anything over 200k dilithium on any character is considered taxable, anything under that is not.
Why hurt those that play it efficiently by the means available? What makes you think everybody floods the market? Gear and fleetupgrades cost up to millions!
All because one gets too few Zen for his Dil at the exchange in a game that one enjoys for free?
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
anything over 200k dilithium on any character is considered taxable, anything under that is not.
Why hurt those that play it efficiently by the means available? What makes you think everybody floods the market? Gear and fleetupgrades cost up to millions!
All because one gets too few Zen for his Dil at the exchange in a game that one enjoys for free?
Last thing you want is to P-off the whales.
You also shouldn't be punished for playing the game longer than someone else, a little unfair and defeats the purpose.
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
anything over 200k dilithium on any character is considered taxable, anything under that is not.
Why hurt those that play it efficiently by the means available? What makes you think everybody floods the market? Gear and fleetupgrades cost up to millions!
All because one gets too few Zen for his Dil at the exchange in a game that one enjoys for free?
and this is the response to a reasonable drain, someone says "why do i have to be effect by this"
so clearly this idea is dead.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
NO not a chance in hell i'd pay a maintainence cost/tax on my ships or acc for something i earn't by logging into the game and playing with my free time, I know hoarding is frowned upon by the recent changes to the yearly special events mainly to encourage participation rather than play 1 year and have enough tokens backlogged for the next 1 or 2 and bypass the event.
But to penalise casual play because you think there's to much dil floating around. The exchange is a free market and the price is not decided by how much dil is floating around but by the sellers listing. If you want to target someone, target them not the general STO population.
Terrible Terrible idea.
Game is free 2 play not subscription based and that tax no matter how small can be regarded as a sub to use a ship you paid for from the Zen store as an example.
If a player chooses to play the free to play model, and do not pay for the extras, they should not get the items paid players pay for without sacrifice.
No. Just no. Not all of us who have been playing since Beta have mountains of dil, refined or otherwise. Not all of us have the time to play the game every day. Not all of us have the EC to buy the contra for contra grinding. And some of us are vainly trying to build up SBs practically on our own, since as mentioned in the thread complaining about the dil-zen rate, no one contributes dil to SBs. So there are sufficient sinks in the game.
What is needed is time and no dil boosting events. We've had so many events back to back to back all of which either introduced something that raised the desirability/value of zen or injected large lump sums into the game. Even with the refinement cap an injection of a week's worth of raw dil means that the buying power of dil falls. If the events stop (seriously Cryptic, event fatigue) the market will calm down.
Anyone remember when dil-zen was 86-1? Why did that happen? Because nothing had happened in STO in a long long time. The amount of zen brought to the market by whales and LTSs got higher which coupled with the lessened demand for zen decreased the price.
Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
If a player chooses to play the free to play model, and do not pay for the extras, they should not get the items paid players pay for without sacrifice.
They already do, buying a ship with a ftp nowadays takes months to grind and refine the dil, and you want to even make it harder for those players. Pitiful.
For those with objections to the amount, i mentioned that it would have to be balanced. This means the fee could be either raised or lowered. Instead of it being a daily fee it could be a weekly or even monthly fee.
A possibility for a fee based upon activity as suggested also sounds interesting.
Some suggested that such a fee would kill the game, but i respectfully disagree. STO is one of the few games without a maintenance fee for ships.
I realized that any suggestion for a "tax" would not be welcomed, but the idea should not be directly dismissed either.
If we're going by the assumption that there is a dilithium surplus then we should explore options to keep the game accessible to all.
Some asked what would happen if a character could not pay the fee and the answer is quite easy: a penalty would be applied.
What kind of penalty, the how severe etc etc is a matter of finding a balance.
Personally i would go from a reduction in power output to minor injuries to major and eventually critical injuries. If the fee was to be based upon activity then it would be a non-problem. Nobody would be affected.
the tax needs to hit the whales not the casuals. that is where penalties should be accounted for, anything over 200k dilithium on any character is considered taxable, anything under that is not.
200k dilithium on hand is less than 1 month of refined dilithium. Hardly what i would call a whale.
If a lower limit were instituted then I'd be inclined to make it a minimum of 500-600k
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
HELLZZZ NO! Don't even think it. This would make Delta Rising look like a slight playerbase leak. Nothing about upkeep fees, taxes or any punitive measure would "stabilize the dil market" (I don't like where it's headed either) any better than chopping a cancer patient's head to cure cancer.
<Spots a dev making notes with added note "Good idea" >
<Jumps in fastest cloaked vessel and runs for safety>
But again, going by the assumption that there is a dilithium surplus and that dilithium is earned too easily ingame, something needs to change.
