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Whats the Average DPS of the Player Community ?



  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User

    Do you believe most players (a majority of at least 50%+1) are surpassing the 30k mark ?

    Do you believe most players are hitting even 10k ?

    What percentage of players do you believe are making a mockery of even the Elite content the game offers ?

    And is the Power Creep we are experiencing such a bad thing if the vast majority (as I believe) are benefitting from it ?

    Does it really make sense to punish the top end players (a vast minority - as I believe) that are soaring to new heights making a mockery of Elite content ?

    Or is it a fair trade off for the community ?

    Lower End Players benefit (enabling them to complete mission optionals more easily etc), while Top End guys soar to new heights ?

    1.) No, but I'd bet 50%+ are surpassing 10-12k (converted to ISA numbers). Of my last 8 ISA runs, with 34/35 other players being unique @handles, I only saw 6 below 10k, and those were all 4-6k. Everyone else was 20k or better.

    2.) If "most" = "majority", see above.

    3.) Probably less than 3% making a "mockery", but 5-10% able to complete it, and maybe more toward the 5% end able to do so comfortably

    4.) Regardless of whether or not mid and low-level people are benefiting, on principle the existence of powercreep is something that should be kept watch on. Bringing someone at 10k to 15k or 5k to 10k means taking 1 or more people at 30 to 35/40/50, thus moving them from minimum quals for elite to comfortable completion, and with another round of creep, to the point of mockery. Also, what's been most dispiriting to me in the game, leading to periods of not even logging in due to "why bother?" is having so much power/dps that I can comfortably do anything, at which point it becomes market sim 2016.

    5.) The very top-end are going to find away around anything, setting records no matter the circumstances. When anything beyond 50-75k is nothing but a completion time bonus, folks at 100k+ could lose 30% or more and be just fine. I don't think that we should be setting scaling for power based on the folks at the edge of the bell curve, but more that if something happens balance-wise that's a net dps loss to them, it's of no detriment to the community.
  • tobiashirttobiashirt Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    ak255 wrote: »
    With friends: We'll all get around 50k DPS.

    Doing random STFs with idiots other players: I'll get 30-40k while everyone else can't even do close to 10k! And it doesn't even make sense! Even on my weakest of characters which run cheap gear like Mk X phasers with 4 Mk XI Uncommon Phaser Relays, I'll still do over 10k. I'll never understand how people can do even less.

    Because it's an alt with poor gear, because they're farming a completion, because they got distracted, because they're a troll, because they don't have a massive bankroll to buy the best ships/genetic resequencers, because they're not a tac/rom/reman, etc...take your pick.

    My toons range from a fed/eng main at 50k in a daemosh to 80k in a t6 sci odyssey tank all the way to a 5-6k kdf sci in a level-up BoP with no ship traits except event ships, a mix of mk12 vr gear, and a cannon/torp weapon mix for fun. I had a fed tac bumming around in their basic lv 50 ship with mk 11 blue gear at 10k, as you describe...then I got 100m worth of genetic resequencers, mastered the presidio/phantom/avenger/hestia/icarus that I have access to, got mk12 UV fleet gear upgraded to mk14 UV and a full set of spire consoles/embassy boffs. Lo and behold, 35-40k ISA, and sufficient performance elsewhere. QED.

  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Hey look guys, there is nothing wrong if you're not cracking 20k consistently.
    I'm was just trying to determine at what point power creep stops being a benefit and starts to become an issue.

    Basically i was just wondering at what point the content becomes too easy. And if we can determine that point(through Dps or time to complete).. Then maybe we can determine what % of the population is dissatisfied or not enjoying content as much.
    But I guess "easy" is really subjective and people have different ideas on how hard something should be.

    That said, its 100% fine if you have your way of doing things. No one is required to follow what the Dps crowd does.
    Like it was said already, there's a lot of builds that don't get recognized as much because they go about the game in a different manner. Doesn't mean they aren't viable in their own way. They're just harder to quantify.

    I was in no way trying to make people feel bad.
    If it came off like I was talking down to anyone I apologize and that was not my intention at all. I hate when people get all proud of their big DPS tbh. Its really not humble at all.
    And there's already a bad rep for dps players I don't want to add to it. Though to be fair to the channels, I've never had a bad experience there myself personally, I think that crowd is actually very nice, and very helpful ! But I can understand those who feel its a bit elitest for their tastes.. But again, I've never felt berated or put down using either dps channel. But that's just my experience.

    Frankly I'm glad you're all here, regardless of how you parse, or even if parsing is the last of your concerns.
    Plus, I would add that unconventional builds are a sign of thinking outside the box and also a sign of a strong imagination. Something I'd never look down on.

