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What keeps you in a ship ? Style or performance ? or Other ?

What keeps you in a certain ship ?
Is it the style/design of a ship ? Is it a RP thing where you enjoy flying Canon ships and setups ? Is it Raw performance and set up of a ship ?

What keeps you in your ship ?

Have any ships surprised you performance wise ?
Has any ship design grown on you over time ? Or any that you're getting sick of seeing ?

Do you jump around a lot from ship to ship, or stick to one, or a small handful of ships ?

Are you a ship chaser, and like flying the new shiny's ?

Myself, I've been flying the Nandi since the summer event, due to performance.
I think it's one of the best ships in the game, but frankly I'm getting tired of looking at it.

If you could only get 1 more ship, which would it be (doesn't have to be in game currently) ?

Myself I'm waiting for a T6 Wells and/or T6 Vesta.

Finally, over the course of your STO experience, what ship have you flown for the longest period of time ?

Answer any and all if you like, just curious.



  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    My answer is: "Yes".


    It's both. The Pilot escorts are awesome and probably the best escorts in the game, if not the best ships in the game. But I love the Defiant (or rather, mypersonal kitbash) a little bit more on the visual side. And they both perform well enough that I stay with the Valiant.
    I don't think I could stick for long with a mechanically terrible ship.

    But, I also need variety - I can't fly the same ship on every character.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    I would say predominately that it's the look of a ship. I fly the K'tinga most of the time. I also have a Fleet Tor'khat that's set up to look like a Vor'cha...there is no such thing as a Fleet Vor'cha, you get the Fleet Tor'khat and make it look like a Vor'cha. I also have a T6 Kor BoP, a Pilot Raptor and a Fleet Kamarag.

    Breakdown of time spent would be in each would be:
    95% Fleet K'tinga (Very versatile. All around fun. Unmistakably Klingon.)
    2% Fleet Tor'khat/Vor'cha (The Hulk. Also unmistakably Klingon)
    1% Fleet Kamarag (Interesting ride. Skinny science-oriented K'tinga. Also unmistakably Klingon.)
    1% T6 Pilot Raptor (Neat tricks! Kinda reminds me of a small K'tinga if you use the long neck and mid-size wing cannons.)
    1% T6 Kor BoP (Fragile little bird. Unmistakably Klingon.)

  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Every one of my characters has one ship, they have been made with the intention to only use this endgame ship regardless of it's stats.​, the decision is largely made on my liking of the design in Star Trek canon.

    This exclused however temporary use of ships that hold a useful trait.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Performance, esthetics & has to fit a char’s background. Example for 3 of my toons:

    1) Suliban (Alien) Sci -> Recluse: best debuff ship, fits for scis, suliban & tholians both active in temporal cold war so a seized enemy ship makes sense.
    2) Fed Klingon Engineer -> Arbiter: Offensive cruiser with a very military like appearance for a fed ship, can equip a cloak. Toon fits on it like worf did on the defiant.
    3) Bajoran Tac -> JHSS: Ideal escort for a DS9 themed toon with a rebel attitude against FAW mainstream. Wont leave it till tier 7 bug ship is released.

    Finding the right ship to rule them all is one of the hardest tasks in game. Fortunately we have growing selection. It’s also weird experience because taste fluctuates. I found the eclipse for example to be the most ugliest ship ever seen in game until I looked for something efficient my liberated borg would fly. Now am very happy with it. In fact closest thing to plain perfection I could think of (for as long borg ships remain unplayable in game). B)

    Also, cool thread OP.
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    For me it used to be both, but nowadays i have to ignore the style and just look at performance because style for me has entered "wtf are you thinking" territory. Like my main has a Xindi Carrier and I like its capabilities but I hate how it looks.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    Not a easy question anymore. Mostly a few things figure in to a decision. First does it have that canon look, secondly what is the lore behind it, and lastly how does it perform. Sometimes the frist two have to give way to the last. A good example is the D'deridex class cruiser. I love that ship but until I am sporting full end game ship parts, as a tacticle, it would be a unwise choice. A good example of this, would be the new tier six tactical ships. They look cool and all but have no connection to the Romulan star empire. So I choose not to use them. I chould be more precise most of them do no,t but some of them do, and have those skins from that era. I kid you not when I learned about the time episode at the end of the Iconian war, I held my breath, for a hope they would bring back the Romulan Star Empire. Major Romulan Star Empire fan, but in truth the Republic would not be so bad if it was not living on the table scraps of the Federation or Klingon Empire. Sorry went way off topic thier but you get the point of what drives my choices.
  • rimmarierimmarie Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    It's usually style for me. I prefer ships that look 'Trek'
    its not that I dislike the Cryptic designs, (except maybe the Intel ships BLEH) I just prefer designs closer to canon ones.

