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Rewarding Deadbeat Players



  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    If you want the rewards from an event, you play the event, right?

    If you want dilithium, you run the queue or explain how it isn't worth it and don't.

    If you want a holiday event ship, you run the seasonal event or explain how it isn't worth it and don't.

    So... Let's apply this here to people upset about what I think is a very well-intentioned idea with sound business behind it:

    If you want a returning bonus, you leave the game to get it or explain how it isn't worth leaving the game for it and stay.

    Either it's worth it to you to have left the game in order to qualify for this or it isn't worth leaving to get.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    As much as there are points to be made for trying to get perspective, in no way is learning to play the piano somehow superior to a game. It is a hobby, and as a hobby, on its surface, frivolous and irrelevant to society as a whole. Neither is the assumption valid that someone does not also do things such as work in food kitchens or homeless shelters, in addition to playing STO.

    However one can easily make the counter argument that being part of a worldwide (okay not quite worldwide due to PWE's banned region bull****) community and exposing oneself to other ideas and cultures, as well as learning game mechanics that revolve around mathematics and may require developing problem solving skills to overcome certain issues in the game, is a worthwhile use of time.

    Worthwhile use of time? No... I do not see that... I find it a hobby, and an interesting distraction... to be sure (I do play). What are those mathmatic and problem solving skills being applied to? Does the OP Tutor students in Math? Are they bringing the mighting problem solving skills from running a fictitious "fleet" to bare on larger world pressing issues such as Climate Change, World Hunger, Food Waste, Food Insecurity, Childhood Obesity? Homelessnesss?

    I did not address everyone... I addressed the OP. The OP states they spend 14-16 Hours A DAY in game... that is, essentially, the entire time they are awake... with some food and bathroom breaks thrown in.
    soofismack wrote: »
    Why is Cryptic rewarding players that don't play???

    My Wife & I both have 6 toons each that we have done all the storyline & grind to get them to level 60. I am retired and we play way more then we should, 14 -16 hrs per day in the constant grind to keep our toons at the best they can be.
    We read up and watch all the dps videos we can so we can play by all the rules in a pve, "a lot of players should try that sometime". We are also lifetime members who care about the integrity of this game as it carries an iconic name that should not be cheapened in any way. We grew up watching TOS back in the 60s and have seen everything Star Trek since. We also pump a lot of cash into this game to keep up with all the latest shinies.

    I seriously question the OP's priorities. There are a LOT of better uses for even half that time.

    I stand by each and every word of my post. I make no apologies....

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    I find the notion of calling people Deadbeats for not playing what is essentially a time and money sink that produces absolutely no intrinsic real world value... laughable to say the least.

    They are pixels... you're upset over pixels.... if there were ever a moment that someone could say that in 3 months, this will not matter in the slightest... this is it.

    To the OP... I encourage you to do the /played challenge... add up all the hours you spent in game, all the money you have spent... and then look at what you actually "have" as a result.

    Then realize that it (by most accepted sources) takes 10,000 hours to master a new skill (a real world skill, Piano, Languages, etc... etc... etc)... could you be close to mastering a real world skill that contributes in some beneficial way to society as a whole... could you be taking some of the 14-18 hours a day and donating them to food kitchens, homeless shelters, or helping in some way other than staring at pixels that in the end, when it shuts down or you do... mean absolutely 0, nada, zip. Have contributed 0 to society or humanity as a whole.

    Be careful who you call a deadbeat.

    These are pixels, and a piano is black and white keys attached to a device that makes noise,
    See, I can pointlessly diminish another person's hobby too.
    Perhaps you should've been doing something more useful like getting an education instead of writing such inanity.
  • lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    As much as there are points to be made for trying to get perspective, in no way is learning to play the piano somehow superior to a game. It is a hobby, and as a hobby, on its surface, frivolous and irrelevant to society as a whole. Neither is the assumption valid that someone does not also do things such as work in food kitchens or homeless shelters, in addition to playing STO.

