I would like to thank all of you who shared (and continue to share) your ship name/registry number origins on this thread:
Meaning behind your ship's name and registry number. Its quite interesting and entertaining. But now that got me thinking...
What is your main character's bio?
FYI nothing more than 2000 characters (with spaces), as that is the limit set in-game for your character's biography. So basically what you have in your character's bio is what I want to know, lol. Looking forward to reading yours

My main's bio is straightforward, like my ship name/registry origin. It also follows the story and is worded in such a way to total 1983 characters (with spaces) which is my birth year

Edward's career as a Starfleet Officer is nothing short of astounding. Rising through the ranks from Cadet to Fleet Admiral all within 2 years. But the short span in which this unprecedented achievement took place continues to be the most turbulent and destructive in all of recorded history. From the start as one of the top students among his peers, the Class of 2409, he showed great promise. His potential was unleashed when thrust into the spotlight by the deaths of his classmate and friend, Cadet Rosark, and of his mentor, Captain Taggart. Taggart had followed Edward's progress closely throughout his time at Starfleet Academy and was thoroughly impressed with his capabilities. When the time came to choose a First Officer there was no one better suited to fill the position.
The aftermath of that tragic event was the catalyst that would change (as well as prevent the change of) the coarse of history. But a commanding officer is nothing without his crew. One of the first things a good captain should know is the strengths, weaknesses, and capability of his crew. After attaining the rank of Captain he used his connections to get his entire class under his command. After all he had gotten to know and worked with each of his classmates for four years at the Academy. Together aboard the USS Defiance, a newly christened Defiant-class equipped with prototype systems, they weathered one major conflict after another: The Klingon War, Borg Advance, Breen Invasion, and Iconian War to name a few. Each time coming out on top with thankfully (and luckily) no losses. Throughout their voyages he has gained new capable officers and comrades further adding to their success.
Reluctantly accepting the promotion to Fleet Admiral sitting behind a desk is not his calling. Thus Starfleet has given him special dispensation to continue managing fleet affairs from his ready room on the USS Defiance. Being with family and friends amongst the stars is where he is most comfortable.

The first
Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
U.S.S. Gawain, NCC-91980 - (Regent-class Assault Cruiser Refit) Captain Rogar, son of Chaz -- [KDF Tactical Officer]
I.K.S. Ga'Wain - (Vor'cha-class Battle Cruiser Retrofit) Commander Draefvs i'Virinat tr'Rajur -- [RRF Science Officer] (Ally of the Federation)
R.R.W. Gwalchmai - (Ha'nom-class Guardian Warbird) Praetor Gaius i'Yulius tr'Kesar -- [RSE Science Officer] (Ally of the Klingon Empire)
I.R.W. Imperator - (Tulwar-class Dreadnaught Warbird)
Short and sweet.
Raised in a Nausicaan colony, Fanlear joined the pirate fleets at a very young age. Initially she was just part of the maintinence crew on an older model raider but she quickly proved that she had a knack for engineering. In just a couple of years she was serving on the Negaz, a Talon class battleship raiding some of the most lucrative trade lanes in the alpha quadrent. Her resorcfulness earned her the job of 'technical support' on one of the Negaz' top boarding squads, there she met Touve, A Nausicaan marine who was often assigned to protect her during raids.
One particular raid whet south when a portion of the boarding squad were pinned down and a few enemy crewmen managed to reach the possition she and Touve were set up in. Her job was to override the various secured doors for the rest of the marines and keep the ship from fleeing or getting a distress call out. One of the crew anaged a lucky shot, crippling Touve below the waist. Dragging him behind cover, Fanlear used a couple of disruptor power cells (modified to explode) and the occasional spray of disruptor fire to keep the few enemy crew away while she completed her task and remaining marines returned. She earned a promotion for that raid and before long was serving as chief engineer on the Negaz.
A few years later she gained another promotion, though few saw it that way. She was given command of an old Syphon frigate that was all but due to be scrapped. She treated this as an opportunity however, bringing Touve onboard and getting him the surgery required to allow him to walk again. Between the two of them they built a crew that was able to take that old frigate and pull off raids no one else would have even attempted in such a ship.
When the Nausicaans were hired en-mass into the Klingon Defence Force ranks, Fanlear continued to serve with skill. This eventually landed her command of a new Kolasi Siege Destroyer.
