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Cryptic, can something please be done with Dilithium Ore.



  • stuart1965stuart1965 Member Posts: 691 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Because they want [preferred if you like], people to play their other character's, as to obtain those rewards.

    Not, gain everything for all character's, by playing 1 character.

    Yes i accept what your saying here, but it would be a way to spread the load so to speak, in addition to each character adding to it.
    Abit like evening out the load in a trailer of an 18 wheeler i guess.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    stuart1965 wrote: »
    Yes i accept what your saying here, but it would be a way to spread the load so to speak, in addition to each character adding to it.
    Abit like evening out the load in a trailer of an 18 wheeler i guess.

    Well, you seen how Cryptic prefers loading spreads concerning dilithium!

    They made it so that dilithium, isn't just freely handed out in HUGE quantities, from a single local other than using rich dilithium mining claims.

    So, naturally they prefer you work to obtain it, equally on each character.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The voice of the workingman and indeed all the people already expressed the preference that the dil refined limit be lowered. Let's face it, when a certain group wants it lowered, it iamt ever going to be raised.

    Sometimes you have to choose your battles, sometimes you just have to let it go.
    What are your thoughts on an unrefined dilithium sink? How wrong am I to believe that it would put the same downward pressure on the dil:zen exchange rate as a refined dilithium sink? How widespread is massive unrefined dilithium stockpiling?
    We don't need, mass amounts of dilithium toon farmer's, flooding the market with absurdly cheap dilithium, simple!
    Thanks for outlining your reasons, even if others had already expressed them in this thread.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • suzy32suzy32 Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I thought is was going to be double soon from 8000 to 16000 a day. any thoughts

  • atlmyklatlmykl Member Posts: 305 Arc User1
    edited March 2015
    suzy32 wrote: »
    I thought is was going to be double soon from 8000 to 16000 a day. any thoughts

    The value of dil would plummet and the time it takes to hit you refining limit would double. All future dil time gates would them be based on the 16k per day model instead of 8k. So if they want those engines to cost you 8 days of refining it will now cost 128k instead of 64k. In the end it will take twice as long to farm and still have the same buying power.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Allowing people to use unrefined dil instead of refined dil would be the same as letting them refine more dil.
    But they're not refining that dilithium, which would in turn reduce the supply of refined dilithium.

    It seems only players who consistently produce more than 8k unrefined dil per day, or really players who produce well in excess of that, could cause an issue. I can't imagine they make up a significant portion of the playerbase.

    Already existing stockpiles of unrefined dil would also be an issue, but over time those would dissipate provided such a sink had a reasonable life span. Alternatively, perhaps a more lucrative temporary sink could be run to reduce stockpiles, before a more reasonable long-term sink is put in place.
    For example, if people could use unrefined dil for fleet projects, they'd use it instead of refined dil and the demand for refined dil for use in fleet projects would fall, while the supply of refined dil for other purposes would rise.

    If it was an entirely new sink then I suppose it could have a sinking effect, but how big depends on a lot of unknowns.
    Yes, I assumed the sink itself would be a factor in this. Fleet holdings don't seem well suited to such a change, but my belief was that smaller, more regular dil sinks might, such as crafting or upgrading.

    Granted, because most players aren't even reaching the 8k refined limit per day per character, and probably not even reaching 8k refined per day per account, most players would probably just look at it as another demand on their overall dil production, even if in the long-term it had the effect of making c-store items more affordable for F2P players.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    From what I hear, people can generate dil a lot faster than 8k a day or whatever. I've heard people say they can get 20k dil in an hour fighting in some battle zone. This could mean that for many, allowing them to use unrefined dil would be tantamount to just letting them refine it, every day.

    Also, any kind of replacement of refined dil with unrefined dil would lead to a lot of people choosing to use their unrefined dil for their in-game dil needs, and put their refined dil on the exchange for zen.


    What wrecked the dil exchange was fleets being finished. Fleet dil sinks were the main dil sinks in the game, and while fleet progress was still a huge deal, the dilex reached the 80s.

    I think the best solution to the rising dilex is just to add more fleet holdings that eat a ton of dil.

    New fleet weapons that are really good, or a new set of fleet ships, or something else in high demand, and have it eat a new kind of provision.

    If they make their 8k per day per character, than exceed the 8k regularly, than odds are they are farmer's of dilithium.

