That's why we get rushed, bug-ridden seasons every 6 month, to hype the game and bring new fish.
Recently Cryptic is trying extra hard though. "First-Time Buyer" promo, non-stop Z-Store sales and promos, and now this "Make New Char Pretty-Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top!" event.
The fish clearly went downstream.
We know the game looks when it's strapped for funds, and then it doesn't give us bug-ridden seasons or expansions. it gives us content droughts.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
This is interesting but I'm asking myself... "Why does Cryptic want me to make a new character?" I'm not really big on alts... Up until the past month I had 2 chars, my main and a liberated borg char because I had the lifetime sub.
Then I made and leveled a Rommie just to play through their story... I've never played a sci char so maybe I will try that for the perks, bonuses, etc.
I'm still curious how Cryptic benefits by me doing this, what do they get out of it? Have metrics told them that people spend more zen on new characters than they do on end game chars? If so, I can tell you flat out I won't spend a penny on an alt, my main is my main, I only need one top end character, just FYI.
Getting any new content helps the game period but at what expense? Ticking off current players that already have spent hundreds/thousands of hours and lots of money on their current allotment of toons. New and current(CURRENT is the key word folks) should get new content. Reward the players of the last 5 years for giving all you devs a paycheck. It's all about the content stupid.
Weak. Even if i create another character (still thinking whether to do it or not), i will still focus on my main toon and use others only for dil-collecting.
Seems like cryptic has ulterior motives with the "create a new char" pitch. Honestly? Why not put all of this in a mission repeat event? STO is overdue for one of those. That way EXISTING chars, which need the benefits the most, can replay existing missions to get whatever paltry rewards you want to offer.
However, the whole news posting smells of BS to me. You waffle and spread some prose about all the awesomeness and how beneficial it is to participate, then you half-heartedly say "Yeah, but there's way too much to make a list of any details, so take our word for it" and cop out of actually explaining any of the rewards you are offering.
Sorry, but I'm calling BS. I'm also calling shenannigans and will not be participating and DEFINITELY HELL NO not creating any more characters ever again until this game gets some serious fixes.
Gee, how many whiners are playing here - in difference to winners of course :P
So what if:
- will need new character...
- well, we will get one free character slot
- it will be grind for rewards...
- so what of it - just do some work - one weekend was enough for me to get my Romulan Alien 35 levels up to level 50
- my new toon will not have this, and that and something other...
- well, it will get other new things, and event ships mostly end in Lobi store anyway
- it's PWE new experiment to get our money...
- last time i checked PWE was not charity (...and did you see what scams are on internet ror TV? - PWE at least says what cost how much :rolleyes:)
That said i personally got 15 characters already, and i will try to get most of new rewards from this event.
And if you do not like it - no one is making you play
Do the devs have any idea that their current game is very alt unfriendly?
It used to be hit 50, do 20 days of reps, get kitted out in combat ready (by social standards) purple mk XII rep gear, and you're set.
Now it's hit 50, do 20 days of reps, get the equivalent of greens, start the upgrade process, and chase the spec point dragon that is always just over the horizon.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Very odd idea given how DR utterly killed the whole alt experience. I for one want nothing to do with it. I have enough problems with one character now. You can forget me wasting any more time on another.
I love alts. Every MMO I've ever played I have a whole host of them. With STO I have two LTS accts and roughly twelve alts. I can't recall when I last used the secondary acvcount for anything more than farming my zen and dili events. Since mid-2014 I only focused on five alts and all are at 60+. Since DR I now have a single toon I put my time into, and even that has become tedious.
So yeah, I do appreciate the free slot. Just not sure what I'm going to do with it. I already have free slots and could easily free up more since my oldest alts are no longer of any interest.
Oh well, I had considered that romulan engineer to try the romulan story.... And the Klingon faction (maybe orion?) science person to get me a Fleet Vo'Quv - because between frigates, expendables, photonic fleet, pirate call and Command frequency I'd REALLY be able to spam the *rap out of maps with spawns
Now I have an excuse to make them - then we'll see when (or if) I'll actually get around to playing them.
