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So why all the hate about the Scimitar type vessels getting an updated version with the others?



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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    anazonda wrote: »
    Maybe because a proper setup Scim, can take out a borg-cube on it's own?

    Na... that can't be it.
    anazonda wrote: »
    Maybe because a proper setup Scim, can take out a borg-cube on it's own?

    Na... that can't be it.

    You can do that with other ships easy.
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    serhatgs1905serhatgs1905 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    it's not only the scimi itself that's OP as many say.. I don't think it's OP.

    it is all about the master race with their master traits. Crit severity and chance bonuses with the battle cloak decloak and the romulan ships getting a lot of + damage or crit chance/severity bonuses for ship mastery tiers.

    add in the Romulan Bridge officers of which you can slot 5 while the other races can only slot the SRO's for tactial.

    It's just all of those stat increasing options + a decent/good build and you can outperform most players since either there build isn't maxed or the race has a kind of "limit" as to how much dps they can do.

    That just makes the scimi's look OP especially if you have 3-4 of them add in the recluse for beta spam and it'll be over before you can join the fight in a non-prepared ship.

    soooo no hate on the scimi. I think it's more hate towards how game mechanics work and the scimi can get the most out of it for dps.
    tactics? to pew pew or not to pew pew?!

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    nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    The scimitar is still, even after the release of many t6 ships, the best ship in the game. It's still the best for a few reasons.
    1. It has a favorable boff layout with a couple universal stations which makes it very flexible.
    2. It has a 5/3 layout which minimizes positional damage loss while moving to a new target.
    3. It has favorable consoles layout along with 5 tac consoles
    4. It has a romulan battlecloak which is not only nice for evasion, but also for ambush
    5. As a romulan ship you can load it up with Romulan boffs with SRO.
    6. As a romulan ship you have access to the shield absorptive console which can make you pretty tanky without investing in defensive skills or gear.
    7. It has a hangar and access to arguably one of the best pets in the game the Drone frigate
    8. It has a lot of hull hit points

    On the negative front it does have a sluggish turn rate...
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    doyouwdoyouw Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    doyouw wrote: »
    shpoks wrote: »
    chiyoumiku wrote: »
    I haven o hate for the Scimitar. She may not have worked for me, but that doesn't mean I hate her. I think she should get a T6 update.

    It's a very safe bet IMO to expect a T6 Scimitar, as well as T6 versions of the other flagships. Matter of fact, expect to see this sometime:
    T6 Odyssey 3 pack
    T6 Bortasqu' 3 pack (yuck)
    T6 Scimitar 3 pack (OP)
    T6 Flagship Mega 9 Pack

    Cross Faction, 9 ship Mega Packs have been done several times before.
    DSD were the first ones
    Command FDCs
    Pilot Ships

    Mmmmmmm......Tier 6 Bortasqu'........mmmmmmm :smiley:

    I have great, massive doubts about the Bortasqu' still, even a T6 version. The only thing that holds the Bortasqu' back from being among the best Cruisers/TAC Cruisers in the game is their awful handling. To get around that you'd have to dedicate serious build space.

    The Bortasqu' still has some special features even at T5U:

    Command version is 4 TAC with Sensor Analysis. Better than the Odyssey SCI equivalent. SA capable Cruisers are quite rare in STO.

    TAC Bortasqu' has 5 TAC Consoles. No Cruiser in the game at any tier has 5 TAC Consoles. Only the War Bortasqu' does. And no, for those out there, the Scimitar isn't a "Cruiser." It's basically a slow Escort (Cmdr TAC station). But the Bortasqu's awful handling prevents the ease of applying that firepower.

    What I usualy dont get is why most people hate bortasq for some reason like turnrate, speed, maneuverability and boff layout when most of them are flying Odysee which, apart console layout and minor things like crew numbers, is thechnically the exact same ship.

    IMO, those have never fly it nor play KDF probably.

    I know what I'm talking about since I did buy both 3 packs, and still playing bortasq when I gave up odysee on fed side just because of console layout. And my KDF tac char with War Bortasq is doing +55 DPS without using much plasma explosion (only 2k DPS is PE) when I 've never been able to break throu 25-30k with any odysee.

    Only thing is hard to handle on Bortasq/odysee is inertia but I found maneuverability so awfull on Scimi that I stoped playing it after a few days, it wasnt moving 1/4 speed of my Bortasqs when spec are saying it should.

