Season 10 and sector space revamp, guess will be doing a lot of driving? The Transwarp cost to Drozana from ESD was 20,000 EC on Tribble. :rolleyes:
Edit: Yes, adding "Spin the Wheel" mission and clicking transwarp for mission was 20k ec outside ESD. It used to be 500 ec. This is not a complaint thread. LOL I was kinda wondering, what consensus was on points in Driver Coil. I was using a Fleet Excelsior with Fleet Engine and have max diplomacy. With zero points in Coils, I was getting warp 14.
...for now...
The real reason to use transwarp was that you avoided tons of loading screens that way.
And Transwarp to Drozana? Isn't that a mission transwarp? I don't remember it being a regular transwarp location. Mission transwarp cost depends on the level the mission originally comes available, I believe. Or is the level the sector block came available? (Which means the home sector blocks were always the cheapest.)
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Going to vary by person...but that's not the reason that I'd use mission transwarps or the rest. If anything, on the rare occasion that I'd find myself traveling sector to sector - the "walls" at least kept me near the game. With the change, I'm going to wander off and probably forget that I'm even in the game...after an hour, it will log me out...might help with server load.
Can somebody clear this up for me please? Does the regular transwarp (from the diplomacy thing) to locations like K7, Defera, DS9,... cost EC now too?
It's still 2 minutes. You've got a SSR Core...drops it to 1 minute.
Probably talking about the Transwarp to mission feature. If the free transwarp powers started costing money, then there would be more rage on the forums.
unless your willing to spend minutes ploughing through space in economy mode, otherwise with that driver coil at max with the borg engine, your at warp 21 on a regular basis, so taking a warp core with the driver coil improvement and 6 points is enough to cut clear across the quadrants in half or 3.4 of the time it would take otherwise. gameplay wise, it save you minutes that could be vital one day.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Idk..Sometimes I find it nice to set a course and let my ship fly through space. Its some of the few times that I can immerse myself in the Star Trek Universe without having to worry too much about something breaking it for me.
That and beaming to my Bridge for a few minutes.
Now that I think about it. Its kind of sad that flying through sector space and sitting on my thumbs on my bridge is the more enjoyable moments in STO over other more core gameplay moments.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
yeah, thought so too. Well that closes the thread I'd say. OP is simply misinformed.
Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines
yeah, I kinda find it funny that most assume that the revamp will result in longer travel times....I would imagine with the loss of load screens and being able to travel in genuine straight lines I would think the reverse would be least for many cases
Why would they need to assume anything? its on the test server isnt it?
Seems you're right.
I'm rather skeptical about the revamp myself. There's a reason games like STO, EvE Online, etc, are using limited sector maps: namely, so you don't have to load *everything*, but can only serve maps on a per-need basis. Aka, loading everything scales incredibly badly. With all the lag going on as it is, I keep wondering why they're going this route.
Spacetime is curved so the quickest path between two points in space is a curve not a straight line.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot
uhh...that's a globe :P
Except for full impulse speed, which is important in some missions.
And except for subsystem energy while at full impulse, which reduces recharge time on weapons power when dropping out of full impulse.
The DPS kids put 6-9 points into driver coil. I only put 6 on all my toons. It's a cheap skill with a decent little boost to everything.