Now it's hit 50, do 20 days of reps, get the equivalent of greens, start the upgrade process, and chase the spec point dragon that is always just over the horizon.
I just don't chase the spec point dragon, I chase the dilithium refining dragon, that feeds the upgrade needs of my primary two characters, so I'm fine with another character.
Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
New Content Wishlist
T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
Like dammm, have not anticipated this. It both sucks and its awesome in the same time imo.
Like it totaly sux. It sux for me, since I have started to have very limited time to play for some time now (stupidly busy RL ), barely keeping with all stuff that is out now. On some toons I havent even finished DR story arc or redo the new Romulan remastered episodes.
It also sux for long time veteran players too. No offence but so far it looks a bit like: we have made obsolete your gear, then your ships and now its time for your account... And it starts to feel like they really want old players to quit playing. "Ohh, you are still here after we made your gear and ships obsolete. Here, now we make your account. Are you still gonna play?" Again, no offence, but this is exactly how it seems.
But... it may be awesome if this will get new players. I imagine this will also be acompanied by LTS sales and new awesome Captain Table release (with whales tanks I highly suspect) and other LTS bonues/perks. Kudos for that, nothing wrong with this. If this attracts more players wich will support Star Trek Online, all for the better. This will keep the game for longer, improving it and enrich it. Just hope it will turn out OK. Becouse if it may be easy to bring new players into the game with shinies... it will be harder to keep them. How long it will take for a new player to get frustrated with boffs leaving the stations, very costly upgrade system bugs wich arent fixed even now after months, some even reported prior to DR when upgrade system was on trible, and soo many other bugs, older or new... Hope it wont turn into a "Attract some more suckers" thing. Cuz it will be just sad
Starting a new character is just another thing to do for your main toon(s) we get a bunch of rewards and such that are account wide and who the hell said we need to have this character maxed out? Play get the rewards and go back onto your main character. Also as far as chasing the spec point dragon, i managed to get 1 primary and 1 secondary tree done and my grind for spec point has ended i got what i needed and unless something super amazing comes along I'm done there. I am going to enjoy the old episodes with a new twist, i think it will be interesting play then drop the toon when im done.
I think people are overreacting and are too afraid. Doesn't mean I think they are totally wrong, quite the opposite.
I also suspect ulterior motives, this sounds fishy! Where is the catch?
Starting a new character: Sure, but rather with a new Dominion or Cardassian Faction like with Legacy of Romulus.
Playing the revamped old but actually totally new content: I get it that some devs were pushing for people to do that on Twitter and elsewhere, but this is IMO not the right way to do it!
I rather suspect the hope is people subscribe for 1-2 months or buy inventory slots, bank slots, doff slots and so on.
To put it bluntly, everyone here would participate in even a minor event, but would very much prefer to do so with their mains than - for many - yet another alt.
Somewhere there was the idea to give new players a better start and people playing together when everyone start at level 1 again, buuuuuuut..... I think for that we would need a Legacy of Romulus level new expansion with a new faction and not trying to sell people the revamped content and leveling up another toon.
Story-driven and account-wide are good adjectives if that turns out to actually be the case and not just marketing hype. We'll see.
(I know, I know, fool me once....)
It's "Cryptic" for : ONE of the Rewards will be account-wide (probably the one they already mentioned), the others of course not ... you know "T6 Capabilities" ...
As for "Story Driven" ... I really don't get what they're trying to say there :
Delta Recruits will be playing a parallel story to that of their chosen faction.
Ok so new & exciting Story Content ... hooraaayy ... !!!
playing through story content up through the Breen story arc
Or maybe not ... so the "parallel Story" is probably the same old stuff, with some boring Mini-game on Top ... ???
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
Sadly don't have the time to read through 35 pages and gleem what others think (some of you make valid and interesting points).
I guess my start/end opinion still stands though until further notice; not enough details and information to make an informed opinion but Cryptic's reputation and track record gives me cause for concern and doubt. It might be a good thing rearding old players and encourage new or it could be a huge middle finger telling us instead of gridning 50-60 content we should grind the entire game from scratch.
I'm a veteran player. Lifetime subscriber. I love my main character and devote daily time to him.