    I've pretty much had the same ship as my main since my captain was able to purchase it.

    Much like angrytarg, I switch to get traits I want to try or use on my main.

    if only they would fix my ship icons... I'm a borg cube and a Connie :/
    while it would be nice to get T6 version, I would be happy with an update model
  • zorander6zorander6 Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    Personally my Fed char uses the Nihydron destroyer. It's fast, relatively cheap, and maneuverable and while it isn't a T6 I have upgraded it and the buffs are decent. I'm not top DPS at all but it's a fun little ship to fly. The only thing I wish is that it had another science chair or a chair that was higher ranked.

    I tried the APU cruiser for a while and it was a decent ship but hard to tell which way you were facing. I've also got a T6 Andromeda which is ok but slower than I like.

    For my Klingon I've not found a ship I'm really happy with. My Romulan flies a Mirror Ha'Fel and does ok.

    If I can unlock the giant crab ship (Breen Dreadnought) I'll give it a run on my chars. Might be the main for my Klingon.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    What keeps me in a ship? The fact that setting up a new one is such a boring chore of manually putting everything the way I like it.

    Especially the ability tray. What I wouldn't give for the chance to just copy the tray layout from an existing ship...
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Mostly design. I like to fly ships that look nice. The only exception I have ever made was leaving the Star Cruiser. That has to be one of my favorite designs but I'm having trouble to perform well in it (especially compared to other cruisers that have more than 2 tac console slots - yeah I'm one of those noobs who needs at least 3 and preferably 4 tac consoles to be a bit effective :p ).
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Performance, esthetics & has to fit a char’s background. Example for 3 of my toons:

    1) Suliban (Alien) Sci -> Recluse: best debuff ship, fits for scis, suliban & tholians both active in temporal cold war so a seized enemy ship makes sense.
    2) Fed Klingon Engineer -> Arbiter: Offensive cruiser with a very military like appearance for a fed ship, can equip a cloak. Toon fits on it like worf did on the defiant.
    3) Bajoran Tac -> JHSS: Ideal escort for a DS9 themed toon with a rebel attitude against FAW mainstream. Wont leave it till tier 7 bug ship is released.

    Finding the right ship to rule them all is one of the hardest tasks in game. Fortunately we have growing selection. It’s also weird experience because taste fluctuates. I found the eclipse for example to be the most ugliest ship ever seen in game until I looked for something efficient my liberated borg would fly. Now am very happy with it. In fact closest thing to plain perfection I could think of (for as long borg ships remain unplayable in game). B)

    Also, cool thread OP.

    Great stuff! I can envision my character meeting up with your characters in a Star Trek universe. I use my Captain's Log to craft my own story. Keeps things interesting for me.

  • lopequillopequil Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I never get tired of my Kreen. It's great to look at, can pull its punches well, it turns on a sixpence and those consoles are ever so much fun. Also getting upwards of 200k damage with a well-times torpedo is - to coin a phrase - <i>Most satisfying</i>.
  • yukonsamyukonsam Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    I'll fly anything long enough to unlock the trait, but I always come back to Fed cruisers. To me, that's Trek. Fortunately, the cruiser pace of play suits me as well.
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    My two favorites are the Vesta and the K't'inga retrofit.

    One thing that annoys me horribly is the fact that even though I have a regular K't'inga and a K't'inga retrofit , the game still wants to charge me four fleet ship modules for the Fleet K't'inga retrofit, and I have a hard time justifying that. But in any case, I love the old school D5/D7 Klingon look. I first started watching Star Trek back in the mid-60's when it was in live production. Though I learned to love STNG, for me Kirk will always be The Captain.