    Anyway. My whole point was that I don't think power creep is really hurting anything atm at least on the pve side of things.
    Top guys are happy to set new records, and the rest of us regular joes have an easier time completing missions.
    -Lag not withstanding - I understand there's some serious lag issues atm -

    Now if the average Joes start beating everything in under a min, we may need to re evaluate where we stand with creep.
    But there's some good arguments here against too much/too soon. And ill have to read through these again, to get a good grasp on how people feel.

    Its just that we see so many of these power creep threads, I thought I'd look at it from a positive perspective.
    Post edited by taylor1701d on
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,912 Arc User
    you can't go by parses. i know with certainty that I do far more damage flying a nandi than flying the scryer, so unless everyone you parse is flying the same ship, you just can't count on parsing to give accurate data
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    sle1989 wrote: »

    I have been in an ISA pug where two people parsed and got different results. In one parse, the lowest person had about 10k and in the other they had about 14k.

    I have seen this exact same thing, it's why I stopped parsing a long time ago. Honestly, the parsing software seems more like random luck then an actual accurate measure of performance.

    All I do now is play content and see how quickly my ship melts bad guys. I gave up chasing parse numbers a while ago because it just felt too random. It's actually really hard to get an accurate synthetic performance gauge in this game. I know that I drop most enemies in a couple of seconds, I don't really feel I need to know what parsing tool says.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    I think I do 5 to 10 dps. normal-2.gif​​
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
  • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I never checked mine but I have good fleet gear on my main and stuff explodes quickly. I'm not counting DPS and don't really want to. I purchased the game to experience the story and the Trek universe. That's what I want more of....not seeing how quickly I can mow down countless waves of enemies.
    original join date 2010

    Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    I have seen this exact same thing, it's why I stopped parsing a long time ago.

    Normally I only see this when:
    • The two people are using different parsing software. SCM computes for more samples per second than CLR for example, so they can have differing results.
    • On a high lag run, parses can be different since damage may or may not be registered on the client-side.
    • They started/ended combatlog in different points in time (as is the case in most CCA runs)
    • They went too far apart from each other (as is the case in maps like Khitomer, Grethor and others).

    Usually, my parse is the same with people using the same parsing software.
  • jbmaverickjbmaverick Member Posts: 935 Arc User
    The last parse I did, which is admittedly a long time ago and due to my own casual nature may not be entirely accurate because I only know the basics of parsing, was just over 25k in ISA with a premade but very casual team while I was running mixed ranks - strongly leaning toward Mk12 IIRC - of [Over] Phasers (more for the cosmetic effect of the overloads than functionality, and matching damage type to being in a Federation vessel). I tend to try to act as the tank in that particular team but I also tend to be one of the higher average DPSers among the people I play with as well. For that particular run, 4 out of 5 broke 10k, including someone who runs a Nebula class because it's his favorite ship, and 3 out of 5 broke 20k, with mine being the highest. The final guy broke 7k but I believe he has a strong focus on Control-style gameplay with virtually no damage output focus on that particular Captain. I couldn't say for certain on equipment levels among everyone running, I believe the lowest of the three who broke 20k likely had at least epic Mk14 everything but he basically let someone else log in to his account and set everything up for him, and I'm pretty sure he's one of the people running an all-you-can-eat spacebar macro because he lacks the ability to do things manually due to some mental trauma in his life a while back. It's allowed him to keep up with the rest of us though, so I don't begrudge him using it.

    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Well if I had to hazard a guess I'd say probably around 18k-20k is the average dps (which is pretty much what you need to cruise your way through the game with only a few minor speedbumps) I parse between 77k and 82k atm on my Science/Torp Annorax - Science Captain but when I pug I generally see 1 or 2 players doing 25k to 30k 1 doing around 15k and another doing 5k to 10k Dps with me at the stupidly high end. The power creep is a real thing BUT, and I can't stress this enough, It takes time, research, and a lot of fine tuning to hit the monstrous DPS numbers (75k+) and yes a lot of people say it's easy to hit that number but that's only if you know how to work the numbers to your advantage and you have e the resources to dump into your ship.

  • bossbltbossblt Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    ak255 wrote: »
    With friends: We'll all get around 50k DPS.

    Doing random STFs with idiots:

    This is why I stay completely away from deeps
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Hey at @taylor1701d, cool thread you have up. :)

    Think it is hard to impossible to tell that figure. Only thing we have is the database of the 2 major DPS leagues in game. Of course this narrows it down to only those players that have been parsed in runs that have been uploaded.