I have a number of alts that I play from time to time. Mostly, they are themed characters (like my Liberated Borg Romulan who captains a Borg Tal Shiar Battlecruiser populated with other borg/liberated borg boffs). I don't feel the need to "maintain" them they way some are saying. I play them when I feel like it. They gain rep/spec points at a slower pace, but that's where they are in their careers. I sort of feel sorry for those who feel like they must "maintain" a whole lot of characters. If you're only playing them to max level/spec/rep them, then why do you have them? I'm not criticizing, I just don't really understand. My alts are there to give me other character concepts to play around with, not to feel some "burden" to play them.
That's a prologue to say that, despite having 10 characters, I saw this announcement and got very excited to have new incentive to make a new character and fit him into the Delta storyline. For some of us, designing characters with backstories and goals is one of the most fun parts of playing RPGs. I immediately started tossing around new character concepts in my head. I look forward to having an incentive to play the old episodes again. This new toon won't replace my main character, but I think that I will do what you're supposed to do in an RPG: Have fun taking a new character concept through the storyline.
The bonus starship trait or other things that might come to my main will be a nice bonus. And I appreciate the character slot.
Now, if only I can avoid the age-old RPG problem of new character creation paralysis . . .
Many players are unhappy about the Delta Recruitment Event because the do not want a new alternate Character. I understand this perfectly as I really only care about one of the five characters I currently have.
On the other hand, I understand this is supposed to be a recruiting event for new players, and brand new players probably would rather not feel outclassed or overwhelmed by high level characters of old players they are playing with.
So, how can we have the best of both worlds? Here is what I recommend...
Allow existing players to make a "Temporal Clone" of their favorite existing Original Character. This clone is from the past and effectively a brand new character with a few character generation options (Name, Race, Gender, Career, Appearance, etc.) already selected as they will be identical to the Original Character.
During the Delta Recruitment Event they are played just like a regular brand new character.
At the end of the Delta Recruitment Event the Temporal Clone is reintegrated into the Original Character from which it was cloned. Experience, Dilithium, Accolades, Ships, Boffs, Doffs, Equipment, etc. are transferred from Delta Character to Original Character and/or put into a giant Delta Overflow Bag.
STO could run Delta Recruitment Events twice a year and and (just about) everyone would absolutely love it.
So they are wanting people to buy character slots is all I saw in that blog post.
Unlike Champions Online, STO does not award an account a new slot for hitting level cap for subs. And who has an empty character slot? Probably not many.
And "too many rewards to list". Really? You want people to get excited by this but won't even tell them all they can get. You only mention ONE thing, a ship trait, in that message. You better do better if you expect me to reach into my pocket.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
One of the things I'm looking for as they tell us more information, is does this really mean in the future we'll have parallel content exclusive to newer toon types.
My kneejerk reaction to this first blog is not just that I'd have to roll up another alt but actually invest in it long term for these parallel story arcs. And if this becomes a pattern.
That means all our pre-DR toons couldn't participate in this new content. And with each new variation of Delta Recruits we leave still more of our oldest toons behind, the ones I've already invested in so heavily. My choice then is ignore all new content that works this way, basically sidelining me from it, or slowly abandon my characters for new ones which will be nowhere near as well kitted.
I spent five years kitting them out. I'm not going to repeat that everytime there is a new Delta Recruits-type event.
So on the positive side, I like the idea of new parallel content. I just don't want it used as an excuse to force me to abandon or at least sideline older toons. Because that's not how I will respond.
It's to see if this will be a trend, that is what I will be watching for.
It might be cost effective to fix the issues, actually, in the long run. VERY cost effective. Thing is, apparently either Cryptic and/or PWE can't accept "in the long run."
Define "long run"... 5 years from now? It's a fundamental principle of business, that you can't rely on making money later if you aren't making money now.
Oh well, I had considered that romulan engineer to try the romulan story.... And the Klingon faction (maybe orion?) science person to get me a Fleet Vo'Quv - because between frigates, expendables, photonic fleet, pirate call and Command frequency I'd REALLY be able to spam the *rap out of maps with spawns
Now I have an excuse to make them - then we'll see when (or if) I'll actually get around to playing them.
