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Dilithium Price Reduction



  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    stobg2015 wrote: »
    Let's see some deep price cuts on some of those old C-Store ships. That might interest me.

    I'd drink to that! Knock T1 down to 350, T2 to 500, T3 to 750 and T4 to 1200... maybe even T5 down to 1500 (from 2000) and 2000 (from 2500) and there's some ships that would probably move up in my list of purchase priorities...
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    There could be one redeeming factor, but that ain't going to happen. If you sell a Dil-bought ship you get half the Dil back even if it is unprocessed.
  • nebfabnebfab Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    kelettes wrote: »
    Someone hasn't been checking the exchange for prices on Mirror ships. Last time I looked, the cheapest was 3.5m - and that's only going to go up past the S11 launch. With the sale, it's honestly faster to get the ones from the store - and with admiralty, you want BOTH.
    It's very volatile right now... One day there's nothing cheaper than 3M, the other you can find sub-1M ships... right now prices start at around 1.5M (for Fed ships and sci and eng warbirds) up to 5m+ (for Vo'Quov.) Which is still a better deal than forking over 80k dil for basically the same thing. If the price of mirror patrols, nyhidrons and so on would permanently go over 3M (and it might) post-launch, then... It depends on what you prefer to grind. If it doesn't, the mirror ships are still a better deal.
  • alexhurlbutalexhurlbut Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    lan451 wrote: »
    Eh. Should have just made them cost EC again.

    I bought my advanced heavy cruiser for 300k EC. Good times pig-2.gif​​
    Hmmm I once bought my advanced research vessel retrofit with my free admiral ship token.
  • messahlamessahla Member Posts: 1,160 Arc User
    More dil sinks?
  • helgmornhelgmorn Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    This is great news, I will deffo be using some Di-Li now ( not that I have any after upgrading like mad this week) but will have at least enough for all the t1 ships across all toons.

    I will probably not use the ships, but want them for the Admirality system as they will be most welcome with the unique bonuses.

    Thanks for this guys, superb
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2015
    I *may* pick up one or two of the cheapest ships on some older characters who dismissed them long ago. But honestly I don't have a lot of Dilithium between fleet projects and gear upgrades it's already pretty much bank card to the rescue most of the time and this seems like a rotten deal having to buy ships I've already owned and dismissed.

    A nicer offer would have been to make these ships free for the first week of the Admiralty system being live.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    A nicer offer would have been to make these ships free for the first week of the Admiralty system being live. ​​

    You said it!
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I remember back in the old days that a RA-Lower ship costed you around 236k EC. Even at the lower prices it's still insane to spend that much Dilithium for a basic ship.
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Agreed. Besides, the prices are still much too high. Translate it into zen and see what that will get you for parts of appropriate zen ships (which are better even for the Admiralty system anyways).

    Just looking it's 226 Dil per Zen on the exchange. So...
    Rear Admiral - Lower Half: 80,000 = 354 Zen = $3.54

    Compare that to EC to $ using Keys... 4.1M EC per $1.25 => So an 80k Dil ship would be 11.6M EC.

    So from the original price of ~236k EC Cryptic has really jacked up the price of basic Tier ships when they switched over to Dilithium! :o
    Post edited by dracounguis on
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    synian wrote: »
    As was stated: even the mirror ships are a better option in most cases. Hopefully newer players are informed to just spend the little bit of EC for the mirror ships and save their dil for more valuable and useful things.

    Too late for even that. Mirror-level ships now start at 1M or more apiece now.

    All the cheap sub <500k Mirror ships have been taken off the exchange.

    I stocked up on MU ships when they were 50-100k each. :)
  • synfoolasynfoola Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    Not repurchasing old ships I already dismissed long ago for port space. My DilZen goes to new ships, keys, and fleet projects. I'll gladly take the slow road, thanks. lol
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    I stocked up on MU ships when they were 50-100k each. :)

    To be fair, so did I. Originally for fleet rewards and for a lot more alts I had planned until DR hit with the XP nerf.

    Now since my fleet just rewards the upgradeable T5 successors of the Mirror ships, and I'm not creating any more alts, I'll probably just sell what I have left back for profit. If only to buy some slightly better ships or equipment. Who knows.
  • xinaerkxinaerk Member Posts: 64 Arc User

    This "admiralty system" is the perfect excuse to squeeze some more dilithium out of the players' reserves to artificially delay the upgrade of the MKXII gear to MKXIV. And making it so that we have to buy some more ZEN "innocently".

