The Loadouts System can be thought of having two different "types" of Loadouts. The first Loadout type is the one you see in your Loadouts list, where you can select a Loadout to load or manually save gear, trays, and bridge officers to a Loadout. Those Loadouts are pretty much stable and work as we expect them to for the most part.
The second kind of Loadout is a sort of "last known state of the ship". The intention of this Loadout is to store all the information about your ship since the last time you flew it (Or made adjustments to it). The idea is that if you're flying a ship, and you configure it a certain way, we want you to be able to go to a ground map, change ships, fly that ship around for a while, and then at some future date come back to your original ship and have it be exactly as you left it.
I just had something funny happen to my ship for the first time. About 80% of equipped items on my ship fell off, and are now blank in my ships.
It happened only after this one specific scenario - for my two affected ships, I had switched out of them while in space and didn't move to a new location in space before switching to the next ship. I had been testing visuals on a new shield, so I just stayed in the one spot. The ship I ultimately left active and flew away with was fine, and the ship I had been flying prior to the in-spot swapping was also unaffected.
I have only really been flying one Captain since the update and since the character was made post DR release I never had an issue with the trays. I just got a third piece of the 8472 set and obviously this added Bio-Molecular Fluidic Space Counter Blast to my bar.
Every time I leave an STF this skill resets to the location in the tray the game threw it into when I equipped the third piece of the set.
I will try some other Captains which I have barely played because of this tray issue and will update if they are still broken. Hopefully they are fixed so I can get some work done on them.
Just noticed this longer thread and will add my issue to the ever increasing list.
Just had my main's loadout screwed when I went into Elachi Alert.
Hasn't happened on that character before either. Also removed active traits but left DoFF's alone.
All my BoFF's were de-slotted. All my trays had randomised icons (some for things I'd never had on that character).
Selecting the saved loadout didn't load BoFF's, only loaded previous Captain and Ship traits. Icon appeared for Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, however it de-slotted that trait from the Rep Traits section.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Okay, Played another Captain and after rearranging my trays to what I want they seemed to stay in place except two powers.
Assimilated Tractor Beam and Heavy Bio-Molecular Turret Barrage.
Just like my other post above it seems that tray skills obtained from Sets are the only ones still bugged for me so far.
*Also, "Set" powers stayed put when going from system to sector space but not when entering a sector zone after an STF or a space to space transwarp. Haven't tried a ground zone yet.
Haven't been playing much but ran a sector alert tonight after this new "fix" and defera space dailies. When swapping loadouts my boffs still do not equip correctly, their slots are empty. When I click the selection arrow to select them sometimes I see the same name twice and not all of the names that should be listed there are shown. If I let the selection menu close then select it again it usually displays correctly the second time. Maybe that tells you something maybe it doesn't. I did find the warp core from a previously saved loadout slotted after leaving the winter event though.
Just switched to another Captain and the tray was fine. Did a Borg Disconnected and when I zoned into sector space after it ended my tray bar totally reverted to pre-DR setup. Reset the entire bar and then transwarped to Dyson Sphere and bam....entire tray reset again to pre-DR release. So far only this character has an issue besides "set" powers not saving location as I spoke about before. This one character seems to be completely unaffected by whatever changes were made to trays in the last update.
also wanted to add here that this happened to me yestraday.
in my case i beamed from space to qono's and some items from my ship were transferred to my overflow bag (if i recall correctly it was one of my cannons and the warp core), had to take them out and reequip them on my ship.
this behaviour happnes to me a lot on my ships, it's a complete roulette if i end up with everything still in place or some things taken out, most times it's the batteries but not always.
As I said, I'm making some pretty drastic changes right now to hopefully make the "last known state" much more stable. As a note, though, bridge officers are not included in this "last known state" loadout, which is why the Bridge Officer bug is almost certainly a separate issue.
Your work is greatly appreciated! For the first time, since your last patch, everything has stayed in place for several days now: boffs, tray icons, and even my batteries did not get unslotted (not even when undocking from ESD, which usually does it; or warping to Dilithium Mine).
