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What is your chief concern about the current state of STO?



  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    gaevsman wrote: »
    LAG.. even though I've to say, that the recent updates worked very well for me.. if they can tweak it a little bit more, then this concern will vanish completely..

    This!, good work, but now I have a lot of DC's... not terrible, but kind of annoying..

    When something work for some of you, everything is fixed lol. A LOT of players are getting even more lag than before the patch. So, nah, they didnt fixed it. We can call it fixed when there is no lag generally speaking not just for a few players.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    Going with powercreep. The high DPS meta bothers me the most, even though it is tied into other parts of the poll -- I see it as the root cause which would then have a cascading effect into other problems.

    Making rewarding gameplay styles (healing, support, etc.) on par with DPS would help reign it in, imo.

    I do remember a time, in a galaxy far far away, when escorts did the most damage, but were basically glass cannons. There was actually a need for cross heading and or tanking.

    Now everyone can do everything. Everyone can pump out stupid crazy damage while simultaneously absorbing all damage.

    I'm normally not a fan of the trinity, but without it were are just left with dps and nothing else.

    My main concern is power creep because of how it not only affects pve, but has virtually destroyed pvp. Cryptic don't care tho...they profit from all the power creep they sell so I doubt will see anything change.

  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    Grind - EC/XP/Dilithium/Marks requiring multiple replays of single missions
    My signature is my explanation (and a haiku =D).
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Grind - EC/XP/Dilithium/Marks requiring multiple replays of single missions
    At the moment Grind but not necessarily the currencies but more the other rewards. Think they did fine with the new mechanics on event ships. Very fine at that but we need similar stuff for other, non currency related, rewards as well.

    I like the new episode but if I have to play it 9 times to get the Ferengi emote that I want I end up disliking the emote, the episode and even Nog. This can’t be right.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • thenoname711thenoname711 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    If I need to select just one it is bugs(seriously how can you not repair some of them for years, "too hard to repair" isn't an excuse). But lags, grind and powercreep aren't that far from the first place either.
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  • tunebreakertunebreaker Member Posts: 1,222 Arc User
    Content - regularity, gameplay, or overall direction of episodes/arcs/holdings/reputation
    Although I also have issues with Bugs, Lag and a bit with Power Creep, Grind and Balance, I still think that the main reason I'm not enjoying the game really much anymore is the fact that I can't play No-Win Scenario.
  • jokerhuntrjokerhuntr Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    Lag/FPS - rubberbanding, disconnects, or graphics slowing down FPS
    Lag issues are ridiculous right now, but my other main concern is Content!
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    Power Creep - new powers/traits/specializations/items/ships significantly more powerful
    Two words, Power Creep.

    It ruins so many aspects of the game...in pve it is used as a crutch which only gets you so far if you don't know how to use it...and in pvp...well pvp is pretty much dead...so it kills pvp.

    Plus so many little things like it makes a purchase less enjoyable because you know eventually on the horizon something better will come out.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    Foundry - these or other issues, specifically how they relate to the Foundry
    The underutilization of the Iconian War. They're planning to wrap it up soon, apparently.
  • bismark236bismark236 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    +If anything id say the content is an issue. Mostly because this is MEANT to be a star trek based online experiance. However instead we have a horriable grindy mess where diplomacyu and exploration come secand to fighting the next alien species they can shoe horn into the game as a bad guy. The minuite they decieded to make the Voth a serious bad guy...from one single episode of Voyager? Right. And lets not even go near the constant 'look at this new and shiny ship...give us money now' thing that seems to all that is done now. IO havent had to change my ship in two years. If this game wants to hold the title of Star Trek Online...it needs to start watching more star trek...and that doesnt mean doing an Abrams and picking out the little bits you think will attract the CoD , we want constant explosions masses. Give the true fans something to like aswell.
  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    So you guys want broken content even before fixing the one we have already broken.. lol. I mean, why more content if it is going to be broken or not working as intended?? why the hurry? it will not be better to fix FIRST the one we already have?? and some people wonder why Defera never was fixed. Lol. Finally i understand it.
  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    I said other mainly down to the fact for me its finidning things to do and XP im sat in game now during bonus weekend and im thinking what do i do that i havent don million times over and over.