    On the Feddie side, The Vesta is my one true love. Nothing else even comes close <3
    It has everything you can expect from a T5-u, plus a hangar bay. Endlessly versatile, it can do almost anything. I know in my heart that the biggest limit on the performance of my Vesta is me. If I was a more skillful player, the ship could move mountains.

    That said, I must give an honorable mention to the humble Goldfish Bowl. I really like the look; to me that big round chingadera just screams "I am a SCIENCE Ship!"

    I guess the overall answer to your question is this - performance matters, but style is what keeps up my enthusiasm, and makes me willing to keep shelling out the $15 a month.

    I really couldn't give a **** about chasing the latest and greatest. Shelling out another 3000 Zen for a 2% increase in performance is not my style, that would be profligate, and I was raised to be aye thrifty. :)
  • dumas13dumas13 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    For me, it's a mix of appearance and performance. I want ships that feel good to fly and look ok to me. So Ferengi and Breen ships are right out for me since something about their looks just irritates me. My toons generally settle on one ship permanently once I find something that fits well. Also, I remember the old boff system somewhat discouraged too much experimentation with skills.

    My main has always flown Fed cruisers because those are the Star Trek ships for me. I picked up an Assault Cruiser Refit and it suits me quite well, so I don't see that toon moving on unless a T6 Sovereign comes out.

    My other Fed toon ran escorts and I bought the Heavy Escort Carrier to try out something new-ish to me. It worked well, though pets aren't all that effective, well enough that I picked up the T6 escort carrier bundle.

    My Romulan has pretty much stuck to the more agile warbirds, settling on the Dyson destroyer. It's a good ship, a bit unusual but flexible, and looks like a baby D'Deridex but much more maneuverable. I tried out the T6 Jhu'hael carrier for a while, but it never quite gelled with me.

    My Klingon fell in love with raptors at tier 2 or so, but I didn't play it much for a long time and just stayed in a Qin. The Qa'tel flight-deck raptor was part of why I picked up that bundle and it hasn't let me down. Cannons have been a bit tricky, but I do ok with them.
  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    1) Bridge officer slots
    2) Console slots
    99) Aesthetics and novelty

    Each of my 13 toons ends up with one "theme" of ship that they more or less stick with. It's rare that I'll completely redo an existing build. I'm more likely to use an undeveloped farmer alt to try out a new build.

  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    It depends on the character and the intent I have with that character. My main is a tac and I like him in escorts. Currently he' in the Phantom....until a better score comes along and takes him out. My eng is currently in the T-6 Excelsior for the trait and will then switch back to the T5U Sovereign or if they come out with the T6 version any time soon.
    I also have concept characters that I play. I have one that is from the TOS movie era and they fly the T-6 Excelsior until (ship that must not be named gets T-6'd).
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    Generally if I purchase a ship and I like it I keep my character in it, if it doesn't fit my character well and I like it I build a new character to fit the ship better.

    I don't really fly one character in multiple ships...
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    I am a style type of person and probably wouldnt get performance if it threw itself on my ship. My oldest toons are alts whhich dont do space combat so for those ships like the T1 Connie are pretty good. My Ferengi uses the Nandi as it is the only Ferengi ship I have, and as for other ships they only tend to get used when I fancy a change or am trying to get the trait unlocked. When the T6 ships traits are unlocked I will probably end up back in the T5-U's purely for aestetic reasons.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • delerouxdeleroux Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    Both? And also the price of alternatives.
  • freightstopperfreightstopper Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    If a ship catches my eye I'll work out a rough fit, then figure out what sort of captain would fly it.

    My characters generally are built to fly a specific ship and once they're in it that's it.
    As an example I started thinking about making a fed tac officer, decided they'd have a fleet heavy escort carrier, wasn't interested in the fed fighters so decided to use the elite swarmers. That in turn led my into fitting it out in AP cannons with the rapid-reload transphasic torp.
    I'm considering replacing it with a full AP beam fit using both the crafted and the anicent omni's and the warp core, either that or go all out and get the obelisk off the lobi store.

