing pass tokens as part of the rewards for those assignments, and my chat log showing that the pass tokens were not granted, and the fact that I used 5 afterward and went to 43, so I did have 48 originally. And no, I'm sorry, but I didn't take a screenshot of how many I had
before collecting the reward (wormhole aliens didn't answer my prayers, so no time-travel visions for me today). However, I will be keeping an eye out for it in the future so I can document it if/when it happens again.
"Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" - Agatha Heterodyne
I guess the problem is much larger than I realized. Thanks.
Would be nice if there was some regression testing for these patches to make sure things don't get broken like this.
PS. Changed maps again, and now it lists 2 pass tokens.
Adm. Lurak
I'm wondering whether it's an actual recalculation of the rewards or whether it's just a display bug.
EDIT: Strike that. I collected two and missed the third, noticed the third one sitting there, figured I might as well clear it out of the way, and it gave me one pass token. I have no idea what's going on behind the curtain.
Adm. Lurak
You have to keep an eye on the criticals that don't promise tokens, as well. All random rewards get re-rolled.
Ok misread that. So pass tokens are now randomly picked up from missions that don't show pass tokens, or other items are being collected as them instead of what's been shown. That seems to fit in with what's been happening with the rest off doffing.