Something needs to change because with the rising dilithium exchange prices player participation is being punished and the basis for a F2P model is gradually weakening.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
How about if there has to be a sink, why not something with a carrot like purchasable ship skins (not new ones, just the shield visual skins) - give them a dil price tag and I'm sure many would buy them just to have the best looking skin (Romulan) with the worst looking but great shield (Unimatrix) underneath
Game is free 2 play not subscription based and that tax no matter how small can be regarded as a sub to use a ship you paid for from the Zen store as an example.
indeed, often when players say time is money regarding the game I disagree but in this case taxing the players by stealing their hard earned dilithium in this way would be taxing our time we have spent playing the game.
dilithium sinks should be voluntary like the fleet assets, upgrading, buying gear and so on so we can choose where we want to sink our dilithium or not as the case may be, implementing this regime would make the sink compulsory.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
While I do like the idea of making ship damage and player character/Boff injuries mean something more than just something that can be easily fixed on the spot while out of combat, as with the endless many great suggestions in another topic proved, but adding Dilithium costs, and worse, maintenance costs, are just punishing game play.
We have to admit PUGs are a failure in this MMO, and pre-made teams aren't always easy to get when it's either DPS teams that routinely eradicate the entire match in no time. It is frustrating already to have so many players go into advanced and even elite matches, close team chat (this is an MMO - team play), make no effort to learn any objective, and ruin it for others.
What do you think will happen when we have to tank the whole map while also completing the objectives on our own? I routinely save ISAs with nothing but 1 copy of tbr, including fairly 'high' parse ones where people FAW everything but the right things in the right order. Or risk my ship with power to engines trying to close all 5 rifts in CPA when the entire pug team is unwilling to bother? Or do the objectives in BOTSE risking my character's low health for the team?
I'd get punished for it with dilithium losses, wastes of time, frustration at the incompetency of average puggers, and quit the match more often then now, and not get anything from it but a penalty and a punishment.
It's a recipe for disaster for a game that from my experience is struggling to retain and gain players.
This is another 'good' example of why one should not mess with the existing balance of the Dil-Ex. I propose to reduce Dilithium rewards across the board considerably, not add more must-have sinks that further alienate casual players and further upset the huge disparity in player or main/alt capability, nor add punitive taxation schemes, non-F2P maintenance costs. Just less dilithium, make the earnings more in line with the existing basic 8K refining limit to make the earnings mean something, immediately, as opposed to an endlessly growing mountain of Ore that takes days, weeks, months to refine if you don't even touch the toon in a market that seems to have no end to devaluing the earned Dil as more items that have higher costs keep getting added to the C-Store without some balancing optional (not must-have, not power-creeping) Dil store items.
<Spots a dev making notes with added note "Good idea" >
<Jumps in fastest cloaked vessel and runs for safety>
But again, going by the assumption that there is a dilithium surplus and that dilithium is earned too easily ingame, something needs to change.
Something needs to change because with the rising dilithium exchange prices player participation is being punished and the basis for a F2P model is gradually weakening.
How about.....decreasing the dilithium refinement limited....
That'd be a different thread from "please increase dilithium refinement limit". Quick, someone make one!
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
<Spots a dev making notes with added note "Good idea" >
<Jumps in fastest cloaked vessel and runs for safety>
But again, going by the assumption that there is a dilithium surplus and that dilithium is earned too easily ingame, something needs to change.
Something needs to change because with the rising dilithium exchange prices player participation is being punished and the basis for a F2P model is gradually weakening.
How about.....decreasing the dilithium refinement limited....
That'd be a different thread from "please increase dilithium refinement limit". Quick, someone make one!
Decreasing the dilithium refinement limit would also hurt player participation and therefor it is a measure i would rather not see implemented.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
As i speak, actually type, there is another ongoing topic about the high dilithium exchange rate.
One of the reasons brought forward for the (IMO absurdly) high exchange rate is that dilithium is simply too easy to acquire.
As a counter it is argued that a dilithium sink is needed.
One of the easiest ways to drain dilithium is by adding a daily service/maintenance/upkeep cost for the ships we all fly.
Starting at 0 at level 1 and moving up to 2000 refined dilithium at level 60 (actual values can be adjusted).
This should drain some of the excess dilithium.
The upkeep can be charged on either only active or on inactive accounts as well. Balance issues need to be taken into account.
Thoughts and ideas?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! If this happens I'm out for good. I paid for my ships already with hard earned RL money. There is no way in the nine divines I am going to pay additional $ a day to maintain them!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I do not have a dilithium surplus thank you very much. The only people that have a dilithium surplus are people that are not in a fleet or are not contributing to projects requiring dilithium.