(Current KDF Main)
A defector from the Terran Empire who made a case to join Starfleet after the attacks on Vahndal Station. She was given a probationary commission and is now determined to prove she can be a loyal asset to Starfleet and the Federation...
... or is that merely a cover for her real purpose?
(Note: has not been updated since her creation a few years ago, Current Federation Main)
Shiel's mother, Kenzie La'saran was part of the Bajoran resistance during the Occupation and later a member of the Maquis while she was still very young. She survived the Dominion purge of the Demilitarised Zone because she had been captured and imprisoned by the federation several months previous, at the time she was only 23.
Shiel was born a decade after the end of the Dominion War and was raised on Bajor solely by her mother as her father died in a construction accident a few months after Shiel was born. Teaching her daughter to always be prepared, La'saran passed on many of the skills she had picked up during her youth to Shiel.
In turn this prompted Shiel to apply to Starfleet as she saw it as a good outlet for the skills she'd been taught, a place where she could use them to the benefit of others. Passing through the academy with high marks she chose the scientific path focusing mostly on medical training but dabbled in other scientific areas when she saw ways to adapt skills her mother taught her or a chance to pick up new techniques along the same lines.
(My first character, havent really played her much since delta rising hit.)
Half Klingon, born to a romulan mother. Was trated as an outcast in the early years of his life before the Star Empire splintered. Later made a life for himself on the strength of his work rather than his heritage and eventually came to live on Verinat.
(Newest Alt, made on a whim and is only level 23)
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
NCV Shade, NCC-974022-X - (Wells-class Temporal Science Vessel)
Born 2983 and raised on a homestead in the mirror Universe, Holly chose to enter Starfleet in 4th millennium (31st Century) in order to "make something of herself." From there she was recruited to Starfleets Special Operations:Temporal Investigations Division. She excels at many forms of tactical space combat but specialized in stealth/ship to ship combat; preferring stealth and guile over brute strength on tactical missions. 5 years into the 4th millennium,Holly was given command of a Wells Class Temporal ship,the U.S.S Shade.
*All further information regarding this ship and its missions have been deemed classified.*
However, 2 years later, during the Temporal Cold War, the ship was hurled back to the year 2407 heavily damaged from an sustained combat with an as then, Unknown enemy. This ship and her crew were recovered after a Temporal distress beacon was launched. Holly was then re-assigned to a Temporal "Mobius Class" destroyer, The U.S.S Spectre.
*Additional information redacted*
In 2410 Holly re-emerged in this timeline, her appearance shrouded in secrecy,now in charge of several highly specialized ships as part of Task group Omega within the Omega Armada. It has been reported that Holly is running Fleet combat drills with Specialists from the Omega Armada.
Sovereign (TSABC],
BlackBird [Avenger],
Archangel (Manasa),
Beaufort (Presidio).
Dark Knight(Avenger)
Anarhai (TSAD)
During the beginning stages of the Iconican war, Holly was seen again commanding a now sci/combat optimized "Wells" temporal ship, bearing the same name as the previously mentioned vessel. This ship has been observed making use of unique combat abilities like kemocite laced weapons,subspace rifts and other shield penetrating abilities. All but the toughest ships melt before the rechristened, NCV Shade's exotic weaponry.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Funny thing is, the 'stache beams everywhere first.
A layabout and a moron. That was his father's comment on his work on the farm. Not wrong. Temeth's rise through the ranks has been built entirely on delegation of every task to his bridge officers. Perhaps that isn't entirely fair. Blind luck also helped. Temeth would fear the day someone realised he was totally incapable of the duties his rank demands, if he realised it himself.
Pascale just wanted to write poetry. The Gorn did not appreciate poetry. Pascale was not well liked, nor had a job. When the Klingon's invaded, Pascale was drafted to fight them. When they lost, the Klingon's drafted him to fight the Federation. They appreciated his poetry, so long as it was in epic song of victory. He obliged, and felt at home. Then he was fighting Iconians with the Federation. They appreciated his poetry too, so long as it was about love or existential crisis. He obliged, and felt at home. Pascale is not sure who he is fighting now, but he writes great poetry about it, whatever it is.