Yesterday all my personal & ship Traits got emptied again, though. If, at some point, they could become part of the 'Last known state' too, that would be great! Or, maybe be *removed* from said state (as in: don't touch em at all upon map changes).
Since it was brought up here too, yes, please also fix the most egregious issue where discharging a ship makes the loadouts of every ship you purchased after it become garbled.
N.B. And yes, Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do *anything* that takes you off ship loadouts, because while you're there... you can make a difference!
Seems to happen to me most often right when I log in. I hate having to check to make sure my doffs are all slotted so I don't accidentally send one I need on an assignment.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
OK, this is a little weird now. I had posted earlier here about how I posted fly problems in the official boff tray thread, and it was fixed the next day, and how after a few days, it broke again. Well, immediately after that post on this thread, I got back on and my boff powers all seem to be holding again. The only change I've made is not saving a loadout. Apparently, as long as you have no loadouts, you have no issues. At least, that appears to be the case for me. I'd like the rest of the players here to try it and leave your results. If you would, please delete any loadouts for your main ship, and also try a loadout on a ship you never use or have never used.
Did you start on a Ground map and move to a Space map to find that your previously setup trays, boff, doffs, etc, were not working from how you had them previously setup?
The reason I ask is that the fix we made was to change how your current loadout data is saved. Basically whenever you move from a Space map to a new map, the state of your current loadout, at that time, should be saved, and things should be correct after that.
As of today, this doesn't work for me. I can set my ship up as I like, transfer to a ground map, and when I go back to my ship it has changed items around... Ex.: an old warp core keeps being reloaded. It makes no difference if I save to a loadout slot either.
Also, I've had weapons be slotted into tac console slots, ground powers showing up in the space hotbars, ship powers in the ground hotbar.
I spend the first few minutes of every map change slotting the equipment I want, and reslotting powers, removing powers that aren't usable on that map type.
Yeah, a followup to my earlier post, while I haven't had any issues with my tray, a new issue where my gear changes are being reverted when I go to a ground map has started occuring.
Basically whenever you move from a Space map to a new map, the state of your current loadout, at that time, should be saved, and things should be correct after that.
The loadout system should save WHEN THE USER HITS SAVE.
The loadout system should load WHEN THE USER HITS LOAD.
Having the system do stuff automatically when people are changing maps is why it's SO BROKEN now...
It doesn't work when you upgrade items.
It doesn't work when you temporarily send a rostered doff on a mission.
It doesn't work when you want to briefly change your equipment to take advantage of a different set-bonus.
The loadout system should save WHEN THE USER HITS SAVE.
The loadout system should load WHEN THE USER HITS LOAD.
Having the system do stuff automatically when people are changing maps is why it's SO BROKEN now...
It doesn't work when you upgrade items.
It doesn't work when you temporarily send a rostered doff on a mission.
It doesn't work when you want to briefly change your equipment to take advantage of a different set-bonus.
Honestly, saving the current loadout state, upon map changes, is a *good* thing. It means consumables (like batteries) stay in place; or ensures a different doff you're trying out (but did not want to save into a loadout yet) also remain slotted. Etc.
Seriously, don't yell at this Dev, please. He's the first one in ages actually willing (and able) to work on the loadout system.
Honestly, saving the current loadout state, upon map changes, is a *good* thing. It means consumables (like batteries) stay in place; or ensures a different doff you're trying out (but did not want to save into a loadout yet) also remain slotted. Etc.
Seriously, don't yell at this Dev, please. He's the first one in ages actually willing (and able) to work on the loadout system.
100% agree. Especially with the last paragraph Big Thanks to flyingtarg. My skills are not reseting anymore, and on a ship that it did, they actually came back to tray without me needing to set them up again. Everything stays: consumables and boff skills but also captain skills like evasive and grant diplo or spec skills like rock and roll.
Honestly, saving the current loadout state, upon map changes, is a *good* thing. It means consumables (like batteries) stay in place; or ensures a different doff you're trying out (but did not want to save into a loadout yet) also remain slotted. Etc.