Yeah I keep thinking about making a Gorn(science) or Ferasan myself.
My kneejerk reaction to this first blog is not just that I'd have to roll up another alt but actually invest in it long term for these parallel story arcs. And if this becomes a pattern.
I seriously doubt they came up with an actual parallel Story Arc ... allowing you to level up from Level 1-50/60 which is limited to an Event ... it's probably just the same old stuff with a cherry on top ... like Scanning-Minigames" within some Missions ...
btw : We just got an entire Expansion with only 10 New Story Missions ... so I'd rather believe in Santa Clause
Delta Recruits will be playing a parallel story to that of their chosen faction.
"Cryptic" for : "Hey the Mission Journal is backwards now ... completly different ..." :P
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
I dunno what everyone is so upset about. For 1 month you play a new dude with new story missions and get a bonus to all your other characters (which you'll simply return to using after this event is over).
Seems neat to me, even though I just made my current dude like 2 weeks ago after not playing for over a year.
I seriously doubt they came up with an actual parallel Story Arc ... allowing you to level up from Level 1-50/60 which is limited to an Event ... it's probably just the same old stuff with a cherry on top ... like Scanning-Minigames" within some Missions ...
Probably. I recognize I could be over thinking the implications. But it is what I will be watching for in future blogs.
Pretty fair to say though that deleting the Recruit toon after the event would mean missing out on future rewards/activities restricted to a specific toon type. Which means such an alt basically becomes a main for those activities restricted to that specific toon template.
So they are wanting people to buy character slots is all I saw in that blog post.
Unlike Champions Online, STO does not award an account a new slot for hitting level cap for subs. And who has an empty character slot? Probably not many.
And "too many rewards to list". Really? You want people to get excited by this but won't even tell them all they can get. You only mention ONE thing, a ship trait, in that message. You better do better if you expect me to reach into my pocket.
Except that the blog clearly stated that all accounts get a free character slot. So, where is it stating that you must buy a character slot to participate in this event? The answer (since the question was rhetorical) is there is no statement that one must buy a character to participate.
Theres far too many bonuses and rewards available to list them all here, so get ready to make your Delta Recruit (all accounts are getting one extra free character slot), and keep watching between now and April 2nd for more information.
I see this as a sort of extended CE-Event, but you just have to run it on one (new) character (Charslot included) and get several goodies for your other Chars.
I also hope Cryptic uses the chance to introduce one or two new Species for Fed, KDF and the Romulan Republic.
Beta, LTA, CE, Multiple preorder Versions, all Addon Packs except AoY, nearly all KDF/Rom and ~50% of all Fedships, over 25 LockboxShips, Endurer of Atari's "Year of Hell", but...
A KDF Ferengi would do the trick for me. I want to make a Ferengi (still haven't unpacked the Ferengi shuttle from the Arc promo, waiting to make one), but I want a proper greedy, scheeming, obsessed with latinum Ferengi - which would thematically fit the KDF more for me since it's a loose alliance of different species, some of which deal with shady stuff and underground commerce, as oposed to Starfleet where the theme is actually being a part of Starfleet and follwong a carreer there.
And fusing helium still produces energy.
It gets bad if you start fusing iron.
We know the game looks when it's strapped for funds, and then it doesn't give us bug-ridden seasons or expansions. it gives us content droughts.
Does anyone feel it's being rushed?
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Then I made and leveled a Rommie just to play through their story... I've never played a sci char so maybe I will try that for the perks, bonuses, etc.
I'm still curious how Cryptic benefits by me doing this, what do they get out of it? Have metrics told them that people spend more zen on new characters than they do on end game chars? If so, I can tell you flat out I won't spend a penny on an alt, my main is my main, I only need one top end character, just FYI.
Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
=/\= ================================= =/\=
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
However, the whole news posting smells of BS to me. You waffle and spread some prose about all the awesomeness and how beneficial it is to participate, then you half-heartedly say "Yeah, but there's way too much to make a list of any details, so take our word for it" and cop out of actually explaining any of the rewards you are offering.