The Gorn is actually based of a foundry character I wrote half a mission for then gave up because I keep getting fustrated at not being able to do certain things. One day, I'll write a short story about his quest to write a poem about that special shade of green he saw once. The Romulan is inspired by my boss...
Name: Marrek Steele
Born: June 25th, 2393
Birth place: San Diego, California
Father: Roland, Mother: Alexandra, Sister: Erika
Enrolled Starfleet Academy: July 1st, 2404
Graduated: Class 2409
Cadet Cruise: USS WarMaiden(Reliant class).
During cruise CO killed, as cadet XO, Cadet Steele takes command and drives off attacking Warbirds. Assists USS Renown in driving of Klingon battlecruiser and returns to Earth and reports to SFC. Promoted for Heroism to Lt JG and put into the early command program. Given command of NX Frigate USS Hawkwing.
LtJG: CO USS Hawkwing, NX class, registry NX-95841
LTSG: CO USS Broadsword, Rapier class NCC-96181
LtCmdr: CO USS Fearless, Thubderchild class NX-96052
CMDR: CO USS Diligent, Defiant class NCC-94285
Capt: CO USS Indefatigable, Avenger class NX-96925
Capt: CO USS Nike, Presidio Class, NX-97413
RAdm: CO 301st tactical squadron. Flagship USS Ark Royal, Jupiter class carrier.
ships attached to carrier:
USS Diligent-A, Valiant class
USS Troubador, Icarus class
USS Hawkwing-A, Mecury class
USS Hotspur, Phantom class
USS Atropsos, Ajax class
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I'm sorry you didn't know. I'm a theme player and *Spoiler Alert* that is the game's story. Would have preferred it if it was at least 5-10 years, myself
narthais summarizes below...
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
Henry Armstrong was born on Trill. at a very young age, an accident forced the Drummond symbiote to be implanted in Armstrong. Thanks to the several lifetimes of the symbiote, Henry had a knack for the sciences, and entered Starfleet Academy, where he graduated with honors. Assigned to Astrometrics aboard USS Revere, He played a vital role in stopping a Borg advance deep in Federation Territory. It was during this action that Drummond assisted in saving USS Khitomer. On returning to the Revere, Drummond discovered all Senior officers had perished. Assuming command, Drummond Displayed unusual valor in assisting the Vega colony when it was attacked by the Borg.
In he traditions of great officers who came before, Drummond commanded the light cruiser USS Kongo, Research Science ship USS Hubble, Defiant class starship Aquila,
and USS Altair. Henry Drummond also was the prime commanding officer for ships assigned to task Force Tango, converted Tholian starships. Assuming flag rank, Admiral Drummond commands Carrier Group Nine, centered on Tarantula class carrier USS Antares and Recluse class USS Tarazed. Tarazed and Odyssey class Starship Altair sharing duties as flagship for CarGru 9.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dejah Thoris Burrough's claim to fame prior to joining Starfleet was being a direct descendant of Edgar Rice Burroughs, an influential author of the early 20th century. Dejah, or "Deety" to her friends, was nearly dismissed from the Academy for pranks, once in her plebe year and once in her third and final year. Fortunately for Starfleet, Deety rose rapidly through the ranks, serving as Commanding Officer of the Starships
USS Princess of Mars, USS Phobos, USS City of Helium, and most notably the converted Jem'Hadar dreadnought carrier USS Sword of Barsoom. Upon reaching the Admiralty, Deety wears two hats commanding officer of Devron One, Starfleet's development squadron currently evaluating the Jupiter class carriers, and Battle Group Charlie, centered on USS Sword of Barsoom, USS Princess of Mars and USS City of Helium. Battle Group Charlie is assigned to Sol sector defense, and Special operations.
That's true but I for example also ignore in-game timeline as it's just weird and unplausible. Only one of my characters has a mention of the (old) tutorial and the field promotion to lieutenant, but no other dates when or how promotions happened. Also, I treat the game as if it's already 2416 since we already had six new years and anniversary events. Also, since my character was ensign in the old tutorial and not cadet the whole academy graduate situation doesn't apply and they graduated actually a few years prior to when the game started.
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Some people like to follow the story closely while others-like those who have posted their bios have show, don't. The commenter seemed to think that's how I wrote his story. I'm just clarifiying that I'm following the story. If Cryptic revamps stuff then his bios will change accordingly.
