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PvE Queue Survey



  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    They will survey this issue and then throw something at us that is meaningless compared to the nature of the problem. Then when that does not work they will blame it on the player base itself saying to their overlords that nothing will ever make us happy lol. Everyone welcome to the KDF errr STO :)

    Tbh, I'm afraid they're just gonna remove every Queue which doesn't pop up within 30min, at this point ... to keep the metrics positive, instead of rewarding reasonable amounts of XP etc ...

    Please Cryptic, prove me wrong .... otherwise "The Line must be drawn HERE, this FAR, no FURTHER ..." :P ... not gonna queue the ~10 remaining PVE's either, if that's the case ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • ir0ncladbravoir0ncladbravo Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I see a lot of players in the Undine space combat zone with the planet killers 20-30 most times so easy to get iso's.

    there doesn't seem to be a lot of encouragement to get players out of there.:(

    EXAMPLE being mission fail if an OPTIONAL is not accomplished which really gets my goat...............
    Everytime I see complaints about the same thing
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hailing all Captains!

    Having trouble with PvE queues?

    Please report here which queues you are not able to queue up for due to lack of other members joining your PUG.

    Please include only the queues that are not popping within a reasonable amount of time, please do not include any queues that are functioning normally or only take 1-2 minutes to pop.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Average Wait Currently: (How long aprox do you wait now?)
    Average Wait Previously: (How long aprox did you used to wait?)

    Thanks everyone!

    Don't get banned! Polls are forbidden!

    I will take notes and get back with you. I had no plans to run any queues because I never get into them and since I show 1 person queued and 0 playing, I quit even trying.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • tiberiusdangertiberiusdanger Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Borg Disconnected
    I've never gotten it to pop so I can't give you an average wait time
    Elite ques are new so I don't have a precious wait time

    Into The Hive
    See above.

    If it helps the only ques that I can consistently get to pop are: Bug Hunt (All levels ) usually less than a minute wait, Undine Infiltration (elite) usually about a minute wait, Nukara Prime: Transdimensional Tactics (Elite) again usually about a minute wait, Defend Rh'lhho station (elite) usually about a minute. I can get into Infected space (all levels ) in a decent amount of time generally less than 5 minutes, and the same with crystaline entity and azure nebula. Every other que is basically not an option.

    If you're open to a suggestion I would suggest this: Give each que it's own daily reward separate from the daily mark reward. A little bonus in skill points and maybe dilithium to encourage people to do different types of ques every day instead of just quing up for the same handful over and over again. Also, ques need a skill point increase, major skill point increase. As it is you would need to do over 100 ques to get a single specialization point after 60. That's kinda silly.
  • arrmateysarrmateys Member Posts: 466 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Give each que it's own daily reward separate from the daily mark reward. A little bonus in skill points and maybe dilithium to encourage people to do different types of ques every day instead of just quing up for the same handful over and over again.
    add the reputation specific item to that, such as a bnp or isomorphic injection thingy, obtainable once every 20 hours from all queues, normal included and then maybe it'll revive them a bit more, and give normal missions an extra reason to exist.

    maybe some extra marks for those queues that don't have the item like romulan or nukara.
    Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the cr​ap out of me.
    We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
    We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    - 1 very rare material for normal
    - 3 very rare materials for advanced
    - 5 very rare materials for elite
    - more dilithium
    - more XP
    - failed to optional=no material or gain halved
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Queue Name: Big Dig
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: Infinite

    Queue Name: Breaking the Planet
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: Infinite

    Queue Name: Mine Trap
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: ~5-10 mins back when we had hourly bonus marks?

    I'm sorry, maybe that's an exaggeration, but these almost never went before Delta Rising.

    Suggested improvement: Cut the number of players needed for the first two to start down to 5, allow more players to drop in to existing games. Mine Trap could use a scaled down version where only one section of the colony needs to be defended by 5 players.
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It's worry-some when the representatives of the game have to go to the players for data rather than rely on their metric-system that might be broken. *shudders*
  • stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah I know, I'm never really serious, but something just popped into my painfully emtpy and sarcastic minded head...

    Turn off or lower the AFK/Leaver-punishment.

    Queues are easier to f-up, bug or troll then ever, and then an afk/leaver-punishment to boot... Nah.
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Nerf is OP, plz nerf
    That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.

    I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'll give you a shorter list:
    The ones I've actually gotten regular queues for since people seem to only play those.
    Borg Disconnected - Regular
    Space event missions when offered

    Bug Hunt - Normal, Elite
    Defend Rh'Ihho Station - Elite
    Nukara Prime: Transdimensional Tactics - Elite
    Ground Event missions when offered

    As for your questions, the previous Elites (now Advanced with mandatory optionals), I would wait at most 5 minutes for any of the old Borg space or ground missions. Now, almost nobody is even queued for them when I look.

    I did the space Dyson sphere PVEs a few times before DU, but even now they seem to be empty.

    Fleet Defense could take up to 10 minutes before, but now you're lucky to get anyone playing it.

    Minefield and Shuttle events I could never find people wanting to run even before the update.

    Undine Infiltration is a TRIBBLE shoot on whether or not you get in. People are either running it, or they aren't.

    Crystalline Catastrophe used to be pretty easy to get into as well and filled in less than five minutes. Now, it depends on whether or not people are playing. I've seen it either full, or dead.

    I was able to do the Big Dig a couple times before, as not many queued for it, usually took at least ten minutes, but now, empty.

    I don't think people are seeing the current grind for upgrading weapons to do the harder missions worth it, just to be able to play the advanced and elite space PvEs. I hit 60 on my main Federation character, and am slowly grinding my KDF and Romulan mains to 60 as well, or at least far enough ahead where I can skip doing the monotonous patrol missions over and over again. Running one character through the current system is bad enough and not entertaining to hold my attention. The actual storyline missions aren't too bad for a "free" MMO, and the voice acting is excellent for the most part. However, the time required to put into ever seeing it on more than one character per player, is more than what I think most are willing to put up with.

    I'll agree with the echoed earlier comments that I've seen about the game. Stop making it a DPS / damage debuff race slightly in the way of allowing people to try more "fun" builds. Just because I can do at least 6+k DPS still in a science ship using a sci captain doesn't mean the majority of your players can. Grinding out a single weapon up to the next mark that costs the same as getting a new piece of rep gear, plus the insane amount of dil required for fleet projects doesn't help things either, especially when we know that T6 Fleet ships and possibly a new Fleet section to get those ships is on its way.

    tl;dnr The actual story missions are fun, even if they're short. The grind to get to them is not. The grind required to do advanced or higher space PVEs is not fun, too. The few active PVEs are alright, be people get bored doing them again and again. Bump the rewards on the dead ones and/or make the mandatory optionals from advanced optional again, and people will start playing them.
    DxDiag64 dump 19Feb2016: http://pastebin.com/1c0pkEuw
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    I'm sorry but lol at this thread trying to pass empty queues off as a "bug"or "issue" other than "no one wants to play them due to reduced rewards and other 'tweaks.'" It's no secret that the game is hemorrhaging players so just fess up and admit it rather than pretend differently.

    Keep up the great work Cryptic!
    You don't say.
  • buzz0942buzz0942 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    They will survey this issue and then throw something at us that is meaningless compared to the nature of the problem.

    Well, my guess is the more populated queues will get a NERF.

    And i have to agree: everyone who joins the queues now to test how long they need to pop will just distort the results. Besides the fact that cryptic already has the numbers. I think some dev already said something like the queues are not empty. Perhaps OP could just ask him?

    Don't remember the name right now .. the one with the big ego who likes to talk - a lot.
  • seazombie64seazombie64 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    get a grip people. They are TRYING to help and most all they get in return is inane histrionics. People complain the devs don't listen..here is your chance to be constructive. I guess non stop whinging is preferable to actual cogent inputs. It's a wonder the PWE team bothers at all to try considering the tenor of the majority of posters.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    aoax10 wrote: »
    It's worry-some when the representatives of the game have to go to the players for data rather than rely on their metric-system that might be broken. *shudders*

    It's kinda sad that They can't even DL the Actual Game (without GOD-mode) to one of Their computers and check for Themselves for a 48 hour period (or more)...

    It is more than obvious to the players what is going on... (HINT: It Ain't A BUG)

    Why is it so complicated for the Designers Of the Game to figure it out for Themselves??

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I don't know if Cryptic has the manpower or authority to fix this problem.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Tbh, I'm afraid they're just gonna remove every Queue which doesn't pop up within 30min, at this point ... to keep the metrics positive, instead of rewarding reasonable amounts of XP etc ...

    Please Cryptic, prove me wrong .... otherwise "The Line must be drawn HERE, this FAR, no FURTHER ..." :P ... not gonna queue the ~10 remaining PVE's either, if that's the case ...

    Yeah most likely they will just remove the queues like that because for one they had us grind romulan rep points for so long in the beginning of the rep thing that I can say personally its been well over a year or so since I've even gone there. So things like that will probably disappear being by now anyone who currently plays and wanted anything from that rep has it minus players who maybe just started playing which I doubt there are many new players out there.
    buzz0942 wrote: »
    Well, my guess is the more populated queues will get a NERF.

    And i have to agree: everyone who joins the queues now to test how long they need to pop will just distort the results. Besides the fact that cryptic already has the numbers. I think some dev already said something like the queues are not empty. Perhaps OP could just ask him?

    Don't remember the name right now .. the one with the big ego who likes to talk - a lot.

    Yeah I agree there will be ppl who just want to skew the numbers but the way they force things upon players I do believe they should be doing their own work and not depending on players to do it. This is the same kind of mentality they used with the bortasqu' to make it the most hated KDF ship out there. The ego's usually come in a scimitar that explodes 5 seconds after getting into combat after trying to spam npcs with aoe attacks lol.

    The numbers they should be looking at are not how many people are queuing but how many of the optionals are being completed and not failing. I've seen some private ones with some decent players fail so its not the case of the elitist vs the noob kind of situation. Its just a f'd up situation all around caused by poor leadership within the company who pushed this TRIBBLE out. They should leave nerfing to the professionals :)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Queue Name: Big Dig
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: Infinite

    Queue Name: Breaking the Planet
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: Infinite

    Queue Name: Mine Trap
    Level Type: Normal
    Average Wait Currently: Infinite
    Average Wait Previously: ~5-10 mins back when we had hourly bonus marks?

    I'm sorry, maybe that's an exaggeration, but these almost never went before Delta Rising.

    Suggested improvement: Cut the number of players needed for the first two to start down to 5, allow more players to drop in to existing games. Mine Trap could use a scaled down version where only one section of the colony needs to be defended by 5 players.
    Yeah, Big dig and Breaking really don't NEED more than 5 at all.

    Mine trap's current incarnation needs a bare minimum of 12 to play, and that's for people who are GOOD. 16 or more is preferable. Maybe redo it like Tide of Ice to take into consideration the number of players when spawning enemies?

    The only time Mine Trap was ever easy to PUG was back when it first came out and there was no AFK penalty... but what that really meant was that several people were leechers. Also this was back before most people had Rom rep done, so the desire for marks was greater, and that's really the main reason to do it now. :/
    My character Tsin'xing
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    buzz0942 wrote: »
    And i have to agree: everyone who joins the queues now to test how long they need to pop will just distort the results.

    Buzz brings up an excellent point...

    This survey has been live for like 4 and half hours now. How many of the people who contributed read the first post, logged onto the game and hit up some queues to see how long it would take? and how many people already remembered their figures from before this thread was created? I cant really contribute figures of my own because when i see a line entry in the LFG tool that says zero queued zero playing i avoid it. So pretty much i just run ANR-N, KV-N, CS-N, CS-A, CC-A, and on my ground toons BH-A, DRS-A, KIS-A, and UI-A. I queue up for those because people are always running them so my wait times are low. Even before this survey came up i didnt sit in 0/0 queues. Maybe i would do that if i had the ability to queue up for everything. But since there is a 3 instance limit i only hit up the ones i mentioned above. Why wait 30 minutes for a Breach run when i can do 3 other runs in the amount of time i would have waited?

    Also one other thing i thought about. Would it help to know what prime time slot people fall under during their play time? I live on the west coast in the US, but my prime time is actually at 1-5 am (varies) pacific time, and that is close to Australian and New Zealand Prime time i believe. I've played several games including this one during normal west coast prime time and during Aus/NZ prime time and there is a noticeable difference in queue timers and even player skill/quality.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited December 2014
    lystent wrote: »
    -Atmosphere Assault (nor,adv)
    -Azure Nebula Rescue (adv)
    -Breaking The Planet
    -Colony Invasion
    -Crystalline Catastrophe (nor)
    -Defend Rh'Ihho Station (nor,adv)
    -Federation Fleet Alert
    -Federation Starbase Blockade
    -Federation Starbase Incursion
    -Hive Onslaught (adv)
    -Infected: Manus (adv)
    -Into The Hive (nor,adv)
    -Khitomer In Stasis (nor)
    -Klingon Scout Force
    -Mine Trap (nor,adv)
    -No Wine Scenario- Starfleet (nor,adv)
    -Nukara Prime: Self Destructive Tendencies (nor,adv)
    -Nukara Prime: Transdimensional Tactics
    -Starbase Fleet Defense
    -Storming The Spire (nor,adv)
    -The Big Dig
    -The Breach (adv)
    -The Cure Applied (nor,adv)
    -The Vault: Ensnared (nor,adv)
    -Undine Infiltration (nor)
    -Vault Shuttle Event (nor,adv)
    -Viscous Cycle (nor,adv)
    A snapshot of lv 50 dead ques from a few days ago.
  • leceterleceter Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Pls don't understand this wrong, but this thread is ridiculous.

    Don't you play your own game?

    I think you don't, so that you have to relay on your metrics.
    Since about a week after Delta Rising launch till now, there are about a handful of queues that pop up in under 5 min, and you can't figure them out?

    So here there are:
    Waiting forever
    Atmospheric Assault (Adv)
    Borg Disconnected (Adv/Eilte)
    Breaking the Planet
    Colony Invasion
    Defend Rhi' Station (Norm. Adv.)
    Hive Onslaught (ALL difficulty lvl , Adv/Elite is a joke)
    Mine Trap
    No Win Scenario
    Nukara Prime: Self Destruction ( really never! )
    Nukara Prime: Transdimensional Tactics (Norm. Adv)
    Starbase ...
    Storming the Spire
    The Breach
    The Cure Applied
    The Vault : Ensnared (Adv)
    Undine Assault
    Vault Shuttle Event (Adv.)
    Viscous Cycle

    Still working within a "reasonable" amount of time
    Borg Disconnected (Norm)
    Undine Infiltration (differs though)

    Unmentioned Queue(diff) have some good/and bad days
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    KDF Star Base defence, never pops maybe 3 times a year in total I get to play that
    Atmoshere Assault, either difficulty, never pops post DR
    Mine Trap, post DR haven't been able to play it at all.
    Starbase Invasion, pops but is very slow

    Those are the ones I notice anyway because I like and want to play em but no one's ever queued for em, so don't bother either as my time is better spent in the popular queues earning stuff than sitting around doing nothing.

    Want a way to solve this issue once and for all?

    Simply normalising all events to be equally valuable (they're all the same so why bother) or any scheduled "bonus event" that only lasts X amount of time (after event it'll go back to current situation) still won't solve the problem. Nor will making slow queues statically reward more as it'll just shift players to those queues permanently instead.

    IMO, A system where the server effectively dynamically bribes players to play unplayed queues would get queues moving and give benefits to the players that trigger them.

    A system where the queue itself has a base level of rewards it starts off at (perhaps fractionally less than what's offered now), then for every minute (or 5mins, whatever works) it has NOT been triggered, the rewards it offers ALL increase by 1% or 5% (or whatever appropriate amount, for marks, dili, XP etc) so the longer it goes unplayed the more rewards the servers offer until it pops, then it resets back to base reward level and starts again.
    It would be a honey pot to those looking for best bang for time spent and get people queueing for things they normally wouldn't because it just wouldn't be "worth it" otherwise.

    If successful, players would be spread across all queues keeping the bonus outlay (from cryptic) minimal. But if players want to play as they currently do, those that venture around in other queues will get rewarded for triggering them, incentivising people to trigger unused queues, promoting players to spread around the queues.

    Best part is, it'll work no matter how many queues you introduce. Old ones will keep triggering because they'd offer large dili, XP, marks etc rewards that are too good to pass up.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    this can not end well. i'm too sleepy to give a thorough report now but I have been following this closely and will give a full report tomorrow.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • lljkgsglljkgsg Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Having trouble with PvE queues?

    Since Delta Rising I've had the oddest issue with PvE queues...

    All of the queues where one or two decent players could carry the usual collection of "I use universal consoles in tactical slots. I am of no use to anyone", "Boarding Party? Sweet!", "More Mines=better than", and/or "Dual Heavy Cannons are great on a Galaxy-X! Pew Pew Pew!" seem to be totally empty now that the Out-DPSed by Warp Core Breaches Crew can cause a hard fail. Decent players aren't wasting their time, so they're going to premades, and the Exploding Scimitar Brigade can't hope to finish anything above normal difficulty- but without advanced rep rewards there what's the point?

    The only queues that I ever see pop regularly are Borg Disconnected: Normal and CC: Normal and Advanced. Rumor has it that some people play Bug Hunt: Elite, but that's ground so I avoid it.
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    That doesn't reflect my own personal opinion; I'm quite happy with the game. However, fact is fact and the company needs to own up to it rather than pass the buck to some imaginary "issue."

    You post some crazy stuff, but, well......said!

    Oh and yes, this thread is beyond funny to the point that it doesn't make any sense at all.

    Wouldn't you guys:

    A) Have info in terms of average wait time and all that other jazz?

    B) Do it yourself? I mean honestly, I'm not trying to be insulting here, but, why are you asking the players to do this exactly? Why can't a few devs or whomever works at Cryptic do what you're asking the players to do?

    I don't get it. I've played a lot of games and followed their game forums more, and I have to say I haven't seen this before. Test server or beta testing? Of course, but not like this.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • admiraltroikaadmiraltroika Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    all of them
  • jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    get a grip people. They are TRYING to help and most all they get in return is inane histrionics. People complain the devs don't listen..here is your chance to be constructive. I guess non stop whinging is preferable to actual cogent inputs. It's a wonder the PWE team bothers at all to try considering the tenor of the majority of posters.

    This is not a chance for us to be 'constructive' with our feedback and opinions. This is cryptic asking for a list of missions we don't waste our time with anymore because the rewards suck and our full time jobs are not playing STO and grinding xp.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Not asking for constructive feedback
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Not asking for constructive feedback
    Average Wait Currently: (How long aprox do you wait now?)
    Not asking for constructive feedback
    Average Wait Previously: (How long aprox did you used to wait?)
    Not asking for constructive feedback

    There is no question of "why do you think people don't play this?" or "what would make this more enticing to the playerbase." They want numbers that for some very strange reason they can't get on their own.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So, does the existence of this thread signify that Cryptic's metrics can't distinguish between players playing from the PvE queue vs players playing from a private premade room or something like that? Because honestly people do still play things like Hive and Mine Trap post-DR (I've done HGE multiple times), but they've all moved to channels like PESTF because it's either impossible to get a PUG group via the PvE queue interface, or PUGs fail too often which is another thing that forces people to do premades.

    Take Starbase Fleet Defense as an example. (all examples below are Fed; KDF-specific queues have loooong had issues with popping, requiring premades to get anything done)
    Current wait time? ∞
    Previous wait time? 5-15 minutes
    This used to pop several times per hour from the PvE queue but now I never see more than 3 people waiting in the queue. The only way you can play this post-DR is if someone in a global chat channel makes a concerted effort to get a premade team going.

    or Gorn Minefield
    Current wait time: 20 to ∞ minutes
    Previous: 0 to 6 minutes

    Starbase 24
    Current wait time: ∞. Nobody plays this anymore.
    Previous: Instant. People would play this back to back as fast as they could.

    Colony Invasion
    Current: 15 to ∞ minutes
    Previous: 0 to 5 minutes

    Federation Fleet Alert
    Current: 10+ minutes
    Previous: 0 to 5 minutes

    And the list goes on and on. I've essentially given up on PUGging almost everything except for FFA and BHE. Anything else and I'll only do a premade for it.
    tk79 wrote: »
    [EDIT] say that ten people see this topic and queue for a variety of missions as suggested. BAM. Little waiting time. Fabricated and unrealistic results, too. Another thing to make this topic further useless.

    This is true. The mere existence of this topic causes more people to queue up in order to test the queue wait times, thus skewing the results by causing queues to pop. (Although who knows what degree of influence this causes; i.e. how many people read this topic and then go test at the same time as each other?)

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Wow, I feel bad for Smirk. Getting the order to put this poll out... it's begging to be trolled.

    Between the 10 and 20k channels, my fleet and interfleet chat, private queues are the only reliable ways to run advanced content. PUGs tend to fail. And even just filling a private advanced run in my fleet is hard. Only a few of our whale/grindy members really participate. The rest, crickets when you ask to 'x' up.

    Reduced rewards, auto fail "optionals", feeling less powerful at level 60 than we were at 50... the list could go for pages. Who could blame casuals for not queuing up.

    And yes, your format should be which ones queue quickly, as that would give you less content to read through. Pretty much what others have said have been my experience queuing up too.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So, does the existence of this thread signify that Cryptic's metrics can't distinguish between players playing from the PvE queue vs players playing from a private premade room or something like that?
    Probably. AFAIK there's no difference after the mission starts. It's possible that the metrics simply capture the number of times a day the mission gets played.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • joshmaaaaaaansjoshmaaaaaaans Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Everything is complete trash and not worth queing for (Waiting 2 hours) unless it's

    Crystalline entity
    Sometimes Khitomer space
    Infected Space
    Bug hunt
    Borg disconnected (Normal)

    Sometimes Azure nebula rescue
This discussion has been closed.