    I find the new seasonal table of the metals particularly interesting because it shows those currently playing after the power tsunami of 11.5. Less than 500 players show up there at all giving a creepy low general participation in teamed PvE maps.

    ~25K DPS would place a player right in the middle if that list.

    What I find a bit disturbing in the runs I do is that, after the tsunami, more extremes tend to show up in ISA pugs the past two-three weeks. I seem to constantly run into players which either do very high DPS, so 75k/100k+ or really low DPS as in 10k-. Yesterday’s record parse for me was somebody managing 0,4K.

    As for the DPS of my 9 toons after season 11.5:

    - 2/3 Tacs are at 100k+, Top record 150k; 1/3 is at 80k+, he misses out a trait. When I get that I think I manage 100k with him too
    - 2/3 Eng are at 85k+; 1/3 at 60k+ because I crippled him with full engineering spec
    - 2/3 Scis are at 90k+; 1/3 at 60k+, he has a deliberate support role and also misses a trait.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Umm...according to @nephitis i am a low dps player

    Hehe, so am I. Simply because I'm still running XI-XII purples... :lol:

    Realistically, it's the random mishmash of mismatched weapons (and consequently tac abilities) that's definitively dropping me into the low tier - not my refusal to spend dilithium on improving already-decent gear.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.

    Yea just checked, if sorted by @handle it’s really 2,3kish new, registered parses. Now if one picks the DPS number in the middle of that list we seem to be even a bit higher more like 27k DPS or something? :)

    Would say that would be best guess for the average player’s* DPS these days.

    *players that bother with teamed PvE
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    i don't care about dps, but sometimes a parse is given in ISA. my main do almost 40k, the others between 15k and 28k. a surprise is coming from my fed eng with the risian cruiser and a tetryon build: 25k. (she use the quantum deflector and engine + the maco shield all MK XII, all the weapons are MK XIV but not epic and 3 of them are just purple)
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.

    Yea just checked, if sorted by @handle it’s really 2,3kish new, registered parses. Now if one picks the DPS number in the middle of that list we seem to be even a bit higher more like 27k DPS or something? :)

    Would say that would be best guess for the average player’s* DPS these days.

    *players that bother with teamed PvE

    I think it is too soon to use that as a metric though. Most people only upload their "best" parses. Though I have run into people that upload every parse they make, those are rare. The numbers are going to be skewed on the high end.
  • mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I have a wide variety of toons, they do from 30-95k and I parse pug runs on isa often, always have done. I'm seeing more mid-range dps numbers in a run but on the majority of pug runs I'm seeing 3 players do just about less than 10k. This is still a slight improvement. Lowest I've seen so far since 11.5 was 500 odd dps. That beats the previous lowest I had seen of 350 odd. Powercreep confirmed, nerf everything!!!!1!1!11!!!!
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    mmps1 wrote: »
    Lowest I've seen so far since 11.5 was 500 odd dps. That beats the previous lowest I had seen of 350 odd. Powercreep confirmed, nerf everything!!!!1!1!11!!!!

    That's a 40% increase? Powercreep confirmed!!!! :scream:
  • mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    Nerfbat mk XIV [sci]x3 [everything]

    I hope they don't get epic next upgrade weekend :(
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.

    Yea just checked, if sorted by @handle it’s really 2,3kish new, registered parses. Now if one picks the DPS number in the middle of that list we seem to be even a bit higher more like 27k DPS or something? :)

    Would say that would be best guess for the average player’s* DPS these days.

    *players that bother with teamed PvE

    I think it is too soon to use that as a metric though. Most people only upload their "best" parses. Though I have run into people that upload every parse they make, those are rare. The numbers are going to be skewed on the high end.

    True or a lot don't upload at all, like me in your numbers league. Still they (we) end up beeing their since the parse seems to upload the entier team like in CLR. :)
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    e30ernest wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.

    Yea just checked, if sorted by @handle it’s really 2,3kish new, registered parses. Now if one picks the DPS number in the middle of that list we seem to be even a bit higher more like 27k DPS or something? :)

    Would say that would be best guess for the average player’s* DPS these days.

    *players that bother with teamed PvE

    I think it is too soon to use that as a metric though. Most people only upload their "best" parses. Though I have run into people that upload every parse they make, those are rare. The numbers are going to be skewed on the high end.

    True or a lot don't upload at all, like me in your numbers league. Still they (we) end up beeing their since the parse seems to upload the entier team like in CLR. :)

    Haha it's not "my" numbers league. Truth be told, I'd rather not be linked to either leagues. I know some people from both sides, maybe even friends with some and I participate in some runs but that's as far as my involvement with them goes.