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
Current Starship:
U.S.S. Charizard [Centaur Class]
U.S.S. Arcadia [Constitution Class Refit]
U.S.S. Sylux [Soverign Class]
U.S.S. Badass Blade [Excelsior Fleet Retrofit]
U.S.S. SDF-1 Macross [Fleet Galaxy X]
U.S.S. Dylan Hunt [Star Cruiser]
ZanSaber [Delta Flyer]]
Insomnia's Fall [Captains Yacht]
The Undutiness [Jem'Hadar Attackship]
U.S.S. Yang Wen-Li [Oddessy Star Cruiser]
NSEA Protector [Galor Class Cruiser]
U.S.S. John Sheridan [Oddessy Science Cruiser]
U.S.S. Puss Licker [Fleet Caitian Atrox Carrier]
U.S.S. Blade Of Sanity [Heavy Escort Carrier]
U.S.S. Outrider [Oddesy Operations Cruiser]
U.S.S. Sieg Kircheis [Oddessy Tactical Cruiser]
T.C.S. Midway [Tholion Recluse Carrier]
U.S.S. Dawn Of Humanity [Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit]
U.S.S. Artdessei [Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit]
Wild Stinger [Tholian Widow Fighter]
U.S.S. Blade Of Atheism [Mirror Assault Crusier]
I.R.W. Tomalok [TalShiarAdaptedBattleCruiser]
Age Of Iconians [Advanced Oblelisk Carrier]
Blade of Silence [Elachi Monbosh Battleship]
U.S.S. Gekidan [Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit]
Dinosaur Blade [Bastion Flight Deck Cruiser]
H.H.V Bucket of bodies [Hirogen Apex Battlecruiser]
Voth Party Tug [Voth Heavy Fighter]
U.S.S. Hitchens Razor [Fleet Gaurdian Cruiser]
Dinosaur Science [Palasades Voth Science]
Ancient Doom[Vaadwuar Astika]
Your Little Doom[Vaadwuar Pythus]
Beep Boop Beep [APU cruiser]
Bustin Out Theta [Malon BattleCruiser]
Finalizer [Herald Quas]
Myth Destroyer [Zahl Cruiser]
Like my fanpage!
Join Date: August 29th 2010
I treated the tutorial as part of my character's story early on. Now, I just imagine it as a kind of final command test before they let you have your own ship.
Arconian Lee Ionic-Force joined Star Fleet for one purpose to explore new worlds, fight off the enemies of Star Fleet with an peaceful hand in the matters. Arconian was given an call sign of Light because he fights for what is right in the space. Right now he's gaining ranks for star fleet so he can be a better help for everyone. Mr. Ionic-Force right now is a Lt. Commander Rank One looking forward to the beyond of what his career can give him.
Arconian Lee Ionic-Force is in-command of the U.S.S. Zo'Ragnarok II. It is a Fleet Patrol Escort for the fleet that Arconian Lee Ionic-Force joined.
Arconian Lee Ionic-Force also has a long lost sister by the code name of Talmaaria, in the Romulan Republic. Maria and Arconian are blood related; Arconian got his father's looks while Maria got her mother's looks. Arconian followed his father's footsteps and joined the Federation since his father was an Captain of the U.S.S. Quantum Zeal, an Advanced Escort Starship but he was lost when he went through a portal that went to the Mirror Universe and no one has ever heard of Arconian and Maria's Dad is code named "Darkola" for his rash behavior and was unable to reach any rank higher than Captain because he was kept on short tabs because of his connections with the Tal'Shiar, Undine and an Unknown Force classified in their families native language as 'Annihilating Stars and Conquering Monitoring' loosely termed as the Existence Empire or more commonly known as the X-COM Empire. The Ionic-Force Family came from an Alternate Timeline that is even more screwed up than the Mirror Universe, it is completely controlled by the X-COM Empire and has loose villainous enemies aka the Remnants of the Federation, the Klingon Empire, The Romulan Star Empire/Tal'Shiar and the non-threats the Borg Collective, Undine and the Voth Forces. The X-COM Empire has destroyed most of the Alpha Quadrant and Beta Quadrant factions and only the Delta Quadrant has an strong resistance.... to the X-COM Empire.
Should Add:
The ship he is flying right now is, the Tactical Pilot Escort, Mercury-Class called the U.S.S. Velociraptor X.