And the only reason for the desire for a drain of dilithium is so that some can get rich off the demand it would create.
Try thing beyond your own small little world.
And I can guarentee you one thing. People don't like the notion of tax, ESP. when it involves precious time grinding to get that reward. I WILL NOT and I repeat WILL NOT play a game where I am expected to grind my TRIBBLE$ off to play the game, only to then have to pay a tax to continue the grind. NEVER! What you are suggesting is forcing a $60/month+- on each player when a damn subscription only costs $15+-. Are you suggesting a $75 a month subscription modeled game?! Because if you consider any of the suggestions in this thread that's exactly where you'll end up. Paying through your teeth for a shell of a game that releases an episode every 6 months.
Tax players Cryptic and you might as well put a gun to your products head and pull the trigger.
Want a workable solution.
Expand fleet projects etc., so that the merry little lemmings can contribute to their hearts content. But my suspicious is that we are this point, precisely because the Dil. whales are not open to sharing much.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,956Community Moderator
I'll have to disagree with the maintenance idea on playable ships. It won't bring the exchange down. Frankly... it probably hurts casuals more, as the only time we really get large amounts of DL is after events or if we're saving up for Zen. Or both in my case.
One of the reasons Zen dipped below 200/1 was because all the big fleets were working on their starbases, which are major sinks. Many supplimented their in game income with Zen in order to push those projects through. Short version: Supply and Demand.
We have the Supply, but the Demand isn't there. So far its been flood market, sale sale sale. We need a Demand for DL that won't come across as a penalty to players. Gear upgrades aren't enough, most of the big fleets are finished or finishing up their fleet holdings, helping smaller Armada members doesn't seem to be making an impact, and Rep projects aren't quite enough either.
I think we might need a new 5 tier fleet holding or something similar in scope. These 3 tier holdings help, but they aren't big enough to really impact the market, and Large active fleets are able to just rip through them like greased lightning these days thanks to stockpiles of DL.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
My thoughts on this whole dilithium exchange "debate":
People forget there are two sides for this transaction:
The "greedy" seller jacking up the amounts of dilithium necessary to secure a single Zen and
The buyers who are willing to shell out these "exorborant" amounts per single zen...
Plain and simple. No financial transaction is able to be executed unless both sides of the deal are willing to do so.
Or is it the "greedy" dilithium hoarders that set the amount of dil per zen at dirt cheap levels and
The buyers who want those shiny purple rocks so desperately that they're willing to accept pitiful quantities for each zen they fork over...
Right now, it's the "zen seller's" market - my first example. Everyone thinks that by driving the meta forces the other way - through the creation of a "need for dilithium" - the market will "return" to where the dil hoarders (second example) will hold sway.
Instead of just waiting for the cycle to turn that way through "natural courses of events".
But, as some of the "more enlightened" people speak even in this thread, an "artificial" construct used to churn the market a certain direction is just that - artificial. It either would fail to do the desired job, or it would do so only for as long as said construct was "more useful" to the dilithium hoarders than the zen sellers...
Thusly, the best method to contemplate this whole dil-zen market is... to let it ride and ignore it unless you're truly desperate and/or the prices eventually shift to a point that you're comfortable completing the transaction...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I laugh at threads like these because it boils down to "rich people's problems" if you were to put ANY kind of fee rent whatever you want to call it the game would close inside of 2 months because the OP clearly is not a casual player, and is apparetnly either incapable of thinking how his suggestion would kill a casual player, or B, simply has no empathy for the said casual player. but the bottom line is if you put a mandatory dil tax on the basics of the game the casual players will play something else and this one dies.. you want a dil sink? make it another fleet vanity sink. leave casual player alone
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,956Community Moderator
you want a dil sink? make it another fleet vanity sink.
A single "vanity" sink won't do it. That will get burned through so fast it ain't even funny. We need a full on 5 tier holding or something along those lines.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
how about building a full blown starbase in each quadrant then? that should suck up the sea of Dil, and large fleets would build them for convienience instead of schepping back tot he beta quadrant
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,956Community Moderator
how about building a full blown starbase in each quadrant then? that should suck up the sea of Dil, and large fleets would build them for convienience instead of schepping back tot he beta quadrant
KINDA countered by the Transwarp to Fleet Starbase System option.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
how about building a full blown starbase in each quadrant then? that should suck up the sea of Dil, and large fleets would build them for convienience instead of schepping back tot he beta quadrant
KINDA countered by the Transwarp to Fleet Starbase System option.
