i think this starts to happen the moment you put your shield into upgrade system which autoconverts it into the new upgradeable shield.
i didn't do it to any of my fleet shields, and so far they work pretty much all the time.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
For some reason I can't post a new thread, so I'm putting this information in the thread that most closely matches my problem.
The adapt functionality of my fleet shields does not function. The amp functionality, transwarp cooldown reduction, engine capacitor, and I believe the Eff stat boost on my elite fleet warp core do not function.
I can get all of the above to work by switching ships and switching back. This has been tested in Qo'nos system, where I can see the amp buff appear from my warp core. This has also been tested in the Argala patrol, where the appropriate buff appears, and I can see my shields adapt in combat. This has also been tested in sector space, where the engines capacitor ability reappears. All of the above stops functioning whenever I change maps at all.
I've also tried different ships, but all display the same result. I can get the shields and core functioning properly temporarily by switching to my shuttle then switching back, but upon switching any maps, these functionalities disappear. I've tested going from ground (Klingon Academy) to space (Qo'nos System and Sector Space), from system space (Qo'nos System) to sector space (Omega Leonis), as well as going from one sector (Omega Leonis) to just another sector (Eta Eridani).
The only other thing I can think to test is buying a new warp core and shields, but given the massive dilithium sink that upgrading is going to be, I need to save all of the dilithium I can.
I don't have other characters with fleet shields and warp cores, so I can't see if this is an account-wide problem or character specific issue. Based on the forum thread, where other people are reporting that their shields are working for other characters, I believe this is character specific, but I can't verify that for myself.
All of this information was provided in a bug report/GM ticket, so hopefully you've already seen this.
Something happened last night though that raises a potential route of item corruption. The Jem'hadar body armor on two of my other characters stopped providing resistances. There's no way for me to see if "changing ships" fixes this issue since I know of no way to do that with the character itself, however, the armor provides my crew members with resistances just fine.
The only thing that my shields, core, and body armors have in common is that I checked the upgrade window for these items while they were equipped (by opening the upgrade tab from the inventory and choosing the item from the dropdown menu.) A friend of mine who has had no issues with the upgrade system always unequipped items before checking their upgrade status, so I wonder if it's possible that even slotting items into an upgrade slot while the item is equipped might cause item corruption in rare cases. I'm not sure how easy this would be to replicate, since I have other gear that is completely fine and the body armors didn't fail immediately; I only noticed that problem a few days later.
I have no way to test whether or not this is the case, this is simply a guess since I have a friend who has had no issues with the upgrade system and bugged items post-expansion while I've been plagued with them. I hope this information helps track down this bug.
Just on another note, it's extremely discouraging when you submit a ticket a week after a forum post describing your issue is posted, and the reply is "the bug is unknown, please report it."
Can I get some character name@handles for affected characters?
If you choose to provide such, please either quote your original post with the description of your issue, or provide a new description of what item(s) is affected, on what ship, under what circumstances, etc.
Can I get some character name@handles for affected characters?
If you choose to provide such, please either quote your original post with the description of your issue, or provide a new description of what item(s) is affected, on what ship, under what circumstances, etc.
Thanks for the information.
james@jam3s1701 federation tac level 60
This is my thread about I'm having issues with upgraded Elite Fleet shields. .
If you want the information in another thread or through another means of communication, let me know and I'll be happy to provide it there as well.
Character: N'Mej@seddheen
Items Affected: Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array MK XII [Adapt][Cap]x2[ResB] and Elite Fleet Hyper-Charged Warp Core MK XII [AMP][ECap][Eff][Trans][W->A]
Currently equipped on: Vur'nuk
Short problem summary:
Adapt does not function on shields. AMP, ECap, Eff, and Trans do not function on the warp core. All of the above can be forced to work by switching starships with the "switch starship" button on the character sheet, but they stop working upon switching maps. As for the circumstances, they are always disabled unless I switch starships, at which point they work until I change to a different map. This behavior has been observed on every starship on my roster.
Character: Vava@seddheen
Items Affected: Jem'hadar Armor MK XI
Currently equipped on: Hiven
Character: T'laas@seddheen
Items Affected: Jem'hadar Armor MK XI
Currently equipped on: T'vrell
Short problem summary:
These body armors do not provide resistances as shown on the character sheet. When equipped on bridge officers, they provide the appropriate resistances. I have not found a way to force the armor to provide resistances on my character under any circumstance.