    Basically for me its = Ship looks interesting and my rough fit isn't being used by any of my other characters - make a character to fly it - get the ship and don't leave it.
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  • kontarnuskontarnus Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    What keeps you in a certain ship ?
    Is it the style/design of a ship ? Is it a RP thing where you enjoy flying Canon ships and setups ? Is it Raw performance and set up of a ship ?

    It's a combination of all three, for ships I enjoy flying for long periods: Style + (Immersion rather than RP) + performance.
    It doesn't have to have the highest DPS, as long as it has room for optimization, optimization keeps things fun and fresh.
    No fun having someone tell you, "this is the weapon you should have, in this configuration, go". Try out other possibilities, in combination with the other two aspects of Style and immersion.
    I know many people take a more utilitarian view of things and focus purely on stats, because there is a logical and mathematical purity to that approach... but it's emotionally and psychologically ugly, and unsatisfying.

    What keeps you in your ship ?

    (see above)

    Have any ships surprised you performance wise ?

    The T6 Arbiter battlecruiser (I never bought the T5), and the Pilot escorts (too bad they look cartoonish compared to the Defiant/Valiant).
    The Arbiter is the perfect balance between Escort and Tactical tank cruiser, an ultra-heavy destroyer.
    The Pilot escorts are excellent -- although they play more like space fighters than starships, once you establish the right cadence to setting off skills and making the proper maneuvers.
    Has any ship design grown on you over time ? Or any that you're getting sick of seeing ?

    I didn't like the Battlecruisers when they were first released, they had a classic Trek style to them but it grated on me that they were aesthetically portrayed as warships -- it made them look too cartoonish.
    The T6 Arbiter, looks like it took its aesthetic styling from David Lynch's Dune.
    The Command Battlecruisers are ugly. In fact, most of the non-canon ships have an unrefined, bulky and bubbly look to them that makes them look unappealing, in comparison to the canon designs.

    Do you jump around a lot from ship to ship, or stick to one, or a small handful of ships ?

    Since reaching VA shortly after I started playing, I've mainly stuck to one ship with a handful of others that I switch to occasionally for a little bit of variety.

    Are you a ship chaser, and like flying the new shiny's ?

    No. I wait (sometimes months), see how things go, if a ship has something I like, I consider buying/grinding.

    If you could only get 1 more ship, which would it be (doesn't have to be in game currently) ?

    Not sure, at this point.

    Finally, over the course of your STO experience, what ship have you flown for the longest period of time ?

    [T5 Galaxy-X/T5U Galaxy-X/T6 Andromeda/T6 Yamato]
    I'm a Galaxy captain.

    "Intelligence is finite, stupidity is infinite" -- Umberto Eco
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]What keeps you in a certain ship?[/quote]Usually, it's too much effort for me to switch and set everything up again. I know we have loadouts, but meh. They still don't work perfectly.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Is it the style/design of a ship ? Is it a RP thing where you enjoy flying Canon ships and setups ? Is it Raw performance and set up of a ship?[/quote] it's a mix between feeling true and canon. I don't fly these 'alien' ships, I've played the game of chance before, back when the lock boxes first came around, and the results were poor; I'll never be going back there.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]What keeps you in your ship?[/quote]Stubbornness?

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Have any ships surprised you performance wise?[/quote]Not really, it's more builds that have surprised me, or kit combos etc, not ships.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Has any ship design grown on you over time ? Or any that you're getting sick of seeing?[/quote]The Venture. Liked it when I first saw it, and I still like it now. My main is flying the T6 Galaxy (non fleet), my secondaries are flying a T5 Defiant and a T6 Negh'Var (I somewhat regret this purchase, though it only cost me fleet modules). I have other ships at my disposal, though many of them are canon. I own others, due to freebies or events, but I generally don't fly them (instead they're handy for the admiralty system).

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Do you jump around a lot from ship to ship, or stick to one, or a small handful of ships?[/quote]Usually stick to a select few.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Are you a ship chaser, and like flying the new shiny's?[/quote]Definitely not.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]If you could only get 1 more ship, which would it be (doesn't have to be in game currently)?[/quote]That's a tough call, and even though I'd probably never use them (because they're alien), both the Dominion Battlecruiser and Son'a Battleship are missing from the game.