    You guys definitely have some CIA or Business School backgrund.

    But as long as cruisers are a piece of kr@p, klinkies and rommies haver zero options for customization and bridges, the assault cruiser is forgotten... No dice my mice. :P
  • commander45689commander45689 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    thank you, Will there be a tier 6 Assault Cruiser?
    My thoughts on what it could be like http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/1205676/tier-6-assault-cruiser-refit-aka-the-sovereign-class
    I am fan of the Galaxy class and Sovereign class. I like Federation cruisers.

    Hoping for a Yesterday's Enterprise Bundle

    My idea for the bundle :smile:
  • commander45689commander45689 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    captaind3 wrote: »
    With the release of Season 11: New Dawn, players may notice that the prices of many starships available for Dilithium have been reduced.

    Check out the new prices for Dilithium ships here.


    Gotta love the image with the article. Reminds me that the Sovereign is the poster child for ships that are stuck at T5. :(

    Actually that's not what I see with the image at all. What I see is the same thing from the Arc background for the last eight months.

    A Sovereign class with an updated model (look at the neck junction between Saucer and Stardrive) that reflects the changes to the ship that were present in Nemesis. A model update means T6 Sovereign class inbound. :sunglasses:


    I am fan of the Galaxy class and Sovereign class. I like Federation cruisers.

    Hoping for a Yesterday's Enterprise Bundle

    My idea for the bundle :smile:
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    I feel bad for people who will be needing these discounted ships. I mean I have fleet ships with only purpose to them is extra banking space due to the overload of items every time some new rep or lockbox comes out. SO I wouldn't buy them just for the fact that they would reduce my banking system.


    Because these ships aren't being offered to "be flown by the actual player character in 'live' action". This deal is a "semi nice" recompense for the fact that, oddly enough, lower tier ships, whether common or hyper-rare, will have "some sort of use" in the Admiralty system...

    And since there have been quite a few players who've dismissed their "levelling" ships on their Treks, having "extremely low cost" replacements on-hand is a nice touch, though I do "question" the thoughts of giving us what, 2 weeks tops, to replace any "dismissed" ships and it'll take more than that to grind up a full set's worth of Dil...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    zulisvel wrote: »
    For one week following the release of Season 11, all of the above prices will be further reduced by 50%!
    This implies the promotional prices will be an additional 50% off the new prices going forward, not 50% off the previous prices.

    Further, from a player viewpoint this feels more like an attempt to get players to burn off stockpiles of dilithium rather than a gesture of good will. Ideally you should be cutting the old dilithium ship prices by 50% across the board and then the promo price would be an additional 40 - 50% off the new price.
    Actually the t4 and t5 ships had some pretty drastic discounts as part of the first set of reductions. most of them had their price cut by 1/3. Then we get a bonus event for 1/2 of 1/3 of the old price.
    toiva wrote: »
    Definitely a good moment to get the Vo'quvs, Ha'noms and Hegh'tas and whatever has at least some sci on KDF and ROM sides.
    Agreed. Most of the freebie ship cards are useless, but.... when you have few options, it makes the options that you have even more important. Especially when those options are blue cards in admiralty.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    wow non reclaimable lowbie ships with no consoles or anything that you get free while leveling up... they should all be unlocked and free for folks once they hit the next or 2 up rank... ie at L60 you get all the ships at L40 free, so at L50 you get the L30 ships... etc. These ships wouldnt be of any use to a player... if you dont want to give the ships away then at least give the Admiralty cards away... forcing folks to buy em with dil is low.
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    My initial reaction to this was along the lines of several others in the thread already, that this was a way for Cryptic to get us to waste our stockpiles of Dil. Especially considering that many of us, if not most, would simply be claiming the ships and then deleting them so they aren't taking up space for our endgame T5 and up ships.

    I see that they are making an effort in lowering the cost, but I don't think it's enough now that I think about it.
    Here's what I would pay:
    Lieutenant: 1,000
    Lt. Commander: 2,000
    Commander: 3,000
    Captain: 4,000
    Rear Admiral - Lower Half: 5,000

    I do wish the new lower price were closer to these, because even with the new lower price, it's just too expensive.