Because of a friend's completely clean experience with upgrading, I personally wonder if something may happen if you open the upgrade tab from the button in the inventory then select a piece of equipped gear from the "item to upgrade" dropdown menu. This is just a very rough guess, but it's pretty much the only thing I did differently when compared to a friend of mine with a completely clean upgrade experience so far. Unfortunately I'm not sure how easily it is to test this on my own, since the body armors didn't stop providing resistance immediately.
Please let me know if you want more information, I'm more than happy to do whatever I can to help.
Can I get some character name@handles for affected characters?
If you choose to provide such, please either quote your original post with the description of your issue, or provide a new description of what item(s) is affected, on what ship, under what circumstances, etc.
Thanks for the information.
Occurring on the RRW Keterix (Scimitar Dreadnought) with the (Ultra Rare) Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array MK XIII [Adapt] [Cap]x2 [ResB]. It started to occur after upgrading from MK XII to MK XIII. [edit / add ] The issue being no apparent Adapting is taking place, not seeing any stacks, and definitely 'feeling' like it's not adapting.
I fly a Scimitar with my main, and my Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt] does not adapt to incoming damage anymore. Neither does the visual shield effect change, nor do I get the buff. I verified this multiple times against friends with different energy types in private challanges and versus NPCs (Borg plasma, Vaadwaur polaron and Tal'Shiar disruptor to be precise).
Switching the shield does not work. All my other characters except my science use the same shield, and they have no problems.
I imported a copy of Caerys and ran some tests. I was not able to repro the total lack of adaption, but I was able to get a delay in adaption. I was firing on him with an escort that had four different types of energy weapons in its forward slots, and I fired one after the other. I consistently saw the fourth energy type, whatever it happened to be, would require multiple hits (usually about 3) to get the adaption to kick in. I wrote that up as a bug and sent it on to the Systems team so they can look at it.
I'll keep trying to repro the bigger problems you guys are seeing, but this is all I've gotten so far.
My biggest problem is not so much the adapt bug it's the regeneration of it, I've never really paid attention to the adapt part as yes it helps but it's the regeneration I've found has dropped big time since upgrading to Mk XIV
If you need me to do something in game to help you see what the issue is with the ones I have been using until I stopped let me know as currently they are sat in my inventory gathering dust due to being of no use compared to the Borg Mk XIII
I imported a copy of Caerys and ran some tests. I was not able to repro the total lack of adaption, but I was able to get a delay in adaption. I was firing on him with an escort that had four different types of energy weapons in its forward slots, and I fired one after the other. I consistently saw the fourth energy type, whatever it happened to be, would require multiple hits (usually about 3) to get the adaption to kick in. I wrote that up as a bug and sent it on to the Systems team so they can look at it.
I'll keep trying to repro the bigger problems you guys are seeing, but this is all I've gotten so far.
THANK you for the answer!
So, just to be clear: my shield is really not adapting - except to Vaadwaur polaron, and even that seems to not happen all the time.
It is not just a delay thing on my side. I am very sure of that.
But thank you anyways. I am glad you're checking this out.
I imported a copy of Caerys and ran some tests. I was not able to repro the total lack of adaption, but I was able to get a delay in adaption. I was firing on him with an escort that had four different types of energy weapons in its forward slots, and I fired one after the other. I consistently saw the fourth energy type, whatever it happened to be, would require multiple hits (usually about 3) to get the adaption to kick in. I wrote that up as a bug and sent it on to the Systems team so they can look at it.
I'll keep trying to repro the bigger problems you guys are seeing, but this is all I've gotten so far.
Got exactly the same problem like xiaoping88. It startet after I put the Shield into the upgrade system. I didnt upgrade it, I just wanted to watch the new stats.
Now it isnt adepting anymore...
I even tested it against the xiaoping88's Ship (PVP) and various NPC enemys.
It wont work.
Maybe you could try it with my character (Sharena@Scalblaja) (or another with the same problem) again?
Also feel free to add me on Holodeck - I could show you the Problem in a PVP/PVE match.
Can I get some character name@handles for affected characters?
If you choose to provide such, please either quote your original post with the description of your issue, or provide a new description of what item(s) is affected, on what ship, under what circumstances, etc.