    [quote="taylor1701d;1209035"]Finally, over the course of your STO experience, what ship have you flown for the longest period of time?[/quote]I haven't flown one recently, but the Federation Assault Cruiser I'd think has been most used by me, across many characters in my years here.
    Post edited by flash525 on
  • trizeo1trizeo1 Member Posts: 472 Arc User
    Greetings 07

    For me.. it's looks first and performance second.

    I also tend to stay in canon ships with canon loadouts.

    Fed side - Galaxy, Defiant, Akira, Sovy, MVAE, Saber, Nebula, Intrepid, Luna & Nova
    Rom side - Scimi (w/cannons of course), Mogai, DD & T'varo I will also use the Arkif & Faeht (correct spelling? haha)
    KDF - Negh'var, Vor'cha, BoP & K'tinga... I will admit tho that 2 non canon ships have led me astray... the Mat'ha & Mogh

    I switch ships daily and mostly will do that if the mission calls for it or if I just feel like cycling thru my fleet.

    Performance wise... the ship that has surprised me the Mogh or Kurak with it's intel seating. Actually.. I did buy the BC pack and the Arbiter surprised me a lot but I just can't get passed it's looks so as soon as I got the trait it was back to canon for me.

    The longest ship that I've stayed in is the Galaxy class on my eng toon.. it just feels right for him to fly that and the Scimi on my Rom... wasn't the biggest fan of it at first but built it with cannons and I have fun it in... dat drift! haha.

    Really.. it's 99% canon or GTFO.

  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    All of my Human Fed toons fly any T-6 ship that reminds me of the original Enterprise, the closer in look the better.
    When I fiddle with my Klingon toon (which isn't often lately) he's been flying the Vor'cha.
    My Talaxian is a Fed. Delta Recruit, but she's truly a pirate at heart and flies which ever Alien ship I'm in the mood to monkey with at the moment.
    Since I've garnered a bunch of Lockbox ships through the years, she's had a real mixed bag to play with.
    At the moment it's the Mobius.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    @trizeo1 : There's one thing to ask, next to agree with "99% canon or GTFO" pig-2.gif - but what's the meaning of "07"?​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I've not given this a lot of thought. My chars tend to fly the ships they have the most success in. Which is why my Rom ENG still swans about in the Mogai Retrofit I purchased for him during the summer of LoR. I will admit I think it is one of the three or four ships in the game which looks Romulan but as effective as he is in it, I'd fly it no matter what it looked like.

    I also like to fly what other people do not. A lot of ships get a bad rap because people do not know how to use them effectively and are not willing to take the time needed to truly learn what a ship can and cannot do. Too many players think the next ship out will be the one which finally compensates for the poor choices they make.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • fiberteksyfirfiberteksyfir Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    Depends on my mood really and which char Im on. My main is there to pretty much melt enemies so in his case the ship i can get a lot of deeps out of currently the imperium, all my other toons it depends. My sci alt i like in a dauntless, sarr theln, or LRSV because I loooove the intrepid even if its not great performing.

    My klinks are all rebels as far as im concerned, so main kdf eng is usually the dkora or nandi, kdf sci is in a chell, umm few others but i try to theme them anyways. My next goal is actually make a ferengi alt in a nandi for funsies with an all ferengi crew.
  • kontarnuskontarnus Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    I also like to fly what other people do not. A lot of ships get a bad rap because people do not know how to use them effectively and are not willing to take the time needed to truly learn what a ship can and cannot do. Too many players think the next ship out will be the one which finally compensates for the poor choices they make.

    Yes, too true. Although it's not really compensating for poor choices, for some that is true, I suppose.
    It's more that too many players think the next ship out will be the one with their dream stats and that they will fly around and be awesome and seen as godly captains by others...and then get angry when it's released and not meeting their unrealistic hopes and dreams.

    Like I said in another thread, it all depends on how you play the game, whether you're participating in the DPS league or whether you're just playing for fun, or whether you're somewhere in the middle and trying to get the most out of your favoured ship. Perspective matters.
    "Intelligence is finite, stupidity is infinite" -- Umberto Eco
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