Isn't really going to happen anymore...same effort for less money...why put the same effort in making a T3 which will got for a 1000 zen when you can make a T6 which will go for 3000 zen?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Isn't really going to happen anymore...same effort for less money...why put the same effort in making a T3 which will got for a 1000 zen when you can make a T6 which will go for 3000 zen?
The OP makes a compelling point though. By doing this right before the specific recruit event (be it a rerun of delta or something new), where you're already enticing the playerbase to start a brand new character, you're adding in a chance to make more lower tier ship sales by rolling out a new low tier ship just for that particular demographic.
It's a decent idea as it fits a specific promotion that could actually increase the desire and thus sales for lower tier ships.
where you're already enticing the playerbase to start a brand new character,
Uh, yeah I stopped reading right after this. I've yet to see them give the playerbase a reason to start a new character, other than to farm dil with.
The reality here is, they really give two shakes whether you level more than one officer, they just want you to buy blingy flashy ship releases in the C-Store. The more expensive, the better- and as shown in recent releases, bundles are the name of the game. (again, whether you actually level another officer or not)
Oh and before you flame me as a "one Tac captain deeps" type of person- I've got 6 alts, one of each flavor (Eng/Tac/Sci) as well as a Rommie and Klink. (All three variations are Fleet Admirals)
That said, it takes a lot of dedication for anyone to want to grind through the content constantly after Tier 5 in order to gear more than one officer for any serious "end game" content.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Isn't really going to happen anymore...same effort for less money...why put the same effort in making a T3 which will got for a 1000 zen when you can make a T6 which will go for 3000 zen?
The OP makes a compelling point though. By doing this right before the specific recruit event (be it a rerun of delta or something new), where you're already enticing the playerbase to start a brand new character, you're adding in a chance to make more lower tier ship sales by rolling out a new low tier ship just for that particular demographic.
It's a decent idea as it fits a specific promotion that could actually increase the desire and thus sales for lower tier ships.
We don't know if there is even going to be another one (Unless I missed something?) What else would the even make? Feds have a ton of options for each tier and they obviously don't care about fleshing out the RR...the KDF is in better shape but is no Starfleet.
It's a gambit...offering people cheaper options could make them more money, and it could's a risk I don't think Cryptic would take.'s so easy to level...why spend 10, 15, 20 bucks for something you'll use for a day or two? Unless they make consoles at the level of the leech, I don't see them making a whole lot of money.
I could go out and buy a lottery ticket and by next week be a millionaire, I could open one of these 11 doff packs in my inventory and walk away with a Annorax or three...will it happen? Not likely...
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I have 15 characters, among them 3 Delta Recruits, I need very little motivation to create new characters, and I am more than willing to grind dil into zen to pay for the additional character slots.
Now as for your "thoughts" on the the people working at cryptic, when did you become a mind reader? Oh your not, thats right, guess your talking out you rear than, too bad your name aint Ace, then it might mean something.
Thanks for your uh... "contribution". Apparently you really don't have much to offer in the way of actual information other than try and be a devisive troll.
At the end of the day- selling things is what they do because well... they're a business. It doesn't take a "mind reader" to determine that.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
my game style is i open a toon enjoy the episodes. after levl 40 with different ships thnks to the mirror and event ships. do each sozial zone one time. and the journey of that captain is over at that point. since i have done this several times with all of the t1-t4 ships new ships would be nice ...
my game style is i open a toon enjoy the episodes. after levl 40 with different ships thnks to the mirror and event ships. do each sozial zone one time. and the journey of that captain is over at that point. since i have done this several times with all of the t1-t4 ships new ships would be nice ...
I'd really love to see them expand the Mirror Universe itself into a whole new content zone, but I'm not holding my breath here. The problem as said before, is that the development time (and money) they'd spend on Tier 1-4 ships is the same as 5+ and it all boils down to ROI (return on investment), and since those leveling new captains already have many ship options to choose from, they're not likely to add more anytime soon.
Sure, I'd like to see more options myself- but I have a hard time believing they will prioritize it above more lucrative (for them at least) sale options in the C-Store. As long as people are pulling out credit cards and buying ships, they're going to keep marketing sales. When the sales stop- they may actually consider rounding back to the lower tiers to make the game more attractive to new captains.
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
I have 15 characters, among them 3 Delta Recruits, I need very little motivation to create new characters, and I am more than willing to grind dil into zen to pay for the additional character slots.
Now as for your "thoughts" on the the people working at cryptic, when did you become a mind reader? Oh your not, thats right, guess your talking out you rear than, too bad your name aint Ace, then it might mean something.