    However one can easily make the counter argument that being part of a worldwide (okay not quite worldwide due to PWE's banned region bull****) community and exposing oneself to other ideas and cultures, as well as learning game mechanics that revolve around mathematics and may require developing problem solving skills to overcome certain issues in the game, is a worthwhile use of time.

    Worthwhile use of time? No... I do not see that... I find it a hobby, and an interesting distraction... to be sure (I do play). What are those mathmatic and problem solving skills being applied to? Does the OP Tutor students in Math? Are they bringing the mighting problem solving skills from running a fictitious "fleet" to bare on larger world pressing issues such as Climate Change, World Hunger, Food Waste, Food Insecurity, Childhood Obesity? Homelessnesss?

    I did not address everyone... I addressed the OP. The OP states they spend 14-16 Hours A DAY in game... that is, essentially, the entire time they are awake... with some food and bathroom breaks thrown in.
    soofismack wrote: »
    Why is Cryptic rewarding players that don't play???

    My Wife & I both have 6 toons each that we have done all the storyline & grind to get them to level 60. I am retired and we play way more then we should, 14 -16 hrs per day in the constant grind to keep our toons at the best they can be.
    We read up and watch all the dps videos we can so we can play by all the rules in a pve, "a lot of players should try that sometime". We are also lifetime members who care about the integrity of this game as it carries an iconic name that should not be cheapened in any way. We grew up watching TOS back in the 60s and have seen everything Star Trek since. We also pump a lot of cash into this game to keep up with all the latest shinies.

    I seriously question the OP's priorities. There are a LOT of better uses for even half that time.

    I stand by each and every word of my post. I make no apologies....

    Hey, sparky. Did you miss the part where the OP said he was retired?
    Any contributions he was to make appear to have been made, and he is now in his leisure years.
    Perhaps reading comprehension is also something you should've learned before arrogantly stomping here with your delusions of grandeur.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    I most certainly saw that the OP is retired. Doesn't mean that there are not activities they can be putting their time to better, more meaningful use. Again, the OP is calling people deadbeats for not playing a game...

    Had it not been for the OP's condescending attitude I would have scrolled on past. But someone spending a majority of their waking hours ("14-16 hours a day") playing a game, calling someone else a "deadbeat" is laughable.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    I think you've struck a nerve or two there johnny. ;)
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    As much as there are points to be made for trying to get perspective, in no way is learning to play the piano somehow superior to a game. It is a hobby, and as a hobby, on its surface, frivolous and irrelevant to society as a whole. Neither is the assumption valid that someone does not also do things such as work in food kitchens or homeless shelters, in addition to playing STO.

    However one can easily make the counter argument that being part of a worldwide (okay not quite worldwide due to PWE's banned region bull****) community and exposing oneself to other ideas and cultures, as well as learning game mechanics that revolve around mathematics and may require developing problem solving skills to overcome certain issues in the game, is a worthwhile use of time.

    Worthwhile use of time? No... I do not see that... I find it a hobby, and an interesting distraction... to be sure (I do play). What are those mathmatic and problem solving skills being applied to? Does the OP Tutor students in Math? Are they bringing the mighting problem solving skills from running a fictitious "fleet" to bare on larger world pressing issues such as Climate Change, World Hunger, Food Waste, Food Insecurity, Childhood Obesity? Homelessnesss?

    I did not address everyone... I addressed the OP. The OP states they spend 14-16 Hours A DAY in game... that is, essentially, the entire time they are awake... with some food and bathroom breaks thrown in.
    soofismack wrote: »
    Why is Cryptic rewarding players that don't play???

    My Wife & I both have 6 toons each that we have done all the storyline & grind to get them to level 60. I am retired and we play way more then we should, 14 -16 hrs per day in the constant grind to keep our toons at the best they can be.
    We read up and watch all the dps videos we can so we can play by all the rules in a pve, "a lot of players should try that sometime". We are also lifetime members who care about the integrity of this game as it carries an iconic name that should not be cheapened in any way. We grew up watching TOS back in the 60s and have seen everything Star Trek since. We also pump a lot of cash into this game to keep up with all the latest shinies.