    Look at it like this;

    Imagine a Fed player. Even if they kept all their ships while leveling, they only get 1 freebie per tier so they'd have to buy the other two. And that adds up.

    10k Dil for the "other" 2 ships at Lt level, 20k Dil at Lt Commander level, 40k for Commander, 80 for Captain and a whopping 400k at Rear Admiral - Lower Half, because there are 6 total ships available there and we only get 1 for free meaning the other 5 would 'need' to be purchased.

    So 550k Dil for all the ships, per Fed alt. Even with the sale that's still 275k worth of Dil!

    Let's say the Exchange rate was sitting at 250 Dil per Zen, that 275k Dil would net me 1100 Zen, with which I could buy 2 T1 ships or a single T2 ship that every alt of that particular faction could end up using. Once the sale goes away and I'd be spending 550k Dil, that 1100 Zen becomes 2200 Zen and then I'm looking at 4 T1 ships or 2 T2 ships, a T1 and a T3 ship, or even a single T4 or even certain T5 ship.

    And again, that's just on a single Fed alt. You have a Fed and a Klingon and a Romulan?


    Yeah, I think I'll pass. I have plenty of C-Store and event ships from all the different tiers to get by for the time being.
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    lan451 wrote: »
    Eh. Should have just made them cost EC again.

    Agreed 100%.

    And I would go further, and say remove the 200k Fleet Credit (non-Fleet Grade) ships from behind the Fleet Store wall, and make them available for Energy Credits as well.

    None of them are worth the dilithium. Even with the discount and taking the upcoming Admiralty system into account.

  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    Two things...

    First, as primar13 said, the math is wrong.

    "For one week following the release of Season 11, all of the above prices will be further reduced by 50%!"

    The 50% discount shown is from the original prices not the reduced new prices.

    Second, is there going to be a maintenance on Nov. 3rd? It is a Tuesday.

    It runs for one week from when season 11 launches and season 11 launches on a Tuesday.
  • supersagatsupersagat Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I am a cheap skate, for give me Sto players,

    When I had heard of the Reduce dil prices,I Imagine a universe where T5 Stations would now be possible, that the lobi store was affordable for a change (being that weapons are obsolete), That the reduce cost was across THE BOARD, that with lower cost will make players spend some cash before the holiday and i could finally have a decent Equipment to show off to my friends. Poof!!! that smoke has finally cleared and i call false advertisement cause the Title of what you call this is DILITHIUM PRICE REDUCTION Does not say ship only or discount on old ships its tell me A reduction of cost across the board on all objects prices that use dil as cost.

    Look i know you guys have college degree's I (and yes i know my writing isn't college level either) but if you going to run a use car lost make sure you don't deceived us until after we buy the car. if your game is trying to sell us a lemon.

  • kthangkthang Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    supersagat wrote: »
    Look i know you guys have college degree's <...snip>

    Are we really sure about that?
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    A good way for some to get ships for their Doffs.

    I will pass on this.

    * I stopped doing Doff type stuff.
    * I don't have ship space to allow it.
    * I don't have the Dil for this either. Its going to upgrades and Fleet projects. Unless some miracle happens, and the Dil/Zen market drops.


    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • asdflksdfhasdflksdfh Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    If you gave me 20 free ship slots, maybe I'd use them by buying dilithium ships. The free space I have is not enough. I have 8 mirror ship reward packs in my inventory ready for the admiralty system, as well as a Risan Corvette, Dyson Sci Destroyer and a Plesh Brek raider, Nihydron destroyer, APU cruiser, Malon cruiser and Kazon raider. Not to mention the Sarr Theln I will grind for this Winter, and whatever other Breen ship goes along with it, to go along with my Chel Grett.

    And to keep those ships in my roster, I will have to delete all my mirror ships and free anniversary ships. And THEN, I'd have to start spending hundreds of thousands of dilithium to fill the slots up with trash t4 ships for the sole purpose of the admiralty system, and then probably dismiss them again in the future in case we ever get more free ships, and more lobi/c-store ships.

    Not to mention, the admiralty system is kind of... meh. I tested these low ships out on the admiralty system and very few of the ships were able to fill the tac/eng/sci requirements to start the assignments anyway. Only T5-U ships were useful in that area. So really, the only ships people will need are C-store T6 ships and a bunch of T5-U ships which for people who will collect them, will have to pay between 90-500mil on the exchange.