Thanks for your uh... "contribution". Apparently you really don't have much to offer in the way of actual information other than try and be a devisive troll.
At the end of the day- selling things is what they do because well... they're a business. It doesn't take a "mind reader" to determine that.
Nah, being a troll is your job, its certainly all you are ever seen doing.
Is it my perfume or something? Dude, seriously- no means NO, mmkay?
It's not you- it's me. I just need my space.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Many of the remaining Canon designs, like the New Orleans, wouldn't fit by default into T6. They CAN have T6 refits, but the actual canon designs would be lower tier.
Heck... the Soyuz would probably be a T1 since she's based off the Miranda.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Many of the remaining Canon designs, like the New Orleans, wouldn't fit by default into T6. They CAN have T6 refits, but the actual canon designs would be lower tier.
Heck... the Soyuz would probably be a T1 since she's based off the Miranda.
Well didn't they say from here on out they will be focusing pretty much on their own designs? Since like after they released the Constellation?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
People are still requesting them. I think there's a thread in the Art section dedicated to that. I know there's one for uniforms.
Still think the Skant is ugly as hell. Why people are practically worshiping that uniform... I don't know.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
The feds have plenty of t1-4 ships, klingons aren't doin bad but the RR could definitely benefit from this. I don't see them bothering but the UP side for this, is any ships they do for the Republic can be both low tier and have a t5u/t6 refit for them to double dip off player's wallets.
The feds have plenty of t1-4 ships, klingons aren't doin bad but the RR could definitely benefit from this. I don't see them bothering but the UP side for this, is any ships they do for the Republic can be both low tier and have a t5u/t6 refit for them to double dip off player's wallets.
We don't know if there is even going to be another one (Unless I missed something?)
Supposedly after a lot of requests, the feedback was taken under advisement and they are considering having another event like that. They just don't know when.
What else would the even make?
Wambundu class!
Anyways, the only point I was trying to make is that the OP came up with a compelling reason to create a new lower tier ship, by tying it to an event that promotes starting a new character. That's all.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I always seem to spend more time setting up the new ships than flying them in the low levels.
Thank you "dump everything in a random order into random action bars" mechanic on new ships. Thank you very much.
#FedWorldProblems, there's nothing like getting a spiffy new ship and then the first mission you get is the Nimbus chain. The next time you see your new ship is when you're headed back to ESD to get its replacement.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Still think the Skant is ugly as hell. Why people are practically worshiping that uniform... I don't know.
The skant is a popular request because it was unisex.
So are standard TNG era uniforms.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." - Q
I'd create a new character to play new story content (i.e. a Cardassian story for a Cardassian faction etc.) or a new species. I can't say I'd be motivated by more ships considering you only spend a few missions at each tier. I would never spend money on a low tier ship (except for the Connie) - why invest cash in something you're not sticking with.
Besides, we're overflowing with ships now! Lots of c-store, lots of freebies. If we have something new, let it be ground focused like gear, boffs, outfits etc. I really hope the next major PvE event is a ground event with a ground reward equivilant to a ship.
Isn't really going to happen anymore...same effort for less money...why put the same effort in making a T3 which will got for a 1000 zen when you can make a T6 which will go for 3000 zen?
The OP makes a compelling point though. By doing this right before the specific recruit event (be it a rerun of delta or something new), where you're already enticing the playerbase to start a brand new character, you're adding in a chance to make more lower tier ship sales by rolling out a new low tier ship just for that particular demographic.
It's a decent idea as it fits a specific promotion that could actually increase the desire and thus sales for lower tier ships.
We don't know if there is even going to be another one (Unless I missed something?) What else would the even make? Feds have a ton of options for each tier and they obviously don't care about fleshing out the RR...the KDF is in better shape but is no Starfleet.
It's a gambit...offering people cheaper options could make them more money, and it could's a risk I don't think Cryptic would take.'s so easy to level...why spend 10, 15, 20 bucks for something you'll use for a day or two? Unless they make consoles at the level of the leech, I don't see them making a whole lot of money.
I could go out and buy a lottery ticket and by next week be a millionaire, I could open one of these 11 doff packs in my inventory and walk away with a Annorax or three...will it happen? Not likely...
Delta recruits HAS been confirmed. No date given, however, I predict it will be around the First Contact Anniversary.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I agree OP, it would be nice to have some new low-level ships. Through the course of many ship sales and the number of alts I run, I've bought most (almost all?) of the low level ships for Feds, and some for the KDF/Roms. Perhaps a TOS-era Daedalus with "heaters" could be in order?