    I parse, but I don't really compete for standings. I parse because I enjoy shipbuilding (out of the meta mainly), and this is one of the ways I can measure the performance of my builds.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    e30ernest wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    e30ernest wrote: »
    Actually, ISA 11.5 has almost 4800 records listed? SCM's tables which were reset last week had 2361 unique users already.

    Yea just checked, if sorted by @handle it’s really 2,3kish new, registered parses. Now if one picks the DPS number in the middle of that list we seem to be even a bit higher more like 27k DPS or something? :)

    Would say that would be best guess for the average player’s* DPS these days.

    *players that bother with teamed PvE

    I think it is too soon to use that as a metric though. Most people only upload their "best" parses. Though I have run into people that upload every parse they make, those are rare. The numbers are going to be skewed on the high end.

    True or a lot don't upload at all, like me in your numbers league. Still they (we) end up beeing their since the parse seems to upload the entier team like in CLR. :)

    Haha it's not "my" numbers league. Truth be told, I'd rather not be linked to either leagues. I know some people from both sides, maybe even friends with some and I participate in some runs but that's as far as my involvement with them goes.

    I parse, but I don't really compete for standings. I parse because I enjoy shipbuilding (out of the meta mainly), and this is one of the ways I can measure the performance of my builds.

    I like that. :)

    I just have a habbit to hang to the metals more since I consider most of the admins there to be my firends in game I received a lot of help from.

    I'm sure same counts for numbers too.

    I also think you parse a lot longer than me. I remember your @handle back then from one of my very first 50k runs or so u showed me in team chat.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Yes I remember that. I remember the tables were down during that period so you told me to hang on to the parse, but I accidentally cleared my log and I have been meaning to apologize for that. But you hit 50k again the next day so it wasn't an issue. :blush:
  • mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    @reyan01 the one constant of each run you are involved in is you. You run the same queues, get the same results and somehow are surprised by this. It sounds like you have a very unsatisfying game experience. Others will not change to satisfy you, the only way things will change in sto for you is if you shake things up a bit yourself. My advice would be to join star trek battles and the science channel, do runs from there and stop pugging. It's your game, stop worrying what random people online think.
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Also one thing to remember is the parsing tool does show healing and tanking metrics. It's not talked about much, but the data is there. For me that's been the most helpful. I've been building this ship and steadily making improvements on it, trying to get it's DPS increased while maintaining its tanking. And then being able to look at the contribution of single skills has helped a ton Things like:
    Finally seeing how Aux2SIF is performing for me let me see why it gets recommended so much
    Noting how little I use some powers helps me make adjustments to my own performance.
    Seeing what the individual contribution of Feedback Pulse is versus Gravity Well versus Tyken's Rift.

    Heck right now I'm actually utilizing all three of those points to determine if I want to keep Science Team 2 as I use it very little, I get plenty of healing from other sources, and I could potentially use Destabilizing Resonance Beam or Tyken's Rift in its place, or switch to Feedback Pulse 1 and Gravity Well 2.

    But I'd feel weird not having ST around, and then there's the debuff removal ...

  • mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    So why do you continually post about isa? Why would it remotely bother you if this is content you very rarely run?
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
  • mmps1mmps1 Member Posts: 381 Arc User
    Cause you make it out to be this massive issue, you post very often about how bad an experience isa happens to be. It smacks a bit of flogging that dead horse. Let it go man, let it go.
    "Mr talks down to the peasants."
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Indeed - but as I said a few posts ago, healing/tanking may be recorded but no-one cares about them; the only number that matters is the magic 'DPS' one.

    You're right. That is the magic number everyone focuses on. And it's been that way in MMOs for a good long time. And Cryptic MMOs have unfortunately always had a problem in that overall that is the metric they utilize most.

    However, we can at least add the other metrics to the conversation. There's a lot of tanks out there. There's a lot of builds and powers that rely on healing (though the tricky part in STO is that healing tends to be self-focused and not really engaged in a standard MMO way where Healer X heals Players A, B and C). I think a fun movement might be to start trying to change the conversation. Start talking about your highest HPS runs. Your highest ATKS-in%. I mean it seems silly but a little coordinated "bragging" about other stats could get the paradigm shifted a bit.

    It's just a suggestion.

    I've been a numbers and stats guy since I was a little kid collecting baseball cards. So while I understand the discomfort a lot of people have with the focus on parsing, for me, it's just another tool I'm using to analyze my own characters and their ships and what they do.
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