I have maxed out my specializations (all four of them), and when I leveled up again I did not get a spec point. I realize I couldn't spend it, if I received it, but I want to know why I didn't get one. Before, when we were maxed out (level-wise) the XP bar didn't move or fill. Now, it still does, which is very misleading, as it makes you think you'll still earn a spec point at the end. Am I now just getting expertise like before (where XP was converted in to Expertise), or is all the Experience just disappearing into the ether?
And before anyone says, "play an alt". I don't want to. I've spent way too much time and effort playing and outfitting this guy to play another character that is a pale shadow of his fun and effectiveness.
I don't mind if I don't get XP or any more spec points until the next specialization is released, but it would have been nice to know this was going to happen. And I thought we were going to get dilithium after maxing out all the specializations?
Formerly Known as
Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012

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Other than that... I don't know what to tell you.
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Every new specialization they release is supposed to be a long-term goal.
They should just re-establish the Dilithium reward for spec points. They removed it during the Tau Dewa Skill Point Exploit/Grind Days, because that made the whole leveling process not long-term at all. But they have this clearly under control by now. And obviously, without any reward, they risk pissing off people like you that feel like their efforts are unappreciated.
I have filled intel, command and pilot, i don't use command and saving my spec-points. So if they come with a new spec-tree, bam i can fill it up.
I think its a bug, you work for xp, if you have 158.000 xp you get 1 spec point.
who is complaining about that?
i see more complaints about the dearth of xp than anything.
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Except that's exactly what I'm doing. One can only have two specialization active, so you have the choice of spent points doing nothing- or unspent points awaiting a new more interesting specialization. I've chosen the latter.
First off, congrats for maxing out your toon. Sound like the only reason for that specific toon to be played is grinding mastery for any new ship you want to get. As for when there is something else for that toon to do vis a vis specializations... odds are its going to be awhile. The Studio is not going to jump to it for the few players that have maxed out a toon. Those of you in that situation make up a substantially smaller portion of the Player base then the KDF. Oh there is something in the works.. always is. Just don't expect to see it for a few months. But its not something to give maxed out toons something specific to do.
Go focus on one of your alt toons and start grinding it up. It should be remarkably easier seeing your main can pop them all sponsorship tokens. Theres still maxing out R&D, and DOFF's... and that particular toon can grind dilithium like nobodies biz.. I'm sure your other toons would appreciate the tech upgrades. There are always Fleet projects that need work... do you have both the extra space and ground DOFF slots from your fleet spire holding?
Honestly if you have powered through and achived all those goals, good for you... but until a whole lot of other players in the same situation it is not a screamingly important issue. Not by any stretch.
Go help your friends in Game! STO may play like a single player game, but the social aspects of the game should also be included into your bag of tricks. Go help folks, show off your build, inspire, advise, assist... Be a Senior Captain of the Fleet. Undoubtably STF's are like booring to you (assumedly you have played then to death!) Your likely running Mk 14 everythings all at epic level..(if you aren't get cracking! Yea its a grind.. um..so?)
Or you could just put STO on a back burner for a month or two and focus on another game. Log in dayly, do a few things, log out go do something else.
My main toon is currently at a guess about 1/20 of the way into the post 60 game as far as Rep, specialization skills you name it. Running about in a T-6 vet DD having a blast.
Really, if your main toon is that maxed out in every possible way (you lil over achiever you!) That is no ones issue but your own. You have alts, or room for alts? Go play them! Or, conversely you can sit around carp and complain that there is nothing for that toon to do. This will bum folk around out that have to listen to it, and truely you don't want to know what they might really think about the situation.
Hope you figure out what to do with your self.
You're right, I didn't like it. Not for the reasons you may think though. I didn't like it for the sarcastic, snarky way you presented your "advice".
As I said, I really don't want to concentrate on one of my "alts".
Lots of assumptions in there. First of all, I'm one of the leaders (we have a "council" for fleet leadership) of one of the bigger fleets in this game. I'm always helping people in our fleet on their builds, getting gear and running STFs so they can get XP, DIL and EC.
As I said above, the advice and commentary would have gone a lot further without the snark or condensation. I do appreciate the time you took to post, but you really didn't answer the main question I had. In fact, it's like you went out of your way to denigrate me for playing a lot (in my free time after working a full day BTW) Granted I play a lot, but that's my business and if I want to play from 7PM to 1AM each day, again my business. I wasn't complaining about no content, I get that if I play a lot I'll run out of content (and how does leveling an alt help with that?). I was asking why did I stop earning spec points, full stop. Several people above answered that, and while I was hoping a Dev would have answered it, I got my answer.
Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
If the KDF can get a Fleet D7 (that can be upgraded to a T5-U), the Feds should have a Fleet Exeter.
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So I work on my other two characters now at a very slow pace.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
It's rather standard in MMOs that when you've capped everything- it's capped. And frankly I don't see anything wrong with that, indeed it is what I'd like it to be.
Not that I'm there, or every likely to be there. There's more to life than playing this game enough to cap everything even on a single character.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I don't mind if I don't get XP or any more spec points until the next specialization is released, but it would have been nice to know this was going to happen. And I thought we were going to get dilithium after maxing out all the specializations?[/quote]
They did tell you you would not get anymore, in multiple places. First, the blog explaining spec points, and in a couple later ones about the changes. It was also mentioned in the forum announcement when dilithium was turned off. It was discussed by both borticus and gecko in interviews with priority one. Finally, it has a tiny (guaranteed to be missed) mention in one of the tutorial popups when you get your first spec point. Most of these are now old and newer players just won't find them or see them unfortunately. Even veteran players who don't frequent the forum or Reddit are likely to miss the info (like yourself,for example). But they absolutely did tell us.
[quote="ltminns;12561892"]Has any tried stopping at 29 for one of the Primaries or 14 for Commando and see if you can keep banking past the one not allocated? If so do that and build up a bank for the next released spec. [/quote]people have, and it doesn't work. The system was explained by borticus as allowing you to gain a specific number of points based on the max available to spend at that time. Whether or not you actually do spend them is apparently irrelevant to the number you can have.
But yes I had a fleetmate with one spec point who got some dil before he noticed that he hadn't spent his last point. Unless it was altered post the fiasco, and there's no reason to believe it was, then it still works as bort described.
I'd love to get more than one spec point every week.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
If it's not in this quarter it never existed.
Spent 300 hours grinding out spec points last quarter? Won't show up in this quarter's reports and it'll make cooking the books harder.
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