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I have a bone to pick considering this game's Herald lockbox



  • bayonettawiccanbayonettawiccan Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    No, you are NOT supporting them. You are buying a virtual product they have on sale.
    Really, and where is this money going to? Where? Tell me. You sound like you have the insider track. Come on, someone is getting my money which I wasted on the boxes here just like someone is getting my money from a store where I buy any product. Whether or not it's my personal goal to support them, I am still never the less with each purchase I made from them.
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    Also, please stop being hostile and insultive to players who disagree with you. It should be quite obvious how this community reacts to that with the troll signs and counter insults.
    People have been hostile to me and have insulted me and my intelligence for no reason except they are being a stan for this game. One of them even told me to kill myself. So hey, if someone shoves me, I shove back. Plenty of trolling done by a few posters here.

  • theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Constructive criticism is a good thing for the product - and a buyer base as well. Destructive criticism, insults, general hostility, looking down upon other players etc, is not. While I appreciate your opinion with lockboxes and the loot drop chances, this could have been written and presented in a much friendlier way, and would imo go a long way more forward being spotted, read and discussed. This way, your opinion/criticism holds no merit to I would hazard a guess, most people reading this, and certainly I wouldn't expect Cryptic staff to read it and take it seriously.

    Fwiw, I do think Vonph's drop rate (1/10 drop rate of Quas, if you'd believe the sources) is low, and at the same time I expect Cryptic to continue doing the two ships-per lockbox thing from now on, and as such would agree the drop chances should go up. Not too much so that it's very similar to main lockbox ship's drop (as it would destroy it's unique value of hard-to-get and desirable) but still raise the chances a bit so buyers have at least a bit better chance of attaining a ship they want, for their hard-earned money.
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
  • bayonettawiccanbayonettawiccan Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    Constructive criticism is a good thing for the product - and a buyer base as well. Destructive criticism, insults, general hostility, looking down upon other players etc, is not. While I appreciate your opinion with lockboxes and the loot drop chances, this could have been written and presented in a much friendlier way, and would imo go a long way more forward being spotted, read and discussed. This way, your opinion/criticism holds no merit to I would hazard a guess, most people reading this, and certainly I wouldn't expect Cryptic staff to read it and take it seriously.
    Nothing I've done or said wasn't reactionary. If they want a mature argument or whatnot, fine. If they want to be douchebags and be immature, insult my intelligence, or wish me dead, I'll return it in kind. Since they treated me with disdain, I treat them in kind since I go by the old saying, treat others the way you wanna be treated. All I was looking to do was voice my negative opinions, some of these posters were spoiling for a fight because I was critical of their favorite game.
    Fwiw, I do think Vonph's drop rate (1/10 drop rate of Quas, if you'd believe the sources) is low, and at the same time I expect Cryptic to continue doing the two ships-per lockbox thing from now on, and as such would agree the drop chances should go up. Not too much so that it's very similar to main lockbox ship's drop (as it would destroy it's unique value of hard-to-get and desirable) but still raise the chances a bit so buyers have at least a bit better chance of attaining a ship they want, for their hard-earned money.
    From what I saw of what I've seen sold in exchange, the drop rate for the Quas is accurate. You can't even buy a vonph ship from it because very few people are selling it there.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Sure, after you stop freeloading and actually contribute to the game instead of being a TRIBBLE to those who have (ie. ME).

    Aww.. did I hurt your little feelings? Looks like someone is getting angry.

    Maybe you should stop buying lock box keys and spend that money on some Paxil and a few Therapy sessions. Get to the root of your obvious anger issues.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    No, you are NOT supporting them. You are buying a virtual product they have on sale.
    Really, and where is this money going to? Where? Tell me. You sound like you have the insider track. Come on, someone is getting my money which I wasted on the boxes here just like someone is getting my money from a store where I buy any product. Whether or not it's my personal goal to support them, I am still never the less with each purchase I made from them.
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    Also, please stop being hostile and insultive to players who disagree with you. It should be quite obvious how this community reacts to that with the troll signs and counter insults.
    People have been hostile to me and have insulted me and my intelligence for no reason except they are being a stan for this game. One of them even told me to kill myself. So hey, if someone shoves me, I shove back. Plenty of trolling done by a few posters here.

    Yes, the money does end up at Cryptic to pay for their employees to keep developing this game. However, that does not mean that the money you spent gives you any entitlement over somebody who is completely free to play. As far as Cryptic is concerned, both you and the F2P are people in the game boosting metrics keeping a community alive that leads to people spending. Who would buy anything if you were the only person in this game? So for Cryptic, thank you for buying our merchandise, but you are no more or less of a customer as any other player in this game. This is not just me making claims, this is me paraphrasing comments by developers on these very forums over the past 3 years.

