So last night I dreamed that I was in the Infected Space STF and everything was going normally.
But then something happened that gave me an idea:
After the second transformer blew up, a Herald fleet appeared out of nowhere and started attacking both my team and the Borg.
So I realize this is probably nuts, but how would you feel about Heralds popping up in random queues attacking?
They wouldn't be mandatory to defeat and would only appear after crucial goals are completed and offer an optional bonus to earn.
IMO it would fit the idea of them appearing anywhere at any time really, but I can imagine this being quite a bit of work. Besides, it would further emphasize the fact that we are at war, which it doesn't really feel like at the moment.
"Let them eat static!"
Dream-inspired idea - Heralds randomly showing up in queued events? 72 votes
Yes, Heralds attacking would make queues more challenging and less monotone.
Yes, because I like surprises!
No, not necessary because they have their own queued events.
No, because I hate fighting Heralds.
2 votes
Other (please state if you like)
although nice idea it is sadly not likely to happen.
While I love this idea can you imagine the rage when queues start failing. Especially from the DPS crowd.
Just to be clear, the way I imagine it, they cannot cause you fail anything but a few extra marks.
The Heralds would (if at all) show up when the mandatory objective is already done. They are like an RNG optional that might happen or might not.
For example: In Khitomer Accords Space, you might face them after the gateways are done and Donatra's Scimitar shows up. In this case, you would be fighting both of them, they fight both Donatra and you.
"Let them eat static!"
I was imagining them just showing up at random points lol.
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The queues take place in between the episodes. Say, the Undine queues happen between Surface Tension and Mindscape. This was before the Iconian invasion, so having Heralds appear there would mean the invasion was going on all the time already. Which the episodes say it isn't.
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Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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I'm honestly surprised that there aren't any Herald Red Alerts or BZs.
"Let them eat static!"
I agree with this point.
The queued missions takes place during specific points in time during the main storyline. To inject Heralds into them will simply break the timeline in which events takes place.
Maybe only in advanced and elite, I would leave normal alone. Would allow for receiving more than one kind of mark in a thing too.
Or just add as a new variety of Red Alerts would work as well.
And it's a no to me. Some people have designed their ships to be tactical against a specific enemy. Making the iconians appear, would make your ship vulnerable to them. Anti-Tholian ship is nothing against Iconian for example..
There is a huge difference between YOU making the choice and the GAME making that choice. The game wants continuity. You can have the option to choose another ship that fits into that timeline, IF that is of importance.
Again a no for me.
On the topic of dreams, as a result of playing too much too late, I sometimes wake up wondering which alt I'm logged into for a split second, before the inevitable disappointment that there are none.
That would make things interesting...only thing I have to say is maybe not the Dominion.
I agree with this. The queues are supposed to be part of the game's story so having the Heralds come out there would be out of place. However, I'd like them to randomly pop out of sector space or around planets (imagine if they popped out around Risa or ESD?) with their numbers being proportionate to the number of players in that instance.
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But in a new STF.. Say it has 3 stages to it to complete.. Have 5 or 6 different stages created and 3 randomly decided by the server to use in that one game.. So end goal being the same.. But the process to get to that goal is different each time you go in not knowing what to expect.
Battle of Korfez is like that already. 4 stages of which 1 and 4 are always the same. Stage 2 and 3 are randomly picked out of 4 possible encounters.
Dreaming of STO is a bad thing... Trust me.. You should be dreaming about... well... anything that's not a computer game.
Secondly: Cool idea, but dosen't really make sense, since Infected and 99% of all other content in the game happens before the Iconian separatists engage us.
A: the original STF were chopped up into ground and space STFs with no storyflow left to speak of, Not to mention the whole story of Khitomer Account got airlocked with the revamp of the tutorial which this STF was originally he sequel and prequel to at the same time.
B: STFs can be played at any point in the story as long as the player has reached a sufficient level (level 50 for most) no matter what point in the story he is in.
C: The story and the queues don't really mash to begin with (I get send to New Romulus at level 50 at the same time Nukara Rep becomes available, but the Story assumes I have completed Nukara rep already, simply because it is the older rep based on release date. A similar effect happens with the Dyson and Delta reps.