    So at the end of the day, if Cryptic revamp flag ships, giving up on Bortasq would be a real disapointment for me and I would boycott the 2 others just for that.

    The Bortasqu's handling is noticeably different than the Odyssey. I.e., it's inferior to the Odyssey. The statistics are very close but there's one undeniable fact: The Bortasqu' tends to slide a lot. Once you get going in one direction, it insists on going that direction no matter what. The Odyssey is on the sluggish side of Fed Cruisers like the Galaxy. But it does not fail in handling like the Bortasqu' does. I'm not sliding several km down my original course when I'm turning to go another direction.

    Even the Scimitar does not have the slide problem on the massive fail scale of the Bortasqu'.

    A player can do things to improve the handling. But IMO, that weakens the striking power.

    A ship like the Fleet T5U Vor'Cha, T6 Qib, T5/T6 Mogh, etc. have all the capability of striking hard but do not have to sacrifice precious build space (BOFF abilities, traits, consoles, etc) to make them fly better.

    I've checked for inertia on both ships (your handling trouble)


    and you were right about a tiny difference of 2 in inertia.

    but when flying both, I dont see différences between handling a bortasq or an Odysee.
    btw I'm not using RCS at all it would be useless without changing inertia the ship would turn a bit faster but would continue on it's original way.

    I got used to that inertia trouble and can handle it so it doesnt bother me at all nor reduce my DPS (when not too much lag of course) .
    doyouw wrote: »
    shpoks wrote: »
    chiyoumiku wrote: »
    I haven o hate for the Scimitar. She may not have worked for me, but that doesn't mean I hate her. I think she should get a T6 update.

    It's a very safe bet IMO to expect a T6 Scimitar, as well as T6 versions of the other flagships. Matter of fact, expect to see this sometime:
    T6 Odyssey 3 pack
    T6 Bortasqu' 3 pack (yuck)
    T6 Scimitar 3 pack (OP)
    T6 Flagship Mega 9 Pack

    Cross Faction, 9 ship Mega Packs have been done several times before.
    DSD were the first ones
    Command FDCs
    Pilot Ships

    Mmmmmmm......Tier 6 Bortasqu'........mmmmmmm :smiley:

    I have great, massive doubts about the Bortasqu' still, even a T6 version. The only thing that holds the Bortasqu' back from being among the best Cruisers/TAC Cruisers in the game is their awful handling. To get around that you'd have to dedicate serious build space.

    The Bortasqu' still has some special features even at T5U:

    Command version is 4 TAC with Sensor Analysis. Better than the Odyssey SCI equivalent. SA capable Cruisers are quite rare in STO.

    TAC Bortasqu' has 5 TAC Consoles. No Cruiser in the game at any tier has 5 TAC Consoles. Only the War Bortasqu' does. And no, for those out there, the Scimitar isn't a "Cruiser." It's basically a slow Escort (Cmdr TAC station). But the Bortasqu's awful handling prevents the ease of applying that firepower.

    What I usualy dont get is why most people hate bortasq for some reason like turnrate, speed, maneuverability and boff layout when most of them are flying Odysee which, apart console layout and minor things like crew numbers, is thechnically the exact same ship.

    IMO, those have never fly it nor play KDF probably.

    I know what I'm talking about since I did buy both 3 packs, and still playing bortasq when I gave up odysee on fed side just because of console layout. And my KDF tac char with War Bortasq is doing +55 DPS without using much plasma explosion (only 2k DPS is PE) when I 've never been able to break throu 25-30k with any odysee.

    Only thing is hard to handle on Bortasq/odysee is inertia but I found maneuverability so awfull on Scimi that I stoped playing it after a few days, it wasnt moving 1/4 speed of my Bortasqs when spec are saying it should.

    So at the end of the day, if Cryptic revamp flag ships, giving up on Bortasq would be a real disapointment for me and I would boycott the 2 others just for that.

    The Scimitars move a lot better than the Bortasqu. They have better inertia, higher turn rate and their 2 piece set bonus gives more turn rate than the Bortasqu set bonus.

    it should on paper but in game it's quite different, I can handle bortasq inertia and turnrate easily when I cannot on scimi. and that without using bortasq 3 console set (which improve TR) and same engine (elite or rom one).