    I seriously question the OP's priorities. There are a LOT of better uses for even half that time.

    I stand by each and every word of my post. I make no apologies....

    As I already pointed out and you failed to refute, your hobbies are not superior or more beneficial than this hobby. Playing the piano does nothing for world hunger or anything else, and neither does learning another language that you never use. I mean personally, I took French and have never used it IRL, because I live no where near any French population, but online I meet French speaking people, go figure.

    However, suggesting that anyone should be doing something else with their time than playing STO smacks with hypocrisy and is layered with ignorance of what the person in question actually does besides STO, or has done besides play STO, and involves the problematic, misguided idea that it is somehow everyone's responsibility to address world problems, which also has nothing to do with anything on topic here. And in bringing this up, you have said nothing of value here except to level attacks aimed at the value of them as a person, veiled in some imagined aura of moral superiority. As much as I completely disagree with the OPs stance, your argument is just absurd and insulting.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    To be fair, if you are earning money for your skill it's not a hobby anymore.
  • lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    Playing the piano well can earn you money and enrich the lives of others through listening to music and seeing it performed, for real.

    Becoming fluent in a second language is a skill that can earn you money and enrich the lives of others by having a good translator. For real.

    Playing video games just passes the time.



    More perspective.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • delliboydelliboy Member Posts: 288 Arc User
    I am envious. You have someone to play with you and watch your back. Many of us don't. Try to look at that for the bright side
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Seems the OP is taking an extremely self-centered view on this. Not wrong, mind you, just egocentrical. Because, from Cryptic's perspective, 'dead beats' are, indeed, just that: people not spending money (you, the OP, already are). So, the idea is simple: lure the dead beats back into the game with a free ship and some spec points, and maybe they'll start spending again. If not, nothing lost, really; but Cryptic has everything to gain if they do.

    So people are deadbeats if they dont spend money on a GAME that they dont want to spend money on?

    Silly person, they are not deadbeats to me, LOL, but to Cryptic. :) Personally I don't give a rat's behind whether anonymous person X is not playing the game. Cryptic, however, cares. Their metrics shows them these folks did play a bit, at some point, and then stopped logging in for some reason. Those are the 'deadbeats' they want to reel back in, and get them to spend maybe. So they sent them an email, with the small incentive, if they come back (also something I don't care about at all, btw: my gripes are more with in-game matters).

    I've had similar offers from EvE Online, btw, to whom *I* am the deadbeat now, LOL, as I quit playing a long time ago. But CCP does occasionally send me a 'special offer' to return to the game. That's quite normal business practice, really.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Seems the OP is taking an extremely self-centered view on this. Not wrong, mind you, just egocentrical. Because, from Cryptic's perspective, 'dead beats' are, indeed, just that: people not spending money (you, the OP, already are). So, the idea is simple: lure the dead beats back into the game with a free ship and some spec points, and maybe they'll start spending again. If not, nothing lost, really; but Cryptic has everything to gain if they do.

    So people are deadbeats if they dont spend money on a GAME that they dont want to spend money on?

    No wonder the STO community is known for being the redheaded step child of the gaming community in other gaming circles...Seriously there isnt a forum for another game that I havent gone into that I havent heard people talking down about STOs community..Youre all out of your minds.

    I want to point out this is about 3-5 people on the forums banging this drum and I see nothing indicating it's even a majority forum opinion as most people seem to be disagreeing with those 3-5 people, who are just responding with a high volume of posts. Maybe this is a situation where a poll would be nice because I think you'll find that a high volume of posts are coming from a low number of people upset by it.