Sorry, but I'm calling BS. I'm also calling shenannigans and will not be participating and DEFINITELY HELL NO not creating any more characters ever again until this game gets some serious fixes.
So what if:
- will need new character...
- well, we will get one free character slot
- it will be grind for rewards...
- so what of it - just do some work - one weekend was enough for me to get my Romulan Alien 35 levels up to level 50
- my new toon will not have this, and that and something other...
- well, it will get other new things, and event ships mostly end in Lobi store anyway
- it's PWE new experiment to get our money...
- last time i checked PWE was not charity (...and did you see what scams are on internet ror TV? - PWE at least says what cost how much :rolleyes:)
That said i personally got 15 characters already, and i will try to get most of new rewards from this event.
And if you do not like it - no one is making you play
It used to be hit 50, do 20 days of reps, get kitted out in combat ready (by social standards) purple mk XII rep gear, and you're set.
Now it's hit 50, do 20 days of reps, get the equivalent of greens, start the upgrade process, and chase the spec point dragon that is always just over the horizon.
So yeah, I do appreciate the free slot. Just not sure what I'm going to do with it. I already have free slots and could easily free up more since my oldest alts are no longer of any interest.
Now I have an excuse to make them - then we'll see when (or if) I'll actually get around to playing them.
I just don't chase the spec point dragon, I chase the dilithium refining dragon, that feeds the upgrade needs of my primary two characters, so I'm fine with another character.
Like it totaly sux. It sux for me, since I have started to have very limited time to play for some time now (stupidly busy RL
It also sux for long time veteran players too. No offence but so far it looks a bit like: we have made obsolete your gear, then your ships and now its time for your account... And it starts to feel like they really want old players to quit playing. "Ohh, you are still here after we made your gear and ships obsolete. Here, now we make your account. Are you still gonna play?" Again, no offence, but this is exactly how it seems.
But... it may be awesome if this will get new players. I imagine this will also be acompanied by LTS sales and new awesome Captain Table release (with whales tanks I highly suspect) and other LTS bonues/perks. Kudos for that, nothing wrong with this. If this attracts more players wich will support Star Trek Online, all for the better. This will keep the game for longer, improving it and enrich it. Just hope it will turn out OK. Becouse if it may be easy to bring new players into the game with shinies... it will be harder to keep them. How long it will take for a new player to get frustrated with boffs leaving the stations, very costly upgrade system bugs wich arent fixed even now after months, some even reported prior to DR when upgrade system was on trible, and soo many other bugs, older or new... Hope it wont turn into a "Attract some more suckers" thing. Cuz it will be just sad
I also suspect ulterior motives, this sounds fishy! Where is the catch?
Starting a new character: Sure, but rather with a new Dominion or Cardassian Faction like with Legacy of Romulus.
Playing the revamped old but actually totally new content: I get it that some devs were pushing for people to do that on Twitter and elsewhere, but this is IMO not the right way to do it!
I rather suspect the hope is people subscribe for 1-2 months or buy inventory slots, bank slots, doff slots and so on.
To put it bluntly, everyone here would participate in even a minor event, but would very much prefer to do so with their mains than - for many - yet another alt.
Somewhere there was the idea to give new players a better start and people playing together when everyone start at level 1 again, buuuuuuut..... I think for that we would need a Legacy of Romulus level new expansion with a new faction and not trying to sell people the revamped content and leveling up another toon.
It's "Cryptic" for : ONE of the Rewards will be account-wide (probably the one they already mentioned), the others of course not ... you know "T6 Capabilities" ...
As for "Story Driven" ... I really don't get what they're trying to say there :
Ok so new & exciting Story Content ... hooraaayy ... !!!
Or maybe not ... so the "parallel Story" is probably the same old stuff, with some boring Mini-game on Top ... ???
I guess my start/end opinion still stands though until further notice; not enough details and information to make an informed opinion but Cryptic's reputation and track record gives me cause for concern and doubt. It might be a good thing rearding old players and encourage new or it could be a huge middle finger telling us instead of gridning 50-60 content we should grind the entire game from scratch.
Time will tell.