    Its bonus XP weekend so i should really be doing XP wor but its like meh cba tbh, which is such a shame as once i loved this game now with the blocks and alt blocks its become somewhat unenjoyable for me as of late.

    ive had a brea and played other games so does this mean im bored of the game in itts current state i dont know tbh :,(
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Balance - ships/careers/powers being OP or UP, lacking counters, or being viable at all
    Balance is definitely the one for me.

    Lag seems to be mainly a result of shoddy connections to the server which are likely not ever going to get sorted unless someone overhauls the whole US network. I know some powers and abilities like Command and APB are big issues here but at least the devs can change those.
    Bugs are always going to be there. They can fix things all they want but new ones crop up. Yes some major ones could to with being sorted and some have been here forever and really should get looked at but a lot of bugs could be only affecting a minority and therefore just not a priority for resources. I'd rather see resources go to other areas rather that then worry about which bugs to fix and which section of the community to please. PLUS!!!!! - they should be doing more testing prior to release and then bugs should become less of a problem. Listening to feedback from tribble and they could easily have avoided many of the recent problems that have set the forums on fire.

    Powercreep i'd say is essentially a sub-problem of balance. It is powercreep which is causing the balance issues with a lot of build types, weapon types, skills, abilities etc.
    But balance goes a lot further into depth because there are some areas of this game that are way out of whack with the top-end power creep areas. For example high rank engineering boff abilities are mostly all useless but yet tac and sci have some devastating options there due to powercreep and stacking bonuses etc. That leads to a lack of balance.

    In short balance or lack of covers all manner of woes:
    • Powercreep
    • Heavily DPS/Tactical/Combat focused content
    • Being forced into specific weapons types due to over-saturation (e.g. antiproton)
    • Spam abilities being overpowered (e.g. BFAW)
    • lack of decent high end abilities for some areas, e.g. engineering
    • lack of decent low end abilities in other areas, e.g. ensign tac slots are essentially a waste.
    • poor mechanics in many underused powers and equipment leading to lack of build variety.
    • PVP essentially being pay-2-win as nothing less than top tier is remotely competitive.
    • massive grind meaning some areas of the game are deserted as player spend time farming.
    • poor attempts at adding challenge to NPC interactions e.g. massive HPs increases.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    Power Creep - new powers/traits/specializations/items/ships significantly more powerful
    Power Creep is the single biggest reason why I'm not currently playing this game. It made me quit PvP, it contributed to the removal of content I enjoyed and the poor design of queues and crafting, and it obsoleted my lock box ships. Not cool.

    Lack of exploration content, no matter how rudimentary, is #2.
  • grazyc2#7847 grazyc2 Member Posts: 1,988 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    Grind - EC/XP/Dilithium/Marks requiring multiple replays of single missions plus Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc. These are my biggest problems at the moment, I voted the first option but the third is a very good one the constant replay of missions to require a set the very long boring grind to earn a shield or something else, The game pay out on performance if you have bad luck where you play with slow or weak players it will take forever to score a item or console. this could be definitely be better. While the bugs are annoying for times they get solved so if I know there is a bug in a mission I will pass the mission until it is solved. And I hope they speed up somehow mission making these special missions are taking forever it looks or is it because of the VO and Such ??

    EDIT : Dev's if you could get this in consideration could you please make all Event mark missions to pay out every currency so we can do play those Events we like and select the currency we need. I think a lot of people are agreed on this topic or put a bank of commerce in place so you can trade event marks for marks you need... This would be a nice addon to STO.


    "Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    So many option and only the ability to make one choice....

    I would say Lag, Grind and Content.

