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breen chel gret still 1000 post patch 11/12/14



  • yunquaahyunquaah Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same here also. I only started this project this year. I also did the carrier on another toon on the same account, and that discount was applied just fine.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Unlocked all 3 ships today, one on each toon. Only got the accountwide unlock for the Carrier. The other 2 still cost 1000 for me too.

    I bought some pictures from the holiday vendor but i never unlocked a breen ship in previous events

    Hope we get a solution in the next patch.

    But seriously why are they making promises about getting ships for 40 pictures if it isn´t working for so many players?
    Are they not testing the things they put in the game??

    I sent in a bug report about this and i stated which character unlocked which ship so they can see that i actually unlocked them. So i expect them to fix that, even if they have to keep the event running till June
  • ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This bug worries me quite a bit as I get closer to unlocking these ships. Luckily my main isn't grinding the carrier, so at least everyone will be able to get 2 if it doesn't get fixed.

    I really hope it gets fixed soon.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This bug worries me quite a bit as I get closer to unlocking these ships. Luckily my main isn't grinding the carrier, so at least everyone will be able to get 2 if it doesn't get fixed.

    I really hope it gets fixed soon.

    My main was grinding the Chell grett and i had a Lvl 48 Romulan grind the Raider. But the problem is that if you don´t have the Raider you can´t get Elite Plesh Brek Frigates from the fleet store but only the Bleth-Choas fighters but i really want those frigates for my Carrier.

    And my Tac could really use the Warship and Fighter

    But somethings wrong with the Translation for my Romulan too. When you ask Q to send you back to New Romulus or ESD (Fed Romulan) i get 2 Exit/Leave Buttons but not the Button saying that you are ready to return home. Feds get that button.
  • explorator01explorator01 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    he11blade wrote: »
    I just bought and opened the Plesh Brek raider on a character and my other two characters are still being asked to pay 1000 for it. Apparently, this is broken too?

    yeah, I'm having this problem too. I'm not having the Chel Grett problem at all, and in roughly twenty hours I'll have the carrier unlocked on one of my characters. it would be nice to have access to the full Breen set even if I'm flying Eclipses these days.
  • yunquaahyunquaah Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Both the Plesh Brek and Chell Grett are now bogged for me. Only the carrier is working as stated. (I did complete that one first, but obviously I cannot say if there is any realation).
  • cepholapoidcepholapoid Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    my problem is, I try to copy toons over to tribble to try and unlock the chel like that, but for some reason they are not transferring at all. I gave it a day and still nothing
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah, from what I saw they were working on one fix. Althought i still think a new Reputation project is the simple solution. But if they really freaked out and wanted to hit everybody they would just make all previous winter ships for 40.

    I am against this and for this, her is why.

    I had to grind for the Chell Gret. I dont think those who didnt should get it free...

    But I think those who did have it and discarded the ship and console should get it back... with a discount. SInce we cant reclaim them without 20+ days of grind once a year.

    So there are pros and cons... just would be terrible if the Community came up with better solutions then the one implimented.
  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Sorry to see so many having problems, now with the Raider Discount too.

    If Cryptic has no one working this week to push the bug fix live, they should just extend Winter Wonderland until February 15.
  • ecotec1983ecotec1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Makes me sad to hear people are having issues with various ship discounts. This will be my first year for WW ships and my plan was to get all three for each of my 3 toons. I'm getting close to having 1000 and I'm starting to think I may have to pick one ship per toon and forget using the plesh breks as carrier pets. I really hope this is fixed soon and that anyone who spent photos and got no discount can get things worked out.
  • mrmoonsin01mrmoonsin01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I am getting very very very close to writing a script to spam this post every 30 minutes until we get a Dev reply.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    ecotec1983 wrote: »
    Makes me sad to hear people are having issues with various ship discounts. This will be my first year for WW ships and my plan was to get all three for each of my 3 toons. I'm getting close to having 1000 and I'm starting to think I may have to pick one ship per toon and forget using the plesh breks as carrier pets. I really hope this is fixed soon and that anyone who spent photos and got no discount can get things worked out.

    Carrier discount works fine... it's the warship and raider that are bugged.

    worse case... all 3 will have carriers... but 2 will need to choose between warship or raider.

    I would get 1 of each ship in case they fix it for next year if they dont fix this year.

    looks like whoever programmed the quest only updated the graphics showing the updated rewards with the account wide discount but forgot to actually code to to award the deed/reward... guess they need new code to check to see who finished the rep project and for those who did the warship the 1st year.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    tigeraries wrote: »

    ...if they dont fix this year.

    Don´t say that, don´t even think that please.

    They have to fix it. They promised ships for 40 Pictures and its their responsibility to fix it or, if they can´t fix it, forget the 40 Pictures and sent all three ships to every character over Lvl 5.

    I sent my characters names@handle in the bug reports (said that already) so they can check that i have unlocked the ships without discount and i have enough Pictures to buy the ships with the diso****. So i met all required conditions, now they have to deliver.

    But its not even mentioned in the Release notes for todays patch anymore. Are they ignoring it now or did they stop working on it?
  • yunquaahyunquaah Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Since the envent runs till Jan 15th, it is very possible they will take this till after new year.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    if you cant fix it make it free for everyone!
  • edited December 2014
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  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    if they want to. there's a patch that apparently works on tribble, but they're withholding the fixes from holodeck for whatever reason.

    today's maintenance was likely just a reboot so the servers stay online for the duration of christmas, so there probably won't be any news or patches until january.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Quite dismayed that these changes haven't come to Holodeck yet. Though given what people are now reporting about the Plesh Brek, it's possible they broke that too and are waiting until they can fix them both. I just hope the fixes go live before it's too late to claim the ships as it's already too late to do the daily race 25 times before the event ends.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • captainedwards09captainedwards09 Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same issue here, I have the 1st Breen ship on several of my characters, others who do not have it yet, even ones who already do the Event project says it needs 1000 for all of them. All other ships show 40 now which is correct.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Quite dismayed that these changes haven't come to Holodeck yet. Though given what people are now reporting about the Plesh Brek, it's possible they broke that too and are waiting until they can fix them both. I just hope the fixes go live before it's too late to claim the ships as it's already too late to do the daily race 25 times before the event ends.

    Yes, the plesh Brek is broken for me, the Chel Grett is too.

    I don´t have any Breen ships from the last years.

    If there is a fix for it i wonder why they don´t put it in the game, even if its not perfect. And the Sarr theln requires also access to the Raider so cou can get the frigate pets. So not owning the Raider affects all 3 ships, the Raider because its not available at all, theChell Grett beacuse you are missing the 3rd console from the raider and the Carrier because you can´t get Frigate pets.
  • zanbarbonexzanbarbonex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This is an updeate from tribble server (TEST SERVER) dated the 16th of Dec.

    Resolved an issue that was blocking the account discount for the Breen Chell Grett and Breen Plesh Brek Raider.

    If players have owned either ship, the account wide discount for the Winter projects which unlock these should be applied upon logging in.

    If the discount is not immediately applied upon logging in, speak with Q during the Winter Event and transfer to another map.
  • i8myhelli8myhell Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My couple of toons are glitching as well with the discount when it comes to the 1st year earned Breen Chel Grett.

    I was hoping the patch yesterday was going to fix it but not even a mention dang it.

    Is it a huge deal? No. But it would be nice for Cryptic to keep to their word & allow the discount which I am sure someone somewhere is trying to figure it out.

    Here's to hoping they figure it out or say something before the end of the event. (Fingers crossed)
  • dabuzzsawdabuzzsaw Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I actually can see one positive outcome of not being able to get the raider for all my toons. I wont be spending real money to get zen to buy more ship slots!

    Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!

  • edited December 2014
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  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I heard this is starting to affect the raider as well. Thankfully I have both these ships on every toon. However if this happens to the carrier.. upset is a minor description of how I would feel. It would take another year to get a ship for my sci Alts. I have put a lot of time money and effort into prepping for this ship. I can only imagine how everybody else feels about this glitch. After two years it isn't fixed? I know it is tough to find the line of code but this glitch feels like it is on the back burner.:(

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  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I heard this is starting to affect the raider as well. Thankfully I have both these ships on every toon. However if this happens to the carrier.. upset is a minor description of how I would feel. It would take another year to get a ship for my sci Alts. I have put a lot of time money and effort into prepping for this ship. I can only imagine how everybody else feels about this glitch. After two years it isn't fixed? I know it is tough to find the line of code but this glitch feels like it is on the back burner.:(

    Won´t happen to the Carrier. I never heard of a case where the Carrier was Broken. Only the Raider and the Warship. No matter if they were bought this year or the last years, T5 or T5U
  • ecotec1983ecotec1983 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    There should have been some kind of update before the holidays instead of leaving us hanging til Jan. What are we doing to fix the issue, should players wait to claim ships until the fix is applied. What will be done if its not fixed before the end of the winter event. All of these are valid questions.

    There are a ton of threads that have popped up over the last few weeks on the same issue. A sticky thread about the topic would not be worst idea nor would merging some of the threads to make it easier to find updated information.

    It's not the end of the world for me if i don't get the console set or the carrier pets but being my first WW event its frustrating to have the option to catch up on the previous years only to see a bug like this appear. Now i'm siting here thinking do i buy the ships now and hope they fix the discount bug? or do i wait until they patch it and hope its before the event ends?
  • carlosbezerracarlosbezerra Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Same issue here :(
  • galantdramongalantdramon Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It's not just old event stuff not counting.

    I never got the Raider (started last winter), decided to get one this time 'round...then the carrier hit, and I -needed- one for the frigate unlock, so even more reason to do one this year.

    Just finished getting it the other day, and it's not registering, even on the character that got it. Nothing is active, no open assignments, nothing "lingering from last year", none of it.

    Ticket ID #3,011,388.
  • stumpy2101stumpy2101 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yes, the plesh Brek is broken for me, the Chel Grett is too.

    Am having the same here. :(
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