I think the idea is horrible, Faction ships should remain in faction colors.
But I don't understand why the change in colors require they retire the Risian ships. Especially since as I understand it- mine don't disappear from my shipyard.
I can only hope that an increased colour palette for ships will soon mean an increased colour palette for uniforms which, IMO, is where such a customisation feature would be far more useful - Rep Uniform unlocks especially...
I can only hope that an increased colour palette for ships will soon mean an increased colour palette for uniforms which, IMO, is where such a customisation feature would be far more useful - Rep Uniform unlocks especially...
Bolded and redden what I'm really replying toward, more useful for who? More useful toward what?
I think the idea is horrible, Faction ships should remain in faction colors.
But I don't understand why the change in colors require they retire the Risian ships. Especially since as I understand it- mine don't disappear from my shipyard.
It makes as much sense as "exclusivity".
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
I like this, more greens for the Roms, as an example.
Who knows, maybe CBS will reverse it's old decision and we can get the weapon beam color thing that was in Beta back in. Yeah, yeah, the PVP dudes might not like it too much though...
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
Yeah. Not sure they're really doing the community any favors with this 'colors gone wild' idea. Our ships in the sky will look like overly colorful toys in a sandbox: not really dignified (and thus harming immersion).
I'm all for more ship skins, and more customization in general. Not sure all lolwut clown-colors in the sky is the way to go, though.
With all the other things they could have done (like more open colors for off duty uniforms, fixing some of the bugs that have been around for years, giving us split ground and space traits), we get yet another non-canon eyesore?
Yeah. Not sure they're really doing the community any favors with this 'colors gone wild' idea. Our ships in the sky will look like overly colorful toys in a sandbox: not really dignified (and thus harming immersion).
I'm all for more ship skins, and more customization in general. Not sure all lolwut clown-colors in the sky is the way to go, though.
Your 'immersion' be damned, I like to be able to play any way I want!
With all the other things they could have done (like more open colors for off duty uniforms, fixing some of the bugs that have been around for years, giving us split ground and space traits), we get yet another non-canon eyesore?
I suppose we should expect it.
If you enjoy the stagnant never-changing nature of the series than go watch them. The point of STO is to expand the Star Trek universe and as an MMO that will include the ability for every player to design their characters any way they see fit. More options is never a bad thing! To paraphrase what I said to the previous commenter, if me flying a pretty pink Bortasqu makes you so upset you should probably stick to single player console games.
I'd consider that a valid point, if I could have my T5/T6 Connie.
Well, you CAN use it for endgame content with a little skill and a good team... It doesn't have to be the best in the game to enjoy Role-Playing it! But as many have said before Cryptic has no control over this. CBS vetoed it and when it comes to the Star Trek universe CBS is God... Or atleast Q.
Finally! Now if ground costumes could get a universal unrestricted color pallete, so much will be forgiven of the tailor flaws..
If it would also get reflectivity control as well, that'd be great.
So that all your attire can either match in matte, or be more reflective than a reflective strip on a safety vest.
Especially since attires have different levels of reflectivity or matte detailing, making it hard to match (black on black or white on white is especially notable for some attire; where you get black-black then a sort of reflective or dull gray-black, which requires you alter the black black to dark gray to match).
If you enjoy the stagnant never-changing nature of the series than go watch them. The point of STO is to expand the Star Trek universe and as an MMO that will include the ability for every player to design their characters any way they see fit. More options is never a bad thing! To paraphrase what I said to the previous commenter, if me flying a pretty pink Bortasqu makes you so upset you should probably stick to single player console games.
How about folks that want to play a Star Trek themed game get to play a Star Trek themed game and those that want to play a Sid & Marty Kroftt game go find another another game, yeah?
How about folks that want to play a Star Trek themed game get to play a Star Trek themed game and those that want to play a Sid & Marty Kroftt game go find another another game, yeah?
That could all be solved if Cryptic would just implement Replacer Themes (since it's the player's computer that continuously redraws the art assets).
You'd have Standard, TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and 2410 options available in your UI settings. Standard is basically what we have now; anyone and everyone can see your customizations and you can see theirs.
For the player using such a theme, all player and NPC attire will be redrawn to match the setting. In addition, it would redraw all ships to the closest in-game analogues. However, weapons and zones remain the same (Drozana is still going to look like a rusted hulk even with the TOS Theme active, and ESD is still the tiered mall ESD). Static ship objects will not be redrawn either, so you might still see a Pathfinder in the ESD bay or a Guardian cruising by the Club windows.