Isn't really going to happen anymore...same effort for less money...why put the same effort in making a T3 which will got for a 1000 zen when you can make a T6 which will go for 3000 zen?
Well obviously the key to making it a seller would be to have the ship's console add to a high-tier set. Ideally, a materially useful addition given the relatively high opportunity cost of sets...
I think not even a new Delta Recruitment even would really be a great reason for Cryptic to bring out new low tier ships.
You generally do just not spend all that much time at the lower tiers to really need a better ship. At endgame, you know you'll really have to spend a long time with a ship, so it's natural people pick a really good one, or even many as they try new things. So I can't imagine that in general, low tier ship sales are particularly good.
The cost of making a ship model should be pretty similar, regardless of the tier of the ship, but the asking price in the C-Store is lower for low tier ships.
So I think a low demand for low tier ship coupled with a low price model for the ships provides little reason for Cryptic to make low tier ships.
They'll need to rethink this a bit... Maybe they can offer special promotions where you combine both a low tier version of the ship and the high tier version of the ship (just one ship model) in one go. That could work.
Partially, it is already like that. If you own the Tier 6 Valiant, you can use its parts on the Tier 4 Defiant. But you can't buy the Tier 6 ship without being Level 50+, so it's not an option for really new characters, and of course, you also don't get the Tier 4 Refit of the Defiant for having the Valiant.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I'd imagine the next T1-4 ships we'll see will be associated with the next playable faction, unless we get some "Special Edition Ships" for the Anniversary this year.
Now, running another Delta Recruit type event at the release of a faction might be interesting, but it also might just be redundant.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
Assume: A T1-4 series of ships, each offering a unique console, space gear, or weapon which, when purchased, is at the appropriate level for that tier. The player can then, via crafting, upgrade the gear, and when he maxes out levels he can buy the Fleet T5U or C-Store T6 version which comes with a complimentary piece of equipment that completes the set.
As an example, (hypothetical, mind you,) if a Cardassian series of ships was offered, the first might come with a weapon, the next three with specific Cardassian shield, impulse engine, and deflector gear, the fleet version could offer a warp core, and the T6 could offer a special console to tie it all together. You would have to buy each ship to acquire the full set.
I'm sure you could do the same for the Hirogen, Kazon, Tellarite etc. The minor species could then be the focus of that expansion, and you could even tie the account unlock of the new ships to a new character of that race. You wouldn't even have to create a new faction, the character could begin as whichever faction he chooses, and otherwise have access to that faction's gear and ships if he chooses.
P.S. This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the Pakled "Trader" Q-ship which benefits from the rainbow or skittles build philosophy with forward mine launchers and aft DHC's!
The OP makes a compelling point though. By doing this right before the specific recruit event (be it a rerun of delta or something new), where you're already enticing the playerbase to start a brand new character, you're adding in a chance to make more lower tier ship sales by rolling out a new low tier ship just for that particular demographic.
It's a decent idea as it fits a specific promotion that could actually increase the desire and thus sales for lower tier ships.
Uh, yeah I stopped reading right after this. I've yet to see them give the playerbase a reason to start a new character, other than to farm dil with.
The reality here is, they really give two shakes whether you level more than one officer, they just want you to buy blingy flashy ship releases in the C-Store. The more expensive, the better- and as shown in recent releases, bundles are the name of the game. (again, whether you actually level another officer or not)
Oh and before you flame me as a "one Tac captain deeps" type of person- I've got 6 alts, one of each flavor (Eng/Tac/Sci) as well as a Rommie and Klink. (All three variations are Fleet Admirals)
That said, it takes a lot of dedication for anyone to want to grind through the content constantly after Tier 5 in order to gear more than one officer for any serious "end game" content.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
We don't know if there is even going to be another one (Unless I missed something?) What else would the even make? Feds have a ton of options for each tier and they obviously don't care about fleshing out the RR...the KDF is in better shape but is no Starfleet.
It's a gambit...offering people cheaper options could make them more money, and it could's a risk I don't think Cryptic would take.'s so easy to level...why spend 10, 15, 20 bucks for something you'll use for a day or two? Unless they make consoles at the level of the leech, I don't see them making a whole lot of money.
I could go out and buy a lottery ticket and by next week be a millionaire, I could open one of these 11 doff packs in my inventory and walk away with a Annorax or three...will it happen? Not likely...
Thanks for your uh... "contribution". Apparently you really don't have much to offer in the way of actual information other than try and be a devisive troll.
