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STO Crashing on Start-up



  • vorlonangelvorlonangel Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I've been having problems ever since the launch of 'Delta Rising'. Here's what keeps happening:

    I have four main characters I've had since last year, across all three factions. I play them normally. But since 'Delta Rising' was launched, when I go to create a new character, once the opening cinematic finishes or I try to use ESC to skip it, the game window freezes and won't respond. It's especially bad when I try to start a new Federation character because, unlike with the Romulan and Klingon factions, the opening cinematic starts playing again after closing and relaunching the game, and the same problem occurs. With a new Romulan or Klingon faction character is created and the cinematic crashes the game window, I can simply restart and the game will begin normally.

    None of this began happening until the launch of 'Delta Rising'. Support tickets end up being replied to only with something along the lines of, "we're aware of the problem and we're working on it, so please be patient."

    Now, since 'The Iconian War' launch, SFX have been messed up. Torpedoes, cannon blasts, and other space battle FX don't show up on screen, ground weapons don't render, star effects are not there—the list goes on.

    I realize and appreciate that the devs are hard at work on this stuff, but could another month or two of getting out as many bugs and glitches as possible have really killed anyone? I plopped down quite a bit of money on STO, including for the lifetime membership, and I would like to use the product I paid for with as few problems as possible.

    Now, as to the problems I've noted, is there any news as to what is being done about them and how long it might take for fixes?

    I feel your pain my friend. Like you I am a LM (since 2012) and also like you I spend money from time to time. I do like this game very much but one has to wonder if we are getting our moneys worth. While it is frustrating to have the game go down once your in, it is infuriating not to get in at all, expecially considering $$ has been paid.
  • warmonger360warmonger360 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    another crasher here. 5x it's done this in a row. started while entering ESD, and each time after on loading character. file checked twice and after restarting rig

    aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
    either to conquer or to die for the Empire
  • bvsnitrobvsnitro Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    All I get is loading please wait.....(Not Responding)


    I get unable to find required game data files. If this problem persists, reinstalling the application may fix the situation.

    I uninstalled it all reinstalled and get the same. Been trying to log on for days.
  • atlmyklatlmykl Member Posts: 305 Arc User1
    edited April 2015
    Title says it all, really. Ever since Season 10's release I've been having trouble even getting into the game; originally it would wait until I'd selected a character then crash to desktop at about 95% of the way loaded, which I decided to just say "Oh well, there's an emergency patch coming out in a few hours, I'll wait until then and see if it was an issue and has been fixed". The patch came out, I launched the game, it now reliably 100% of the time crashes to desktop at the midway point of the white loading bar on the "Cryptic" screen. There are never any errors, never something explaining what's happened, just "Oops! Looks like something dun f'd up and now the game's crashed".

    I really don't have any idea what the problem could be and I'm not entirely sure if it's an issue other people are getting or it's something that the update's done which has not sat right with my machine.

    Exactly what was happening to me and is now happening again. Got support to do a map move for me yesterday and that fixed my problem. Well today I logged out at the same location I was when this problem 1st reared its ugly head and guess what? Back to crashing at 95-96% on the loading screen after selecting that captain. So apparently I can never log out at New Romulus Command ever again...
  • warmonger360warmonger360 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    had it happen yet again, after a coupla days. client crashed on loading character and after a file check

    aut vincere aut mori pro imperio
    either to conquer or to die for the Empire
  • djshadowcatdjshadowcat Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Since season ten came out and the war started I have not been able to connect, I get the loading screen and then it dies.

    I have been on to the tech for the past two weeks and it fracking urks.

    I have uninstalled and the like and now have a new set of instructions like go and get a Cap5e tinterwed cable and stop playing using wireless.

    so what happens if that dont work I get mah money back?

    Cue "STO is a lemon and I want my money back"*

    *Sorry Meatloaf its a cool song.
  • alax2011alax2011 Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    alax2011 wrote: »
    Im gettign the same issuse, "Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) while checking sync query"

    Befor season 10 i had no problem running this game on my laptop (its a ****ty laptop, but sto used to run on it on min settings) (Asus laptop)

    Any update on this, as im still getting this issue and i cant even play sto anymore
  • svirepamilicasvirepamilica Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    me neither!
    This sucks bad!
  • cincyman39cincyman39 Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    ever since season 10 the only way I can get this game to play is in safe mode.... If I try and run it regular it just crashes Ive sent tickets and emails tried everything they suggest nothing works its getting down right stupid I am very grateful I no longer support this game with my money.
  • simonpgrubersimonpgruber Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    another patch today and still no change for this. I give up. is there a way to make safe mode login permanent since it seems that is the only way most of us can get on the game? I am tired of having to always select safe mode each time I log in.
  • snipecatchersnipecatcher Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I cannot start a new thread because I am not one to post on forums. HOWEVER!!!!! Today is an exception. I am extremely animate about what happened to me.

    Story: My computer started giving "Hard disc failure" blackouts, so I had an experienced (over 20 years) company replace my hard drive. After getting my computer back (roughly four hours after) I decided to install STO. First it asked me to install ARC, which I did. Then I logged into ARC. Then I clicked the STO install prompt at the top of the install listing place. During the install, a pop up for run some sort of utility was needed to proceed. (BTW, I an an elderly disabled man on a fixed income who knows nothing about how computer stuff works.) It started again, then another utility pop up showed, so I clicked to run it. Anyway, that pop up was viral, it screwed up the settings, then began spamming my computer. I did a forced shut down, but the damage was done. $75 later, after having the hard drive erased and everything reinstalled, I am here voicing my distrust of ARC and STO. I miss my fleetmates, because I now have friends all over the world who I enjoy chatting with and raising cane with in PvE scenarios. I am extremely upset that I cannot start a new post with this to warn others about it in case those idiots who control ARC and STO are too stupid to fix this. The tech who did my work said the viral program was like a seed, that it is planted with a timer, then takes out settings to drop the firewalls so the computer gets spammed with so much you have to erase the hard drive. Luckily, I had not loaded anything other than Firefox and Google Chrome, so mine was minimal and I lost nothing since the backed up stuff had not been loaded.

    I know most of you on this forum are geeks who know computers. I want this spread quickly to prevent others from being attacked. I also know neither ARC nor STO will give squat for my damages. The cost of the hard drive and this wiped my funds until my next check on June 3rd. I want to hear from someone who has authority to understand why I was attacked. I am a lifetime member, who does not gripe on forums, but I am ticked off!!!!!!! I EXPECT THEM TO DO SOMETHING BECAUSE THEY ALLOWED ME TO BE HURT!!!!!! I am waiting a reply on their facebook page because I do not understand how to do things in a forum. This is complicated to me which is why I never use it. I believe in the KISS program, (Keep it simple, stupid) but because I cannot generate a new post or know how to find my way around this venue, I do not know how to get answers here. I am Tarnot/Taryes/Tarmaybe@snipecatcher on the Federation side. On Facebook, I am Max Miller and look orange and white if you find me. Please get the attention of those who allowed this to happen and have them contact me. I will load the program when I know it is safe.
  • alax2011alax2011 Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    alax2011 wrote: »
    Im gettign the same issuse, "Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) while checking sync query"

    Befor season 10 i had no problem running this game on my laptop (its a ****ty laptop, but sto used to run on it on min settings) (Asus laptop)

    Any update on this, as im still getting this issue and i cant even play sto anymore
  • baiter366baiter366 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
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