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Lifetime of regret



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    tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    walshicus wrote: »
    You should improve your build then.
    erei1 wrote: »
    @OP, I agree with others about your build probably needing some helps. As a word of advice : use beams and BFAW.
    Using cannons in STO is asking for trouble, and a lot of headaches.

    The OP should NOT need to change to beams. Why? Because cannons can be fun to play. It's a matter of preference. Cannons can also result in good builds.

    My main issue with the above quotes is, we're talking about Normal difficulty here. Content should be completable using a below-average build, like the ones that come by default with new ships, with all that white stock gear, suboptimal BOFF skills, and underhanded tactics. Normal difficulty is for casuals. They're not min-maxers, math wizards, or anything of that sort. They play for fun, for aesthetics, for the story, or whatever. Basically all content from 1-50 can be completed without an average build, but DR missions break that premise, and one or other exception in pre-50 content.

    As a somewhat skilled PvPer, I know my way around PvE builds in this game, and cannot agree with a swarm of tricobalts taking more than 50% of your hull through full shields. You can say "use Evasive" but that only works once. That Tricobalt spam will hit you again within the next 10 seconds while your Evasive is still recharging. That huge targeting blob thing in one of the other missions? Exactly same deal. You can evasive the first bomb, only to be targeted 10 seconds later. Each hit taking 50% of your hull on average, through full shields, no matter how far you are from the epicenter. All of this on Normal, using a decent MK XII white gear build. Those missions do not defeat my ship, however, they keep me on my toes, and it's not fun, it is aggravating, because I'm playing on Normal and I do not want a challenge. I think that's what the OP is trying to say, and I agree.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
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    tonnbarttonnbart Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I started my account at the beginning of delta rising and after level 50, enemys got alot tougher. I first encountered the Vaadvaur at level 54 with green polarons of the exchange and the Jem'Hadar set. I was getting in frustrated in such a way, I spend a whole day on the forums and the STO Wiki to catch up on builds. Invested in Aux2bat and then finally I could finish those missions.
    Feels out of line for any beginner, might have just as well given up at that point.
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Argala introduces us to the Bentham Guard - it explains what they are doing and what they see their role, before we ever met anyone else.

    and exactly what do we learn from the benthans on the game or what they get out of it? what about their leadership, their culture and customs? do we visit their homeworld?

    bark worse then the bite so far..
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited January 2015
    ovrkyl wrote: »
    I shouldn't have to "improve my build" when what I had was sufficiently end-game to get me through anything that was up to DR's release. I have a T5-U Chimera (NO, I am NOT paying more money just to get a ship from the C-Store just to be able to pay the game!) with all the 8472 Counter-Command gear on it (bio-molecular weaponry, Fluidic Counter Assault set, Counter Command Ordnance set, etc.) and, even when I begin equipping the Mk XIII blue gear rewards from missions, I'm still getting my TRIBBLE kicked by OP Vaadwaur. Their tactics (lock me down with Constriction Anchors, swarm tricobalts all around me, and take me down in 10 or less) are OP and their ships and weaponry are OP. I don't have the dil or money to spend to mindlessly upgrade gear up to XIV epics and I shouldn't have to for the endless PATROLLING that I'm having to do in story missions.

    In anything less than DR missions (Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Borg, Breen, Dyson) it is scaled appropriately and I can complete it. Not effortlessly, I'm not asking for everything to be handed to me, but at least it is possible.

    If the missions are designed to be only completed with a specific type of ship with a specific type of weaponry, then the devs have done what many other MMOs (like WoW) have done by pigeonholing players into playing an isolated style of characters and equipment.

    I remember WoW made a similar mistake with Zul'Aman, by releasing an instance that required better gear to complete it than what was dropping in the instance as reward, making it virtually pointless to do in the first place. DR strikes me the same way.

    Why is it that the entire rest of the game (not including Advanced, Elite, PvP play obviously) can be done just fine but DR has SO many issues?
    Honestly Ive run this mission in plain old t5 ships w/o issue 4 times, once in a mirror vo'quv, twice in a dyson anniversary ship, and once in a negh'var... even the first time I ran it, where I was half lost like you because there wasnt time to read, I only got 1 satellite up and I died like 3 times but I did finish the mission. Ive played through all of DR's missions on a fed rom and a KDF, there are 0 unwinnable or bugged to unwinnable missions in it. Most of my builds are anything BUT major DPS vessels so you can do it, you just might have to think instead of button mashing while 1/2 asleep at the keyboard
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    nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I honestly don't regret my lifetime subscription purchase because it's something I can use. Cryptic is looking for active zen purchases and since I get 500z a month from this I technically never really have to buy zen again between it and the dilithium exchange.

    Now when Cryptic did put out things I really liked I did put more money in to the game. I bought up every Romulan ship they put out so far except for the lobi/lockbox one. (Not a real warbird, also don't like lobi concept) The nice part about Cryptic going all Fed crazy is I get to really save up on Zen for when they do finally put out more Romulan warbirds in the Z store and/or Fleet versions of existing T6 romulan ships. That means I won't have to spend any extra money later on since they're playing Fed favorites today.

    It's all in how you use the Lifetime account that makes it worth it. Because it has helped me save a nice discount on the DR ship pack when mixed with the dilithium exchange. It's going to save me more in the future if they don't put out content I enjoy along with other factions content in a timely manor.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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    smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    In hindsight, I should not have bought lifetime and the legacy pack. However at least I got a good 1 and a half years use out of it before DR came out and the game started to go down the waste disposal chute.
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    gonaliusgonalius Member Posts: 893 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    and exactly what do we learn from the benthans on the game or what they get out of it? what about their leadership, their culture and customs? do we visit their homeworld?

    We never see the homeworld, culture or anytrhing of 90% of all species in Star Trek, either in the series or STO, does that mean that their addition to the universe was a complete waste of time?
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    deathsremnantdeathsremnant Member Posts: 265
    edited January 2015
    Ah...Im playing on Normal, with just VR MK XII beams, the solanae set, and just a cutter+Omega uni console on a mirror ship atm, and none of the patrol missions or story arc missions were difficult at all. (Done some on Advance, but the rewards for the increased time werent worth it)

    Is the fact you have to rerun patrols 500 times to hit max level beyond stupid? Sure...can those mines be annoying? Kinda...but in no way are the vaads "OP"...hell I dislike Voth shields more then that.

    Though the lifetime being worth it will always be a matter of opinion...If I grabbed it 1-2 years ago while on discount I'd say it would have been worth it...for me it wouldn't be at the moment. Basically imo If you dropped over a year already into this game the lifetime basically has paid for itself (on discount pricing) so not really much to complain about this late after purchasing.

    Heck I cant wait for the day this game eventually shuts down (All games do , even WoW will someday) and the lifers scream bloody murder "I paid for my lifer 10 years ago this isnt right you cant shut down!" always so entitled...
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    and exactly what do we learn from the benthans on the game or what they get out of it? what about their leadership, their culture and customs? do we visit their homeworld?

    bark worse then the bite so far..
    We don't lead to learn all of that at once. But they are introduced. We now now the Bentham Guard exists, and that they seem to do police work in the Delta Quadrant. They think they can deputize people to help them fight criminals. (And since this is Star Trek, they all wear the same hat: just like ever Klingon wants to be a warrior, and every Ferengi wants to make a profit, probably every Bentham wants to be a police man.)
    When we later meet them again and see them assist us fighting the Vaadwaur, they seem to make a logical ally now.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    However at least I got a good 1 and a half years use out of it before DR came out and the game started to go down the waste disposal chute.

    Well put. :)

    I’m very disappointed as of late but I don’t regret.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    valoreah wrote: »
    Same here. Not everything Cryptic puts out is going to be to my personal liking. So far, the good stuff in STO has outweighed the bad. I just hope that the next expansion is more LoR than DR. ;)

    If it's playable Cardassians (I hope), then it probably will be. Next expansion likely to happen late February next year.
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have had my LTS now for about 2 years and have not regretted it once, sure I found some of the patrol missions a tad hard solo but was able to join forces with another player and tore through it with no problem.
    now I just use my T6 carrier when I am playing alone and find that gives me the edge I need with the added fire power of the combat pets to take out anything that's out there.
    considering I bought the DR pack the winter free T6 ship is the best one I have when playing solo in the delta quadrant.

    you just need to be able to adapt to the tougher conditions and find a way to get through it, also remember the whole game is not just the DQ, there is all the other stuff you did before that you can still enjoy.
    when I have seen other mmo`s that charge a substantial amount for players to access new content I think we don't know how lucky we are sometimes.

    I wish payers would stop whining about the removal of the exploration clusters and just admit they were useless and boring and that's why nobody ever played them in the first place, how can you have exploration when your just playing the same missions over and over and over again.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ovrkyl wrote: »
    I shouldn't have to "improve my build" when what I had was sufficiently end-game to get me through anything that was up to DR's release. I have a T5-U Chimera (NO, I am NOT paying more money just to get a ship from the C-Store just to be able to pay the game!) with all the 8472 Counter-Command gear on it (bio-molecular weaponry, Fluidic Counter Assault set, Counter Command Ordnance set, etc.) and, even when I begin equipping the Mk XIII blue gear rewards from missions, I'm still getting my TRIBBLE kicked by OP Vaadwaur. Their tactics (lock me down with Constriction Anchors, swarm tricobalts all around me, and take me down in 10 or less) are OP and their ships and weaponry are OP. I don't have the dil or money to spend to mindlessly upgrade gear up to XIV epics and I shouldn't have to for the endless PATROLLING that I'm having to do in story missions.

    In anything less than DR missions (Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Borg, Breen, Dyson) it is scaled appropriately and I can complete it. Not effortlessly, I'm not asking for everything to be handed to me, but at least it is possible.

    If the missions are designed to be only completed with a specific type of ship with a specific type of weaponry, then the devs have done what many other MMOs (like WoW) have done by pigeonholing players into playing an isolated style of characters and equipment.

    I remember WoW made a similar mistake with Zul'Aman, by releasing an instance that required better gear to complete it than what was dropping in the instance as reward, making it virtually pointless to do in the first place. DR strikes me the same way.

    Why is it that the entire rest of the game (not including Advanced, Elite, PvP play obviously) can be done just fine but DR has SO many issues?

    this is just bad logic. Its a new expansion with a new level cap, and your logic is that you should not have to lift a finger to be able to do the content? That is never true in any game with an expansion ... the expansions add more difficult content, and new stuff.

    The chimera is a fine ship. That ship is not your problem. I did DR in t5 ships (not t5U) without any real problems ... the chimera is as good or better than several that I used.

    Try changing tactics rather than your build. You know what they do. Now target the constriction anchor and kill it as priority target #1. Install a copy of TBR on your science guy (the chimera is blessed with a good sci seat), and push those mines, ships, torps, etc away from you when you need to. Use evasive to avoid their bombard (blue balls of death) attack. Their tactic and abilities are new, somewhat, but you can adapt a little bit and counter them if you try. It took me about 5 or 6 goes of getting my ship blow up to realize what they were doing and think up ways to counter it. After that, smooth flying.

    As for upgrades, take it slowly. You got 500 zen a month, which is 80k dil at todays price. That is 80 clicks to upgrade your items --- it would be enough to do at least your forward weapons to XIV.

    You don't need the new ships. Intel, esp surgical strikes, is very strong, but its like saying PRE DR no one but a rom tac in a scimitar could do anything. Not true at all, even if the scims topped the dps, everyone could do *enough* dps to play. That is still true -- my faeht warbird can one-shot the vauudwar now, sure (and I didnt pay for it, I farmed dil to zen for it and only just got the thing a week ago) but that is my reward for the effort to earn it. It is not necessary to one shot everything, and to be honest, that gets boring once the "whee" factor wears off.

    And, don't grind patrols. You can do a variety of things... repeating one thing until sick of the game is not fun. Play a STF or two. Try a foundry. Do fun stuff :)
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    blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Lifer from beta and loving it!!!

    I don't think everyone realizes what DR was really about.
    Yes it put a monetization system (upgrades)in place with the increased level cap.
    This is free game and you have to admit that it's good for STO when they make money.
    There appears to be lots infrastructure was put into place to be a spring board.
    It was said before by Cryptic they have funds in the bank for DEV work well past 2018.
    Know with so many changes to the game and so many items to be tested.
    So many new things coming out this games looks like it's just really getting good.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I cant complain as I bought my LTS at launch and enjoyed many years of fun prior to the release of DR.

    One thing I am sad about is the lack of multiplayer involvement in the game, most of the Q's are 5 people only and bigger maps like mine trap are pretty much dead.

    Cryptic has shown through starbase 24, mine trap, voth battleground, (and winter wonderland)that the game can handle higher numbers - but they do not seem keen to go much further in that direction.

    Here's hoping the future will be brighter.
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    ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    and exactly what do we learn from the benthans on the game or what they get out of it? what about their leadership, their culture and customs? do we visit their homeworld?

    bark worse then the bite so far..

    We learn that sometime in the last few decades, all of their ships somehow got stuck in reverse.
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    wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i can see why you bought a lts when you did. the lor expansion was actually really good story missions and also a pretty good rework for the early kdf missions. all in all it was worth every penny i paid for the lor pack. delta rising wasn't a very good expansion. the story at times is wafer thin. as an expansion i don't honestly call raising a level cap for a boring grind expanding the game. to me it never really added any value to game unlike lor.

    lor seriously expanded the game with a wealth of story missions and fixed a historical problem on the kdf side and added half a romulan faction.

    delta rising added a big season update of mindless boring grinding with a hand full of story missions.

    lor = win

    dr = humiliating defeat
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    darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    ovrkyl wrote: »
    It has nothing to do with my build. I didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell.
    It sounds like it has everything to do with your build.

    The most important part of a "build" is the Bridge Officer Abilities. Gear is the smallest fraction of what makes a build good.

    Polarize Hull would mean they couldn't pin you down.
    tk79 wrote: »
    My main issue with the above quotes is, we're talking about Normal difficulty here. Content should be completable using a below-average build, like the ones that come by default with new ships, with all that white stock gear, suboptimal BOFF skills, and underhanded tactics. Normal difficulty is for casuals. They're not min-maxers, math wizards, or anything of that sort. They play for fun, for aesthetics, for the story, or whatever. Basically all content from 1-50 can be completed without an average build, but DR missions break that premise, and one or other exception in pre-50 content.

    Frankly, if you don't know the basic mechanics of a game, you should not expect to get through all content. In fact, there are lots of people who get stuck when they face a D'deridex for the first time. We used to see lots of threads from people asking for help there, and the odd one still crops up now and then.

    Some people take getting their TRIBBLE handed to them as a sign their build is not up to task. Especially when other people have no problems. Other people complain, insist that their fail builds are sufficient (in spite of it obviously being insufficient and failing), and whine for enemies to be nerfed. :rolleyes:
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    apulseapulse Member Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Haven't gotten the feeling either that the content is too hard.

    Only problem I had on the ground is those damn Overseers who jumps at you like a.. "willing" rabbit.
    Space is easy, their shields are OP but their firepower is UP, and I'm a science guy.
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    eldioraeldiora Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have had my LTS since when it was announced shortly before Launch. It has been 5 nice years and I have never ever regretted getting that LTS.

    Sure there have been ups and downs and lately the game has turned towards a path that I do not enjoy as much.

    However buying that LTS 5 years ago was one of the best investents of money I have made in MMO's so far. The mileage I got out of all the perks is the best from any game so far I have played that went down the f2p route.

    I am still amazed and glad that Cryptic keeps honoring us old time LTS and even adding some benefits from time to time to it.

    So thanks for the possibility of getting a LTS (I would love to have a LTS for Arche Age for example but they are just too greedy at Trion).

    As for the game being too hard?Meh, guess its easy for me because I have been here 5 years and gotten the experience how to properly fly my ship and the time needed to build it up to near perfection.
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    swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    been lifetimer for a good while now and can not say that it had anything positive to offer

    almost everything that the LTS has to offer is totally useless and with the changes of the past months and the already announced changes LTS will become even more useless since its benefits became/will come obsolete.

    Cryptic failed to update the LTS with useful content to motivate players to become lifetimers
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    tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I swerved that bullet along time ago. Dont even subscribe now, lesson learned. ;)
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    ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    darkjeff wrote: »
    It sounds like it has everything to do with your build.

    The most important part of a "build" is the Bridge Officer Abilities. Gear is the smallest fraction of what makes a build good.

    Polarize Hull would mean they couldn't pin you down.

    It's funny how everyone seems to diss my build yet most of the suggestions seem to be exactly what I'm doing.

    Yes, I have Polarize Hull, and it doesn't do diddly against the constriction anchors. Tractor beams? Yes. Constriction anchors? Hell no. Nor the scout's version of the same effect. That swirly rainbow beam of STOP RIGHT THERE does exactly that and I'm screwed unless I can destroy the source (in time). Ah, but can I get a torp in-line to blow up said constriction anchor? NO. So here come the blue blips, my shields drop, my hull breaches, and I'm toast.

    Each of my characters' BOffs are tailored to fit the fighting style of the ship, gear, and captain's abilities, including this one.

    Do I fly in guns blazing to hit 'em fast and hard, keep moving, duck and move, dodge the blue blips, etc.? Yes, IF those damned anchors don't catch me from behind/the side. If I can get my weapons to bear (and the Chimera's not a slow ship), I can rain a devastating amount of DPS Hell on my target...pre-DR that is. Wasn't having any problems running in the Sphere and that was "just yesterday" in regards to the expansion's material. There shouldn't be THAT big of a difference.

    Should I have to run a beamboat tank to complete Normal storyline content? No. (I do have one, but it's on another toon that hasn't crossed the border to Delta yet...and has no intention to at this point.) Should I have to buy a T6 to complete Normal storyline content? No. Even in the release news for DR, it was stated that you'd better have your s--- wired tight for Advanced and Elite, but Normal content was doable in T-5 and T-5U. I don't see it.

    There's a severe imbalance to the game when the NPCs drastically increase in power from one level to the next and the best end-all-be-all formerly high-end gear doesn't even scratch the paint.

    And for those saying I have to adapt, upgrade, PAY TO WIN, I have to do one specific tactic, use one specific set/build/ship/weapon/etc. to play Delta, well you just made my point. If the devs intentionally designed virtually all of DR to only be completed by one style of play when the ENTIRE REST OF THE GAME is able to be done with many different styles, it's called PIGEONHOLING.

    You don't know that I have more than one character that's 50+ (2 Fed Eng, 1 Fed Tac, 2 Fed Sci, & 1 Rom Tac) with only one currently test-driving Delta (my Fed Tac). Now somehow they all managed to keep up with the Joneses all this time...'til now. I'm not a noob, my characters aren't wimps, and my gear's not TRIBBLE.

    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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    ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I didn't skip any of the missions in delta rising, but I did reduce the difficulty a little bit to get through a few. The biggest problem for me wasn't that missions are unwinnable, because they are all capable of being completed. It was the extreme amount of bog down I got from many of the systems in the delta quadrant. I did have to force myself to play most of the time, but I finally got through it. That being said, I don't have any regrets about getting my lifetime sub. I don't play as much as I used to, and sometimes its a month or 2 before I get back on, but its nice to know I'll have a supply of zen to use whenever I do get back on.
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    kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I think people have pulled the OP off topic with his build. His primary issue was that he wasn't given enough time to read and understand what he was supposed to do before it started. I remember that mission clearly for the exact same thing. Some of us want to actually know what is going on and figure out how best to accomplish the goal. The pacing in some of the missions is just horrible. It's ironic that this is an issue for solo play as so many PVE maps have ridiculously long read/dead time in them.
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