    People have been hostile to you because of the way you already formulated the opening post of this thread. Instead of saying: I did not get a Vonph after spending 300 keys, it is my opinion that the chance for the Vonph is too low and should be adjusted, you basically said: I spend 300 keys, I now deserve the Vonph. Which comes over as entitlement, to which the players reacted in a hostile way. Although I agree that many people definitely took it too far (suicide requests are in my opinion a good reason to be hit by the ban hammer), making the exact same posts back does only do one thing for your reputation in my opinion; just as bad (yes, you too deserve to be hit by the ban hammer after the suicide requiest you made of that same poster).

    Take some responsibility for the way you worded your posts and for the very mean things you said, then you can ask others to take their responsibility as well and then we can have the civil discussion that might actually lead to something productive. As for me? I take full responsibility for every word I type on these forums, no matter what the consequences will be. I either stand by each word I type or I go back to remove them and include an apoligy. Considering you started this thread and you are trying to get a point over, I think it would be best for you to open up an apoligy to the rest of the community and then ask for one in return. Who knows, it might lead to constructive posts such as the math behind the lock boxes that already was shown.

    EDIT: For your information, I did report both sides of the suicide requests. I'm not gonna report each flame filled post in this thread since I like to also focuss on the positive sides, but both of you took it too far there.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    its so sad that players cant grasp how random odds and statistics work.
    lets say you have a random number generator that picks numbers at random between 0-9 and they have set it so the odds of selecting no 5 are 1/100 does this mean that if a 100 numbers are rolled then 1 of them must be a 5, no it doesn't each time a number is picked the odds are the same so numbers with a higher chance say 1/10 of being picked are the norm and numbers that have a very low chance say 1/50 are much rarer of being picked and the chances of getting a 1/100 shot neigh on impossible.
    with this system you could generate 1000 numbers or even 100000 numbers before you get a 5, or you could be very lucky and get the number 5 on the first go.

    And here endith the lesson.

    don't worry you are not alone, every bookmaker in the world relies on the fact that most people don't get how odds work.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • rimmarierimmarie Member Posts: 418 Arc User
    Of course it's a 'Money Grab' It's gambling. This happens when you gamble. The house ALWAYS wins
    When the Herald lockbox came out, they advertised that ship as a prize INSTEAD of Lobi. It is incredibly rare. The drop rate is worse that the standard grand prize ship ( Herald Quas Flight Deck Cruiser [T6])
    AND it uses a different drop table. It shares a table with Lobi. Random amounts of Lobi.
    Finally, the Herald Lock Box contains the Herald Vonph Dreadnought Carrier [T6]. This incredibly rare Tier 6 starship has a small chance to be rewarded in place of Lobi Crystals when opening the lock box. Every box has the chance of containing this ultra-rare prize, in addition to any other prize you also receive, giving exceedingly lucky players the opportunity to acquire two separate ships from opening a single box.

    So you can't compare it's drop rate to any other ship you have gotten previously. They even said it was 'incredibly rare'

    Some people have just been incredibly lucky. I'm sorry you were not, but crying 'MONEY GRAB!' because you didn't win?

    When you purchase a Master Key, you are purchasing Lobi and a 'Chance' to gamble.
    The Herald Lockbox is like a double gamble. You Roll your normal chance AND you Roll again in place of your Lobi. At the very least, you will always get something and Lobi.

    Again, I'm sorry you didn't win, but in the end, you got exactly what you paid for.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    Someone telling you to kill yourself is bang out of order so you are right to be annoyed at that.


    The very first time you replied to one of my posts in this thread you told me to shut up. And you've consistently insulted or been rude to every other poster who doesn't have the same viewpoint as you.
    So I really think you need to reel it back in a bit and just calm down.

    You had a genuine concern about an aspect of the game but rather than engage in sensible debate here you have just been out and out aggressive towards everyone. It's not helping your cause one bit.
  • alexhaydenalexhayden Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I've been stockpiling a few Herald Lockboxes with the intention of having a small gamble with the lockbox keys (even though I know the odds of winning a ship are somewhere between slight chance and no chance). However as this thread has revealed that I missed the posting that the odds of winning are even slimmer than I thought I simply won't bother. So for that and that alone I thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    However..regardless of how annoyed you are about the odds of winning from the lockbox, regardless how the other forumites may have taken your starting post as a statement of entitlement, regardless of the insults that have been thrown back and forth absolutely nothing excuses the posts made by you and another player regarding the use of a knife. If neither of you are able to rein in your tempers enough that you cannot see a problem with posting such offensive comments OVER A COMPUTER GAME then I really pity you both. If neither of you have the maturity to walk away from the keyboard before posting such comments then I really pity you both. And if neither of you have any sense of shame that you can still leave such posts up on the forum almost eleven hours later then I really pity you both.