Thanks for the information.
Thanks for looking into this.
My Character with the Issue is Revex Dax@Valynus, shields have been upgraded to XIV
Following on from someones comment on switching starships I have been able to replicate the problem consistently following some testing today.
Here is a procedure which I have run several times, each time the shields have bugged predictably.
1. Enter the Japori system in my Hazari with Elite Fleet Shields already equipped.
2. Enter combat, note that there is no resistance stacking buff.
3. Exit combat, but stay in system
4. Switch starship to shuttle (delta flyer) using the button on the ship status page (pressing u)
5. Wait for timer to expire so you can switch starships again to the Hazari.
6. Switch starship to Hazari using the button on the ship status page.
7. Enter combat, resistance stacking buff is now enabled and working.
8. Exit combat and exit system.
9. Enter the Japori system
10. Enter combat, resistance stacking buff is gone again, bugged.
11. Repeat as required
I've tested this method several times now and it is consistent, hopefully now with this info you will have somewhere to start.
I have tested the bugged shields on other ships (T5U) and have no stacking buff, but I haven't run them through the above procedure, but I feel the results will be the same.
One other thing to point out, even though its possible to get the resistance stacking tooltip to appear in the tray, its unclear if its actually providing any ACTUAL resistance buff.
The stats say it isn't, there is no increase in resistance, but there are so many bugs at the moment with consoles not applying correct stats, or other statistical display errors, its hard to know what to believe.
I imported a copy of Caerys and ran some tests. I was not able to repro the total lack of adaption, but I was able to get a delay in adaption. I was firing on him with an escort that had four different types of energy weapons in its forward slots, and I fired one after the other. I consistently saw the fourth energy type, whatever it happened to be, would require multiple hits (usually about 3) to get the adaption to kick in. I wrote that up as a bug and sent it on to the Systems team so they can look at it.
I'll keep trying to repro the bigger problems you guys are seeing, but this is all I've gotten so far.
I got around to copying my character over to Tribble to check something, and for myself at least, I can confirm that the bug with Adaptive shielding not triggering did not occur for me on tribble after I copied.
I don't know if the process you use to copy to your test environment is significantly different than the method used to copy to Tribble, but is it possible that the act of copying resolved the underlying issue in your case with Caerys?
[ edit ]
Or possibly the tribble patch may resolve the issue itself, can find out tomorrow I guess.
I got around to copying my character over to Tribble to check something, and for myself at least, I can confirm that the bug with Adaptive shielding not triggering did not occur for me on tribble after I copied.
I don't know if the process you use to copy to your test environment is significantly different than the method used to copy to Tribble, but is it possible that the act of copying resolved the underlying issue in your case with Caerys?
[ edit ]
Or possibly the tribble patch may resolve the issue itself, can find out tomorrow I guess.
I also copied my character with the bugged shields over to tribble again.
Tested the shields on Tribble and as with you they work as intended.
So it seems that there is something in the data held on Holodeck that is causing the problem and this corrupt data/information is not being replicated on copying to Tribble.
I've tested the shields today on Holodeck, just in case the recent patch did anything, it didnt, they are still bugged on Holodeck.
So, in lieu of actually getting a fix for this, would a GM deleting and re-issuing the shield solve anything?
I also copied my character with the bugged shields over to tribble again.
Tested the shields on Tribble and as with you they work as intended.
So it seems that there is something in the data held on Holodeck that is causing the problem and this corrupt data/information is not being replicated on copying to Tribble.
I've tested the shields today on Holodeck, just in case the recent patch did anything, it didnt, they are still bugged on Holodeck.
So, in lieu of actually getting a fix for this, would a GM deleting and re-issuing the shield solve anything?
I hope it doesn't come to that .
I can also concur that the bug still occurs for my Scimitar on holodeck after the patch. Here's hoping that Frost can reproduce.
I keep hoping a patch will "accidentally" fix the issue I'm having with my fleet shields and fleet warp core, but this hasn't happened yet.
Since this problem appears to be impossible to replicate on Tribble based on user comments above, would having a GM replace the defective items, as mentioned above, be a feasible short-term alternative?