There's people that actually fly to fleet holdings?
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
Here's an easy way, make ship repairs (from combat damage) a feature of even 'Normal' difficulty after achieving level 50.
Minor repair = 100 dilithium
Major repair = 500 dilithium
Critical repair = 1000 dilithium
"Intelligence is finite, stupidity is infinite" -- Umberto Eco
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,956Community Moderator
how about building a full blown starbase in each quadrant then? that should suck up the sea of Dil, and large fleets would build them for convienience instead of schepping back tot he beta quadrant
KINDA countered by the Transwarp to Fleet Starbase System option.
There's people that actually fly to fleet holdings?
I do every once in a while when I don't want to wait on my Transwarp cooldown.
Here's an easy way, make ship repairs (from combat damage) a feature of even 'Normal' difficulty after achieving level 50.
Minor repair = 100 dilithium
Major repair = 500 dilithium
Critical repair = 1000 dilithium
Yea... I don't see that happening as your Crit Repair cost is 1/8 of the day's total refinement. Onless you got a stockpile, you're not gonna want to risk it at all.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
All because one gets too few Zen for his Dil at the exchange in a game that one enjoys for free?
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Last thing you want is to P-off the whales.
You also shouldn't be punished for playing the game longer than someone else, a little unfair and defeats the purpose.
and this is the response to a reasonable drain, someone says "why do i have to be effect by this"
so clearly this idea is dead.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
But to penalise casual play because you think there's to much dil floating around. The exchange is a free market and the price is not decided by how much dil is floating around but by the sellers listing. If you want to target someone, target them not the general STO population.
Terrible Terrible idea.
Game is free 2 play not subscription based and that tax no matter how small can be regarded as a sub to use a ship you paid for from the Zen store as an example.
What is needed is time and no dil boosting events. We've had so many events back to back to back all of which either introduced something that raised the desirability/value of zen or injected large lump sums into the game. Even with the refinement cap an injection of a week's worth of raw dil means that the buying power of dil falls. If the events stop (seriously Cryptic, event fatigue) the market will calm down.
Anyone remember when dil-zen was 86-1? Why did that happen? Because nothing had happened in STO in a long long time. The amount of zen brought to the market by whales and LTSs got higher which coupled with the lessened demand for zen decreased the price.
They already do, buying a ship with a ftp nowadays takes months to grind and refine the dil, and you want to even make it harder for those players. Pitiful.
200k dilithium on hand is less than 1 month of refined dilithium. Hardly what i would call a whale.
If a lower limit were instituted then I'd be inclined to make it a minimum of 500-600k
HELLZZZ NO! Don't even think it. This would make Delta Rising look like a slight playerbase leak. Nothing about upkeep fees, taxes or any punitive measure would "stabilize the dil market" (I don't like where it's headed either) any better than chopping a cancer patient's head to cure cancer.
<Jumps in fastest cloaked vessel and runs for safety>
But again, going by the assumption that there is a dilithium surplus and that dilithium is earned too easily ingame, something needs to change.
Something needs to change because with the rising dilithium exchange prices player participation is being punished and the basis for a F2P model is gradually weakening.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
indeed, often when players say time is money regarding the game I disagree but in this case taxing the players by stealing their hard earned dilithium in this way would be taxing our time we have spent playing the game.
dilithium sinks should be voluntary like the fleet assets, upgrading, buying gear and so on so we can choose where we want to sink our dilithium or not as the case may be, implementing this regime would make the sink compulsory.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
We have to admit PUGs are a failure in this MMO, and pre-made teams aren't always easy to get when it's either DPS teams that routinely eradicate the entire match in no time. It is frustrating already to have so many players go into advanced and even elite matches, close team chat (this is an MMO - team play), make no effort to learn any objective, and ruin it for others.
What do you think will happen when we have to tank the whole map while also completing the objectives on our own? I routinely save ISAs with nothing but 1 copy of tbr, including fairly 'high' parse ones where people FAW everything but the right things in the right order. Or risk my ship with power to engines trying to close all 5 rifts in CPA when the entire pug team is unwilling to bother? Or do the objectives in BOTSE risking my character's low health for the team?
I'd get punished for it with dilithium losses, wastes of time, frustration at the incompetency of average puggers, and quit the match more often then now, and not get anything from it but a penalty and a punishment.
It's a recipe for disaster for a game that from my experience is struggling to retain and gain players.
