We all know the Vo'quv can launch Bird of Prey's Four in total, So why is a mighty Carrier like the Jupiter Class not been able to launch Miranda's ??
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Should the jupiter class carrier be able to launch Miranda Class Light Cruisers ?? 107 votes
Yes Jupiter Class should be able to launch Miranda's
No, this is not what the ship was designed for ?
I don't know I have no direct opinion on this matter.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Really, why is a carrier launching other starships at all? The BoP's launched by the Klingon Carriers could have been renamed E5 or E6 class Patrol Ships and we'd have avoided the whole issue of carrying warp capable starships on a carrier.
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The suggestion doesn't make sense to me. Even though the Miranda is small by cruiser standard, it still seems like it would be a little large to launch from a carrier. They were intended for up to 300 crewmen, they're not fighters designed to launch from a carrier.
If the carriers were to get an overhaul for being command ships which can launch shuttles but otherwise requests reinforcements from a permanent escort which warp in as opposed to "launch" (a simple animation and terminology change, really) I can see a 25th century version of the Miranda (with Exeter/Type-6 skin) being used in that position.
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The saucers of a Miranda were just the same as the Constitution's, so I mainly see a big size issue. The Callisto escorts are the answer to the Bird of Prey, and they perform quite well.
They are fairly close to the Aquarius anyway, so it solves two issues right there.
Mirandas were not designed to land, on a planet or on a landing bay. I'm pretty sure trying to land a Miranda anywhere would tear its nacelles to shreds. A ship would need to be built specifically to house craft that weren't designed to land, and I'm pretty sure that the Jupiter was not.
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But what really cinches it for me is what others have said , what would a warp capable ship with a crew of 300+ need with a carrier?
what would bops want with a carrier either? they are warp capable, can operate independently for a short time due to the ships limited space, perhaps a few months at a time. they do not require any assistance either and like miranda class ship, just as effective and just as easy to be stopped.
carriers are there to store ships that do not have a warp drive, ships thats sole purpose is to attack and destroy their target, shields, aux systems and so on are an afterthought except engines, fighters without good engines are as good as dead.
if you are going to make that arguement, then kdf carriers should not carry any raiders, jem'hadar carriers should not carry any bug ships, xindi ships should not carry frigate sized pets either.
i like to you try explain why these others should be nerfed because you feel the federation carrier shouldnt carry their own version of a frigate sized ship.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Firstly, you are misunderstanding something fundamental about small craft in Star Trek in their relationships to carrier-type craft:
Almost every kind of small craft in ST is warp capable, to varying degrees. Furthermore, all the ships that can be launched from any of our flight-deck ships already have warp capabilities (yes, even the Peregrines). Carriers in Star Trek don't transport them because they lack FTL capabilities, but because they can transport them faster than they can travel on their own as well as provide support facilities for large numbers of small craft.
Secondly, as has been pointed out already, there is a huge difference between a Miranda class and a B'rel. Mirandas are much, much larger than the B-o-P, carrying nearly four times as many crew. A B'rel can reasonably be used as a hangar pet because they only carry 50 crew versus the 200-300 or so crew of the Miranda class; the sheer size difference is what puts the Miranda off from ever being a frigate-type pet.
Thirdly, there is a difference between a frigate-type starship and a frigate-type hangar pet. In the latter, it usually refers to a ship much larger than a shuttle or a fighter, but small enough to still reasonably fit inside a mothership (raiders fall into this category, as do the Callisto Light Escorts).
A frigate-class starship is, by and large, still a front line starship of some sort, with a few hundred crew and greater operating capacity than a ship that only sports 40-50 crew.
B'rels are the only playable starship that also come in the form of a hangar pet, because their small size allows for it (barring any future playable Callistos that may pop up, naturally).
Miranda just doesn't fit the bill imho, needs to be something smaller
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This is the crux of my dream ... the old Jupiter design opens up down the middle, popping out a new jupiter model (One pet). That Jupiter then launches two Mirandas (three pets). Those Mirandas then launch two shuttles per (7 pets). And those shuttles each launch a pair of worker bees (15 pets). And those worker bees all drop a phaser turret sattelite (23 pets).
Russian dolls!
Even better, by the time you're done launching all of these pets, the STF is over.
For me it would be "no, other". Simply because I personally wouldn't want that (beloved) yet antiquated design in my hangar (even if it could he made to fit) when there would/should be better options available these days.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Tbh micro? BoPs are smaller then a miranda and could possibly have their warp engines removed , and remember they are raiders not cruisers so much smaller in both man power and overall size.
I could easily see a BoP needing a mother ship if it had to go on an extended voyage somewhere ,or to extend its shorter range so to reach a battlefield it normally could not get to due to a shorter range..
1. no im not.
2. not that much difference, miranda 227m x 174m x 65m compared to a b'rel 157m x 181m x 98m if anything the b'rel is much larger than the miranda width wise and height wise. you are wasting your time as i already know this.
3. i mentioned a frigate sized ship. dont get ahead of yourself.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Arn't the 'Bug Ships' hanger pets too? (if you have both the Gem' carrier + playable Bug ship).
Also the Breen raider, and the Kazon raider, though its not a pet we can use the kazon carriers launch them.
Miranda is certainly one of my favorites. I would be like to see it have a use SOMEWHERE at max level.
I'd still prefer getting a T6 variant though.
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