Another restriction is that it'd also disable or restrict customization options for your Captain and Boffs, only letting you use matching themed attire if unlocked (and if not, forced to use a generic replacer until you do unlock them). As well, animation or color effects from impulse, warp, or other equipment remain.
So if you're a Fed using a TOS Theme replacer, everyone looks like they're wearing TOS standard, with all cruisers defaulting to Connies, all escorts to NX-01s, and Science ships to Oberths. The replacers only work in and on non-combat maps however.
Of course, running a Theme would be hell on toasters due to alternate redrawing on their side, but it would be a small price to pay if one is hell-bent on wanting a near TNG or DS9 experience in the first place.
Yeah. Not sure they're really doing the community any favors with this 'colors gone wild' idea. Our ships in the sky will look like overly colorful toys in a sandbox: not really dignified (and thus harming immersion).
I'm all for more ship skins, and more customization in general. Not sure all lolwut clown-colors in the sky is the way to go, though.
Lots of people use rep gear anyway so unless they disable the rep visuals you wont even see the base hull colours :P
Shades of yellow, now every ship can be a Mirror ship :cool:.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
I think the idea is horrible, Faction ships should remain in faction colors.
But I don't understand why the change in colors require they retire the Risian ships. Especially since as I understand it- mine don't disappear from my shipyard.
I want to thematically match my some of my ships' colors to their weapons, or names.
Bolded and redden what I'm really replying toward, more useful for who? More useful toward what?
It makes as much sense as "exclusivity".
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
Lol.....this is going to be brutal...lol.
Note: It's only the two color choices that have had their palette increased to go with the pattern choices - you can't make a yellow submarine.
Who knows, maybe CBS will reverse it's old decision and we can get the weapon beam color thing that was in Beta back in. Yeah, yeah, the PVP dudes might not like it too much though...
I'm all for more ship skins, and more customization in general. Not sure all lolwut clown-colors in the sky is the way to go, though.
Yes it is.
With all the other things they could have done (like more open colors for off duty uniforms, fixing some of the bugs that have been around for years, giving us split ground and space traits), we get yet another non-canon eyesore?
I suppose we should expect it.
Your 'immersion' be damned, I like to be able to play any way I want!
I'd consider that a valid point, if I could have my T5/T6 Connie.
If you enjoy the stagnant never-changing nature of the series than go watch them. The point of STO is to expand the Star Trek universe and as an MMO that will include the ability for every player to design their characters any way they see fit. More options is never a bad thing! To paraphrase what I said to the previous commenter, if me flying a pretty pink Bortasqu makes you so upset you should probably stick to single player console games.
Well, you CAN use it for endgame content with a little skill and a good team...
So that all your attire can either match in matte, or be more reflective than a reflective strip on a safety vest.
Especially since attires have different levels of reflectivity or matte detailing, making it hard to match (black on black or white on white is especially notable for some attire; where you get black-black then a sort of reflective or dull gray-black, which requires you alter the black black to dark gray to match).
How about folks that want to play a Star Trek themed game get to play a Star Trek themed game and those that want to play a Sid & Marty Kroftt game go find another another game, yeah?
You'd have Standard, TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and 2410 options available in your UI settings. Standard is basically what we have now; anyone and everyone can see your customizations and you can see theirs.
For the player using such a theme, all player and NPC attire will be redrawn to match the setting. In addition, it would redraw all ships to the closest in-game analogues. However, weapons and zones remain the same (Drozana is still going to look like a rusted hulk even with the TOS Theme active, and ESD is still the tiered mall ESD). Static ship objects will not be redrawn either, so you might still see a Pathfinder in the ESD bay or a Guardian cruising by the Club windows.
Another restriction is that it'd also disable or restrict customization options for your Captain and Boffs, only letting you use matching themed attire if unlocked (and if not, forced to use a generic replacer until you do unlock them). As well, animation or color effects from impulse, warp, or other equipment remain.
So if you're a Fed using a TOS Theme replacer, everyone looks like they're wearing TOS standard, with all cruisers defaulting to Connies, all escorts to NX-01s, and Science ships to Oberths. The replacers only work in and on non-combat maps however.
Of course, running a Theme would be hell on toasters due to alternate redrawing on their side, but it would be a small price to pay if one is hell-bent on wanting a near TNG or DS9 experience in the first place.
Lots of people use rep gear anyway so unless they disable the rep visuals you wont even see the base hull colours :P
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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If you don't like the colors, don't use them.
Ooo yeah! A Klink ship would look friggin' amazing with that scheme!
...wait. We're all going to get the exact same pallette to work with right?
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