    Again, I think the promotion could have been handled better and I'd love to be in a room making calls like this to see if I can inject better approaches. But I don't think what they went with was bad or wrong and I find directing insults at people who were chosen for the promotion to be morally reprehensible.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • littlesarbonnlittlesarbonn Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    Well, I guess I'm one of those returning "deadbeat" players, so I thought I would address this. My reason for leaving the game was simple: I was getting really annoyed at the business practices of the company running this game, especially after I paid $135 for a Tier 6 ship upgrade and then discovered my upgrade was a stupid purchase because the good stuff was really coming later, and getting a "hey, send us another $30 and you can get a better ship" email was pretty much what ticked me off and caused me to go back to other games.

    Okay, having said that, enough time has passed, and that offer of a new ship was interesting enough for me to decide to take a look again.

    Now, having said that, too, let me point out another item that kind of grays the whole "deadbeat" player thing. I'm a lifetime member, having paid for a lifetime of game play back when the game was still pay to play. So, I'm actually never a deadbeat player. I'm just a lifetime member who took a break.

    Part of where this game has struggled is in keeping players. When they care less about the reason behind the game than they do about how much money they can squeeze out of each player, they lose people. That's what happened to me. I used to play this game day and night, and I would hate maintenance time because it was a few hours I couldn't play the game. So it took a lot to TRIBBLE me off back then. I think what actually did me in back then was I had to buy the most up to date ship to participate in the newer content (my previous ship was destroyed almost instantly) and then that new ship had serious trouble even getting through the very first mission. I couldn't tell if it was my crappy new ship or that they had just seriously borked the first mission and it needed fixing. Gave up instead of waiting. Only so many times you can get slaughtered before it's just not fun any more.

    So, I'm back now and silently in the game observing if the return is worth it. I won't rage quit if it's not. I'll just disappear as I did before. Or I'll find the changes are great and continue contributing to the game as I did before.
    Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
    Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
    Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
    Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    It seems like you're "on the case" investigating for people who feel that way. I'll concede you may not feel that way.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    It's not what you're saying, it's what you're doing.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    It seems like you're "on the case" investigating for people who feel that way. I'll concede you may not feel that way.

    I'm not arguing for or against either side of this issue. The only point I was making on the previous page was that repetitiveepic is contradicting his own logic by saying that if something doesn't invole you it is none of your business, because the posts he is responding to don't involve him anymore than the free ship involves the people who didn't get it. So by his own logic, the posts he keeps responding to are none of his business.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • stuntpilotstuntpilot Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    I probably would have gone about this in a different way. As in, sending that email to everyone, maybe with a variable reward for those that already own the ship. It entices people to come back while making current players feel valued with a surprise.
  • chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    Because the OP thinks he's better than us all by #HumbleBrag about his and his wife's 6 level 60 characters. This is an incentive to show players WHY they should come back. Get off your high horse OP and go get soem fresh air.
    Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
  • tempus64tempus64 Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    fovrel wrote: »
    Let's say Cryptic has reasoned over the issue. The campaign will bring back old players, but it will also upset active players. A step forward and a step backward. So they took the negativity for granted. It means they are quite hungry for player numbers. I see a more or less desperate move. What does that mean? Yeah doome thread.

    Given Cryptic were giving us all free stuff at the same time, I seriously doubt that they believed there would be a backlash about it. In fact, I figure they timed it this way in order to try and minimize any whining. It's just a shame they went with the "support" wording which I think is the biggest sticking point for most people.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    Don't blame the players for coming back. I appreciate them coming back so that queues fill up faster. I also don't blame STO for offering a nice perk to motivate them to come back to the game. The only issue I have is equating the 10 "free" spec points I earned through playing and replaying the missions over 10 weeks to the free gift of 10 free spec points given in the 10 seconds it takes to redeem the code. To the returning players, welcome back and please stay to play. To STO Customer Relations, think about the entire player-base next time.
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    It seems like you're "on the case" investigating for people who feel that way. I'll concede you may not feel that way.

    I'm not arguing for or against either side of this issue. The only point I was making on the previous page was that repetitiveepic is contradicting his own logic by saying that if something doesn't invole you it is none of your business, because the posts he is responding to don't involve him any more than the free ship involves the people who didn't get it. So by his own logic, the posts he keeps responding to are none of his business.