Designation: NX-93028-V
That is all.
This is basically a tie in with something I have created for all my characters, a slightly different canon, more or less an Alternate Universe, which is controlled by powerful spacial empires, which conquered the Alpha and Beta Quadrants in less than 1 to 40 years. And is working on the Delta Quadrant and Gamma Quadrants right now.
~~ Longer Version
During the Battle of Wolf 359, the Rigel-Class Starship, U.S.S. Tolstoy, was listed as destroyed by the invading Borg Cube under the command of Locutus (Captain Jean-Luc Picard).
The ship in fact intact after the engagement, but had been partially assimilated. The Borg had converted most of the surviving crew into drones and were in the process of assimilating the ship primary computer core when the Borg Cube was destroyed. All of the drones on-board were deactivated, except for a young girl who was not yet fully assimilated. The wreckage was taken to the Antares Ship Yard. The engineers and scientists there discovered that the interruption of the young girl and the ship's computer core had caused the two to become permanently linked. The young girl could no longer survive without the computer core.
Further study revealed that the fusion of the young girl, Koucha, and the Tolstoy's computer core via Borg technology had created a living computer. Most of Koucha's living tissue was lost in the fusion, but the computer core itself had become more compact and efficient. (but still large and immobile). The Core (affectionately named Buttons by the engineers) was installed into a Defiant "Pathfinder" vehicle NX-961273 with later became the U.S.S Rim Marie. Once installed, 'Buttons' proceeded the assimilate the ship. Her modified Borg nanites integrated with all of the ships functions. Although this enable her to fly the ship herself, Starfleet felt she needed a crew to maintain the ship. (after all, she still has the mind of a 10yr old).
Buttons created an avatar (similar to the Lt'. Ilia probe V'ger created in 2273) to interact with the crew and go on away missions. This is what stands before you now
During the Iconian War, the U.S.S. Rim Marie was severely damaged. She was towed back to the 2nd Alpha Centauri Irregulars Starbase where Koucha's core was removed. She remained there for months (sulking) until Starfleet commissioned the U.S.S. Elizabeth Dane and tasked the Corps of Engineers to move Koucha to the larger Modified Concorde Class Command Battlecruiser.
Koucha's ability to assimilate the ship systems allow her to control small craft without the need to endanger a pilot and allows her control over the various platforms that can be launched by the Command ship.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
Hast thou not lacked vigor
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
Hast thou not become slothful
Not quite my main, but my oldest char: Need to get this updated in game:
Admiral Antonine Revka (Fed alien engineer): (Note from Temporal Investigations: This is from Admiral Revka's copies of her service jacket. It has some strong disassociation with her current history in our timeline) Revka is the first of her species to attend the Academy - a low-warp, swampy planet near the Cardassian frontier. Partly from expectations, partly from sheer environmental factors (San Fransisco is, on average, very chilly to her), she concentrated on studies to the point of taking and completing the rigrous optional bridge qualification, and was assigned as third-shift operations officer and fifth in engineering on a Miranda for her post-graduation cruise.
As, techncially, a bridge officer, she was sent over during the Battle of Vega when the Khitomer requested additional assistance, and her ship's previous captain understandably not wanting to break up his tactical team while against the Borg. Unfortunately, the Borg, while disdaining such things, now understood the virtue of indvidiuals in Starfleet's command structure, and specificially targeted bridges and control centers during the Vega incursion.
Antonine more or less shanghaied a weapon officer standing near the transporter room, stabilized power and life support, and joined with the remaining Starfleet ships, and helped fight the rear-guard action that prevented a rout.
For courage under fire, Quinn put her on the fast-track, with a series of high-profile but relatively low-risk missions to gain experience and get a feel for the 'regular' business of being a Captain. But between a Vulcan ambassador turning out to be an Undine and a patrol against Klingon skirmishers leading to a terrifying strike against a Doomsday Device - Revka showed a knack where being where the fire was hottest. With many senior command and flag officers killed during Vega and the Klingon War, she was bumped up far faster than Quinn anticipated, reaching Vice-Admiral in the same group with many other previously junior officers, whose talent led to rapid promotions as Starfleet tried to hold the line during the last few desperate years.