Without knowing why my shields and core broke it's impossible to say that it won't happen again, however, with a but that is difficult to replicate that seems to affect only a small number of users, it seems like an item replacement would be a reasonable fix. Also, if they happen to stop working again, someone may be able to isolate a potential trigger if they happen to be paying attention.
I still suspect that it happened because I added the items to the upgrade window using the upgrade interface while the items were still equipped, but I have no good way to test it. Actually, since the issue is affecting the Jem'hadar armor on my alts, when I have time I may farm up a few pieces of those and see if I can get some to break and some to stay active. With all of the tweaks being made to the upgrade system it's also possible this problem has been fixed, so even these tests may be in vain with an item replacement being probably the best possible solution for affected users.
Before the upgrade system I might have been tempted to just buy a new set of shields and warp core, but now I sort of need all of the dilithium I can get my hands on.
I have given up on the shields being fixed soon and I have switched to another combination of shields/engines/deflector.
The error we have on these shields I think is part of a larger problem with items being upgraded incorrectly, leading to data corruption on Holodeck.
We have proven that copying the character to another server (tribble) cures the error. So the devs will never see it unless they personally log our characters.
Will it get fixed? Who knows, this is a subset of a bigger problem and even if it does get fixed who is to say that will only stop items from that point corrupting and will do little to fix old items.
The upgrade system is a gamble. Not only do you gamble on a rarity upgrade, you gamble on the item ever working as intended again.
I have given up on the shields being fixed soon and I have switched to another combination of shields/engines/deflector.
The error we have on these shields I think is part of a larger problem with items being upgraded incorrectly, leading to data corruption on Holodeck.
We have proven that copying the character to another server (tribble) cures the error. So the devs will never see it unless they personally log our characters.
Will it get fixed? Who knows, this is a subset of a bigger problem and even if it does get fixed who is to say that will only stop items from that point corrupting and will do little to fix old items.
The upgrade system is a gamble. Not only do you gamble on a rarity upgrade, you gamble on the item ever working as intended again.
I feel much the same about the issue getting resolved. It's not a terribly big deal to me since I don't plan to go to Elite. But it's still annoying. I will probably follow the better plan of upgrading allof my gear to 14 first now instead of trying to epic out my shield.
Just posted this in another thread but I bought another adaptive ResB shield today, did nothing to it other then equip it and so far it's working better then the upgraded MK XIV I had.
I'm hoping my only reasonable alternative isn't buying new shields and core, since I'm not super dilithium rich, but I guess I can't count out that option.
Finding alternative shields shouldn't be too much of a problem since there are a good set of shields for reputation or even the Aegis shields from crafting. My personal problem is trying to find a reasonable alternative warp core, since amp is a pretty strong effect that isn't replicated anywhere else, nor are there warp cores that provide interesting alternative powers.
I seem to recall reading that all reputation warp cores gain amp when they get a rarity upgrade, is that true? If so maybe that's an option, since my long term goal is to get full epic 14s anyway.
I am having the same issues with my Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shields (ResB).
I upgraded to MKXIII and the adaptive function no longer activates.
If I buy new shields and re-upgrade them, what are the chances of the bug not re-asserting itself?
I have both an Elite Fleet Resilient [ResA] AND [ResB]. I have yet to upgrade them because I'm afraid of something bugging out... however I have noticed another problem.
The only proof I have is through Combat Log Reader, but according to that program, the [ResB] of those shields are giving me 10% Bleedthrough (via the Adv. Calculation button).
I use the ResA for fighting Tholians and the ResB for everyone else. I have logs showing that, since I came back to the game after DR, the [ResB] shields are giving me 10% bleedthrough. The tooltip is working fine, [Adapt] is working, resistances are right, but I'm getting more bleedthrough than I should.
Could I request that someone else that runs one of these shields checks their combatlog parses to see if you are getting the correct bleedthrough? I'm not sure if it's just me or if it's a global bug with the shields. If it's just me I can buy another from my fleet store (sigh).
I know I slotted these for upgrade at least once, but I'm not sure if that is what broke them.
Iv given up on elite fleet shields & gone back to using KHG they seem to be ok.
You also need to keep a eye on your warp cores, in some map mine are ok but in others not.
Seem to be a random bug effecting both shields & warp cores after upgrading.
In fact i have noticed that i get different stats on my ships in different maps, so what is working properly.?????.
I'm hoping my only reasonable alternative isn't buying new shields and core, since I'm not super dilithium rich, but I guess I can't count out that option.
Finding alternative shields shouldn't be too much of a problem since there are a good set of shields for reputation or even the Aegis shields from crafting. My personal problem is trying to find a reasonable alternative warp core, since amp is a pretty strong effect that isn't replicated anywhere else, nor are there warp cores that provide interesting alternative powers.
I seem to recall reading that all reputation warp cores gain amp when they get a rarity upgrade, is that true? If so maybe that's an option, since my long term goal is to get full epic 14s anyway.
I bought a new Elite Fleet Resilient ResA and ResB (they aren't that expensive anymore) and... same problem. According to the parser and watching the damage floaters each time I take a hit, I'm getting 10% bleedthrough on BOTH of them.
Going to file a bug report. 5% Bleedthrough is the whole point of Resilient Shields.
Any news on this issue? Did anyone manage to fully upgrade the Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResB] shields without breaking them?
i didn't do it to any of my fleet shields, and so far they work pretty much all the time.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
The adapt functionality of my fleet shields does not function. The amp functionality, transwarp cooldown reduction, engine capacitor, and I believe the Eff stat boost on my elite fleet warp core do not function.
I can get all of the above to work by switching ships and switching back. This has been tested in Qo'nos system, where I can see the amp buff appear from my warp core. This has also been tested in the Argala patrol, where the appropriate buff appears, and I can see my shields adapt in combat. This has also been tested in sector space, where the engines capacitor ability reappears. All of the above stops functioning whenever I change maps at all.
I've also tried different ships, but all display the same result. I can get the shields and core functioning properly temporarily by switching to my shuttle then switching back, but upon switching any maps, these functionalities disappear. I've tested going from ground (Klingon Academy) to space (Qo'nos System and Sector Space), from system space (Qo'nos System) to sector space (Omega Leonis), as well as going from one sector (Omega Leonis) to just another sector (Eta Eridani).
The only other thing I can think to test is buying a new warp core and shields, but given the massive dilithium sink that upgrading is going to be, I need to save all of the dilithium I can.
I don't have other characters with fleet shields and warp cores, so I can't see if this is an account-wide problem or character specific issue. Based on the forum thread, where other people are reporting that their shields are working for other characters, I believe this is character specific, but I can't verify that for myself.
All of this information was provided in a bug report/GM ticket, so hopefully you've already seen this.
Something happened last night though that raises a potential route of item corruption. The Jem'hadar body armor on two of my other characters stopped providing resistances. There's no way for me to see if "changing ships" fixes this issue since I know of no way to do that with the character itself, however, the armor provides my crew members with resistances just fine.
The only thing that my shields, core, and body armors have in common is that I checked the upgrade window for these items while they were equipped (by opening the upgrade tab from the inventory and choosing the item from the dropdown menu.) A friend of mine who has had no issues with the upgrade system always unequipped items before checking their upgrade status, so I wonder if it's possible that even slotting items into an upgrade slot while the item is equipped might cause item corruption in rare cases. I'm not sure how easy this would be to replicate, since I have other gear that is completely fine and the body armors didn't fail immediately; I only noticed that problem a few days later.
I have no way to test whether or not this is the case, this is simply a guess since I have a friend who has had no issues with the upgrade system and bugged items post-expansion while I've been plagued with them. I hope this information helps track down this bug.
Just on another note, it's extremely discouraging when you submit a ticket a week after a forum post describing your issue is posted, and the reply is "the bug is unknown, please report it."
Can I get some character name@handles for affected characters?
If you choose to provide such, please either quote your original post with the description of your issue, or provide a new description of what item(s) is affected, on what ship, under what circumstances, etc.
Thanks for the information.
james@jam3s1701 federation tac level 60
This is my thread about I'm having issues with upgraded Elite Fleet shields. .
Character: N'Mej@seddheen
Items Affected: Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array MK XII [Adapt][Cap]x2[ResB] and Elite Fleet Hyper-Charged Warp Core MK XII [AMP][ECap][Eff][Trans][W->A]
Currently equipped on: Vur'nuk
Short problem summary:
Adapt does not function on shields. AMP, ECap, Eff, and Trans do not function on the warp core. All of the above can be forced to work by switching starships with the "switch starship" button on the character sheet, but they stop working upon switching maps. As for the circumstances, they are always disabled unless I switch starships, at which point they work until I change to a different map. This behavior has been observed on every starship on my roster.
Character: Vava@seddheen
Items Affected: Jem'hadar Armor MK XI
Currently equipped on: Hiven
Character: T'laas@seddheen
Items Affected: Jem'hadar Armor MK XI
Currently equipped on: T'vrell
Short problem summary:
These body armors do not provide resistances as shown on the character sheet. When equipped on bridge officers, they provide the appropriate resistances. I have not found a way to force the armor to provide resistances on my character under any circumstance.
Because of a friend's completely clean experience with upgrading, I personally wonder if something may happen if you open the upgrade tab from the button in the inventory then select a piece of equipped gear from the "item to upgrade" dropdown menu. This is just a very rough guess, but it's pretty much the only thing I did differently when compared to a friend of mine with a completely clean upgrade experience so far. Unfortunately I'm not sure how easily it is to test this on my own, since the body armors didn't stop providing resistance immediately.
Please let me know if you want more information, I'm more than happy to do whatever I can to help.
Occurring on the RRW Keterix (Scimitar Dreadnought) with the (Ultra Rare) Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array MK XIII [Adapt] [Cap]x2 [ResB]. It started to occur after upgrading from MK XII to MK XIII. [edit / add ] The issue being no apparent Adapting is taking place, not seeing any stacks, and definitely 'feeling' like it's not adapting.
I imported a copy of Caerys and ran some tests. I was not able to repro the total lack of adaption, but I was able to get a delay in adaption. I was firing on him with an escort that had four different types of energy weapons in its forward slots, and I fired one after the other. I consistently saw the fourth energy type, whatever it happened to be, would require multiple hits (usually about 3) to get the adaption to kick in. I wrote that up as a bug and sent it on to the Systems team so they can look at it.
I'll keep trying to repro the bigger problems you guys are seeing, but this is all I've gotten so far.
If you need me to do something in game to help you see what the issue is with the ones I have been using until I stopped let me know as currently they are sat in my inventory gathering dust due to being of no use compared to the Borg Mk XIII
THANK you for the answer!
So, just to be clear: my shield is really not adapting - except to Vaadwaur polaron, and even that seems to not happen all the time.
It is not just a delay thing on my side. I am very sure of that.
But thank you anyways. I am glad you're checking this out.
Got exactly the same problem like xiaoping88. It startet after I put the Shield into the upgrade system. I didnt upgrade it, I just wanted to watch the new stats.
Now it isnt adepting anymore...
I even tested it against the xiaoping88's Ship (PVP) and various NPC enemys.
It wont work.
Maybe you could try it with my character (Sharena@Scalblaja) (or another with the same problem) again?
Also feel free to add me on Holodeck - I could show you the Problem in a PVP/PVE match.
Thanks for looking into this.
My Character with the Issue is Revex Dax@Valynus, shields have been upgraded to XIV
Following on from someones comment on switching starships I have been able to replicate the problem consistently following some testing today.
Here is a procedure which I have run several times, each time the shields have bugged predictably.
1. Enter the Japori system in my Hazari with Elite Fleet Shields already equipped.
2. Enter combat, note that there is no resistance stacking buff.
3. Exit combat, but stay in system
4. Switch starship to shuttle (delta flyer) using the button on the ship status page (pressing u)
5. Wait for timer to expire so you can switch starships again to the Hazari.
6. Switch starship to Hazari using the button on the ship status page.
7. Enter combat, resistance stacking buff is now enabled and working.
8. Exit combat and exit system.
9. Enter the Japori system
10. Enter combat, resistance stacking buff is gone again, bugged.
11. Repeat as required
I've tested this method several times now and it is consistent, hopefully now with this info you will have somewhere to start.
I have tested the bugged shields on other ships (T5U) and have no stacking buff, but I haven't run them through the above procedure, but I feel the results will be the same.
The stats say it isn't, there is no increase in resistance, but there are so many bugs at the moment with consoles not applying correct stats, or other statistical display errors, its hard to know what to believe.
I got around to copying my character over to Tribble to check something, and for myself at least, I can confirm that the bug with Adaptive shielding not triggering did not occur for me on tribble after I copied.
I don't know if the process you use to copy to your test environment is significantly different than the method used to copy to Tribble, but is it possible that the act of copying resolved the underlying issue in your case with Caerys?
[ edit ]
Or possibly the tribble patch may resolve the issue itself, can find out tomorrow I guess.
I also copied my character with the bugged shields over to tribble again.
Tested the shields on Tribble and as with you they work as intended.
So it seems that there is something in the data held on Holodeck that is causing the problem and this corrupt data/information is not being replicated on copying to Tribble.
I've tested the shields today on Holodeck, just in case the recent patch did anything, it didnt, they are still bugged on Holodeck.
So, in lieu of actually getting a fix for this, would a GM deleting and re-issuing the shield solve anything?
I hope it doesn't come to that
I can also concur that the bug still occurs for my Scimitar on holodeck after the patch. Here's hoping that Frost can reproduce.
Since this problem appears to be impossible to replicate on Tribble based on user comments above, would having a GM replace the defective items, as mentioned above, be a feasible short-term alternative?
Without knowing why my shields and core broke it's impossible to say that it won't happen again, however, with a but that is difficult to replicate that seems to affect only a small number of users, it seems like an item replacement would be a reasonable fix. Also, if they happen to stop working again, someone may be able to isolate a potential trigger if they happen to be paying attention.
I still suspect that it happened because I added the items to the upgrade window using the upgrade interface while the items were still equipped, but I have no good way to test it. Actually, since the issue is affecting the Jem'hadar armor on my alts, when I have time I may farm up a few pieces of those and see if I can get some to break and some to stay active. With all of the tweaks being made to the upgrade system it's also possible this problem has been fixed, so even these tests may be in vain with an item replacement being probably the best possible solution for affected users.
Before the upgrade system I might have been tempted to just buy a new set of shields and warp core, but now I sort of need all of the dilithium I can get my hands on.
The error we have on these shields I think is part of a larger problem with items being upgraded incorrectly, leading to data corruption on Holodeck.
We have proven that copying the character to another server (tribble) cures the error. So the devs will never see it unless they personally log our characters.
Will it get fixed? Who knows, this is a subset of a bigger problem and even if it does get fixed who is to say that will only stop items from that point corrupting and will do little to fix old items.
The upgrade system is a gamble. Not only do you gamble on a rarity upgrade, you gamble on the item ever working as intended again.
I feel much the same about the issue getting resolved. It's not a terribly big deal to me since I don't plan to go to Elite. But it's still annoying. I will probably follow the better plan of upgrading allof my gear to 14 first now instead of trying to epic out my shield.
In game handle @darthvrooks
Finding alternative shields shouldn't be too much of a problem since there are a good set of shields for reputation or even the Aegis shields from crafting. My personal problem is trying to find a reasonable alternative warp core, since amp is a pretty strong effect that isn't replicated anywhere else, nor are there warp cores that provide interesting alternative powers.
I seem to recall reading that all reputation warp cores gain amp when they get a rarity upgrade, is that true? If so maybe that's an option, since my long term goal is to get full epic 14s anyway.
I upgraded to MKXIII and the adaptive function no longer activates.
If I buy new shields and re-upgrade them, what are the chances of the bug not re-asserting itself?
The only proof I have is through Combat Log Reader, but according to that program, the [ResB] of those shields are giving me 10% Bleedthrough (via the Adv. Calculation button).
I use the ResA for fighting Tholians and the ResB for everyone else. I have logs showing that, since I came back to the game after DR, the [ResB] shields are giving me 10% bleedthrough. The tooltip is working fine, [Adapt] is working, resistances are right, but I'm getting more bleedthrough than I should.
Could I request that someone else that runs one of these shields checks their combatlog parses to see if you are getting the correct bleedthrough? I'm not sure if it's just me or if it's a global bug with the shields. If it's just me I can buy another from my fleet store (sigh).
I know I slotted these for upgrade at least once, but I'm not sure if that is what broke them.
You also need to keep a eye on your warp cores, in some map mine are ok but in others not.
Seem to be a random bug effecting both shields & warp cores after upgrading.
In fact i have noticed that i get different stats on my ships in different maps, so what is working properly.?????.
I upgraded a C.C. Warp Core to XIV & got no AMP.
Going to file a bug report. 5% Bleedthrough is the whole point of Resilient Shields.
on more then one toon.