What would you like to see most in the yearly expansion, edition 2016? We had a Romulan faction, then Delta Rising ... and now, what's in the pipeline? Will the most logical thing happen, e. g. the Gamma Quadrant sector map and possibly a new playable mini-faction for Cardassians or / and Dominion and Gamma races, such as Karemma, Dosi, Wadi, Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Changelings (AlienGen), etc.? Or is there gunna be something completely new and unexpected? If yes, what could it possibly be?
Please post your ideas and share your thoughts here, purrhaps some of them might make it into the next expansion, who knows?
~ Eris The Hug Bunting ... Bug Hunting Vorta
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Romulus, Defera, Nukara, Dysons Spheres, Delta Quadrant.
They were all so promising, yet abandoned the second they released it... An expansion that focuses on putting new life into those zones would be awesome IMO.
That would also give them time to make a true long-term gamma quadrant.
Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Cardassians, have honestly been missing from the species select for quite some time, I alien gen a vorta but its not the same..of course im a bit tired of making new characters to daily click as well.
So we need species respec tokens as well, like other mmos offer.
Additionally, iconic bridge and corridor and room sets (whole ship interiors infact) would be nice to add to the existing ones. TNG (Enterprise-D, Enterprise-E), butt also the Enterprise-NX would be epic to have as a whole set. The TOS and VOY set are so great, so is the Defiant one. We need more of those!
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
1) More Red Alerts...there's more than the Borg and Tholians that would attack...add some Mirror, Tal Shiar...add some variety
2) Add rare monsters to the game...on of the things I really liked about City of Heroes is that there were several end game monsters that would randomly appear and if you took them down you'd get special stuff...we could do that with V'ger, or the Whale Probe...make it so that they drop some super rare thingamabob that you can use to craft some super uber thingie.
3) Give us a reason to go to the main planets...Vulcan and Andoria are criminally underused.
4) Playable space stations. I can see this one being a bit of a issue with players. Imagine a play style built around Sisko....who while still being a star base commander still got to go out an fly around in his ship.
5) PVP maps....base them on the sphere maps....like the Voth ground map. Two sides try to take control and whomever does gets to fight the big baddie at the end while the opposing forces get blamed out.
6) More factions...and not just based on alien races...the Marquis can be a faction of all three (Feds, Roms and KDF) but work to oppose the Federation/Alliance.
7) Archnemesis...Kirk had Khan, Picard had Q...give us the ability to create an arch nemesis who pops up randomly in missions and makes them that much harder.
8) More missions onboard our ships...this would probably involve a revamp of interiors but it would be cool if we had to repel boarders on our ship or take back our ship from someone else.
9) Random missions...Imagine if you are flying to DS9 to start the new FE and all of a sudden you get a hail from Risa that needs your help...
10) Draw some inspiration on missions from TOS movies....there's a lot from the series but not enough from the movies.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I have to agree here, I still think there is alot of potential in our own "backyard". There are still so many worlds that could be enhanced and even created that were that are in the existing three quadrants. I think though eventually that may happen and although I would like to see this happen before doing a Gamma quadrant expansion odds are it will happen only after.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
With the Cardassian revamp it seems like this would be the time though sadly nothing from the devs. If its never going to happen then OK i'll go back to my alien who thinks his a cardassian. But as I see the reworked cardassians I can't help think I might be redoing all of this again if they bring cardassians in. Which kills a desire to play it through on a wannabe.
And it was already established in the In Game Lore via ship box description that these Galor class ships were given to the Federation and KDF because of an agreement with Damar after the Dominion War. You can't just say "Well just rename them to be True Way Galors and problem solved, now give us our Cardassian Faction". So... sorry, but no Dominion faction is coming. They already gave away most of the fleet via Lockbox.
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Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
`Course, Cryptic would probably put a toll booth in front of the wormhole
Being as we have seen so very few cardassian and dominion vessels, this would allow Cryptic full free reign to come up with some impressive designs that may have come in the last 30 some odd years since the series timeline and our current timeline (which I would assume we are pushing 2411 soon, unless the iconian war and everything in the delta quadrant happened in the span of a month)
What are the Vorta doing now that the war is over and I am mostly certain that most don't believe in the founders being gods anymore type of thing..maybe even feeling a bit betrayed and looking for refuge as well?
How bout Cardassia? what they been up to during the last decade? I mean sure ill fetch that bottle of kanar for that mission, but that's about it?
tons of questions could be asked here about a few species that played a huge role in trek, or we can satisfy ourselves with neelix some more....
I'd like a T6 connie in 2016. (I keep hearing about next year being the 50th anniversary of Star Trek)
But I'd settle for an expansion into the Gamma Quadrant, a T6 Nova, a T6 Typhoon, and uh.....voiceover from the next generation cast members.
Oh and, it would be nice if they could finish the revamp of Klingon appearances. They said something about that Klingon dagger (D'ktang or something) as a hip attachment as well as new hairstyles, and more updates to outfit pieces. So far they updated the Klingon 01-04 boots and Bortasqu' boots for both genders and that's pretty much it so far (aside from making other outfit pieces available to them).
Easy fix... Cards can only start at L60. So only have T6 ships on up. They can use their faction's T1 to T5 ships... yes T5.
I'd like to see the Roms become their own full faction...even if it means destroying the cross-faction console thing that shouldn't have existed in the first place.
The Cardashians can take a long walk out an airlock.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Actually I have a feeling that putting a borg faction into the game would drive more people away then any other faction idea.
I would be first out of the airlock, would rather go back to the swg emu then sit in star trek with borg cubes floating everywhere for the sake of some....
1: License the procedural engine from Hello Games (No Man's Sky)*
2: Have access to the (practically infinite) Gamma Quadrant be gated with a subscription (to help pay for the license -- nothing's free)
3: Work with the engine's developers to place encounterable civilizations and native races of wildly varying tech levels into the Quadrant for us to discover (FINALLY! Some First Contacts!!!)
4: Allow R&D material and dilithium mining both as playable mini-games and DOFF missions.
5: Indeed use the wormhole for access.
6: Have a self-sustaining game that can support itself for decades.
Disclaimer: I am not a subscriber or lifetime member now. I would either subscribe or buy a lifetime membership in a SECOND if this happened. A chance to REALLY go where no man has gone before.
*If you are not familiar with this company or product, you should be. Seriously. Look into it.
Let the flames begin!
I agree with this 100% ^^^
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Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
It has been said in the past that they regret releasing the Galor in a lock box...because of the possibility of a faction one day...they obviously don't have the same remorse with the Dominion and released almost every Dominion ship in the game.
Cardassian faction on the other hand, is possible and I hope it happens!
Not the Borg, but the Co-Operative...and either have them nerfed or the real Borg made more powerful.
Or, a playable Changeling...either ones of Lars', joining the Bajoran Militia or actually coming from Odo's run Dominion.