    However, that should be resolved once Fallout 4 is released... at least for a while...
  • angrybobhangrybobh Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    Lag/FPS - rubberbanding, disconnects, or graphics slowing down FPS
    There are many good comments in this thread. And, I agree with a lot of it. For me, the low FPS is the biggest problem. I would say general bugs is second. I can't trust any description of any item or power in game because the end outcome is usually far different. Are these bugs? WAI? bad descriptions? There is so much wrong with this game even if all the bugs/lag/graphical problems were gone the balance and AI would still be a major issue.
  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    Lag/FPS - rubberbanding, disconnects, or graphics slowing down FPS
    +bugs... There are so many construction zones in this game, many of which are older than some of the players themselves by now... and they keep adding up!!! This game needs a break from aaaaall the overhauls, addidtions & replacements but... who am I kidding right? I wonder how the dev's feel about this product. I mean, it is a crazy project, really, really complex!!! ... but, is it still heading into the right direction? I am still having fun, after all these years though, but I can't help myself but thinking about the two guys, one is beating a dead horse whilst the other one is trying to feed it with candy, bricks, old shoes and steroids.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    Power Creep - new powers/traits/specializations/items/ships significantly more powerful
    The power creep is abysmal and a deliberate attempt to turn the game into a competitive race instead where you have to keep buying the latest stuff to stay relatively equal (at least thats what they're trying to make it), with several of the other problems you have listed being caused by said power creep (PVP, balance, a lot of the grind). Kill it with fire.
  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    +bugs... There are so many construction zones in this game, many of which are older than some of the players themselves by now... and they keep adding up!!! This game needs a break from aaaaall the overhauls, addidtions & replacements but... who am I kidding right? I wonder how the dev's feel about this product. I mean, it is a crazy project, really, really complex!!! ... but, is it still heading into the right direction? I am still having fun, after all these years though, but I can't help myself but thinking about the two guys, one is beating a dead horse whilst the other one is trying to feed it with candy, bricks, old shoes and steroids.

    The devs feel great because they do what they are hired to do, even if it is rushed broken content. They know the game is going well, even if they ignore all the bugfixing because people keep playing, buying and they really dont care about if this trait is broken, or this ship is asthetically half invisible, or if we cant use the loadout system, or if Defera needs a damn fix, or if the weapon sin space sometimes dont fire, and a huge etc. So, as long as players dont care about the quality of the game, things, as you say , will keep getting worst. But in other hand, it is too late already for bringing that horse back, nothing the devs could do at this time will fix almost anything. I guess the code by now is so crushed that it must be an odyssey to fix anything at all.

    I still play , i like the game, but of course i will never ever charge zen and i will never ever be worried about new content or balance, or xp progression (seriously?) while i need to deal with thousands of bugs and quality problems. Too bad that this game could have been so much better, but the players emselves are destroying it year after year. Also this contributes to keep filling the game with grind based mechanics, money grabbing mechanics and things directed to draing pockets not to make players enjoy. (so when someone complains about balance or things like that instead criticals problems like bugs and broken content, please be aware that your indifference for bugs is what is making this game what it is) -endoftherant lol.
  • aliensamongusaliensamongus Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    Content - regularity, gameplay, or overall direction of episodes/arcs/holdings/reputation
    Content: My greatest wish is more Battlezones, like the one against the Undine/Planet Killers. A drop in and out system, where we can help each other when we feel like it and not force to be completely focused in a 15-30 minute instance, being time-gated and failures in objectives that are time based.

    I hate the fact that content are practically built upon teams of 2-2-2 to complete secondary objectives effectively, but we're stuck with teams of 2-3, so in the end everything kind of rests upon one individual. Making it one of the banes of being able to pug without prior communication on strategy.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    kittyflofy wrote: »
    Bugs only 10%.. ow.. and people keep wondering why bugs keep being ignored. :) ,its nice to see that players actually dont care at all about the overall quality of the game lolz.

    I'm seeing 14% on bugs, as of this writing... But... :tongue:

    9%+6% (so 15%) of the players participating in this are complaining they're more worried about the state of balance in the game, you know, how there's clear favorites like the Scimitar, Antiproton, Tactical Officers, basically anything DPS, etc.

    18% more aren't even exposed to the bugs much anymore because of issues with the game and their systems.

    23%, so dang close to a quarter of the voters, are so burnt out on the grind that they've given up on acquiring many of the bugged systems and/or join the...

    10% more who only pop in long enough to play the latest content once or twice, then head off to something else. These "checking in periodically" type players are fully 1/3 (33%) of the players who are responding to the poll.