    I guess the ball is in Trendy's court now.
    Post edited by alexhayden on
  • yakodymyakodym Member Posts: 362 Arc User
  • divvydavedivvydave Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Also, whilst I hate the state the obvious, all those keys you purchased could probably have been sold on the exchange, generating sufficent EC to simply buy the ship off the exchange.

    ^This, best way to get lockbox ships.
  • bayonettawiccanbayonettawiccan Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    My last reply. I wasn't gonna post anymore, but this was too important not to ignore so here it goes:
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    For your information, I did report both sides of the suicide requests. I'm not gonna report each flame filled post in this thread since I like to also focuss on the positive sides, but both of you took it too far there.
    alexhayden wrote: »
    However..regardless of how annoyed you are about the odds of winning from the lockbox, regardless how the other forumites may have taken your starting post as a statement of entitlement, regardless of the insults that have been thrown back and forth absolutely nothing excuses the posts made by you and another player regarding the use of a knife. If neither of you are able to rein in your tempers enough that you cannot see a problem with posting such offensive comments OVER A COMPUTER GAME then I really pity you both. If neither of you lack the maturity to walk away from the keyboard before posting such comments then I really pity you both. And if neither of you have any sense of shame that you can still leave such posts up on the forum almost eleven hours later then I really pity you both.
    You're both right, it went to far. To everyone else who is reading this, I'm sorry I took part in that. However, I will not apologize to the other one since he started it so he should make the first move. But to everyone else, I'm sorry you had to read that.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    I'm not.

    And for the record you started everything.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    something that a lot of players have forgotten: STO is JUST a game. you don't want to be disappointed, do the good choice, that means never gamble in this GAME with real money.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    My last reply. I wasn't gonna post anymore, but this was too important not to ignore so here it goes:
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    For your information, I did report both sides of the suicide requests. I'm not gonna report each flame filled post in this thread since I like to also focuss on the positive sides, but both of you took it too far there.
    alexhayden wrote: »
    However..regardless of how annoyed you are about the odds of winning from the lockbox, regardless how the other forumites may have taken your starting post as a statement of entitlement, regardless of the insults that have been thrown back and forth absolutely nothing excuses the posts made by you and another player regarding the use of a knife. If neither of you are able to rein in your tempers enough that you cannot see a problem with posting such offensive comments OVER A COMPUTER GAME then I really pity you both. If neither of you lack the maturity to walk away from the keyboard before posting such comments then I really pity you both. And if neither of you have any sense of shame that you can still leave such posts up on the forum almost eleven hours later then I really pity you both.
    You're both right, it went to far. To everyone else who is reading this, I'm sorry I took part in that. However, I will not apologize to the other one since he started it so he should make the first move. But to everyone else, I'm sorry you had to read that.

    Not only did you do the good thing by making an apoligy, you also went back and removed the offending post. And that was a good decision.
    samt1996 wrote: »
    I'm not.

    And for the record you started everything.

    And you mister need to take a break and consider if you really wish another human being, with people who love and care for her no doubt, to die. If you do deserve that, I recommend you go visit a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If not and you can act like a decent human being, apoligize and remove your post. Many people crossed lines in this thread, but you took it waaaaay to far.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    samt1996 wrote: »
    I'm not.

    You should be. Death wishes should have no place in written words in these forums.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    And you mister need to take a break and consider if you really wish another human being, with people who love and care for her no doubt, to die. If you do deserve that, I recommend you go visit a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If not and you can act like a decent human being, apoligize and remove your post. Many people crossed lines in this thread, but you took it waaaaay to far.

    and it is not the first time that he acts like that.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Well when they won't listen to reason sometimes you have to take things up a notch.

    Since it offends so many people then I'll remove it.
    Post edited by samt1996 on
  • chemistrysetchemistryset Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    samt1996 wrote: »
    Well when they won't listen to reason sometimes you have to take things up a notch.

    It didn't work either the OP got even more rediculous then before. But if it offends so many people for no discernable reason then I'll remove it.

    Seriously? WHAT.THE.F***?

    The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for stupid people.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    No discernable reason? I've seen some very good reasons given. If you've chosen to ignore them, that's on you. If you don't understand them, that's on your therapist.

    Personally, when I realized you went THERE? That's when I decided I was done.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    Yeah, this got way too hostile, way too quick.

    A little back and forth is fine, starting to talk about people killing themselves.. I'm out.

