I don't think it's the loadout system per se. Saving and loading loadouts works just fine.
The unslotting of boffs doesn't seem to have anything to do with that. This bug already existed before the loadout system and it has happened much more frequently lately. However, the issue is easily resolved by, guess what, reloading your loadout (i.e. using the loadout system).
That is, of course, if you have your current loadouts saved. While creating a new loadout, i also found it helpful to save it both, in space and on ground. It just feels more stable this way.
I beg to differ. When the Boffs disappear trying to re-load the load out doesn't work at all. The only work around I know is to either:
a) remove a console and then replace it - Then re-load
b) Go to the stations tab first - The re-load.
Re-load without doing any of the above, for me at least, does not work.
I beg to differ. When the Boffs disappear trying to re-load the load out doesn't work at all. The only work around I know is to either:
a) remove a console and then replace it - Then re-load
b) Go to the stations tab first - The re-load.
Re-load without doing any of the above, for me at least, does not work.
I beg to differ.... loadouts are *totally* broken. They do *not* retain your boffs' selected abilities, at all. Which is to say, you can't use the same boff, but with different abilities, in different loadouts. Doesn't work at all. Geko pretty much says so too.
Not what I meant. I'm thinking about the screencut image of Picard facepalm, next to Riker facepalm, next to Worf facepalm. That's about the level of facepalm needed here, I just don't have that image on my laptop.
I beg to differ.... loadouts are *totally* broken. They do *not* retain your boffs' selected abilities, at all. Which is to say, you can't use the same boff, but with different abilities, in different loadouts. Doesn't work at all. Geko pretty much says so too.
Not what I meant. I'm thinking about the screencut image of Picard facepalm, next to Riker facepalm, next to Worf facepalm. That's about the level of facepalm needed here, I just don't have that image on my laptop.
I seriously think we are OFF the facepalm scale here :rolleyes:
I beg to differ.... loadouts are *totally* broken. They do *not* retain your boffs' selected abilities, at all. Which is to say, you can't use the same boff, but with different abilities, in different loadouts. Doesn't work at all. Geko pretty much says so too.
Every damn time I have to beam to a ground map because of the anniversary grind, all my boffs get removed from their stations and it's extremely annoying.
I would be prepared to bet good money that there are people on the programming team at Cryptic right now, working on this bug, reading the bug reports, trying to track down the problem and come up with the answer. Because they are IT professionals, and that is what an IT professional does when the bug reports come rolling in.
But we don't get to see them. What we get to see is the lead designer being flippant and dismissive and partially coherent.
I swear, half Cryptic's image problems in the forum would disappear if the guy would just pick up a dictionary and look up the word tact. (Am I being tactless, myself? Probably. But then I'm not being paid to make comments on behalf of a company in customer-facing media.)
I mostly get it when using ships that have the 2 loadout presets already set. When I use another character or 5 then go back the loadout is lost and then won't reload correctly half the time.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
I would be prepared to bet good money that there are people on the programming team at Cryptic right now, working on this bug, reading the bug reports, trying to track down the problem and come up with the answer. Because they are IT professionals, and that is what an IT professional does when the bug reports come rolling in.
But we don't get to see them. What we get to see is the lead designer being flippant and dismissive and partially coherent.
I swear, half Cryptic's image problems in the forum would disappear if the guy would just pick up a dictionary and look up the word tact. (Am I being tactless, myself? Probably. But then I'm not being paid to make comments on behalf of a company in customer-facing media.)
I would much, Much, MUCH rather have Al, occasionally make a slip of the tongue, rather than have him retreat from the community at large.
I would much, Much, MUCH rather have Al, occasionally make a slip of the tongue, rather than have him retreat from the community at large.
That's one hell of a 'slip of the tongue'.
And, to be fair, while this is probably the worst we've seen him do so far, Geko isn't exactly known for good interaction with the community. Heck, I think it's been at least three podcasts since he last said something that wasn't considered good 'signature quote material'.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
There is another part of the podcast that's pretty intersting - he mentions that internally, they all play in the new Sector Space map.
For all we know, it's still several weeks off before we get it.
If you wonder why he isn't sure what is online and what isn't? He gets to play on the live server, tribble server and whatever internal servers they have. He doesn'T control the schedule when stuff releases, so in the end - keeping all the different versions of the game straight becomes difficult.
I have the exact same problem at work. We have usually 3 versions of the software we work on around. One version is one we have released recently. It may contain bugfixes. One we have released a while okay, but still needs bugfixes, and is directed at foreign customers because the translation work and all that is done out of house. ANd we have our own development version.
Each work day, we talk about features we implement, we discuss features we want to implement. And every so often we come upon a topic and think stuff like that:
"Didn't we already do that a while ago? Or did we just talk about it but had to put it off? Was there still work to do?
"Wait, we have this feature? Since when? I don't remember when we made that?!"
The closer you are to development, the more difficult it is to get the differences between versions straight.
For a player it's easy. He has just one version, the one that's live and he's playing all the time.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
But we don't get to see them. What we get to see is the lead designer being flippant and dismissive and partially coherent.
Transcriptions do not transfer the actual tone Geko spoke in.
And I wonder what some forum posters sound when the really appear on a podcast and speak in a microphone and have no chance to reedit or rerecord what they say.
Natural Speech doesn't flow like writing.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
He was dismissive and flippant, but it was intended to be humourous. His problem in my opinion is that he under estimates just how problematic it is for everyone who plays the game.
Hence my reasoning he's not the person who should be speaking on behalf of the company.
This is only a symptom of larger problems with STO.
This guy needs to be removed from this position. He has neither the knowledge nor the tact to speak publicly to customers about the product. This is not his first failure in this regard, and his persistently poor performance warrants action on the part of his superiors. Failing that, the marketplace needs to take matters into hand, and find entertainment elsewhere. Perhaps only then will there be a realization that change is overdue.
I'm not beyond hoping things will change for the better; but I am familiar with the adage of what happens when you "hope in one hand, and $#!+ in the other."
This is only a symptom of larger problems with STO.
This guy needs to be removed from this position. He has neither the knowledge nor the tact to speak publicly to customers about the product. This is not his first failure in this regard, and his persistently poor performance warrants action on the part of his superiors. Failing that, the marketplace needs to take matters into hand, and find entertainment elsewhere. Perhaps only then will there be a realization that change is overdue.
This is utter bull****. You want to read some professional speaker that only tells you corporate bull**** and never actually anything interesting? I thought people on the forums wanted to actually hear from the development team? Actually get some insights into the inner workings of Cryptic?
Or do you just want corporate speak, that has practically been tested positive on focus groups and hits all the marketing objectives? Is the successor of Cryptic expected to just read off a script so he doesn't fall into natural, messy speech?
And to claim his talk was utter failure is just as much bull****, and no where there does he make a claim that they don't care or that they don't want to fix it? Did you not even bother to read the transcript and just spew generic Cryptic-Hate nonsense?
Heck, some seem to read the transcript and take from it that Geko doesn't know whether loadouts are in the game, but he's actually talking about the gear-transfer system that was introduced in the last patch (the one shortly before he made the interview). Even if you play the game every day for 8 hours, the chance is very high you haven't actually seen that system in action, simply because you didn't switch to a new ship. And he has the extra trouble of working on internal builds that might have had this feature for weeks, and has no control over when the features actually reach us.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
OP, thanks for the transcript, it's much appreciated!
Geko: In all honestly its just stupid bugs and this is entirely, very little, that the design department has to do, with those lev, its just technical bugs that are just failing and some reasons and you know you fix one thing and you cause another bug and bugs happen so its been too buggy for my taste considering the amount of time put into it. Its still a fantastic system. The new bridge officer training system doesn't exactly work with the loadouts but it still works with the loadouts. And that was really your answer but basically whatever you put on your ship will be remembered but its not remembered in the loadouts. Its just remembered in that ship so you cant have differant bridge officer loadouts with the loadouts but it is saved for the ship. So erm their not necessarily tied together. But they are remembered per ship. So why has it broken? Just because humans, and hopefully the worst of this is behind us at this point. I mean we have got the new system now. I think its live now. If you get a brand new ship. It'll try to move all the items over from your last ship. Which will be a really good time saver for any new ship. It will work for any ship that doesn't have loadouts. Even if you have an old ship that you didn't modify. As soon as you modify a ship it gets a default loadout. So if you have never modified a ship, when you go into it and you load it up it will take the items from your last one. The whole thing is supposed to make things easier but yeah its frustrating when you log in and your bridge officers are missing and your powers are missing or your items are not there.
Only a .gif sums up my expression trying to decipher this:
What a long-winded way of basically saying "I have no clue." o.O
I know a lot of us, myself included, would far rather read a transcript then listen to a podcast so for those of you like me who are interested in how seriously cryptic take our loadout issue I took the time to transcribe what Geko had to say in the latest priority one interview. (I know some of this doesn't read well. I just wrote what was said, I didn't edit it I would have put in some paragraphs, but much was presented in a stream of consciousness)
Priority One: Al. I want to have a sit down talk with you about the loadout system for a moment.
Geko: [Chuckle]
Priority One: What can you tell us about the mechanic?
Geko: I don't know anything about it. I don't want to know...
Priority One: [Laughter]
Geko: ...wasn't me. Our loadout system should be pretty solid right now. Are you still having problems? I am currently not having any problems. But I do feel your pain because it has frustrated me that things keep breaking on it. But at this point we will see what happens right?
Priority One: Not since the anniversary event I haven't had an issue but then again I haven't, Well no I have changed maps. And so far its been pretty stable. But do you know what was causing the problem? In the weeks leading up to the 5th anniversary event some times you would log in and there were no bridge officers in your stations.
Geko: In all honestly its just stupid bugs and this is entirely, very little, that the design department has to do, with those lev, its just technical bugs that are just failing and some reasons and you know you fix one thing and you cause another bug and bugs happen so its been too buggy for my taste considering the amount of time put into it. Its still a fantastic system. The new bridge officer training system doesn't exactly work with the loadouts but it still works with the loadouts. And that was really your answer but basically whatever you put on your ship will be remembered but its not remembered in the loadouts. Its just remembered in that ship so you cant have differant bridge officer loadouts with the loadouts but it is saved for the ship. So erm their not necessarily tied together. But they are remembered per ship. So why has it broken? Just because humans, and hopefully the worst of this is behind us at this point. I mean we have got the new system now. I think its live now. If you get a brand new ship. It'll try to move all the items over from your last ship. Which will be a really good time saver for any new ship. It will work for any ship that doesn't have loadouts. Even if you have an old ship that you didn't modify. As soon as you modify a ship it gets a default loadout. So if you have never modified a ship, when you go into it and you load it up it will take the items from your last one. The whole thing is supposed to make things easier but yeah its frustrating when you log in and your bridge officers are missing and your powers are missing or your items are not there.
So this is more of Cryptic giving the players the middle finger 'cause they don't care to fix this?
I haven't logged in for the entire anniversary so far, because of the loadout problems. Just waiting it out until something gets fixed. Too frustrating for the time being.
This is probably a wise move.
Unfortunately, if you wait it out "until something gets fixed", you may never play again.
The loadout issue seems to come and go. The only certainty is that it will strike whenever you're entering into a pitched battle.
I had all sorts of problems when I used the two free loadout slots on an older ship; it seemed like the default loadout was acting as a third loadout slot, and the whole system just confused itself.
I've been having fewer issues since switching to a new ship and completely ignoring the loadout system entirely. I still lose boff seating every so often, but at least my gear isn't mysteriously unequipping itself.
Heck, some seem to read the transcript and take from it that Geko doesn't know whether loadouts are in the game, but he's actually talking about the gear-transfer system that was introduced in the last patch (the one shortly before he made the interview). Even if you play the game every day for 8 hours, the chance is very high you haven't actually seen that system in action, simply because you didn't switch to a new ship.
That's a terrible feature. Having to transfer your gear over manually is a pain, but it's a readily identifiable action.
This system saves like 10s of time when getting a new ship, which as you say can be an extremely rare event, while introducing what seems to be possibly countless bugs.
Isn't that exactly the kind of stuff you learn not to do when studying to become a game developer? Make the executive decision not to introduce a clunky and problematic mechanic that is of benefit for 0.0001% of the average players' play time?
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
I had all sorts of problems when I used the two free loadout slots on an older ship; it seemed like the default loadout was acting as a third loadout slot, and the whole system just confused itself.
I've been having fewer issues since switching to a new ship and completely ignoring the loadout system entirely. I still lose boff seating every so often, but at least my gear isn't mysteriously unequipping itself.
Yes, that was pretty priceless.
Interestingly, the forgetting your BOFF stations was a bug that people say existed even before loadouts. I don't remember, really. I think I restarted playing around the time when they were introduced.
I know that the loadout system doesn't seem to create any gear problems for me anymore. But I have the problem of BOFFs stations suddenly being empty.
That's a terrible feature. Having to transfer your gear over manually is a pain, but it's a readily identifiable action.
This system saves like 10s of time when getting a new ship, which as you say can be an extremely rare event, while introducing what seems to be possibly countless bugs.
Isn't that exactly the kind of stuff you learn not to do when studying to become a game developer? Make the executive decision not to introduce a clunky and problematic mechanic that is of benefit for 0.0001% of the average players' play time?
A developer doesn'T always get the choice what to implement. It is not unusual for a developer to warn about the risks of new features - but sometimes they still have to happen.
I don't think that the new system introduced any new bugs, but I could be wrong - I know that the loadout/BOFF station losing bug has been around for longer than this new feature. Just because it seems to us that they could be related and only make the mess worse, doesn't mean it actually does.
And finally - it seems someone at Cryptic saw a need to help a certain type of players this way. That may not be us, or even anyone on the forums, because most of us here are playing the game a lot and know how to handle ship transitions (sometimes we don't even forget to put our energy settings correctly after a switch!).
But speaking of energy settings - the real QOL feature Cryptic needs to implement is Weapons Power to Maximum per default. Balanced energy settings are a noob trap.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
But speaking of energy settings - the real QOL feature Cryptic needs to implement is Weapons Power to Maximum per default. Balanced energy settings are a noob trap.
Noob and forgot to set the special mission's ship power levels trap.
The Dyson doesn't really need any more help to have issues...
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
This is utter bull****. You want to read some professional speaker that only tells you corporate bull**** and never actually anything interesting? I thought people on the forums wanted to actually hear from the development team? Actually get some insights into the inner workings of Cryptic?
Or do you just want corporate speak, that has practically been tested positive on focus groups and hits all the marketing objectives? Is the successor of Cryptic expected to just read off a script so he doesn't fall into natural, messy speech?
And to claim his talk was utter failure is just as much bull****, and no where there does he make a claim that they don't care or that they don't want to fix it? Did you not even bother to read the transcript and just spew generic Cryptic-Hate nonsense?
Heck, some seem to read the transcript and take from it that Geko doesn't know whether loadouts are in the game, but he's actually talking about the gear-transfer system that was introduced in the last patch (the one shortly before he made the interview). Even if you play the game every day for 8 hours, the chance is very high you haven't actually seen that system in action, simply because you didn't switch to a new ship. And he has the extra trouble of working on internal builds that might have had this feature for weeks, and has no control over when the features actually reach us.
You are as full of it as he is with all that double talk he was spewing. You can claim BS on me all you want, but people know it when they hear it - or read it. His brain couldn't keep up with his mouth, and what came out of it was evident for anyone who's not blindly defending it to realize. The corporate line? How about some honesty? That'd be a pleasant change, though not really one I expect any longer.
I beg to differ. When the Boffs disappear trying to re-load the load out doesn't work at all. The only work around I know is to either:
a) remove a console and then replace it - Then re-load
b) Go to the stations tab first - The re-load.
Re-load without doing any of the above, for me at least, does not work.
edit: My that was a lot of "re-loads" !!! lol
I beg to differ.... loadouts are *totally* broken. They do *not* retain your boffs' selected abilities, at all. Which is to say, you can't use the same boff, but with different abilities, in different loadouts. Doesn't work at all. Geko pretty much says so too.
Not what I meant. I'm thinking about the screencut image of Picard facepalm, next to Riker facepalm, next to Worf facepalm. That's about the level of facepalm needed here, I just don't have that image on my laptop.
Good point - Well made
I seriously think we are OFF the facepalm scale here :rolleyes:
When a facepalm image itself gives rise to a facepalm, you know you overdid it.
Every damn time I have to beam to a ground map because of the anniversary grind, all my boffs get removed from their stations and it's extremely annoying.
But we don't get to see them. What we get to see is the lead designer being flippant and dismissive and partially coherent.
I swear, half Cryptic's image problems in the forum would disappear if the guy would just pick up a dictionary and look up the word tact. (Am I being tactless, myself? Probably. But then I'm not being paid to make comments on behalf of a company in customer-facing media.)
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Oh yeah, I know now...
That is what he reminds me of.
I would much, Much, MUCH rather have Al, occasionally make a slip of the tongue, rather than have him retreat from the community at large.
And, to be fair, while this is probably the worst we've seen him do so far, Geko isn't exactly known for good interaction with the community. Heck, I think it's been at least three podcasts since he last said something that wasn't considered good 'signature quote material'.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
For all we know, it's still several weeks off before we get it.
If you wonder why he isn't sure what is online and what isn't? He gets to play on the live server, tribble server and whatever internal servers they have. He doesn'T control the schedule when stuff releases, so in the end - keeping all the different versions of the game straight becomes difficult.
I have the exact same problem at work. We have usually 3 versions of the software we work on around. One version is one we have released recently. It may contain bugfixes. One we have released a while okay, but still needs bugfixes, and is directed at foreign customers because the translation work and all that is done out of house. ANd we have our own development version.
Each work day, we talk about features we implement, we discuss features we want to implement. And every so often we come upon a topic and think stuff like that:
"Didn't we already do that a while ago? Or did we just talk about it but had to put it off? Was there still work to do?
"Wait, we have this feature? Since when? I don't remember when we made that?!"
The closer you are to development, the more difficult it is to get the differences between versions straight.
For a player it's easy. He has just one version, the one that's live and he's playing all the time.
But we don't get to see them. What we get to see is the lead designer being flippant and dismissive and partially coherent.
Transcriptions do not transfer the actual tone Geko spoke in.
And I wonder what some forum posters sound when the really appear on a podcast and speak in a microphone and have no chance to reedit or rerecord what they say.
Natural Speech doesn't flow like writing.
He was dismissive and flippant, but it was intended to be humourous. His problem in my opinion is that he under estimates just how problematic it is for everyone who plays the game.
Hence my reasoning he's not the person who should be speaking on behalf of the company.
They can't or won't fix it.
They don't care.
This is only a symptom of larger problems with STO.
This guy needs to be removed from this position. He has neither the knowledge nor the tact to speak publicly to customers about the product. This is not his first failure in this regard, and his persistently poor performance warrants action on the part of his superiors. Failing that, the marketplace needs to take matters into hand, and find entertainment elsewhere. Perhaps only then will there be a realization that change is overdue.
I'm not beyond hoping things will change for the better; but I am familiar with the adage of what happens when you "hope in one hand, and $#!+ in the other."
You wouldn't to see me write how I write, I mean it's difult to, err did I say write, I meant read of course,err, speak, err it be messy.
This is utter bull****. You want to read some professional speaker that only tells you corporate bull**** and never actually anything interesting? I thought people on the forums wanted to actually hear from the development team? Actually get some insights into the inner workings of Cryptic?
Or do you just want corporate speak, that has practically been tested positive on focus groups and hits all the marketing objectives? Is the successor of Cryptic expected to just read off a script so he doesn't fall into natural, messy speech?
And to claim his talk was utter failure is just as much bull****, and no where there does he make a claim that they don't care or that they don't want to fix it? Did you not even bother to read the transcript and just spew generic Cryptic-Hate nonsense?
Heck, some seem to read the transcript and take from it that Geko doesn't know whether loadouts are in the game, but he's actually talking about the gear-transfer system that was introduced in the last patch (the one shortly before he made the interview). Even if you play the game every day for 8 hours, the chance is very high you haven't actually seen that system in action, simply because you didn't switch to a new ship. And he has the extra trouble of working on internal builds that might have had this feature for weeks, and has no control over when the features actually reach us.
Only a .gif sums up my expression trying to decipher this:
What a long-winded way of basically saying "I have no clue." o.O
So this is more of Cryptic giving the players the middle finger 'cause they don't care to fix this?
This is probably a wise move.
Unfortunately, if you wait it out "until something gets fixed", you may never play again.
The loadout issue seems to come and go. The only certainty is that it will strike whenever you're entering into a pitched battle.
I've been having fewer issues since switching to a new ship and completely ignoring the loadout system entirely. I still lose boff seating every so often, but at least my gear isn't mysteriously unequipping itself.
Yes, that was pretty priceless.
That's a terrible feature. Having to transfer your gear over manually is a pain, but it's a readily identifiable action.
This system saves like 10s of time when getting a new ship, which as you say can be an extremely rare event, while introducing what seems to be possibly countless bugs.
Isn't that exactly the kind of stuff you learn not to do when studying to become a game developer? Make the executive decision not to introduce a clunky and problematic mechanic that is of benefit for 0.0001% of the average players' play time?
I know that the loadout system doesn't seem to create any gear problems for me anymore. But I have the problem of BOFFs stations suddenly being empty.
A developer doesn'T always get the choice what to implement. It is not unusual for a developer to warn about the risks of new features - but sometimes they still have to happen.
I don't think that the new system introduced any new bugs, but I could be wrong - I know that the loadout/BOFF station losing bug has been around for longer than this new feature. Just because it seems to us that they could be related and only make the mess worse, doesn't mean it actually does.
And finally - it seems someone at Cryptic saw a need to help a certain type of players this way. That may not be us, or even anyone on the forums, because most of us here are playing the game a lot and know how to handle ship transitions (sometimes we don't even forget to put our energy settings correctly after a switch!).
But speaking of energy settings - the real QOL feature Cryptic needs to implement is Weapons Power to Maximum per default. Balanced energy settings are a noob trap.
*While fixing BOFFs that left their consoles again and made the hot bar a mess*
Solid? More like solid mess. :mad:
Noob and forgot to set the special mission's ship power levels trap.
The Dyson doesn't really need any more help to have issues...
You are as full of it as he is with all that double talk he was spewing. You can claim BS on me all you want, but people know it when they hear it - or read it. His brain couldn't keep up with his mouth, and what came out of it was evident for anyone who's not blindly defending it to realize. The corporate line? How about some honesty? That'd be a pleasant change, though not really one I expect any longer.