    Rough math shows that this is 66%. Darn close to (you might as well say) 2/3rds of the playerbase is so worried about either being able to play, being able to use their favorite stuff, or waiting for the next big reason to play that the existence of non-gamebreaking (whether highly annoying or not) bugs is not something that haunts them enough to complain on forum posts to the point they'd complain about a topic in a poll, they'd rather see the "bigger issues" of playability, reasons to play, and use of their favorite stuff and not be laughed out of a game...

    If they were playing the game (regularly), they'd probably shift over to "bugs" or "moar content" - depending on their history with the bugs (encounter rate, etc.), what they're trying to do in game, etc. etc.
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    I voted other for something many will surely see as stupid. I stopped playing when the cargo ships went away. I just popped in today for the first time in a couple months hoping they'd be back. You see all I do is work on a 3 person fleet's SB. I don't want to jump through hoops to buy the stupid commodities. It's tough enough doing 90% of the work I did getting it to Tier IV. There should be a simple one stop shop for ALL commodities not hoping all over here and there, I refuse to do that grind.
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
    I'm incredibly tired of persistent niggling bugs. It seems each time I come back to the game from a break, something new is broken on my paid-for ships--things that have no business being broken (like the port-side nacelle covers on the Avenger).

    My only regret is I couldn't vote for more than one option; this game has serious problems.
  • cirran1cirran1 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    I could write an endless list of "what's wrong" in STO. I'll limit myself to saying that things began to collapse after Geko said "PvPers are 14-years old basement dwelling min maxers". There was no other time, in the gaming industry, in which a game dev openly insulted even just one of their players. It's not that I care about something said by some...one on the other side of Earth, but once you take that as a sample...

    ROFL!!!!! You obviously have never played anything made by WG. They insult their non Russian players weekly.

  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    Other. Lockboxes R Us. It's Space Lottery Online. But it doesn't stop at lockboxes. The "Roll the Dice" is deeply embedded into everything that costs. The crafting system is a dilithium roulette because after you spend real world value virtual currency to upgrade rarity, you spin the wheel and take your chances, possibly wasting that ultrarare cost on some horrible proc. At least epic quality is fixed and that cost was spared the RNG.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • strous1strous1 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    It would not let me check more then 1

    PnP Red Box DM & Player (74 - ?). NWN + SoU + HotU (4-03),
    NWN Diamond Edition, Neverwinter Nights Complete (NWN + NWN2).
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    Power Creep - new powers/traits/specializations/items/ships significantly more powerful
    nicha0 wrote: »
    For me, power creep is the largest issue, with bugs a very close 2nd place. When the game becomes as stupidly easy as it is right now, when you can overpower everything in every ship without thinking, it becomes no fun, which means everything you do is a grind, its boring, and its a timesink. My bet, if the game as fun again, grind would get very few votes. Fixing the powercreep and balance of combat would go a very long way in fixing huge problems in the game.

    Well to me the biggest issue with power creep is what happened with delta rising, because the new power creepy things become neccesary if you don't want to DIE a LOT.

    There needs to be some kind of standard, even on normal difficulty modes, Delta rising content is far far more difficult than most, due to cryptic balancing with their numbers ruined by the high end dps crowd, which sports dps many many times higher than most players have.

    Say the average player has 10k dps fully geared, but you have people pulling 100k and more. its wrecking the metrics and ruining future enemy power levels.

    they sell new power creepy OP things because it sells and makes profit, but they're trading short term gain for long term, and will end up in the Vault of Eternal Destitution eventualy through their short term money grabbing which is slowly TRIBBLE the majority of the players.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
  • xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
    The biggest issue I have is not necessarily power creep but the method of attaining the new powers. Most of the new things are either ship traits or are released in lock boxes. Ship traits obviously need to be purchased with zen which is fine but new ones are coming out way too often. This is exemplified with lock box ships and their traits. Hopefully the release rate will slow down.

    It is beginning to frustrate me that I have to go to a lockbox to get anything new. The new traits. The new doffs. The new lobi items. The one that snapped me was new bridge officer powers. Those should have gone to the dil store or ec vendor like the rest of them as far as I am concerned. Even into a rep system would have been better.
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