At the end of the day- selling things is what they do because well... they're a business. It doesn't take a "mind reader" to determine that.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
I'd really love to see them expand the Mirror Universe itself into a whole new content zone, but I'm not holding my breath here. The problem as said before, is that the development time (and money) they'd spend on Tier 1-4 ships is the same as 5+ and it all boils down to ROI (return on investment), and since those leveling new captains already have many ship options to choose from, they're not likely to add more anytime soon.
Sure, I'd like to see more options myself- but I have a hard time believing they will prioritize it above more lucrative (for them at least) sale options in the C-Store. As long as people are pulling out credit cards and buying ships, they're going to keep marketing sales. When the sales stop- they may actually consider rounding back to the lower tiers to make the game more attractive to new captains.
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Is it my perfume or something? Dude, seriously- no means NO, mmkay?
Being critical doesn't take skill. Being constructively critical- which is providing alternative solutions or suggestions to a demonstrated problem, however, does.
Heck... the Soyuz would probably be a T1 since she's based off the Miranda.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Well didn't they say from here on out they will be focusing pretty much on their own designs? Since like after they released the Constellation?
Still think the Skant is ugly as hell. Why people are practically worshiping that uniform... I don't know.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
rom-kdf hyprid ships
Supposedly after a lot of requests, the feedback was taken under advisement and they are considering having another event like that. They just don't know when.
Wambundu class!
Anyways, the only point I was trying to make is that the OP came up with a compelling reason to create a new lower tier ship, by tying it to an event that promotes starting a new character. That's all.
The skant is a popular request because it was unisex.
Maybe... but its stull ugly.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Thank you "dump everything in a random order into random action bars" mechanic on new ships. Thank you very much.
#FedWorldProblems, there's nothing like getting a spiffy new ship and then the first mission you get is the Nimbus chain. The next time you see your new ship is when you're headed back to ESD to get its replacement.
So are standard TNG era uniforms.
Besides, we're overflowing with ships now! Lots of c-store, lots of freebies. If we have something new, let it be ground focused like gear, boffs, outfits etc. I really hope the next major PvE event is a ground event with a ground reward equivilant to a ship.
Delta recruits HAS been confirmed. No date given, however, I predict it will be around the First Contact Anniversary.
Well obviously the key to making it a seller would be to have the ship's console add to a high-tier set. Ideally, a materially useful addition given the relatively high opportunity cost of sets...
You generally do just not spend all that much time at the lower tiers to really need a better ship. At endgame, you know you'll really have to spend a long time with a ship, so it's natural people pick a really good one, or even many as they try new things. So I can't imagine that in general, low tier ship sales are particularly good.
The cost of making a ship model should be pretty similar, regardless of the tier of the ship, but the asking price in the C-Store is lower for low tier ships.
So I think a low demand for low tier ship coupled with a low price model for the ships provides little reason for Cryptic to make low tier ships.
They'll need to rethink this a bit... Maybe they can offer special promotions where you combine both a low tier version of the ship and the high tier version of the ship (just one ship model) in one go. That could work.
Partially, it is already like that. If you own the Tier 6 Valiant, you can use its parts on the Tier 4 Defiant. But you can't buy the Tier 6 ship without being Level 50+, so it's not an option for really new characters, and of course, you also don't get the Tier 4 Refit of the Defiant for having the Valiant.
Now, running another Delta Recruit type event at the release of a faction might be interesting, but it also might just be redundant.
I'd take faster sector travel over pilot maneuvers.
If any resources are going to be spent on new ships, I would much prefer they spend them on T5/T6 ships.
Assume: A T1-4 series of ships, each offering a unique console, space gear, or weapon which, when purchased, is at the appropriate level for that tier. The player can then, via crafting, upgrade the gear, and when he maxes out levels he can buy the Fleet T5U or C-Store T6 version which comes with a complimentary piece of equipment that completes the set.
As an example, (hypothetical, mind you,) if a Cardassian series of ships was offered, the first might come with a weapon, the next three with specific Cardassian shield, impulse engine, and deflector gear, the fleet version could offer a warp core, and the T6 could offer a special console to tie it all together. You would have to buy each ship to acquire the full set.
I'm sure you could do the same for the Hirogen, Kazon, Tellarite etc. The minor species could then be the focus of that expansion, and you could even tie the account unlock of the new ships to a new character of that race. You wouldn't even have to create a new faction, the character could begin as whichever faction he chooses, and otherwise have access to that faction's gear and ships if he chooses.
P.S. This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce the Pakled "Trader" Q-ship which benefits from the rainbow or skittles build philosophy with forward mine launchers and aft DHC's!