I have a number of alts that I play from time to time. Mostly, they are themed characters (like my Liberated Borg Romulan who captains a Borg Tal Shiar Battlecruiser populated with other borg/liberated borg boffs). I don't feel the need to "maintain" them they way some are saying. I play them when I feel like it. They gain rep/spec points at a slower pace, but that's where they are in their careers. I sort of feel sorry for those who feel like they must "maintain" a whole lot of characters. If you're only playing them to max level/spec/rep them, then why do you have them? I'm not criticizing, I just don't really understand. My alts are there to give me other character concepts to play around with, not to feel some "burden" to play them.
That's a prologue to say that, despite having 10 characters, I saw this announcement and got very excited to have new incentive to make a new character and fit him into the Delta storyline. For some of us, designing characters with backstories and goals is one of the most fun parts of playing RPGs. I immediately started tossing around new character concepts in my head. I look forward to having an incentive to play the old episodes again. This new toon won't replace my main character, but I think that I will do what you're supposed to do in an RPG: Have fun taking a new character concept through the storyline.
The bonus starship trait or other things that might come to my main will be a nice bonus. And I appreciate the character slot.
Now, if only I can avoid the age-old RPG problem of new character creation paralysis . . .
On the other hand, I understand this is supposed to be a recruiting event for new players, and brand new players probably would rather not feel outclassed or overwhelmed by high level characters of old players they are playing with.
So, how can we have the best of both worlds? Here is what I recommend...
Allow existing players to make a "Temporal Clone" of their favorite existing Original Character. This clone is from the past and effectively a brand new character with a few character generation options (Name, Race, Gender, Career, Appearance, etc.) already selected as they will be identical to the Original Character.
During the Delta Recruitment Event they are played just like a regular brand new character.
At the end of the Delta Recruitment Event the Temporal Clone is reintegrated into the Original Character from which it was cloned. Experience, Dilithium, Accolades, Ships, Boffs, Doffs, Equipment, etc. are transferred from Delta Character to Original Character and/or put into a giant Delta Overflow Bag.
STO could run Delta Recruitment Events twice a year and and (just about) everyone would absolutely love it.
Unlike Champions Online, STO does not award an account a new slot for hitting level cap for subs. And who has an empty character slot? Probably not many.
And "too many rewards to list". Really? You want people to get excited by this but won't even tell them all they can get. You only mention ONE thing, a ship trait, in that message. You better do better if you expect me to reach into my pocket.
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
My kneejerk reaction to this first blog is not just that I'd have to roll up another alt but actually invest in it long term for these parallel story arcs. And if this becomes a pattern.
That means all our pre-DR toons couldn't participate in this new content. And with each new variation of Delta Recruits we leave still more of our oldest toons behind, the ones I've already invested in so heavily. My choice then is ignore all new content that works this way, basically sidelining me from it, or slowly abandon my characters for new ones which will be nowhere near as well kitted.
I spent five years kitting them out. I'm not going to repeat that everytime there is a new Delta Recruits-type event.
So on the positive side, I like the idea of new parallel content. I just don't want it used as an excuse to force me to abandon or at least sideline older toons. Because that's not how I will respond.
It's to see if this will be a trend, that is what I will be watching for.
The character slot is free.
My character Tsin'xing
I seriously doubt they came up with an actual parallel Story Arc ... allowing you to level up from Level 1-50/60 which is limited to an Event ... it's probably just the same old stuff with a cherry on top ... like Scanning-Minigames" within some Missions ...
btw : We just got an entire Expansion with only 10 New Story Missions ... so I'd rather believe in Santa Clause
"Cryptic" for : "Hey the Mission Journal is backwards now ... completly different ..." :P
Seems neat to me, even though I just made my current dude like 2 weeks ago after not playing for over a year.
Pretty fair to say though that deleting the Recruit toon after the event would mean missing out on future rewards/activities restricted to a specific toon type. Which means such an alt basically becomes a main for those activities restricted to that specific toon template.
If you don't believe me, then here you go (Last sentence in the blog):
I also hope Cryptic uses the chance to introduce one or two new Species for Fed, KDF and the Romulan Republic.