    These are usually, who want the dilithium hard cap changed, more often than actual player(s) that don't really see the need for it.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • kamuii2kamuii2 Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ill put it simple. Look at neverwinter when ya want to increase dil refine amounts. they did it in nw's astral diamonds and now the zen exchange is constantly maxed at 500 per 1 zen. do you want to have to pay 500 dil per 1 zen or the nice under 200 dil per zen we are paying right now?
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, 500 dilithium per 1 zen seems highly overpriced :D 200 dilithium per 1 zen is already a lot for me (150-160 I can handle easily), but more than that is a simply outrageous. If there's the limit for lowest rate, there must be one for highest rate, but one that would actually be useful.
    So the best way to make most of the people happy would be to increase daily refinement limit to 16k dil and the dil/zen highest price rate to 200 dil per 1 zen.
    If that wouldn't work (although I don't see a legitimate reason for it), they could also make possible to refine ore every few hours and the more ore you refine, the longer you will wait for a next chance to do it again. So there would be virtually no limit on how much dil you can refine, but there still would be one (time limit).
    For example: If you refine 10k ore, you can't refine any more for another 12 hours, if you refine 20k ore, you can't refine any of it for another 24 hours and so on. Simple, you see :D

    You see, as the price of dilithium goes up, more of it gets taken off the market and spent with every zen exchanged. Also, as the price of dilithium goes up, the perceived value of a zen traded increases, encouraging consumers to sell more zen for dilithium. Putting an exchange cap would just create a zen shortage on the market by removing the markets only, albeit of limited effectiveness, check against dilithium inflation.

    So, you really have to ask yourself, do you prefer a world where the price of zen goes up above 200 with the normal fluctuations of the dilithium market, or do you prefer a world where scores upon scores of dilithium sellers put their dilithium up for 200 a pop, and then wait days, weeks, maybe even months, for the back logged dilithium demand to catch up to them?
    What wrecked the dil exchange was fleets being finished. Fleet dil sinks were the main dil sinks in the game, and while fleet progress was still a huge deal, the dilex reached the 80s.

    I think the best solution to the rising dilex is just to add more fleet holdings that eat a ton of dil.

    New fleet weapons that are really good, or a new set of fleet ships, or something else in high demand, and have it eat a new kind of provision.

    Or, even better than good fleet weapons. Add fleet weapons with random modifiers.
  • nithanathnithanath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Lol, you don't get it, do you?

    If they double the refining cap the value of refined dil will decrease, which means after a while we will have to grind twice as much dilithium for the same things we can buy for it now.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, 500 dilithium per 1 zen seems highly overpriced :D 200 dilithium per 1 zen is already a lot for me (150-160 I can handle easily), but more than that is a simply outrageous. If there's the limit for lowest rate, there must be one for highest rate, but one that would actually be useful.
    So the best way to make most of the people happy would be to increase daily refinement limit to 16k dil and the dil/zen highest price rate to 200 dil per 1 zen.
    If that wouldn't work (although I don't see a legitimate reason for it), they could also make possible to refine ore every few hours and the more ore you refine, the longer you will wait for a next chance to do it again. So there would be virtually no limit on how much dil you can refine, but there still would be one (time limit).
    For example: If you refine 10k ore, you can't refine any more for another 12 hours, if you refine 20k ore, you can't refine any of it for another 24 hours and so on. Simple, you see :D

    there is already an upper dil cap at present on the exchange it is 400dil > 1zen

    having said that if the dil<>zen rate went up and stayed up for too long they could revise this upper cap to any amount.
    it is not down to the players to set the upper limit so I should not even try.

    some players have been trying and failing to get cryptic to increase the refine cap for at least the last 3 years, probably longer, hardly a month goes by before there is another thread on the same subject, don't you think if cryptic was at all unconcerned about how this could affect their income they would have acted by now.

    if they raise the cap and the rate became so unworkable they had to raise the upper limit they could loose a lot of income, if the rate reached its upper limit of 400>1 it would cost a player 2500zen to buy 1million dil if it came to the crunch and cryptic needed to raise the upper limit to say 800>1 a player could buy 1million dil for 1250zen that's a big chunck of change cryptic could loose on this transaction.

    by keeping the upper exchange rate at 400>1 and the lowest exchange rate at 25>1 and the refine rate at 8000 a day cryptic can keep the exchange rate comfortably between these two amounts and that is just how they want it.

    even a refine increase of say as little as 2k a day could have deverstating effects on these figures.

    some players are under the illusion that it is the players who control the exchange rate but like everything in the game it is just an illusion, it is cryptic who set the rate by a greater degree by limiting refining to 8k per day.

    also a player who wants 1million dil now would need to wait 125 days to refine his own dil so might be tempted to buy dil but if the refine rate was 16k as you suggest and a player can refine 1million dil in 63 days he might be a lot less tempted to buy dil so cryptic could miss out on income completely.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    If you buy zen to get dil, a higher refine cap is good for you, since the dilex will go up and you'll get more dil for your zen.

    If you grind dil to get zen, a higher refine cap is bad for you, since the dilex will go up and you'll have to pay more dil to get zen.

    Raising the dilithium cap might actually even be better for Cryptic short term. The higher perceived value of zen brought about by an increasing the refinement cap, released in conjunction with a large dilithium sink, should create some nice zen sales. Would be murder for the games accessibility to new or free players though, seeing how converting dilithium for zen is grindy enough already.

    Maybe something we'll see when the population starts to drop and Cryptic actually starts to do the things people love accusing them of.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Raising the dilithium cap might actually even be better for Cryptic short term. The higher perceived value of zen brought about by an increasing the refinement cap, released in conjunction with a large dilithium sink, should create some nice zen sales. Would be murder for the games accessibility to new or free players though, seeing how converting dilithium for zen is grindy enough already.

    Maybe something we'll see when the population starts to drop and Cryptic actually starts to do the things people love accusing them of.

    this could also have the opposite effect, many players who exchange dil for zen see it as a good return for the time spent earning the dil in the first place, if it was all of a sudden say half as much zen for the same amount of dil some players might figure that its just not worth the bother of exchanging it and hold onto it for in game stuff they can use it on themselves like upgrading and such.
    then there could be a big lack of dil to buy as the asking price is just too high and if theres very little dil to buy other players may stop buying zen in the first place.

    I am sure cryptic have looked at this from every angle before they come up with the 8k limit, you can second guess and hypothosise all you like but at the end of the day I think cryptic have made their collective mind up that the 8k limit is staying for good.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    this could also have the opposite effect, many players who exchange dil for zen see it as a good return for the time spent earning the dil in the first place, if it was all of a sudden say half as much zen for the same amount of dil some players might figure that its just not worth the bother of exchanging it and hold onto it for in game stuff they can use it on themselves like upgrading and such.
    then there could be a big lack of dil to buy as the asking price is just too high and if theres very little dil to buy other players may stop buying zen in the first place.

    I am sure cryptic have looked at this from every angle before they come up with the 8k limit, you can second guess and hypothosise all you like but at the end of the day I think cryptic have made their collective mind up that the 8k limit is staying for good.

    And I'm glad 8k is likely sticking around. As I said in my post, I'd actually see increasing the refinement camp as a bad sign, it would mean they were moving their game away from f2p accessibility and more into a pay2progress model.

    But you have to remember that Cryptic can directly affect the availability of dilithium, it's a currency produced in the game world, and that it's not produced in infinite amounts is only because of our time limits as players, and the refinement cap they've imposed. Double the refinement cap and add a huge dilithium sink necessary to progress, those with stockpiled dilithium will first spend it on that dilithium sink, but then they'll either run out of things to spend dilithium on, or find something from the zen store that they prioritize over the dilithium sink.

    Some will do exactly what you say and decide grinding for dilithium that's half the value of the dilithium currently on market is a sucker's game. Those are the more casual players that would be scared off by this. The players that have no problem stockpiling a million unrefined dilithium though, they would continue feeding the system, all the while complaining about how worthless dilithium is and probably asking that the refinement cap be increased again.
  • robyvisionrobyvision Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have twelve toons and almost no dilithium ore. I wish cryptic decreased the refining cap so I could meet my quota.:P:P
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i personally would like the cap to be account wide and not per character... 8k account wide. that would jack up the value of dil.

    that would also mean jacking up the rewards in fleet credits for turning in dil for fleet projects.

    also jack up the dil awards to doff missions based on duration of assignments.

    example would be, if 48 hours would mean 2k, then 24 hours is 1k, 12 hours 500, 6 hours 250... etc.

    course zstore would have a dil refine cap reset that you can buy unlimited copies of and use unlimited amount of times... 100 zen each.... something like that.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have plenty of dil ore to refine and as a gold player and fleet member I can refine 1,000 extra for a 48 hour doff assignment and 500 a day at the fleet mine but I don't even bother using these extras as I am quite happy to make do with the 8k as standard.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Raising the dilithium cap might actually even be better for Cryptic short term. The higher perceived value of zen brought about by an increasing the refinement cap, released in conjunction with a large dilithium sink, should create some nice zen sales. Would be murder for the games accessibility to new or free players though, seeing how converting dilithium for zen is grindy enough already.

    Maybe something we'll see when the population starts to drop and Cryptic actually starts to do the things people love accusing them of.

    The 8k is right where Cryptic prefers it, because it limits everybody, makes zen seller's get less dilithium and, allows F2P's to get relatively easy access to zen based goodies but, not quickly.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • realwildblurealwildblu Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I support a 100% increase of the current dilithium cap, but with caveat that a progressive tax not exceeding 50% will be imposed on the total refined amount if you exceed the current cap. Then, we won't see these silly threads erupt every few months since fewer folks will have mountains of dilithium.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I support a 100% increase of the current dilithium cap, but with caveat that a progressive tax not exceeding 50% will be imposed on the total refined amount if you exceed the current cap. Then, we won't see these silly threads erupt every few months since fewer folks will have mountains of dilithium.

    The fact of the matter is, they shouldn't have mounds of dilithium anyways.

    Because it means either.

    1: They have no need for it and, therefore have no need for a cap increase
    2: They aren't spending it faster than they make it so, maybe they should consider slowing their intake to match their spending.
    3: They simply farm it so, that they can buy vast amounts of zen, which is why many would want an increase to their cap.

    A 50% tax, still wouldn't be a enough of a deterrent, considering if someone is using 40+ character's worth of extend-cap refinement.

    Example being

    40 character's@8k regular untaxed=320000 refined per day
    40 character's@8k taxed[50%]=4k ea.=160000 refined per day

    Example exchange use for that 480000 refined per day
    190:1=2526 zen per day easy

    This is just an example mind you but, it would easily happen!

    But, so would the cost of zen increase dramatically as well so, using my examples.

    Let's say the zen:dilithium costs double

    480000@380:1=1263 zen per day easy

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • tomgonjinn23tomgonjinn23 Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    stuart1965 wrote: »
    I'm sure there are many like myself that have mountains of Dilithium Ore.
    Because of this ridiculous restriction on refining, the Ore is as about as much use as a chocolate teapot. You can not use it for anything, or even split it up between alts.
    I have over a thousand of those ancient power cells, which i can not spend on anything, and as theres no point in converting that or other currency to dilithium ore.
    Unless making the ore mountain even bigger.
    I know its asking alot, But can there please be alternative uses for dilithium ore?
    Increase the refining limit to help us lower the mountain of ore.(well a guy can hope)
    Convertion to energy credits using ore and the other currecies?
    As a currency itself for buying things?
    Something needs to be done about this, god only knows but hopefully cryptic will listen and take this onboard.

    Now while I agree that a player can very easily accumulate mountains of dilithium ore I do not think that the cap should be raised. There are still a few of us left who remember the dark days of 450+ dil per zen dark days indeed. If you think rates today are bad just imagine what the game's economy would be with 450+ dil per zen.
  • realwildblurealwildblu Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The fact of the matter is, they shouldn't have mounds of dilithium anyways.

    <stuff snipped>

    A 50% tax, still wouldn't be a enough of a deterrent, considering if someone is using 40+ character's worth of extend-cap refinement.

    Example being

    40-character@8k regular untaxed(320000 unrefined) =320000 refined per day
    40-character@16k taxed[50%](640000 unrefined)=8k refined ea.=320000 refined per day

    <more stuff snipped>

    I made a few clarifying changes to reflect what I had in mind.
  • cidjackcidjack Member Posts: 2,017 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Now while I agree that a player can very easily accumulate mountains of dilithium ore I do not think that the cap should be raised. There are still a few of us left who remember the dark days of 450+ dil per zen dark days indeed. If you think rates today are bad just imagine what the game's economy would be with 450+ dil per zen.

    I mise thosendays of 300+ dil for one zen. I used to purchase millions of dil per day when it was that high. If i can afford to purchase dil with zen, i want the best value for zen. This 160 and below just feels like i am giving away zen. So by all means, raise that dil cap!
    Armada: Multiplying fleet projects in need of dilithium by 13."
    95bced8038c91ec6f880d510e6fd302f366a776c4c5761e5f7931d491667a45e.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator
  • bernatkbernatk Member Posts: 1,089 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    cidjack wrote: »
    I mise thosendays of 300+ dil for one zen. I used to purchase millions of dil per day when it was that high. If i can afford to purchase dil with zen, i want the best value for zen. This 160 and below just feels like i am giving away zen. So by all means, raise that dil cap!

    Then good news, dude! It's almost 200 now. As soon as they announce the new ships with helmsman seat, it will be 210.
    Dahar Master Mary Sue                                               Fleet Admiral Bloody Mary
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    the only thing i take away from this thread is that there are a lot of people effectively telling cryptic that they are earning too much dil :confused:
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    the only thing i take away from this thread is that there are a lot of people effectively telling cryptic that they are earning too much dil :confused:

    And people wonder why cryptic keeps making dil sinks.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've heard people say they can get 20k dil in an hour fighting in some battle zone.
    Which players would flock to if ever there was an unrefined dilithium sink.

    Better to leave the option in place for a weekend warrior to farm a week's worth of dilithium in two hours or so.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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