She was part of Task Force Omega, held the line for Dyson Command during the Undine strike, fought through the Iconian War and protected Alliance interests during the recent Mirror incursion, and currently commands a patrol squadron in the Alpha Quadrant from the Yamato-class Nagato.
Member Access Denied Armada!
My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
Dr. Ian "Salty" St.Claire (Human) was born in 2370 on Terra Nova. In 2390, at age 20, he moved to Earth to attend one of that planet's oldest universities. He was a brilliant student. By 2396, he had his PhD in astrophysics and was running civilian research vessels. In 2401, Dr. St.Claire attended a conference hosted by the Vulcan Science Academy where he met the legendary admiral Kathryn Janeway. Many stories and many cups of coffee later, he was bitten by the exploration bug. He yearned to chart unknown space and make peaceful contact with new, strange civilizations. After the conference he campained vigorously for a commision as a Starfleet science officer.
By 2403, St.Claire was on faculty at Starfleet Academy, and by 2409, he was chief scientist on the U.S.S. Dragonfly, an ageing Miranda class vessel with 200 souls on board. The Dragonfly was near the boarder of Klingon space on the day open hostilities broke out and she was suddenly ambushed and boarded by Klingon forces. Science officer St.Claire led the assault to retake the ship, and assumed temporary command. His actions brought him to the attention of Starfleet command at age 39, and certain individuals began following his career with interest.
Many campaigns later, he was made an admiral and moved his flag to the U.S.S. Solar Wind, a long range science vessel.
His senior staff:
XO/Tactical: "Two Phasers" Tala zh'Harzel, Andorian
Science: Neema Baz, Trill
Engineering: Thirshar "Shar" th'Orda, Andorian
Security: Toc, Vulcan
Operations: Eblet Zadar, Betazoid
Medical: Felipe "Doc" Marcellus, Human
Edinger Deet
The son of Trill's ambassador to Andoria, Edinger Orlon grew up spending very little time amongst his own species. At age 16, Edinger went on a skiing trip in the Andorian Mountains, where a friend was injured in a fall. Edinger found himself unable to comfort her while they waited for the medevac to arrive. Though she fully recovered, Edinger decided to devote his life to medicine, as to avoid that feeling of helplessness again. Edinger left Andoria shortly thereafter to enroll with the symbiosis commission. The symbiosis comission, as well as most of the symbionts, were reticent to allow someone who had spent so little time on Trill to be joined. Luckily for Edinger, a juvinile symbiant, the Deet symbiont, was eager to accept it's first joining.
Seeking new adventures, Edinger Deet moved to Nimbus III to open a clinic in Paradise City, as an effort to bring medical care to the impoverished planet. He developed a relationship with a Romulan bartender named Felissa, until one day she was attacked by an Orion. Edinger came to her rescue stabbing the Orion with a knife, and in order to protect Felissa from retribution, Edinger left Nimbus III immediately, never to return.
After coming back to the Federation, Edinger enrolled in Starfleet in order to bring his medical talents to the front lines of the Klingon War. After his years of service, the now-Admiral is one of the most decorated medical professionals in Starfleet. Plagued by a past full of regrets, the aged veteran officer looks forward to his retirement, but remains in command of the U.S.S. L'Etoile du Nord for now.
Complete Biography available at: http://memory-gamma.wikia.com/wiki/Edinger_Deet
Aznia Deet
In 2366, a Federation anthropological team on Mintaka III, accidentally exposed the planet's primitive culture to 24th century technology. The cultural damage was minimized thanks to the efforts of the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Unfortunately, the Mintakan's exposure to the Federation was more than cultural.
During the encounter, a microscopic spore native to Delta Rana was able to avoid transport filtration and was accidentally carried to the planet. Thriving in the environment, this fungus rapidly reproduced and began to grow naturally. Unfortunately, these fungi proved highly toxic to the Mintakan people and after many seasons of growth, began to significantly impact their health.
In 2407. having learned of the damage, the Federation council agreed that their contact had caused the disaster. They decided they should intervene to stop the spread of the fungi. Though recent treaties placed the planet in Sheliak space, they sent their most decorated field medic. Admiral Edinger Deet, commanding the U.S.S. L'Etoile Du Nord, crossed the border and took orbit over Mintaka III. He proceeded to release a gaseous form of alizine over affeted areas. The fungus was neutralized quickly, ending the crisis.