    I'm not sure what you were thinking with the new admiralty system. I will probably just stick with the ships I have and get to t5 steadily. But that begs the question, what will that get people? 30,000 dilithium reward is nice, but there is no new content is there?

    I'm one of the many people who wants to see more playable content, and less C-store dreads, cruisers that tacs can't make the most of, and rehashed terrible-looking escorts.

    Just lots more episodes, more Borg, Undine, Cardassian/Dominion, and Romulan content. Stories that we can play.
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    For one week following the release of Season 11, all of the above prices will be further reduced to 50%!
    What the blog post should have said ^

    In any case, I agree with hyperionx09, these discounts should be permanent.
    At low levels when you want to actually use those ships you can't afford them, when you've past them they completely useless.
    Make it permanent.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    The Dilithium Weekend event has been moved from 10/29 to 11/05.
    This special Dilithium Ship Discount Event will begin after maintenance concludes on October 27th, 2015 and run until maintenance on November 3rd, 2015.
    Dill weekend event moved to start *after* the dil ship discount ends. Guess they didn't want us to have an easier time getting those ships. :disappointed:
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    I'm sure tens of players are absolutely excited about this news.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    asdflksdfh wrote: »
    If you gave me 20 free ship slots, maybe I'd use them by buying dilithium ships. The free space I have is not enough. I have 8 mirror ship reward packs in my inventory ready for the admiralty system, as well as a Risan Corvette, Dyson Sci Destroyer and a Plesh Brek raider, Nihydron destroyer, APU cruiser, Malon cruiser and Kazon raider. Not to mention the Sarr Theln I will grind for this Winter, and whatever other Breen ship goes along with it, to go along with my Chel Grett.

    And to keep those ships in my roster, I will have to delete all my mirror ships and free anniversary ships. And THEN, I'd have to start spending hundreds of thousands of dilithium to fill the slots up with trash t4 ships for the sole purpose of the admiralty system, and then probably dismiss them again in the future in case we ever get more free ships, and more lobi/c-store ships.

    Not to mention, the admiralty system is kind of... meh. I tested these low ships out on the admiralty system and very few of the ships were able to fill the tac/eng/sci requirements to start the assignments anyway. Only T5-U ships were useful in that area. So really, the only ships people will need are C-store T6 ships and a bunch of T5-U ships which for people who will collect them, will have to pay between 90-500mil on the exchange.
    GOOD NEWS! You don't need to keep the ship after you get the Admiralty ship card. So you can just cycle through stuff to get all the cards, then after you get the card you can toss the ship.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • asdflksdfhasdflksdfh Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    asdflksdfh wrote: »
    If you gave me 20 free ship slots, maybe I'd use them by buying dilithium ships. The free space I have is not enough. I have 8 mirror ship reward packs in my inventory ready for the admiralty system, as well as a Risan Corvette, Dyson Sci Destroyer and a Plesh Brek raider, Nihydron destroyer, APU cruiser, Malon cruiser and Kazon raider. Not to mention the Sarr Theln I will grind for this Winter, and whatever other Breen ship goes along with it, to go along with my Chel Grett.

    And to keep those ships in my roster, I will have to delete all my mirror ships and free anniversary ships. And THEN, I'd have to start spending hundreds of thousands of dilithium to fill the slots up with trash t4 ships for the sole purpose of the admiralty system, and then probably dismiss them again in the future in case we ever get more free ships, and more lobi/c-store ships.

    Not to mention, the admiralty system is kind of... meh. I tested these low ships out on the admiralty system and very few of the ships were able to fill the tac/eng/sci requirements to start the assignments anyway. Only T5-U ships were useful in that area. So really, the only ships people will need are C-store T6 ships and a bunch of T5-U ships which for people who will collect them, will have to pay between 90-500mil on the exchange.
    GOOD NEWS! You don't need to keep the ship after you get the Admiralty ship card. So you can just cycle through stuff to get all the cards, then after you get the card you can toss the ship.

    I already said I will have to delete them. At least the mirror ships don't cost that much, and they only have like 9 consoles. But they aren't even worth using in the admiralty system anyway since they don't reach the requirements.
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