    It's not realy same trouble but It look a bit similar with raptors and all pre T6 rom ships, they wont turn as they are supposed to do. probably central pts is too far from ship noze Idk.

    it might also be me geting too use to the bortasq before scimi came out but since I can turn around most scimi players without troubles, I guess handling a bortasq isnt bad as you think it is ;)

    Dark Side (KDF)
    "I am FLATULUS of Borg, Resistance if Futile! Prepare to pull my finger!"

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    sw1tchstarsw1tchstar Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    make the beast more maneuverable.
    It's a park n bark ship.
    I prefer flying around.
    Pinkie gets irritated with my "piloting errors"
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    koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    If a T6 Scim hits the store I can only hope they dont turn it into another 'buy this if you want to faceroll the content' ship. Hopefully they do very little stats wise with a T6 version.

    Id like to see the Ody and Bort buffed quite a bit with a T6 variant though. The Ody at the very least is still the biggest Cruiser in the game and when it shows up on the battlefield it should be a force to be reckoned with. Im not bothered by the Scim being powerful...But it makes other ship options that parallel the Scims purpose suboptimal choices. Hopefully now with Specializations and Spec BOffs the Scim wont be seen as the go to ship.
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    Gurneyhallek0420Gurneyhallek0420 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Even if I was given the Scimitar for free I would never use it. Ever.

    Hear hear! I bought them when they came out, and if I didn't already dislike it, the bandwagon chuckleheads seal the deal.
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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    If a T6 Scim hits the store I can only hope they dont turn it into another 'buy this if you want to faceroll the content' ship. Hopefully they do very little stats wise with a T6 version.

    Id like to see the Ody and Bort buffed quite a bit with a T6 variant though. The Ody at the very least is still the biggest Cruiser in the game and when it shows up on the battlefield it should be a force to be reckoned with. Im not bothered by the Scim being powerful...But it makes other ship options that parallel the Scims purpose suboptimal choices. Hopefully now with Specializations and Spec BOffs the Scim wont be seen as the go to ship.

    Pretty much. I'd love to see the "flagships" brought into closer parity with each other as far as performance. That said, bringing a T6 Scim down to the level of the Oddy/Bort would be very bad for sales... and personally I'd rather see an Oddy/Bort that can keep up with what a Scim can do. Just designate them as "Flagships" to bypass ship class restrictions on their layouts and make them all effective, please. ;)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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    thenoname711thenoname711 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    They can't mess up the Scimitar with t6 version, all that the ship will get is 13. BOFF station, a hybrid seating(where all hell can break loose if it will get intel seating) and a starship trait. So it will just get better, the question is, how much better it will be?
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    koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    If a T6 Scim hits the store I can only hope they dont turn it into another 'buy this if you want to faceroll the content' ship. Hopefully they do very little stats wise with a T6 version.

    Id like to see the Ody and Bort buffed quite a bit with a T6 variant though. The Ody at the very least is still the biggest Cruiser in the game and when it shows up on the battlefield it should be a force to be reckoned with. Im not bothered by the Scim being powerful...But it makes other ship options that parallel the Scims purpose suboptimal choices. Hopefully now with Specializations and Spec BOffs the Scim wont be seen as the go to ship.

    Pretty much. I'd love to see the "flagships" brought into closer parity with each other as far as performance. That said, bringing a T6 Scim down to the level of the Oddy/Bort would be very bad for sales... and personally I'd rather see an Oddy/Bort that can keep up with what a Scim can do. Just designate them as "Flagships" to bypass ship class restrictions on their layouts and make them all effective, please. ;)

    "Effective" where?

    It's the basic problem-the only direction Cryptic can go with the game in the state it's in, is to make a Tier Six 'Flagship' that is optimized for the meta...or, rather, MORE optimized for the metagame that the lead dev has chosen. after a certain point (and we're getting really close to it) that just means applying more power-creep and the resultant online protests as they add another 50k hitpoints to frigate-size NPC's that follow the same route, at the same speed, they were following three years ago.

    We're already well over that threshold. Players are hitting near 200k runs. I can still remember this time last year popping over 100k was pretty much unheard of.
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    kyrrokkyrrok Member Posts: 1,352 Arc User
    200k runs? as in total damage or DPS? If DPS, then there are some more serious problems than just with the Scimitar. "Players" are not hitting 200k DPS. "Some" players are hitting 200k DPS. Making it that much harder for anyone below 50k to even get to watch the cubes being insta-killed. Too much power creep, or actually power lunge as apparently had happened is not good for the game.
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