    That makes no sense...this is a public forum...by posting here the posters make it other peoples business, so your entire point is completely invalid. He is part of this community like it or not and both sides of the argument have a stake in the discussion which means its very much his business as much as it is someone else's. Frankly your analysis of his logic is a bit daft and comes across as nothing short of an attempt to make someone look stupid in-front of others. which is fairly childish in my opinion.

    You want to play the part of "that" kid in the school playground be my guest, but don't make illogical statements when trying to refute other peoples logic it just makes you look stupider than the person you're attempting to slander.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I complain about this too every time it comes up. The pure F2P players get stuff I paid for and I get nothing. (This time as least some of the freebies were services/slots) So yeah, it is like a slap in the face. But this is what always happens in business. Current customers are almost invisible and the NEW! customer is the only thing they chase after.

    For example... I just got an email to renew my Norton software for another year. I click on it and the page says 'renew for 1 yr for 89.99'. I then go to the website like I was a new customer and the price there is 59.99. Shocking! ;) Been their customer for many years and I get the crappy full price option. So I guess I get to be a 'new' customer all over again.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    chiyoumiku wrote: »
    Because the OP thinks he's better than us all by #HumbleBrag about his and his wife's 6 level 60 characters. This is an incentive to show players WHY they should come back. Get off your high horse OP and go get soem fresh air.

    Retired w/ a wife that plays too, and can play 12hrs+ a day. He's better than me! :D I barely have time to run my 7 toons through CE. Had to pause on my doffing to make time for CE for the event.
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    The height of irony: judging how productive someone else's use of time is, while posting on a video game message board.

    Please stop acting like this.


    Like what?

    I think wanting other people to "earn" what they have by doing what you do is pretty petty and morally indefensible, honestly. Especially when they didn't choose to be targeted for a promotion, those people are NOT you and have circumstances that may differ from yours, and when Cryptic may want different types of people for different reasons. It's "oldest child" syndrome gone amok to want everyone to suffer like you "suffered", especially when that suffering involves a leisure activity.

    What are you talking about? I didn't say anything like any of that.

    It seems like you're "on the case" investigating for people who feel that way. I'll concede you may not feel that way.

    I'm not arguing for or against either side of this issue. The only point I was making on the previous page was that repetitiveepic is contradicting his own logic by saying that if something doesn't invole you it is none of your business, because the posts he is responding to don't involve him any more than the free ship involves the people who didn't get it. So by his own logic, the posts he keeps responding to are none of his business.

    That makes no sense...this is a public forum...by posting here the posters make it other peoples business, so your entire point is completely invalid.

    Actually, you just proved him wrong even more. His original argument was that the free ship didn't "involve" the people who were complaining about it, and therefore it was none of their business to complain about. But YOU just said that if someone posts something here, then it makes it other people's business. And guess what? People who got the free ship posted it about it here, meaning it IS the business of the people who wanted to complain about it. So by YOUR logic, you just proved his original argument wrong. Good job!

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    Now, you obviously have a different opinion. You think that if something involves people who are part of YOUR community, then by extension, it involves you too. And that is a valid opinion. However that belief also contradicts his original argument, because the people who got the free ships are a part of our community, so by extension would involve the rest of the community.
    See, I think that's where the disconnect is. Getting those players back into the game helps the whole community. We all already benefit from that and again, those players already missed out on way more than 10 spec points and more than 1 free ship. The game has come a long way and it's a bit hard to catch up, so giving them a free end game ship and 10 spec points helps to close the gap. Also, I thought you didn't care either way? You sure sound like you do...
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,165 Arc User
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    Getting those players back into the game helps the whole community.

    In a moment of clarity, I decided to rewrite that post to something much simpler and to the point, so the part you quoted is now gone. However, I completely agree with your above statement.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

This discussion has been closed.