The mission a success, the L'Etoile Du Nord left the Mintaka system. Passing near Kavis Alpha, a Sheliak Corporate battleship ambushed them. Before they could narrowly escape, Admiral Edinger Deet was injured fatally. The Deet symbiont needed a compatible host quickly. The only other Trill aboard was Second Officer Aznia Toma. She nervously agreed to save the symbiont.
Upon joining, Aznia Deet felt awkward living with her old crew. She left First Officer Tala in command and returned to Starfleet in order to pursue additional tactical traning. The newly gained experience of a veteran officer set her on the fast track to her own ship, the U.S.S. Federalist.
Complete Biography available at: http://memory-gamma.wikia.com/wiki/Aznia_Deet
Telsia Deet
A Romulan refugee living on Nimbus III named Felissa earned a living tending bar in Paradise City. She was involved in a relationship with a Trill doctor, Edinger Deet, who ran the clinic in Paradise City. One day, Felissa was assaulted by a member of the Orion Syndicate. Edinger ran to her aid, stabbing the attacker with a bar knife. This made Edinger, and anyone with whom he associated, a marked enemy of the Syndicate in Paradise City.
Edinger left Nimbus III quickly, in order to spare Felissa the burden of being a known associate of his. He retreated to the Federation, where he enlisted in Starfleet to be a combat medic. Felissa was left behind on Nimbus III, where she soon learned she was pregnant. The unlikely conception between a Trill and a Romulan spurred many complications, but Felissa endured the full term. Unfortunately, when it came time to give birth, Felissa fell victim to internal bleeding, and passed away during the delivery. Her daughter Telsia was born an orphan, never knowing who her father was.
Several people in the city pitched in to provide Telsia enough to get a chance at life. As soon as she was old enough, she began to show an interest in technology. She had 'the knack', and it was only a matter of time before she became known as Paradise City's resident 'Miracle Worker'.
Over time, Teslia became a leader in the Nimbus III community, and made herself the enemy of the Orion Syndicate. She brought the battle to the enemy, and always made the people of Nimbus III her number one priority. Eventually, she used her influence in the settlement to broker an alliance with the Romulan Republic.
Ainza Deet (mirror Aznia)
In 2408, a small cell of Aenar terrorists contacted Trill mercenary Aznia Toma about a job. The Terran Empire had recently appointed a brutal Viceroy to rule Andoria, and they wanted him eliminated. Their hope was to use the opportunity to reunite the remaining Aenar and Andorians, thus liberating their homeworld. Though a particularly dangerous mission, Aznia took the job, believing in their cause.
The assassination plot was carefully drawn. She tracked the Viceroy's movements, and determined that he occasionally left the planet on business to neighboring systems aboard his personal dreadnought, the I.S.S. Sunnyvale. Using a stolen folded-space transporter, she abducted the Viceroy from his own ship, and escaped at warp before being detected.
Initially, the plan was simply to dematerialize the Viceroy's pattern, but when the transporter lock showed a Joined Trill life sign, Aznia found herself unable to follow through. Intrigued by the process of joining, Aznia quickly decided that this would likely be her only chance to experience symbiosis. Erecting a containment field around the transporter pad, Aznia rematerialized the Viceroy, who obstinately identified himself as Edinger Deet. She had anesthizine gas pumped into the containment area, rendering the Viceroy unconscious, before ordering her ship's surgeon to remove the symbiont and join it with her.
Viceroy Edinger died during surgery, but the procedure was a success for Aznia Deet. Her newly conflicted personality was unsure what to do. When the Terran Empire discovered the fate of the Viceroy, they placed a bounty on the head of Aznia Deet. Following a run-in with her mirror universe counterpart, she escaped to the prime universe, where she changed her name to Ainza, the mirror spelling of Aznia, to differentiate herself from her mirror counterpart.
Phthalo Deet (mirror)
Shortly after the Romulans joined the war against the Dominion, the Founders were desperate for allies. They built a Multidimensional Transporter in order to send a Changeling delegate to the mirror universe. Their hope was to negotiate a compact with that universe's Great Link. The Mirror-Dominon was unimpressed by the offer, so they killed the Delegate and his guards, transporting the Changeling's remains back to the prime universe, and shouting a clear message across the devide: 'Leave us alone.'