    OP, we had a little back and forth.. I dished it, you took it and dished back.. respect.

    Sorry you didn't get what you want, while I have my own opinion on what you should or should not have expected, but when we start wishing people dead.. I'm out, that's just messed up.

    I hope you get the ship, and I hope no one dies. Peace!
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    samt1996 wrote: »
    Well when they won't listen to reason sometimes you have to take things up a notch.

    It didn't work either the OP got even more rediculous then before. But if it offends so many people for no discernable reason then I'll remove it.

    You removed it, step 1 done.

    Now to remove this ridiculous post that I either misinterpreted hugely, or shows that you don't see what is wrong with wanting people dead. And to actually make the apoligy.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    You made this too much of a cash grab. You must have made it one in a million to get the vonph carrier. You could have made money with your ships and other things.

    Gotta say, Perfect World, kinda shady, even for you.

    Not sure how this is any different to any of the other lockboxes?

    Trust me, it's very different.

    You're imagining it
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    Yeah, this got way too hostile, way too quick.

    A lot of stuff has changed, and for the better, since the last time I played the game regularly. But the tendency for every single topic the forums to degenerate into a pissing contest? Nope. (I can't wait to read zone chat once the American presidential elections start.)
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Fine, I apologize for my mean spirited comments.

    For the record I didn't intend for them to be taken as a suicide request but rather an insult about the OP being a young overly-emotional teenager AKA Emo.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    twg042370 wrote: »
    Yeah, this got way too hostile, way too quick.

    A lot of stuff has changed, and for the better, since the last time I played the game regularly. But the tendency for every single topic the forums to degenerate into a pissing contest? Nope. (I can't wait to read zone chat once the American presidential elections start.)

    Unfortunately campaigning for this one started before the last election was over. It's been that way since CNN introduced the 24 hour news cycle.

    A corollary Godwin's law should be discussions of sufficient length on the internet will tend towards a pissing contest with a probability of 1.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    I just wish cryptic would put as much hard work and time into creating a good game as they do in coming up with the new shiny. This is the way I see it (IMO). Eventually people are going to relize a garage full of ships (no matter how OP some are) is not going to make a good game. Then this is what will most likely happen. Everyone will stop buying ships and demand cryptic start putting thier revenue sorces into expanding the game but with people not buying any of the new shinys cryptics not going to have the money to expand the game. Guess what happens next? We the players end up with a bunch of ships that can only be used to replay old content, over and over and over. Wonder how long the game will last then.

    Here is the hurtfull truth. I don't know if anyone has noticed but STO is starting to show its age. As more and more games come out that display new technology the more aged they make sto look. With new tech comes inovation and that is what is severally lacking in sto. Here it is the question every sto player has to ask him/herself eventually. When the servers are shut down did I enjoy sto enough to justifly the amount of money I spent on the game. Something to really think about.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    hyefather wrote: »
    I just wish cryptic would put as much hard work and time into creating a good game as they do in coming up with the new shiny. This is the way I see it (IMO). Eventually people are going to relize a garage full of ships (no matter how OP some are) is not going to make a good game. Then this is what will most likely happen. Everyone will stop buying ships and demand cryptic start putting thier revenue sorces into expanding the game but with people not buying any of the new shinys cryptics not going to have the money to expand the game. Guess what happens next? We the players end up with a bunch of ships that can only be used to replay old content, over and over and over. Wonder how long the game will last then.

    Here is the hurtfull truth. I don't know if anyone has noticed but STO is starting to show its age. As more and more games come out that display new technology the more aged they make sto look. With new tech comes inovation and that is what is severally lacking in sto. Here it is the question every sto player has to ask him/herself eventually. When the servers are shut down did I enjoy sto enough to justifly the amount of money I spent on the game. Something to really think about.

    Meh I say to shiny graphics. I'd still be playing City of Heroes (in non-ultra mode none-the-less) if a certain company hadn't axed it for no good reason.

    Graphics get old fast, good game play and mechanics have staying power.
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    When the servers are shut down did I enjoy sto enough to justifly the amount of money I spent on the game. Something to really think about.

    yes, after buying the pilot ships (2) during the zen event, this was my questioning; my personal conclusion is: I have enough ships (for different ways of playing), and this was the last time that I have bought ships. anyway, without the zen event, I would not have bought ships.

    I like this game, but something is missing to make it, really interesting. it is too monotonous
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    bergins wrote: »
    So, does that mean I should show you to the airlock?

    I'd like to show you something, but I doubt I can say what since I'm pretty sure the administrators would frown upon it.
    The administrators don't look kindly upon thinly veiled threats and comments like this.
This discussion has been closed.