So I tried the foundry.. Didn't understand anything so I was going to delete my foundry character.. I somehow managed to delete my main Fleet Admiral character instead.. I've spent so many hours working on that character, leveling it up, adding friends, doing everything.. Crafting things, getting special shields, weapons.. Ultra rare stuff.. Everything, writting a long bio.
I've done so much and I accidently deleted it all.. Arc Support says my char is probably lost forever, what can I do? Should I just.. Pray they can restore it? Or are they actually able too? Anyone has experience with this?
Second question: is your character copied to Tribble? Usually what happens on Tribble stays on Tribble, but its always worth a shot.
Otherwise I'd keep attempting. Because this sucks.
Also gonna tag @pwlaughingtrendy because she is the kind of helpful person you can rely on to at least give an honest answer. To be on the safe side: already post your char name@account name, and if possible as much information regarding day created, day destroyed.
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Support might be able to restore your character.
This is very solid advice.
Keep fighting on OP, chars have been restored in the past.
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Word to the wise though, again, if I'm not mistaken, there's no character limit on Tribble, so there's no need to delete your characters from it. Tribble resets itself every so often anyway.
Good Luck in getting your character reinstated.
Been there myself, just not with STO.
Oh the works...
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If you do, it complicates the situation and can potentially create problems in trying to get your character back. Please send in a ticket about it and be as detailed as possible with the character, name, etc.
personally i would quit the game after all the time ive invested in my main if it got deleted i wouldnt want to work another back up and some of the ships ive got would be next to impossible to replace due to the extreme exchange prices.
I've had a character that was restored well after a week of I don't see why they couldn't do it if this just happened.
Oh Kate, I feel for you
I hope you'll get it back soon
having said that how did you do this?
surely you were not foolish enough to name your foundry character the same as your actual character??
don't you have to type the name of the character being deleted to confirm that you are deleting that character???
surely you would have known from the name of the character that you were deleting the wrong one if you were wise enough to name the foundry character differently????
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
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I don't know yet, I have yet to hear back from the support developer.
2- see No. 1
3- see No. 2
4- see No. 3
You get the drift. The game is pretty good in asking you are you sure you want to delete this character? etc etc
I know we all make mistake so I hope you get the results you hope.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
But not always.. Apparently my character can remain hidden somewhere in the system for up to a year.. Or it might vanish completly after 1 minute of deletion. There is no way to tell, and the recovery process is not always the same. Since the characters are not "stored" anywhere spesific either..
Seems very messy if you ask me.
Cryptic, well more of Perfect World has now attempted and is working on restoring my character for 42 hours. I will probably get the result soon.
They said normally they don't provide this kind of support service but they understand mistakes happend and they would try. But as mentioned with how the server works. It's not a 100 percent chance my character will come back. Since I reported immediately after it happend it's more.. 50 50.. I guess.
I am so nervous and scared.