Unfortunately, the brief link between the two universe's Changeling representatives was enough to transmit the Prime-Dominion's dormant Morphogenic virus. Within three years, the mirror Founders were extinct. Many of the mirror Vorta immediately activated their self-termination implants, finding no reason to continue without their Gods. The mirror Jem'hadar died off within a generation, lacking any source of Ketracel White.
Amid the chaos, one Vorta named Xi'youn set out to save the remnants of his species. Though the mirror Founders had engineered all Vorta to be male in their universe, he believed he could make some genetic enhancements to a compatible female of another species in order to produce offspring. He set out on a 30 year journey across the galaxy, searching for a compatible genome.
In 2408, Xi'youn was introduced to a Trill mercenary named Aznia Toma who was in need of a unique folded-space transporter device that Xi'youn had procured. When he discovered that she was an ideal genetic candidate, he offered to give her the device only if she agreed to the procedure.
Aznia agreed, and the procedure was a success. She went on her way, and left Xi'youn behind with the donor cells. He procured a maturation chamber in which to implant the fetus, and was able to create the first Vorta offspring in decades. He named him Phthalo. While Xi'youn remained set to the task of rebuilding his race; Phthalo became curious about his 'mother' and set out to find her.
Gus Deet
Gus'ton, son of Kel'ek was born on Qo'nos in 2791. Genetically he was 7/8ths Klingon, with his Mother's grandfather having been Trill. As a child, Gus was treated as an outsider because his Trill genetics caused him to have a smooth forehead and faint spots. The tough upbringing motivated him to prove his worth as a warrior. At age six, Gus used a knife to carve a series of scars into his forehead, he considered those scars to be the ridges of a true warrior.
Eventually, Gus drew positive attention, earning merit as a warrior of the Empire. In 2709, he was contacted by an elderly Trill who's symbiont had lived among the Empire for several hundred years. Because the symbiont was from the mirror universe, the Trill symbiosis commission was not willing participate in it's joining into new hosts. Gus' genetic aberrations allowed him to host, so he was prepared, and ultimately became the 8th host of the mirror Deet symbiont.
By 2713, he was a Commander within the KDF Temporal Affairs Division. He was assigned as Chief Engineer aboard Timeship I.K.S. Imperialist. Oddly, the timeship seemed familiar to one of his symbiont's past hosts. Before embarking, Gus was summoned by the High Council. They claimed to have attained evidence that he was a genetic Augment, accounting for his appearance. The Empire's strict ban on Augments meant that Gus would face execution.
Rejecting the findings, Gus escaped by stealing the Imperialist and fleeing backward in time. Knowing that a previous host procured the ship in 2409, he traveled to that point in history and strategically abandoned the ship. Understanding his role in his own history, he knew he could leave the ship to fall into the hands of his former host.
He worked his way into the Klingon Empire, serving as an Engineer on the I.K.S. Inferno. Eventually he ascended to command of the ship. There he befrended an officer named J'mara. Eventually, Deet was welcomed into the House of J'mara as gin'tak. There, he left instructions for the House's descendants to accuse him of being an Augment in the future.
Its all good. Reading others bios might give you new ideas. Yours for example is giving me pause if I should shorten my bio to add a list of my senior staff for recognition since they have been with my character since he was a Lieutenant. But then again I could always just add them to the ship plaque sig I'm making.
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.
What I did: Purchase a purple Romulan Tactical Male, set his appearance to match Tovan (face 5 and medium eyebrows are the closest meshes to the special ones that the real Tovan uses), and set his name to "Subcommander Tovan Khev". I still have the "real" Tovan in my BOff list, but he is unlevelled, not in any position slots, and carries no equipment... he's JUST a place-holder because I can't get rid if him.
I did the same for the rest of my non-Purple "default" BOffs (Zarva, Ch'gren, Veril, etc.), then dismissed the originals.
Oh snap... I didn't even think to check. I just checked Elisa's character and there was no option for bio so I assumed it for the rest of BOffs. Then I guess I had it in my head so when I looked at other BOffs I didn't even think to look, lol. Thanks will be checking my BOffs now
The first Belfast was commanded by Captain Ve'Kal Shon until its destruction in 2409. A new ship was commissioned bearing the same name and registry as special dispensation to then newly promoted Captain Edward XIII for his pivotal role during the renewed Dominion War.