K. I understand. Thanks for the clarification. It is why I wanted to check with someone prior to doing anything which might stick an oar in at the wrong time.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
impersonating cryptic employees is now permitted? calling out nabreeki or dental and saying you invite women using female avatars but requiring goatees to participate is now permitted? This is what Cryptic approves of now?
No wonder Dental and Shutup Wesley are such secret keepers, the secret is the devs secretly approve of their antics and let them perform whatever mission preventing glitch and community steering gimmick they wish.
impersonating cryptic employees is now permitted? calling out nabreeki or dental and saying you invite women using female avatars but requiring goatees to participate is now permitted? This is what Cryptic approves of now?
No wonder Dental and Shutup Wesley are such secret keepers, the secret is the devs secretly approve of their antics and let them perform whatever mission preventing glitch and community steering gimmick they wish.
Thanks for the bump, crazy ranting person! Hope you'll be there on Saturday!
But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
Aren't Dental and their affiliates sort of RPers themselves? I've seen what looks like Nabreeki's main hanging around RPers in pictures and such, like in that guest blog about the open starbase thing.
EDIT: No, wait, it was in one of the Tal'Diann's things...damn, my memory's getting fuzzy, LOL
I'm flattered by all the name dropping in this thread, but let's please maintain our focus on the wonderful event sponsored by STO's finest fleet, Shutup Wesley. They've spent billions upon billions of ec prepping this for you all.
You crack me up, you evil little piece of gloriously hilarious sh*t.
Why can't you be either entirely awesome or entirely evil? I can't make up my mind on you!
Anyway, looks like I'm not going to be able to make the party. Have fun anyway!
And do make sure that not one corner is ever not under a disco ball.
This is hoiw you get players to hang out in-game for long periods of time.
funny I thought the best way was to troll zones with multiple-personality disorders and pretending to be some saint when you really are not while spamming people with invites and challenges
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Remember when joining the channel WesleyChristmas, there's a limit of 20 or so channels you can be a member of at one time. Some of you old-timers may have to drop a channel temporarily to get into a new one. Actually happened to me last night.
I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
was there a trivia portion on how many split personalities nbreeki uses to troll or how many stfs shutup Wesley dear leader has prevented from completing with covershields?
But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
Won a Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser & Voth Bastion Flight Deck Cruiserl, 20x Master Keys and 2 gold funky ship universal consoles. All hail the Lunchbeast!
I was in esd zone chat a few minutes ago actually and asked who attended this event, nobody seems to know it is even going on. Why is that I wonder?
Hello dearest Publican!
As a Hand of Dear Leader, I take your questions and concerns quite seriously and I present you the following explanations for your lack of attendance at the event:
1) The event took place on DS9 instance 4 primarily and was quite well attended, lasting 4 hours, while you mistakenly believed it was on ESD, resulting in you choosing to whine.
2) All event related activity was announced in the WesleyChristmas chat channel, as stated in this thread, which you failed to read or deliberately ignored reading so you could whine.
3) You missed all of the above as well as the event due to poor skills in the fields of reading and reading comprehension, and again chose to whine.
4) You only now realized the event is happening just as the end party is going down, and instead of wishing people a fun time and hoping to attend the next, chose to whine.
Please take your pick and leave your answer for Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley to review.
We thank you for your time and wish you all the best in this new year!
Won a Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser & Voth Palisade Science Vessel, 20x Master Keys and 2 gold funky ship universal consoles. All hail the Lunchbeast!
illegitimately winning items given away for a different donation in good faith, I'm glad for you. Simple fact is they were gained by tricking players, just as Olivia.
But the event is over and done with so Cryptic Mods can now close this thread and protect the Shutup Wesley secret keepers they have enjoyed fawning over, right Geeko?
illegitimately winning items given away for a different donation in good faith, I'm glad for you. Simple fact is they were gained by tricking players, just as Olivia.
But the event is over and done with so Cryptic Mods can now close this thread and protect the Shutup Wesley secret keepers they have enjoyed fawning over, right Geeko?
Buying items off the exchange and giving them away is tricking people now? Your paranoia is fascinating.
But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
illegitimately winning items given away for a different donation in good faith, I'm glad for you. Simple fact is they were gained by tricking players, just as Olivia.
But the event is over and done with so Cryptic Mods can now close this thread and protect the Shutup Wesley secret keepers they have enjoyed fawning over, right Geeko?
Someone sounds horrendously... upset.
Everyone's happy because of the event - even people who didn't win any contest or race or trivia question was still given out very nice epic ship consoles just for attending.
I'm unsure if your allegations are true or not, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth or slander a fleet that payed out of pocket for the whole event.
No wonder Dental and Shutup Wesley are such secret keepers, the secret is the devs secretly approve of their antics and let them perform whatever mission preventing glitch and community steering gimmick they wish.
Thanks for the bump, crazy ranting person! Hope you'll be there on Saturday!
They were always better is just roleplayers try hard to give them bad reputation :rolleyes:
EDIT: No, wait, it was in one of the Tal'Diann's things...damn, my memory's getting fuzzy, LOL
You crack me up, you evil little piece of gloriously hilarious sh*t.
Why can't you be either entirely awesome or entirely evil? I can't make up my mind on you!
Anyway, looks like I'm not going to be able to make the party. Have fun anyway!
And do make sure that not one corner is ever not under a disco ball.
funny I thought the best way was to troll zones with multiple-personality disorders and pretending to be some saint when you really are not while spamming people with invites and challenges
https://www.flickr.com/photos/129075086@N02/15765839527/ :rolleyes:
oh and I will be there thanks for the invite
And most importantly, its where we will finally disclose the location of the party.
The channel being WesleyChristmas, just in case anyone forgot.
You were in ESD zone. 'nuff said. :rolleyes:
3 cheers for Shutup Wesley!
Won a Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser & Voth Bastion Flight Deck Cruiserl, 20x Master Keys and 2 gold funky ship universal consoles. All hail the Lunchbeast!
Hello dearest Publican!
As a Hand of Dear Leader, I take your questions and concerns quite seriously and I present you the following explanations for your lack of attendance at the event:
1) The event took place on DS9 instance 4 primarily and was quite well attended, lasting 4 hours, while you mistakenly believed it was on ESD, resulting in you choosing to whine.
2) All event related activity was announced in the WesleyChristmas chat channel, as stated in this thread, which you failed to read or deliberately ignored reading so you could whine.
3) You missed all of the above as well as the event due to poor skills in the fields of reading and reading comprehension, and again chose to whine.
4) You only now realized the event is happening just as the end party is going down, and instead of wishing people a fun time and hoping to attend the next, chose to whine.
Please take your pick and leave your answer for Starfleet Dental and Shutup Wesley to review.
We thank you for your time and wish you all the best in this new year!
illegitimately winning items given away for a different donation in good faith, I'm glad for you. Simple fact is they were gained by tricking players, just as Olivia.
But the event is over and done with so Cryptic Mods can now close this thread and protect the Shutup Wesley secret keepers they have enjoyed fawning over, right Geeko?
Buying items off the exchange and giving them away is tricking people now? Your paranoia is fascinating.
Someone sounds horrendously... upset.
Everyone's happy because of the event - even people who didn't win any contest or race or trivia question was still given out very nice epic ship consoles just for attending.
I'm unsure if your allegations are true or not, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth or slander a fleet that payed out of pocket for the whole event.