Seriously, don't yell at this Dev, please. He's the first one in ages actually willing (and able) to work on the loadout system.
Not so much on the batteries staying in place for me. They don't.
How about actually saving.........................
I slot ground duty officers and ground traits on ship loadout save enterprise A
I slot space duty officers and space traits on enterprise B
enterprise A now has space traits not ground...............
Why doesn't Save..............Save
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I just had something funny happen to my ship for the first time. About 80% of equipped items on my ship fell off, and are now blank in my ships.
It happened only after this one specific scenario - for my two affected ships, I had switched out of them while in space and didn't move to a new location in space before switching to the next ship. I had been testing visuals on a new shield, so I just stayed in the one spot. The ship I ultimately left active and flew away with was fine, and the ship I had been flying prior to the in-spot swapping was also unaffected.
Every time I leave an STF this skill resets to the location in the tray the game threw it into when I equipped the third piece of the set.
I will try some other Captains which I have barely played because of this tray issue and will update if they are still broken. Hopefully they are fixed so I can get some work done on them.
Just had my main's loadout screwed when I went into Elachi Alert.
Hasn't happened on that character before either. Also removed active traits but left DoFF's alone.
All my BoFF's were de-slotted. All my trays had randomised icons (some for things I'd never had on that character).
Selecting the saved loadout didn't load BoFF's, only loaded previous Captain and Ship traits. Icon appeared for Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, however it de-slotted that trait from the Rep Traits section.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Assimilated Tractor Beam and Heavy Bio-Molecular Turret Barrage.
Just like my other post above it seems that tray skills obtained from Sets are the only ones still bugged for me so far.
*Also, "Set" powers stayed put when going from system to sector space but not when entering a sector zone after an STF or a space to space transwarp. Haven't tried a ground zone yet.
In game handle @darthvrooks
in my case i beamed from space to qono's and some items from my ship were transferred to my overflow bag (if i recall correctly it was one of my cannons and the warp core), had to take them out and reequip them on my ship.
this behaviour happnes to me a lot on my ships, it's a complete roulette if i end up with everything still in place or some things taken out, most times it's the batteries but not always.
Your work is greatly appreciated!
Yesterday all my personal & ship Traits got emptied again, though. If, at some point, they could become part of the 'Last known state' too, that would be great! Or, maybe be *removed* from said state (as in: don't touch em at all upon map changes).
Since it was brought up here too, yes, please also fix the most egregious issue where discharging a ship makes the loadouts of every ship you purchased after it become garbled.
N.B. And yes, Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do *anything* that takes you off ship loadouts, because while you're there... you can make a difference!
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out
As of today, this doesn't work for me. I can set my ship up as I like, transfer to a ground map, and when I go back to my ship it has changed items around... Ex.: an old warp core keeps being reloaded. It makes no difference if I save to a loadout slot either.
Also, I've had weapons be slotted into tac console slots, ground powers showing up in the space hotbars, ship powers in the ground hotbar.
I spend the first few minutes of every map change slotting the equipment I want, and reslotting powers, removing powers that aren't usable on that map type.
The loadout system should save WHEN THE USER HITS SAVE.
The loadout system should load WHEN THE USER HITS LOAD.
Having the system do stuff automatically when people are changing maps is why it's SO BROKEN now...
It doesn't work when you upgrade items.
It doesn't work when you temporarily send a rostered doff on a mission.
It doesn't work when you want to briefly change your equipment to take advantage of a different set-bonus.
It doesn't work. <- this is what your latest patch has done.
Honestly, saving the current loadout state, upon map changes, is a *good* thing. It means consumables (like batteries) stay in place; or ensures a different doff you're trying out (but did not want to save into a loadout yet) also remain slotted. Etc.
Seriously, don't yell at this Dev, please. He's the first one in ages actually willing (and able) to work on the loadout system.
100% agree. Especially with the last paragraph
Not so much on the batteries staying in place for me. They don't.
I slot ground duty officers and ground traits on ship loadout save enterprise A
I slot space duty officers and space traits on enterprise B
enterprise A now has space traits not ground...............
Why doesn't Save..............Save
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse