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R&D Pack Promotion [3/5 - 3/26]



  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    fosterface wrote: »
    This is a very confusing way of describing how the promo packs work. You may want to consider rewording that first paragraph so it doesn't sound like it contradicts with the second. Perhaps

    "When you purchase an R&D pack during the event, it comes wrapped in a special Research and Development Pack - Promotion! box that, when opened, will reward 10 lobi or a Jem'Hadar Strike Ship and a regular R&D pack. Promotion packs may be opened any time during or after the event, and may be traded or sold on the exchange. Regular R&D packs, whether purchased from the exchange or from the C-store before or after the promotion event, will not have a chance at the special rewards."

    That's really not an ideal way to describe it either, but it beats the heck out of your talk of packs "revert[ing] to their previous state".
    Packs bought during Promotions have a 'Promotion!' wrapper around the <fill in the blank> (R&D Packs, Doff Packs). You open that for the Promotion - either 10 Lobi or if you are really really really... lucky, a ship. You still end up with the normal pack as normal. As long as you have the Promotion! pack you can open it anytime and will still get the Promotion.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    they just threw a middle finger to those of us who sacrificed an arm and a leg to get the now Defunct JHAS.

    I've seen the ingame chat with dozens of people just laughing at the concept of putting time and money into obtaining this ship only to find cryptic pulling the rug out from underneath them by replacing it with a newer version later.
  • leceterleceter Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    pcscipio wrote: »
    Cannon Rapid Fire is NOT FAW

    right, thx, corrected it. ok, its not that "crazy" op like I thought, but probably an attempt to keep cannons in dps race
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    It's a win-win for cryptic - OP ship that everyone wants attached to a c-store item that probably doesn't sell in high numbers = ka- Ching!

    This I don't understand. The sales bump will be the same no matter what item it is attached to with similar zen costs.

    So they don't make any more money adding it to an item no one really wants. It is digital sales. It isn't like retail where you have a warehouse full of inventory to get rid of.

    So why not attach it to something people actually like to buy?

    Attaching it to something people aren't interested in actually likely hurts promo sales like this. Borderline buyers may be swayed by what it is attached to.

    Anyone have any support to for the idea that R&D packs not selling then? Or is that all just speculation?

    As far as the ship... /facepalm Starting out with something like this is such bad marketing planning. You save the big OP item like this for later. Now who is going to want to get the lesser TRIBBLE ships that come after this? I have the best ship in the game, what do I need do I have to buy into your TRIBBLE ship promos later?

    You bundle the TRIBBLE ships first, people grab them up, THEN you bundle the OP ship, and then you get those people after it also. You guys even fail at being greedy.
  • xzeoxxzeox Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    abfabfleet wrote: »
    Ok pweadamanteus, answer this:

    You know on 8/15/2014 you or one of your OTHER colleagues posted this:


    Note the bottom where it indicates this: With the release of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, this starship (either from this run of the promotion or from previous runs) will be upgradeable to Tier 6 starship capabilities at no cost.)

    Now why isn't this being honored? Who made this decision to say no sorry we cannot honor this? Was it a group decision based from metrics, money or a higher power?

    This being said, I think an explanation is in order respectfully before this game sinks further to an all time low and everything you all as devs falls out of place by the playerbase that has long supported this game.

    No joke!

    "With the release of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, this starship (either from this run of the promotion or from previous runs) will be upgradeable to Tier 6 starship capabilities at no cost."

    For me, I've played since launch and I still haven't got to fly one of these ships. I hope the drop rate is decent and hopefully be in a manageable price range.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Irony of how many complaints about this company, and complaint sigs... yet those people are still here, and I bet many of them will divvy up money for this.

    (before you say so am I, I get zen through dilithium and surveys only, are you paying cash?).
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    xzeox wrote: »
    No joke!

    "With the release of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, this starship (either from this run of the promotion or from previous runs) will be upgradeable to Tier 6 starship capabilities at no cost."

    For me, I've played since launch and I still haven't got to fly one of these ships. I hope the drop rate is decent and hopefully be in a manageable price range.

    Don't worry, now that somebody has reminded them that they lied they'll simply stealth nerf that old dev blog and never mention it again.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Permanent CRF (and yes, it's very easy to do it), frankly at this point, I think they gave up on cooldowns entirely.

    What's next? Let's just make traits that eliminate cooldowns for everything.

    FBP or TBR up all the time if they crit? (I know most of you can see the irony on that one)

    Energy Siphon up for 30 seconds trait? (Heck, we get 29.9 secs by combining it with override safeties and the Obelisk warp core)

    Torpedo HY every 8 seconds trait?

    Hell, get rid of the shared CD with Tyken's and GW. There is so much cheese now that it doesn't really matter anymore.
  • sabby7sabby7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    For those of you interested in some numbers... (Warning: Math)

    P(At least 1 success after k trials) = 1-(1-p)^k (I'd be happy to prove this for you).
    P is the probability
    p is the chance of success after 1 box
    k is the number of boxes.

    Assuming the chance of a lock box ship is 0.5% (from STO reddit) then the chance of a bugship/sheshar ship is:

    300/125 * 0.5% = 1.2%

    from 1 box because cryptic have scaled the chances to the cost of the box.

    Therefore assuming you buy boxes 4 at a time, these are the chances of getting at least 1 ship:
    $50 worth: P(k=20) = 1-(1-0.012)^20 = 0.2145... = 21.4%
    $100 worth: P(k=40) = 38.3%
    $200 worth: P(k=80) = 61.9%
    $300 worth: P(k=120) = 76.5%

    That's a lot of money for 1 ship in a game...
  • xaviermace86xaviermace86 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I far prefer the R&D promo's to lockboxes personally. You know exactly what you are getting with the R&D boxes. Materials. If you happen to get a ship too, that's icing on the cake. Lockbox.... I might get some other items worth selling off.
  • ragestroke008ragestroke008 Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Does this mean the T5 ship will now be transferred to the Lobi store?

    Oh who am I kidding, of course it won't.
    Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
  • kamuii2kamuii2 Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ya guys kept asking them to give t5 ships a t6 overhaul and now that you finally get one its nothing but qq. they gave ya ungreatful people exactly what ya asked for. expecting to get em for free is idiotic.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Your paycheck has 5 zeros in it to consider $50 or $100 for one ship to be acceptable?

    So it is better to spend $250 and still get nothing; $TO will not give it for free.
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Well, the favoured FAW builds will be second fiddle to what the OP JHSS will be able to do. If being able to use CRF without cooldown isn't OP I don't know what is!

    CRF hits always one target and you have to face the target. Yes, it will be OP (I never said the opposite) but I do not think it will be like hitting up to 16 targets at the some time with no need to face them.

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I far prefer the R&D promo's to lockboxes personally. You know exactly what you are getting with the R&D boxes. Materials. If you happen to get a ship too, that's icing on the cake. Lockbox.... I might get some other items worth selling off.

    I like the DOFF promotions for the same reason. You get a specific resource you're looking for, plus 10 Lobi, plus a remote chance at getting a Lockbox-quality ship.

    Not sure I want to buy an R&D box just yet... I'm pretty much holding off on crafting and upgrades until I hit level 15 in a Crafting school, and they're more expensive than a DOFF promo pack if you're trying to get Lobi. I've got time to decide.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • shadowmudkipzshadowmudkipz Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Does anyone have the actuall chance of getting the ship in a %?
    Exploration needs to return!
  • stigian01stigian01 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I want a 15$ sub back and content in the game I can actually get without having to dump $300 for. This is ridiculous
  • tvmadoctvmadoc Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Here is a screengrab of the previous promise to upgrade existing bugs to "T6 capabilities", which T5U is definitely not, during the last bugship promotion.

    Strangely, the wording on the page has now been changed to "T5U" instead of "T6 capabilities".
  • tvmadoctvmadoc Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Don't worry, now that somebody has reminded them that they lied they'll simply stealth nerf that old dev blog and never mention it again.

    It already happened. Check the wording on the blog NOW. It has changed.
  • raulblanco7raulblanco7 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Does anyone have the actuall chance of getting the ship in a %?

    1114 pack, 12 ship. about 1,07% total.

    by different day's
    friday night and saturday was better, that was 495 pack with 8 ship's 1,6%
    sunday was worse 619 pack and 4 ship's 0,64%

    of course they are on holodeck server, opening on tribble is not my business.
    when i opening, i start it with min. 50-60 pack at once.

    earliest ship is came from 28th pack.

    there was 6 more try with no ship.
    if ship dont came in the first 60 pack, there was only 2 during the 18 try when if finally came, there were 3 time with 90+ pack no ship.

    all pack was purchased by ec from exchange.
    its an expensive game for rich ferengi's, dont try it at home.
  • t00badt00bad Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I think the drop rate is on average somewhere around 0.67%

    And - I also had diff. results on diff. days of the week.

    Even time of a day plays part it seems to me ...
  • raulblanco7raulblanco7 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, i finished the JHSS game, almost out of EC, so no more pack.
    It was the biggest fun i ever had in STO. Well, 2nd biggest, biggest was the Nimbus explorer accolades.

    Lets see the number's:

    2515 R&D pack opened, 26 Jem'Hadar Strike Ship dropped.
    1.03% chance to get one.

    My worst serie was 141 pack without ship.
    Best was 2 ship in 14 pack, that was amazing.
    I finished the game when i opened the 26th JemHadar Strike Ship from buying 11 last promo pack's from my last 80ish million ec.

    Selling of the last ship removed the half of the loss in this game, i finished with a total loss of 474million ec, but its absolutely worth it.

    Good luck to all others who trying to open one.
  • mrsmitty81mrsmitty81 Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I finally got a ship on my 174th pack. So I guess I am incredibly unlucky. But just happy to have my ship
  • bbaetensbbaetens Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, i finished the JHSS game, almost out of EC, so no more pack.
    It was the biggest fun i ever had in STO. Well, 2nd biggest, biggest was the Nimbus explorer accolades.

    Lets see the number's:

    2515 R&D pack opened, 26 Jem'Hadar Strike Ship dropped.
    1.03% chance to get one.

    My worst serie was 141 pack without ship.
    Best was 2 ship in 14 pack, that was amazing.
    I finished the game when i opened the 26th JemHadar Strike Ship from buying 11 last promo pack's from my last 80ish million ec.

    Selling of the last ship removed the half of the loss in this game, i finished with a total loss of 474million ec, but its absolutely worth it.

    Good luck to all others who trying to open one.

    seriously 2515 packs opened, well it cos of guys like you that they keep doing them pack deals who actually are more deals for them then the user. i guess som co needed a new car. its gambling at its best and i really hope the commission is going to do something about it. i had no idea that cryptic could drop so low. can't they see that PW is killing there game?

    many many players complain but they keep buying the packs & keys ... pathetic !
  • j0hn41j0hn41 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    mrsmitty81 wrote: »
    I finally got a ship on my 174th pack. So I guess I am incredibly unlucky. But just happy to have my ship

    I had some discretionary income and decided I wanted the ship. So I bought 64 R&D packs, sold them for around 7.8 million ec a piece, and bought the ship on the exchange.

    Only way I'd actually open one of those boxes is if I had needed R&D components or lobi. I'm sure lot's of people got the ship for less gambling, but I wanted to know exactly what it would cost me going in.
  • jamestwilkinsonjamestwilkinson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    well after buying my 12th r and d box at 800 zen i have come to the conclusion that i will not get the free ship award which you may win ive been at my desktop alot of today and every few minites someone gets the free dreadnought which i would like makes me wonder if its only for subscribed members i cant for the life of me see why i dont get the thing well im not buying no more and im gonna just carry on with the ships i have just wanted to say to those who are trying to get it like i am dont bother as you spend loads of zen and money and you only ever see them when someone else has them on a borg pve its a scam and im not sure if i will carry on with my subscription which i have just purchased R and d ship award total scam if its not a money making scam then after this has been read by sto as all of these forums are i guess one will appear in my ship yard yes no no no because its a scam and by the looks of them numbers that you guys have had to open to get one im o not wasting my time no more lol
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