I haven't been able to play it yet on Tribble, because the queues are dead there, but I heard that in the PvE "Counterpoint" there's a massive Mobius in the game. Now, is that just a regular Mobius, or are we going to be getting something like a Temporal Carrier and it be a lock box ship or *shudder* an R&D Pack one, etc?
And it's still unknown if we're gonna get it, and if it's gonna be a R&D pack prize (most likely as the next lockbox is most likely a Herald one).
Maybe it's one of the few ships that dosen't get stuffed into a box. Terran ships were always for feds only and somehow I doubt cryptic will actually create a rom & kdf counterpart like they did with the other time & mirror ships.
Same goes for a T6 wells (should be a lockbox ship like its predecessor), or T6 Vesta (C-store available).
Any ship that originated in the Zen Store/lockbox or Lobi store should NOT be placed in an R&D/Doff pack promo.
I will... lose it, if any of these is used as bait for an R&D/Doff pack promo.
Does anyone have a photo of this Dreadnought though?
^^ This is basically guaranteed. $$$ is king.
"It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with its bulkheads intact, manned by a crew that's not starving."
Well, at least I've got to spare Annorax to try and swap for it.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
There's also one bolted to the top of the Klingon Base in the final phase of the Badlands Battlezone. Which, come to think of it, is an interesting place to be bolted too...
I doubt it's not so much that they removed technology as the ships never had those specializations to begin with.
Just because it's from the future doesn't mean that it's automatically going to be of the highest ship type there is. I'm pretty sure there are probably plenty of starships in the 29th century that, while advanced by our standards, are pretty much the equivalent of a low Tier ship (imagine a 29th century Miranda style ship, and then look me in the eye and tlel me it's going to be higher than T-3, lol).
The Wells is a temporal SCIENCE vessel, so how Voyager was equipped to open that Ferengi sun-thing and the ship on an intercept course wasn't, it will have advances in other areas. Regular 29th century Starfleet vessels won't be able to travel through time and create temporal shielding, etc and a Wells won't have the latest battle armaments.
BRING it on....I LOVE a new temporal dread
I would have taken a pic myself during Counterpoint, but with all the weapon fire, you can't see anything.
Then again, it's a mirror ship, so it could be an escort dread or even cruiser dread for all I know, in which case I have no interest considering the Annorax is around.
tbh taylor its seems to be cryptics MO these days sadly enough
Think of all of those who got T5 Bug Ships and then the R&D box scam of a new bug was released.
Wasn't the Bug Ship a promo thing anyway ?
I don't remember it ever being in a lockbox.
I got mine (T5 JHAS) from the Rom doff pack promo long ago... Took me about 80 packs to get it.
(which is where I learned, never to play the promo thing ever again) :P
I'll just be super disappointed/letdown if they go the Promo route with any of these (T6 Wells/T6 Vesta/ T6 Mobius) since they never came from promos to begin with.
* I suppose a "Dread" Mobius would be different, and I could live with it being a promo thing, but a straight "T6 Mobius Destroyer" should be Lobi store accessible* - If they ever get around to making one....
Most of the advanced technology was indeed removed, but by the Tholians, not the Ferengi. Cryptic explained that much about the temporal vessels.
Im still wondering what the Tholians actually did with the advanced Tech.
I thought it might have played a role during the Iconian war.. But that never turned out.
Still wondering what they're doing with it.
Seems like a loose end that needs to be tied up imo.
This is what the ice race was for the first year. There were no pictures of Q. Doing the race daily would give you either a red or blue gift box. If you were lucky enough to get a red box then there was a tiny chance of getting a bug ship when you opened it.
Opening a red box would give you a blue box, and maybe something else. Blue>green, and stuff. For some weird reason green boxes were CBoP even though they came out of blue boxes which were not.
Stuff may or may not include random level appropriate items and assorted (bound) holiday trinkets. Yeah, for year one all holiday trinkets were bound.
My character Tsin'xing
*_* wow really ?
Only started when the game went f2p.
My oh my, how the times change....
Did people freak out when they didn't get the Bug Ship for doing the event start to finish ?
Something tells me, a lot of people would have been unhappy, running an event everyday, only to receive... no ship.
My God, the forum rage must've been astronomical.
Heh, kinda like one's joy is another's sorrow... sort-of-speak. I actually like how it looks and would hate to be a sci dread. But I foresee it will be, 2nd sci dread, after Annorax. But that one gets boring after awhile. I would love that ship to be a dread carrier, but that is most likely saved up for a herald ship. And given that dread carriers are considered so powerfull that we only get one at every one and a half years, like it was the case of the JHDC and Narcine, the Temp Dread will most likely be a sci dread
Ohh but they wont. I foresee first it will be the herald dread carrier, then after a few months the tarantula dread cruiser then, probably next year summer/fall, the temporal sci dread. So they wont be released in a row.