This is another 'good' example of why one should not mess with the existing balance of the Dil-Ex. I propose to reduce Dilithium rewards across the board considerably, not add more must-have sinks that further alienate casual players and further upset the huge disparity in player or main/alt capability, nor add punitive taxation schemes, non-F2P maintenance costs. Just less dilithium, make the earnings more in line with the existing basic 8K refining limit to make the earnings mean something, immediately, as opposed to an endlessly growing mountain of Ore that takes days, weeks, months to refine if you don't even touch the toon in a market that seems to have no end to devaluing the earned Dil as more items that have higher costs keep getting added to the C-Store without some balancing optional (not must-have, not power-creeping) Dil store items.
How about.....decreasing the dilithium refinement limited....
That'd be a different thread from "please increase dilithium refinement limit". Quick, someone make one!
Decreasing the dilithium refinement limit would also hurt player participation and therefor it is a measure i would rather not see implemented.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! If this happens I'm out for good. I paid for my ships already with hard earned RL money. There is no way in the nine divines I am going to pay additional $ a day to maintain them!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I do not have a dilithium surplus thank you very much. The only people that have a dilithium surplus are people that are not in a fleet or are not contributing to projects requiring dilithium.
And the only reason for the desire for a drain of dilithium is so that some can get rich off the demand it would create.
Try thing beyond your own small little world.
And I can guarentee you one thing. People don't like the notion of tax, ESP. when it involves precious time grinding to get that reward. I WILL NOT and I repeat WILL NOT play a game where I am expected to grind my TRIBBLE$ off to play the game, only to then have to pay a tax to continue the grind. NEVER! What you are suggesting is forcing a $60/month+- on each player when a damn subscription only costs $15+-. Are you suggesting a $75 a month subscription modeled game?! Because if you consider any of the suggestions in this thread that's exactly where you'll end up. Paying through your teeth for a shell of a game that releases an episode every 6 months.
Tax players Cryptic and you might as well put a gun to your products head and pull the trigger.
Want a workable solution.
Expand fleet projects etc., so that the merry little lemmings can contribute to their hearts content. But my suspicious is that we are this point, precisely because the Dil. whales are not open to sharing much.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
One of the reasons Zen dipped below 200/1 was because all the big fleets were working on their starbases, which are major sinks. Many supplimented their in game income with Zen in order to push those projects through. Short version: Supply and Demand.
We have the Supply, but the Demand isn't there. So far its been flood market, sale sale sale. We need a Demand for DL that won't come across as a penalty to players. Gear upgrades aren't enough, most of the big fleets are finished or finishing up their fleet holdings, helping smaller Armada members doesn't seem to be making an impact, and Rep projects aren't quite enough either.
I think we might need a new 5 tier fleet holding or something similar in scope. These 3 tier holdings help, but they aren't big enough to really impact the market, and Large active fleets are able to just rip through them like greased lightning these days thanks to stockpiles of DL.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
People forget there are two sides for this transaction:
The "greedy" seller jacking up the amounts of dilithium necessary to secure a single Zen
The buyers who are willing to shell out these "exorborant" amounts per single zen...
Plain and simple. No financial transaction is able to be executed unless both sides of the deal are willing to do so.
Or is it the "greedy" dilithium hoarders that set the amount of dil per zen at dirt cheap levels
The buyers who want those shiny purple rocks so desperately that they're willing to accept pitiful quantities for each zen they fork over...
Right now, it's the "zen seller's" market - my first example. Everyone thinks that by driving the meta forces the other way - through the creation of a "need for dilithium" - the market will "return" to where the dil hoarders (second example) will hold sway.
Instead of just waiting for the cycle to turn that way through "natural courses of events".
But, as some of the "more enlightened" people speak even in this thread, an "artificial" construct used to churn the market a certain direction is just that - artificial. It either would fail to do the desired job, or it would do so only for as long as said construct was "more useful" to the dilithium hoarders than the zen sellers...
Thusly, the best method to contemplate this whole dil-zen market is... to let it ride and ignore it unless you're truly desperate and/or the prices eventually shift to a point that you're comfortable completing the transaction...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
A single "vanity" sink won't do it. That will get burned through so fast it ain't even funny. We need a full on 5 tier holding or something along those lines.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
KINDA countered by the Transwarp to Fleet Starbase System option.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
There's people that actually fly to fleet holdings?
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
Game's best wiki
Build questions? Look here!
Minor repair = 100 dilithium
Major repair = 500 dilithium
Critical repair = 1000 dilithium
I do every once in a while when I don't want to wait on my Transwarp cooldown.
Yea... I don't see that happening as your Crit Repair cost is 1/8 of the day's total refinement. Onless you got a stockpile, you're not gonna want to risk it at all.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode