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PvE Queue Survey



  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2014
    buzz0942 wrote: »
    Well, my guess is the more populated queues will get a NERF.

    And i have to agree: everyone who joins the queues now to test how long they need to pop will just distort the results. Besides the fact that cryptic already has the numbers. I think some dev already said something like the queues are not empty. Perhaps OP could just ask him?

    Don't remember the name right now .. the one with the big ego who likes to talk - a lot.

    I think they already have the data but my logic says they want to know the player perception about queue times.
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    get a grip people. They are TRYING to help and most all they get in return is inane histrionics. People complain the devs don't listen..here is your chance to be constructive. I guess non stop whinging is preferable to actual cogent inputs. It's a wonder the PWE team bothers at all to try considering the tenor of the majority of posters.
    jjdez wrote: »
    This is not a chance for us to be 'constructive' with our feedback and opinions. This is cryptic asking for a list of missions we don't waste our time with anymore because the rewards suck and our full time jobs are not playing STO and grinding xp.

    There is no question of "why do you think people don't play this?" or "what would make this more enticing to the playerbase." They want numbers that for some very strange reason they can't get on their own.

    With the information they are gathering i'm guessing that they only plan on adjusting rewards here and there. If they were to ask us why we dont like instance X anymore that might mean that they plan on changing fight mechanics, npc abilities or difficulty. But they didnt ask us that, so i dont think thats what they are changing. With adjusted rewards we will still have to deal with the same reasons that made us not want to do the instance before...but at least now we get more out of it. WoW did something like this during MoP with the Heroic Shado Pan Monastery dungeon. People were immediately leaving the group when the LFG tool randomly put them in that instance. Relative to the other heroic dungeons Shado Pan took a bit longer to complete. As a result Blizzard increased the rewards for that specific dungeon as well as 1 or 2 other dungeons that people were leaving.

    As far as all the other QQ going on in this thread. I would hope that the devs are only using this survey as one of the sources of information rather than the only source of information to make their adjustments. I'm sure they are...or rather i hope that they are looking at their own metrics, or that they are also reviewing the LFG queue display tool on their own. Or that they are doing their own internal research and then comparing all the data they have pulled (which would include this survey) and comparing everything so that they have the big picture. If all they are going off of is the information from this thread...well i dont even know what to say about that.
  • soidutssoiduts Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Literally all queues except Crystalline Catastrophe Advanced and Bug Hunt Elite which are the only mission that do not have a greater than 5 minute. While splitting each mission into three different difficulties was a good idea, it didn't pan out as it splits the player base too much.

    I have to agree with most people on this thread, its not identifying which levels lack players, its understanding why they aren't playing.

    Queue Name: All Pug Queues both FED and KDF
    Level Type: All levels: Normal, Advanced and Elite
    Average Wait Currently: Most are now 5 minutes plus
    Average Wait Previously: 1 to 2 minutes

    Take these reasons seriously as this is what the player base is experiencing and all need to be addressed.

    Reasons why no one is playing pug/queues:
    1. For many people the difficultly change is significant. Casual players are having a difficult time playing even normal now.

    2. Rewards are not good enough for 95% of the queues. There are missions that take less time and reward better. Literally no point doing other missions and that's showing. If a mission takes 15-20minutes, it should be rewarding 15-20minutes worth of stuff not equal or in many cases less than a queue that takes 2 to 5 minutes.

    3. DPS channel players and experienced players need Elite level content. Most missions don't have Elite level difficulty yet, 2 months after the launch of Delta Rising.

    4. Too many bugs in the Delta Rising queues. VCE has an automatic fail optional still with anomaly. ISA has spheres bug, shield bug, gateway bug. Refer to bug forum threads. Most of these are months+ reported issues!

    5. Player experience, level, acquired skills, specializations and traits make a substantial difference in overall gameplay in Delta Rising and with the recent change to level up taking longer, people aren't very happy with the excessive grind required to actually play Elite queues now. Many of the high end weapons, traits and doffs needed for Elite content are out of reach for the majority of the casual player base.

    6. Optionals are being failed too often in Pugs which penalizes players too much by locking them out of the mission for an hour. Experienced players are only forming private groups now.

    7. Upgrading equipment requires players to play Advanced or Elite content to get required VR materials and raw dilithium but they can't complete them without upgrading. Catch 22.

    8. Many of the queues are literally for grinding and the player base has done these hundreds of times. Advanced and Elite mode need to remove time gated intro starts, cutscenes and dialog boxes that force stop a player. Only the normal mode should have these 'tutorial' dialogs.

    9. Energy Credit nerf from a few months ago reduces the number of players doing queues to obtain equipment to make EC. If you are concerned about crafting items to sell to make ec, keep crafted items the same EC to sell and return dropped items to their original EC.

    10. Queues aren't giving their proper Skill points. Doing an Elite level should not be rewarding 1000-1500 skill points as they are now. Needs to be 17x that for Elite. Players are having a hard time getting enough Skill points now to level up in a reasonable amount of time. Went from way too fast with people doing Tal Dewa at launch to way too slow with the recent 'math increase skill points required per level' change. That annoys the entire player community either way.

    11. Many players used ALT's to play queues. Takes too long to level ALT's up now. Need a way to help level ALT's up like the sponsor token from reputation.

    12. Most fleets are maxed out. No need to do queues that only give out Fleet Marks. Fleet project that only give 50% credit return is insulting as players worked hard to get to Tier 5 base and to get the marks.

    13. Switching between Ground and Space queues is very annoying. Retraiting every time takes too long. Need to have separate Ground and Space Personal Trait slots as well as Trait loadouts.

    14. Queue Burnout from Mirror Invasion event. For the second year in a row, right after the Mirror Invasion event has completed, there has been a noticeable decrease in the number of players queuing after the event has completed. Players get way too burnt out playing that event.

    15. Queues take too long. No Win Scenario Elite can take the most experienced players in the game 30-40 minutes to complete for literally almost the same reward as playing on Normal which only takes 7-8 minutes. Can do Normal 5 times in the same time period for 5 times the reward as Elite.

    16. Bring back Hourly Bonuses. Daily player bonuses gave people a reason to get into queues. Bonuses biweekly is lowering player turnout.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    I'm sorry but lol at this thread trying to pass empty queues off as a "bug"or "issue" other than "no one wants to play them due to reduced rewards and other 'tweaks.'" It's no secret that the game is hemorrhaging players so just fess up and admit it rather than pretend differently.

    I think deep in our hearts (or maybe not so deep, really) we all realize they're never coming out, saying "No one wants to play the queues any more!" But, honestly, they don't need to, far as I'm concerned, as long as they just acknowledge their own metrics (kinda silly we have to provide those for them, as if they don't know themselves: when we went 17x faster than elsewhere, they suddenly had detailed logs). And then just halt the exodus, one way or the other.

    At least what this survey does, is acknowledge the empty queues.
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The only Q that pops for me is Bug Hunt Elite and CC Advanced.

    And of course the event ones.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited December 2014

    There's a limit to how we can type in a single response. Basically I've given up using the queues, and focusing on building teams in the chat channels form the player left in the game.

    I recently joined the 10,000K-dps channel, and found a decent selection of players to make queues. Advanced and Elite queues are only achievable with regular players. Casual players need not apply.

    The only queue I use:

    - Crystalline Catastrophe, Advanced

    Everything else is dead most times of the day and night.

    Don't you have metrics on on the games usage? Asking the players seems hollow.
  • oridjerraaoridjerraa Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hailing all Captains!

    Having trouble with PvE queues?

    Please report here which queues you are not able to queue up for due to lack of other members joining your PUG.

    Please include only the queues that are not popping within a reasonable amount of time, please do not include any queues that are functioning normally or only take 1-2 minutes to pop.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Average Wait Currently: (How long aprox do you wait now?)
    Average Wait Previously: (How long aprox did you used to wait?)

    Thanks everyone!

    Hi Smirk, My play time is mostly pugging. As said elsewhere in this thread, it is INDEED easier to list the pve missions that do fill in a reasonable amount of time, say 5mins or less.

    Since Ground elite is MEGA EASIER than elite space, Bug Hunt fills pretty quickly, I do also play the other ground elites (save Hive which never has a soul in it)but wait times can vary.

    Let me put my 2 cents as bluntly as possible. People don't like their time wasted-failed optional-and people want to work up specializations-stf's offer no xp rewards.

    The public queue has been decimated because no one likes 10 marks and a boot in the rear, and the rewards suck big time.

    Space queues, the only one that works is CE. The rest can be intentionally blown by anyone with the desire to fly right instead of left within Infected Conduit Advance. It happens all the time, in both space and ground. 10 marks and a boot in the rear because someone at Cryptic decided to make a failure feature without thinking it through.

    Normal, you say? Fail proof, sure. A complete waste of time, most certainly!

    My suggestion, take Advanced, and toss it in the garbage. Too many queues. Take the fail sauce thingy and toss that in the garbage too. PvE will never, NEVER, be a challenge. Take all those challenge seekers, and we number a lot, and make a real PVP system.

  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you're looking for info on the PvE queues why don't you give a listen to Priority One's Podcast 200?

    Seriously though, the problem with these queues would be solved just by adjusting the reward tables.

    It would probably take all of 5 minutes.
    Free Tibet!
  • zztopperszztoppers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Nice survey. Are you asking us or telling us?

    There are no players in the qs. If you look at the instances there are no players in the instances. Before DR there were at lease 30-50 in Infected and at least 10 qs were active. Now there are almost no active Qs and it takes 3-5 mins to start even the most popular are taking forever to lead up. You broke DR with all the changes the only fix is an about face, turn around and walk back to the day before DR when we were excited about the expansion. Then re-balance the difficulties and increase the dilithium payouts back to original.

    Its not rocket science people!

    It takes a bigger person to admit MISTAKES!

    Are there any people left in Cryptic or Perfect World?

    The numbers speak for themselves! If you dont want the $$$ then I guess you don't want any profits!

    Makes no sense not to give the players who spend the $$$ the content they want in the way we deserve it!
  • donkeybong420donkeybong420 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you can bet your soul that the results of this will not be used to prop up dead ques, but to eliminate those ques. :eek: Massive reduction in content inc.

    But if your actually serious about propping up the ques, you need to give players a reason to play them.

    1. If players were actually able to use the ques as a source of leveling, "spec points" then well they might be playing them instead of soloing patrols and doffing, not that those are good sources, but at least you can't get nothing from them from not meeting the mandatory optional.

    2. Optional should be optional, people will play the ques again if you do this.

    3. Dill, not a issue for me, 1440 dill for a elite is plenty.

    4. make the vr material for all ques random, instead of just one type, there is a reason everyone is in Crystal Entity...it the only reliable way to get Radiogenic.

    Starbase fleet defense was always a favorite for those that needed marks, this stf could of been a great way to level and get marks but with a massive hulls the ships have now, whats the point in even playing stfs.
    I mean really did you guys just pick out some jerk with 100k dps in a stf and balance the whole game around that one person, instead of most of your players?
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you can bet your soul that the results of this will not be used not to prop up dead ques, but to eliminate those ques. :eek: Massive reduction in content inc.

    There ARE queues that people didn't much bother with before Delta Rising. I'm not saying they should be eliminated though, because there are plenty of areas in the game that are totally deserted but they're still there.

    When was the last time you were on Andoria?

    As I said before, the answer to the STF issue is simple.

    Free Tibet!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you can bet your soul that the results of this will not be used not to prop up dead ques, but to eliminate those ques. :eek: Massive reduction in content inc.

    Dead queues = dead game. Not even Cryptic would be that daft.

    What is, however, required, is for a certain Lead Dev's ego to be swallowed, and admit that all his pointless (pun intended) XP nerfing was rather vexatious, and did far more harm than good. And then to undo all those nerfs. And then pray the people will return.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you can bet your soul that the results of this will not be used not to prop up dead ques, but to eliminate those ques. :eek: Massive reduction in content inc.

    Well ... if that's the case ... it's going to be the final straw for me ... please Cryptic don't **** my feedback, and do something worthwhile for a change ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    woodwhity wrote: »
    It would be easier to just name those which pop. Which would be Kithomer space, Infected Space, Crystalline Catastrophe. Azure nebula advanced also pops, but takes longer than the other three.

    All other pop...very rarely.

    Smirk - I am perplexed why you need US to tell YOU guys this, particularly when the information is there for ALL to see...

    You will find that the majority of the slow maps are ground maps. Aside from the fact that people prefer space pew-pew more than ground, ground maps pay for TRIBBLE in both XP per kill and in loot. (I find it odd that the value of ground items and space items were *normalized* yet the XP payout wasn't....)


    Queue Name: Breaking The Planet
    Level Type: n/a
    Average Wait Currently: Near impossible, NEVER for KDF
    Average Wait Previously: Still took a bit to pop, but not weeks. There are simply ques that payout better now.

    Breaking the Planet is a fun mission, particularly on the KDF-side. The problem is the pop-threshold is too damn high ESPECIALLY on the KDF side where they have a smaller playerbase by default.


    - Reduce the minimum amount of players required to start. At this point, 5 people should be enough.
    - Give a choice of marks in addition to the regular current rewards. Fleet marks at bare minimum.
    - Make a hybrid version that is cross-faction. Keep the Klingons as the baddies if you wish, but if you make it cross-faction it will pop MUCH more often.

    Queue Name: Big Dig/Romulan Temple
    Level Type: n/a
    Average Wait Currently: Hours
    Average Wait Previously:20-30 minutes

    This map is also a fun map to play but it suffers from the same issues BtP does: a ridiculously high player threshold to start.


    - Reduce the minimum start threshold: right now its around 15. It should be 5-10.
    - Make the threshold when people can join one in-progress longer: Since it is made for up to 20 people, these types of maps should keep the door open for longer periods of time for people to wander into. It will certainly keep people in the game longer.
    - Increase the ending rewards: Currently we need a daily to get anything worth a TRIBBLE out of it. Why not just make the daily augment the current rewards and add Romulan marks? I mean, it's a friggin Romulan map, ffs!!!!

    Queue Name: Mine Trap
    Level Type: All
    Average Wait Currently: Never pops, exept on Bonus Mark days
    Average Wait Previously: 10-20 minutes.

    Again, another situation where it requires too many people to start. To a point, this likely can't be avoided with this map, but if you MUST keep the 15-20 que pop threshold here, the payout MUST be strong to properly incentivise this map. In addition, this map is particularly long and has parts that annoy players (Salt Zombies Alphas are annoying as TRIBBLE...)In any case, keep in mind this map was more popular where there were fewer reps and not may good or fun ways to get Romulan marks.


    - Slightly reduce the threshold to pop. But only a little.
    - Reduce the time this map takes up.
    - If you can't reduce the time the map takes, increase the payout in both Dil and marks. Larger maps that require MORE people should ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST!
    - Give choice of marks to incentivise

    Queue Name: Nukara Prime: Self Destruct
    Level Type: All
    Average Wait Currently: Never pops.
    Average Wait Previously: Bad

    This map simply has too many moving parts and is too easy to fail. It's ridden with debuffs and turns a potentially fun and frenetic map into a grueling slugfest. It *could* be something fun like Bug Hunt, but no.


    I don't know. It's too easy for people to TRIBBLE it up. Reduce the failure conditions for starters.

    Queue Name: Colony Invasion
    Level Type: N/a (only one difficulty setting)
    Average Wait Currently: 10-20 minutes. Much longer KDF-side
    Average Wait Previously: 1-2 minutes.

    Colony Invasion is one of those almost PERFECT ground maps where the pacing is excellent and the map is just a lot of fun. However, it now needs an elite version. With new maps out now and with a seeming push to reduce sources of XP, people are eschewing this mission simply because it doesn't give them jack for XP, being a ground mission and all.

    - Colony Invasion needs more types of baddies: It's been here for what, 2 years now and we're STILL (!) limited to Undine, Hirogen, Klingons, Breen and Jem Hadar for Fed and the same but swap Fed for KDF. Where are the Borg? Voth? Mirror Fed? Random alien group?
    - Like other maps, it offers poor rewards for the current version of the game. It needs a reward buff.

    That's all for now, I may add more later.

    In the end though, all of this is a metaphorical circlejerk: As long as people feel that the effort doesn't match the rewards, they wan't play the mission. ESPECIALLY now that DR is putting our thumbs to the screws in every way possible (XP, Dil, etc)
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I stopped pugging/playing prvately ALL of the Ques Post-DR for these reasons:

    1) The rewards no longer match the effort required.

    2) Some person whom I'd really like to call a very nasty name decided Optionals ought to be changed to Mandatorys.

    3) The same person decided the cheapest way to make the AI more challenging was to add "one million HPs!" (And I can picture him doing the Dr. Evil pinky finger thing while saying this) to each of the NPC's.

    4) Most important one. The Ques are no longer fun. Why? See the above.

    Do whatever you want with them, I no longer care. And Smirk, if I were you, I'd be updating my resume. I'd also be looking hard for a job. No future in being a heat shield for a bunch of people who are waay smarter than their customers. Don't believe they're smarter? Well then, go ask them, they'll tell you.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The only queue's I used to do were space Infected, Cure and Khitomer.

    I say used to because you made Adv un-pugable, and Normal isn't worth the time-to-reward ratio..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Dear Sir,

    In my experience these Queues DO NOT take long to start;
    Infected - Conduit ADV - Space
    Crystalline Catastrophe ADV - Space
    The Cure ADV - Space
    Bug Hunt Elite - Ground
    Nukara Transdimentionl Elite - Ground
    Nukara Infiltration Elite - Ground
    Fleet Alert - Normal - Space
    Khitomer ADV - Ground
    *Less then 5mins for the above to start up;
    (some are overexaggerating if they say any of these will not "pop")

    But here is one that may never start again, and its such a SHAME (This one has me literally depressed);

    Mine Trap - Ground --- 20 Man Queue will never fill for this amazing mission.
    My fleet and I LOVE Mine Trap, but we can never play it anymore, as it never fills up.

    Please do something for MINE TRAP - Some ideas we had in our fleet;
    Make it a 5 man queue (you only need to fight in one quadrant)
    Make an ADV and Elite Queue
    (sorry for caps - it's just that I miss this mission so much)

    Thank you for considering my entry.
    Please note I'm being as unbiased/honest as possible with my entries.
    I play everyday for several hours.

  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    get a grip people. They are TRYING to help and most all they get in return is inane histrionics. People complain the devs don't listen..here is your chance to be constructive. I guess non stop whinging is preferable to actual cogent inputs. It's a wonder the PWE team bothers at all to try considering the tenor of the majority of posters.

    Except that Cryptic is not trying to help. They can't even see how useless this topic is.

    1) Most of the answers they're looking for are a few clicks away ingame.

    2) They can gauge such metrics themselves in a more controlled environment, using only a couple of people in different time ranges.

    3) They don't realize that many players testing this will end up in fabricated, unrealistic results. To which begs the question: are they trying to artificially inflate the queues just to make them *seem* used? Of course I'm being malicious here, but I can no longer give Cryptic the benefit of doubt.

    4) This kind of testing is tedious and stressful. It doesn't give players anything (if anything, they might lose things in the future, considering how Cryptic has been working lately). It only serves to waste time and energy of players. I feel bad for the ones that are testing this thinking it will be useful to them. It won't.

    Cryptic needs to approach this differently. Instead of asking players to do their work, they should, first of all, implement queue metrics, if they're not implemented already. (And if they are, this topic is no longer useless and is now a big troll from the devs). Then, let the metrics speak for themselves. No fabricated results, no stressed out players, and the devs will all the data they want.

    It's that simple.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Smirk - I am perplexed why you need US to tell YOU guys this, particularly when the information is there for ALL to see...

    "perplexed", I'm amazed, perhaps Smirk just got back off a very long holiday.

    The thought that Smirk doesn't actually know what's going on in the game is too just worrying to even consider.

    I presume then, that this is the prelude to the long awaited maps rollback announcement.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hailing all Captains!

    Having trouble with PvE queues?

    Please report here which queues you are not able to queue up for due to lack of other members joining your PUG.

    Please include only the queues that are not popping within a reasonable amount of time, please do not include any queues that are functioning normally or only take 1-2 minutes to pop.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Average Wait Currently: (How long aprox do you wait now?)
    Average Wait Previously: (How long aprox did you used to wait?)

    Thanks everyone!

    Hailing all Cryptic Employees!

    Having complaints with PvE queues?

    Please actually play the game. Take a few hours, pick a meeting and cancel it. Have everyone instead log into the live server and play in the queues.

    Please take the time to setup a few characters at various points in endgame gear/specialization/cash shop advancement. Have each employee fill out a survey. please do not allow anyone to enable godmode.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Advancement Stage: (What gear used?)
    Enjoyment/Frustration Experienced: (Was it fun?)

    Thanks guys!
  • stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Can anybody find me queue to play? Each morning I get up I die a little. Can barely log in and play. Take a look in the mirror and cry. Cryptic what you're doing to me. I have spent all my years in believing you, but I just can't get no relief, Cryptic!
    Somebody, somebody, can anybody find me queue to play?

    I work hard every day of my life, I work till I ache my bones. At the end I take home my hard earned pay all on my own - I get down on my laptop
    and I start to play. Till the tears run down from my eyes. Cryptic - somebody - somebody, can anybody find me - a queue to play?

    Everyday - I try and I try and I try - But all those bugs wants to put me down. They say I'm goin' crazy. They say I got a lot of reporting errors in my queuelist. Got no common sense, I got nobody left to believe. Yeah - yeah yeah yeah..

    Oh Cryptic, Somebody - somebody, can anybody find me a queue to play?

    Got no pop, I got no rewards, I just keep losing my beat. I'm ok, I'm alright. Ain't gonna face no defeat. I just gotta get out of this queue of hell. Someday I'm gonna be free, Cryptic!

    Find me a queue to play, can anybody find me a queue to play?!
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Nerf is OP, plz nerf
    That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.

    I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
  • tankfox23tankfox23 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I have to agree that this is a waste of time. Anyone that has logged into the game knows there are very few queues that pop frequently. Crystalline advanced, infected space, khitomer space, cure space (though this one is unpuggable).

    It's not like the forum community hasn't given you the answers. Increase rewards, especially xp, remove the fail conditions. The thing that's most upsetting is that some of those fail conditions are bugged and still not fixed (looking at you viscous cycle anomaly). The only thing the fail conditions have done is increase frustration, I don't play your game to be frustrated. So I don't pug anything but crystalline.

    Fewer rewards and increased difficulty = empty queues.

    If you want ideas on how to fix this mess that might be more productive than this poll. As others said just log on yourself. I am not trying to be a jerk, but it's pretty obvious which queues pop if you just log in.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited December 2014
    Hailing all Captains!

    Having trouble with PvE queues?

    Please report here which queues you are not able to queue up for due to lack of other members joining your PUG.

    Please include only the queues that are not popping within a reasonable amount of time, please do not include any queues that are functioning normally or only take 1-2 minutes to pop.

    Queue Name: (Which PvE event?)
    Level Type: (Normal, Advanced, Elite?)
    Average Wait Currently: (How long aprox do you wait now?)
    Average Wait Previously: (How long aprox did you used to wait?)

    Thanks everyone!

    The reason Qs arnt popping is because of the strong arm tactic's you use to force players to play the content you want us to play by maxing the rewards in those few Qs

    Dyson ground still the best dilithium reward

    Argula the best xp award 8000 xp verses 2000 for all other content

    The old fun STFs gutted with puny rewards and massive Fail condititions

    Gating level 60 players content from level 50s

    What you need to do is make the rewards even across the board make the rewards players choice across the board...Then pay attention to what is really popular content so you know what isn't fun and can improve that content

    Drop the Fail condititions ..............Its Failing

    Using your strong arm tactics an virtural blackmail to force us players to play the content you want us play for your own reasons is a HUGE problem you are bringing on yourselves

    2000 xp to do a long hard infected advanced verses a super east argula patrol normal giving me 8000 xp is a prime example

    infected advanced should give at least 8000 xp actually its longer and required 4 other players so it should be 12000 xp

    That's why the Qs arnt popping
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • betanembetanem Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well the only pve queue i can play is crystalline enity advanced.
    infected space normal seem to be hit or miss most of the time
    cure space is hit or miss too
    kdf fleet alert is hit or miss too
    everything else take forever to start, if at all.
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    All we asked was:
    (1) Leave normal difficulty alone.
    (2) What we used to call elite, call advanced, but otherwise leave it alone.
    (3) Create a new moderately harder difficulty and call it elite.

    Pretty simple really, but you just couldn't handle that, could you? You had to mess up what already worked. Meanwhile, failing to learn the very basics of behavioural principles, you screwed it all up. Now the queues are empty. Then, rather than recognize your failure, you decided you'd punish us for your failure. And increasing difficulty is not just multiplying hull points well beyond anything rational. That just multiplies boredom. The solution is really quite simple: go back to what we had and just do what we asked you to do.

    The only real question is: Is the damage you've done irreversible?
  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hailing all Captains!

    Please report here which queues you are not able to queue up for due to lack of other members joining your PUG.

    I will do nothing of the sort. I'd be entering queues I would not normally have bothered to enter and thus affect the outcome of this survey.
  • zenjudgementzenjudgement Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I also suggest the development team look at the game from a casual, and new players perspective. In my opinion, unless you are in a fleet and a committed player with decent equipment most of the high level content is closed to you.
    The damage is reversible, if only they stopped being so arrogant and stubborn. This survey is a serious joke.

    Dev's, log in to your game that you made, and try to play a STF, and you'll find your answers. But you won't cause you know it's screwed.
  • darthpetersendarthpetersen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The list of queues which are running are shorter then the list of queues not running.

    Running queues:

    Crystalline advanced
    infected space
    khitomer space
    cure space
    and sometimes fleet alert

    With all others i have problems

    Nukara missions didn't run anymore
    Starbase 24 not running
    Rihoo station not running or you have to wait for a long time
    Fleet defense not running
    The vault is not running
    Starbace incursion is not running or you have to wait for a long time
    and there are a lot of other missions i want to play for variety but there are not running anymore.

    But please, please do not delete this missions from the list. That is not a solution. I loved the variety of grind in the game (i do not love grind, but a variety of grind is better then grind the same missions x times).
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My first question is...

    Why Are You Asking?

    We've been told (a few times) that the Forums are not considered as a reliable source of information.

    So why all of a sudden, are we being asked a question that any member of the development team could queue up and see for themselves??

    Is this an omen that something wicked this way comes???

    I feel like Little Red Ridinghood wondering why Grandma has such a big smile with a mouthful of fangs...

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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